Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 423 - Infiltrating the Alpha Guardian

Chapter 423 - Infiltrating the Alpha Guardian

Diana clenched her fish, looking at her sons. The two of them looked as though they were about to start a battle. If they battled it out, none of them would survive the backlash because just the clash of their spells knocked all the armored figures out. They were still struggling to stand up.

"Killing is not justice," Noah said calmly.

"Late justice is injustice," Michael coldly replied.

Noah was planning to capture everyone and interrogate them while Michael planned to kill everyone except one. Michael would then interrogate the one to get the information he needed.

Either of them knew the other one wouldn't back down without a fight. Usually, Michael would have avoided fighting with Noah, especially after knowing Noah's secrets. If he was to battle Noah, he had to use his full power. Revealing his full power would eventually lead them to conclude that Ghost and Lucifer were the same people.

However, Michael was confident that Noah couldn't defeat him. He would either win or their battle would be a stalemate. The odds of Noah defeating him were almost zero unless Noah revealed himself as the future Supreme Guardian and the existence of Andreas's soul.

He doubted Noah would reveal his secret so Michael wasn't going to back down. Moreover, he was pissed off. These ambushers did not only destroy Hades but also killed Elder Mark.

The Guardians almost had the same justice system as in most of the democratic countries on Earth. They would first file a case, then go to trial, then another trial, and another and another, the case would go forever. According to the information Michael gathered on the internal workings of the Guardians, it would take at least a few years for Noah to get the one who was responsible for the ambush. The worst thing was the guardians would keep the armored figures safe and cozy in their prison cells instead of torturing them for information. There was no way in hell Noah would torture them. For Noah, these armored figures were just another problem. With time, even he might forget about them after handing over the case to some guardian. If these armored figures had some power behind them, they would bribe the guardians and get them out.

Michael's route was more direct and efficient although inhumane. He did not know Noah was planning to reform the Guardian guild and their justice system from the ground.

"I'm going to stop them" Ethan could not see his two sons fight.


All of a sudden, a gentle yet mighty voice reverberated in the area. A bright beam of light shot from the sky through the broken ceiling. The beam of light sent a shock wave when it hit the ground, breaking everything around.

Several figures stepped out of the bright light beam.

"Alpha Guardian" Peyton was startled to see the sudden appearance of the Alpha Guardian of Hunter Guardians. Michael did not recognize the elf in front of him.

Golden, straight hair slightly covers a fine, lived-in face. Expressive amber eyes, set deep within their sockets, watching over the castle bodies and the rubbles calmly. Her skin was smooth as silk and so flawless. The pointy ears looked as though they were a pair of sharp daggers.

The set of armor she wore had a squared helm with a faceguard shaped in the face of an Eagle. Attached to its side were two tall wing-shaped ornaments to mimic the shape of Eagle wings.

The shiny silver armor was made from many layers of smaller metal pieces, mimicking the scales of a dragon. It covered the entire front and backside, but the attachment straps leave the sides under the arms exposed which enabled the armor to be more flexible. The edges and the linings in the armor were made of pure gold. On the chest plate, the letter 'H' was surrounded by four wolves engraved.

The armor made the elf look like she was almost 6ft 6inches in height. She looked at Ghost first and then turned her gaze to Noah. Without uttering a word, she just flicked a wrist as all the armored figures around them got beamed into the sky.

Those who stepped out of the light beam with the elf also wore the same armor as the elf lady but their faces were covered by helmets.

"Guardians sweep the place clean" The Alpha guardian ordered her men. Everyone else breathed a sigh of relief after the Alpha Guardian's appearance.

"Noah, do you need healing?" the Alpha Guardian asked Noah as he shook his head. The light sword in his hand disappeared,

"You can all give your statements and leave" The Alpha Guardian did not even look at them. She just waved her hands like she was chasing dogs away.

The people in the room were prominent figures. Seeing the way she acted rubbed them in the wrong way. Still, none of them expressed their dissatisfaction. The third persona inside him screamed at him to rip the elf into pieces. It couldn't take the disrespect well. Although Michael was pissed off at the Guardians, he was not stupid to go against a Fusion Stage level 3 warrior.

Controlling the boiling anger within himself, he turned to leave. This was not the right time to go against the Guardians. The blacks swords disappeared into his space ring along with the golden bolts of lightning.

"Not you" When he turned around, he heard the elf's voice,

Without even turning back, he could tell the elf was talking to him. Gaya stood up to stand beside him. On the other side, Peyton and Xanali came to join the Alpha Guardian.

"This is now a Guardian business, stay away"

"Fuck you bitch" Michael wanted to say these words directly to her face. To be honest, he could feel the third persona inside him wanting to say this.

"I don't know who ordered this" Michael said, looking around,

"Whoever they are, they should pray for you Guardians to get them first"

The threat was obvious. The elf could see the killing intent in his eyes.

Michael did not linger around. Elder Reiner stood up carrying Elder Mark's body in his arms. Before Diana could talk to him, she saw Ghost leave the area with the people of his sect.

The other elders and the guests left the area too as quickly as they could. They were afraid of another ambush. The moment they felt the arch energy again, they flew out of Hades or what was left of it.

A few hours later, Michael was in the dark forest mansion. He did not attend the funeral of Elder Mark. After paying gold coins for the renovation of Hades, he left the sect. Apparently, the armored figures cast an illusion spell around Hades. The illusion made everything normal to the people outside so they had no idea that there was a battle happening inside.

Ricky told them about that. Daniel on the other hand was not so lucky. If Michael had just been a couple of minutes late, Daniel would have died.

The arrows and the weapons they used prevented the healing potion from healing the wounds.

"Did you manage to get any of them?" asked Michael, entering the surveillance room.

"They were teleported my lord" Azazel pointed at a mirror that showed numerous black-robed figures disappear in a blink of an eye.

"So the Spycams?"

"They were destroyed, my lord" Azazel shook his head,

"Teleportation, void creating spells, grand scale illusions, weapons that mess with healing potions. Who are these guys?" Gaya looked at the mirrors with her hands behind her back.

"Whoever they are, they just made themselves an enemy of mine. And that's gonna end very badly for them" said Michael coldly.

"Aria will get you more mirrors. I have already built more drones and Spycams for you. I want my eyes in every corner of this continent"

"That will be done, my lord" Azazel bowed,

"Lucifer, did you notice those freaks mainly targeted Noah? I have a feeling that this ambush wasn't meant for us but Noah"

"I don't give a shit who their target was. They messed with me. Before all this shit, I was a hitman, I was the best. When I pick my target, I will always get them, no matter who they are, or where they are" By almost killing Cindy and Raylene, whoever sent the ninjas reached the top of Michael's kill list.

"How do you plan to get them?"

"By infiltrating the Guardian guild"

Gaya felt a chill,

"Whoa, infiltrating the Guardians? You're joking?" asked Gaya. Her brows were arched up behind her mask. She was completely stunned.,

As far as she could remember, he always stayed back from the Guardian guild. Even when they learned that Guardians was hunting him for more than three thousand years.

"I have a plan" Michael snickered. He was building this plan for quite some time and only now he got all the required items to put the plan in motion.

For the next few minutes, Michael explained his plan to Gaya and Azazel. When he finished narrating his plan, Gaya was genuinely surprised.

"Lord, I have only one question," asked Azazel after giving a deep thought to the plan he just heard.


Michael knew what he was going to ask,

"What if those armored men were teleported to the Guardian Guild headquarters? They will decimate-"

Michael interrupted Azazel,

"They are not in the Guardian guild headquarters"

With a wave of his hand, Michael changed the footage of all mirrors. All those mirrors worked as one single display. In the display, they saw an empty hall lit with white orbs. The hunter guardians of the Alpha guardian Michael met earlier stood guarding the hall.

Gaya and Azazel were bewildered as they couldn't guess where the footage was coming from,

"They are in the Alpha Guardian's airship" a cold smile emerged on his face,

"Did you just bug the Alpha Guardian?" asked Gaya.

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