Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 434 - The Prophecy Breaker

Chapter 434 - The Prophecy Breaker

"Let him get soften up a bit more," Michael nonchalantly said to Nightmare and continued to lay down on the bed with his eyes closed.

Meanwhile, the elves began to get rougher and rougher. Wilkas growled in pain. Before coming to Mazeroth, Wilkas lived in the slum area of Kingdom Lantus. The elves hated coming to that part of the area. Wilkas learned to hide and he seldom got the attention of the elves after he grew up. However, in Mazeroth, he had a target on his back. He had no place to run away anymore. He thought Mazeroth would be different but now he realized that Mazeroth could be worse than Lantus.

Nightmare wanted to save Wilkas but after what happened last time when he tried to save Sabrina, Nightmare obeyed Michael's order not to get into trouble by helping people prematurely.

As Nightmare was looking at Michael and Wilkas, the elves began to stomp Wilkas on the chest,

"Hey don't kill him" the elven girl shouted seeing Wilkas puking out blood,

"We have a healing potion"

The beating had crossed the point of bullying. They were killing Wilkas.

"Take the deal 45 or this will be the rest of your life. Getting beaten up"

Finally, Michael opened his mouth again. The elves stopped the beating for a second to turn their gazes towards Michael. Michael jumped down from the bunk bed/ He rolled up his sleeves to his elbows slowly walking towards the group of elves.

The elven woman was taken aback by him as she stared at him for a few moments without even blinking. He was on par with the elven princes of Awor in terms of good looking and unlike the elven princess, his body was rough and muscular.

She was undressing him in her mind as she couldn't help it. The white shirt he wore stretched to the point it looked as though it was going to tear apart.


"Look at this human asshole" the leader of this elven gang snickered at Michael,

"What do you want?" the elf asked grimly. He was not threatened by Michael's physique.

"To give you a choice," said Michael, cracking his neck.

"You see this half-elf works for me now. So the employer-employee contract says any damage to the employee by racist assholes will result in the assholes getting their bones broken up"

The elf's face turned in overwhelming anger. The elves believed they were the superior race and every other race was beneath them. Thus, Michael's words kindled the anger flame inside them.

The other elves showed the same reaction as the leader elf. Even the elven girl frowned as she wanted to rip his tongue out for insulting them.

"You just made the worst mistake in your pathetic life magot"

"You and your friends can leave now or one of you can carry your racist butts in a bucket"

Wilkas was growling on the ground. If he wasn't overwhelmed by pain, he would have been surprised by Michael because he was picking up a fight with five elves without the ability to cast spells.

"Now I'm going to count to three"


The elf stepped forward,


The moment the word 'two' came out of his mouth, Michael headbutted the elf breaking his nose. In a snap of time, he slammed the elf's head onto the wall nearby and elbowed his head rapidly. The elves were stunned as everything happened so fast. The elf fell with blood spraying out of his nose. The elf did not move at all. Nightmare wondered if the elf was dead or alive.

While the elves were stunned, Michael grabbed a thick book from the book rack on his right and used the spine of the book to break another nose. This time, the other elves reacted as they threw their fists at Michael.

Michael hit the elf's nose with the book yet again before slapping the fist of the girl so hard her wrist turned another side.


The girl screamed in agony. The girl was so delicate and Michael was so strong. Hence, his single slap on her wrist broke her wrist. The elf who got hit by the book stumbled back due to the force of his nose breaking.

The leader elf was lying on the ground beside Wilkas, the girl was screaming in agony and another elf was knocked out. Only two elves remained but fear started to cloud the hearts of the remaining two.

Michael was too fast. They couldn't cope with his speed. Michael did not stop with breaking the girl's wrist. He threw the book which now had blood on the cover at one elf. The elf stumbled back as he walked towards them stepping over the elf who got his nose broken by the book.

The elf puked blood as Wilkas did when Michael stepped over his chest.

"ARGHHH!" The girl was still screaming holding her broken wrist. But her scream was abruptly stopped by a knee to her face. The force immediately knocked her out cold.

Seeing the girl gets knocked out by the human caused the last two elves to boil in anger. They mustered their courage to dash at him. Michael evaded their fists with ease.


He slapped one elf on the face, making him stumble back and fall down. The other elf was unlucky as he grabbed his hand and punched the elbow, snapping the bone in half. The elf screamed but Michael did not give a shit about his agony. He grabbed the elf by his neck and rapidly punched him in the face until the elf's rosy face got painted red with his blood.

When Michael turned to look at the elf who did not get knocked out cold by him, his eyes flickered in crimson red. In pain and fear, the elf did not notice his eyes flickering.

Michael bent down and picked up the healing potion from the ground near the elven girl.

"Get out of my room"

His gaze sent a chill running through the elf's spine. He quickly got himself back to his feet and dragged his friends outside the room as fast as he could. Michael then threw the healing potion as it was nothing to Wilkas.

"What have you done?"

After chugging the healing potion and getting back on his feet, Wilkas asked Michael. He was back on his bunk bed,

"Bullied the bullies"

"That fucking idiots, why can't they leave me alone?" Wilkas cursed the elves before crashing down on the chair.

"This is our first day here and we are already in a big trouble"

"Now we aren't. If anyone is in trouble, it's them" said Nightmare.

Wilkas looked surprised as Nightmare began to explain what Gilrine and Gaya said about the dwarf beating up a guy from the Warrior house.

Although what he heard from Nightmare surprised him, the story did make sense to Wilkas.

"The elves are like snakes man, once they target you, they won't rest until you are under six feet"

"Humph" Nightmare snickered.

Neither Wilkas nor the elves had any idea about what he was capable of. As far as Nightmare was concerned, they were lucky that Michael was able to control himself. In case the third persona took control, they would have been lying on the ground in their own pool of blood.

"I don't think the Warriors would let go scot-free after someone beat up their house students. I hope we don't get expelled" Wilkas sighed,

"I don't give a shit about this school and you shouldn't either. If you aim to get rich and powerful, there are better ways and the choice you made is the best way" said Michael.

He wanted to get some shut-eye before starting his search for the elf in the tree. He had no idea where the elf might be or how big the Akilan realm was. He was having second thoughts about using drones to scour the realm for the elf as the drones might get detected by some arrays if Mazeroth have any and it was highly likely that they have numerous defense mechanisms.


Somewhere else in the Akilan realm, Elidyr, the elf Michael and Gaya were searching for, was looking at the dark sky above him. The sky was ominous and dark like never before. There was not a single star or speck of glow in the dark sky. It was pitch black void of any light.

The ominous sky put a smile on his face. One could not see a smile though because his face was merged with a tree and barks covered most of his body.

"He is here," Elidyr said. He closed his eyes, mumbling something under his breath.

Several glowing runes appeared on the tree. The banyan tree withered immediately but soon, the tree turned into its previous self. However, the leaves fell off the tree and began to form a cyclone.

A couple of seconds later, the cyclone took a shape of a humanoid shape,

"Find him. Where there is blood, he will be there" the humanoid figure made of leaves flew away with the wind leaving Elidyr alone.

"The great war has finally begun"

The Skyhall went so far to prevent the Dark Lord from appearing in this world. Three thousand years ago, the Order of Death was wiped off by the Skyhall and the Guardians. They failed the Dark Lord and their failure resulted in Skyhall prisoning the soul of the Dark Lord in a void universe.

Only a few in this world knew the origins of the Dark Lord and what the Skyhall did to him. The reason they left him alive was only Elidyr knew how to open the portal back to earth and if the Skyhall managed to cast the Dark Lord back to his cage, he wouldn't come back to this universe for the rest of his life.

Suddenly Elidyr looked up to see a bright glow appear in the sky.

"Alas, the Prophecy breaker appeared"

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