Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 514 Noah warns Alicia

Chapter 514 Noah warns Alicia

Michael spit a bit more blood and took out a leather pouch from his system storage,

"Teacher," Olivia tried to say something, but Michael raised his finger as he took a long sip of water,

He kept drinking until Tanulia cleared her throat,

"What happened here?"

Instead of answering Tanulia, Michael looked at Noah, who lay on the bed unconscious.

"Give this to him if you want to save him," Michael took out a sparkling healing potion Olivia used on him and threw it at Tanulia,

"His pulses are fading. You should act quickly,"

"Where the fuck are the healers?!" Alicia shouted,

"He is right," Norvin nodded,

"We can't waste a single second" Soon, the golden babaroo snatched away the healing potion from Tanulia and poured the potion into Noah's mouth before anyone could stop him. As a golden babaroo, not only could he sense life signs but also sense whether something was poisonous or not.

Hence, Norvin didn't hesitate to give Noah the healing potion because he sensed no poisonous energy.

His finger twitched as soon as Michael's potion touched Noah's mouth.

Michael sighed inside. He never thought he would be indebted to Noah. Yet, when the vampire exploded, Noah saved him by casting a protective shield around them. Besides, the system surprisingly urged Michael to save Noah.

As for why, the system gave him no answer. So if it weren't for the system, Michael would have left Noah to die.

"NOAH!" Alicia shouted, tears rolling down her rosy cheeks.

"How long was I out?" Michael asked Olivia, ignoring Alicia.

Despite the risk he took, Michael received only 300,000 experience potions and 10,000 badass points for killing the Elder vampire. Michael wasn't happy with what he received since he almost died. After the elder vampire exploded, Noah cast a protective light shield around them. But unfortunately, the shield could only cover one person and Noah let the shield save Michael instead of himself.

Michael would have chosen himself and not Noah if the roles were turned.

"Six hours" Olivia shocked Michael,

"Damn it" Michael yelled at himself. He was completely unconscious. This was the closest Michael came to death. When he and Noah went through the Elder vampire's body, he took a flesh and blood sample. At least something was worth the risk. Using the samples, Michael was confident of brewing a potion that might cure vampirism.

"Tell us what happened," Tanulia coldly exclaimed,

"Vampires happened. Didn't those who escaped tell you?" Michael stretched his arms and legs while responding to Tanulia.

He looked down on him to see his clothes ripped and torn. The black robes now looked dirty brown. Under their gazes, Michael poured down the water in the pouch onto his head, washing the ashes off of his hair. Then he willed the system to equip a new set of robes.

"The explosion. Tell us about that," Tanulia asked, not minding he's changing his robes like he was going on a vacation,

"You know the one scarry one who tried to kill Lord Hendrix," Michael asked, looking at Atian as the old man nodded,

"He exploded,"

For a few moments, no one uttered a word until Norvin managed to find words,


"Because we killed him. Who do you think cut open the blanket covering the arena?"

A glint of shock and surprise emerged in Tanulia's eyes. Michael expected her to be shocked. Obviously, the guardians would have tried to destroy the dark cloth and failed.

Michael paid a whopping 200,000 badass points to disable the runes and arrays into the dark net. If the system charged that much, there was no way the guardians could have cut through the dark net in a short amount of time.

Thus, her shock didn't surprise Michael.


Subsequently, Noah coughed up blood just as Michael did. Michael was glad to see everyone was focusing on Noah instead of him.

"I assume your competition got the boot,"

Olivia cried and laughed at the same time as Michael wrapped his hand around her shoulder,

"I am sure your team would have won the competition," Michael rubbed her shoulder playfully.

"I don't give a damn about the competition. You scared me to death," she purred like a little girl,

"Next time, I will run away with you. Happy?" Michael laughed,

Michael turned his back on Tanulia and her group to leave the area when he heard Tanulia's voice once again,

"You cannot leave," Olivia saw the smile on Michael's face vanish into thin air.

He turned back and looked Tanulia in the eyes,


"One, we still haven't figured out what happened here. Second, we have a witness claiming you killed Lord Gabriel,"

Several dark lines formed on his face as he creased his brows. Standing beside Michael, Olivia shared the same look.

"Killed Gabriel? Ghost tried to save him. I saw that and Grandmaster Atian too," Olivia defended Michael,

Michael turned his gaze to Atian, who immediately avoided direct eye contact.

"I am not sure what I saw. Everything happened so fast," At this exact moment, Michael had a strong urge to kill Atian. However, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that the witness was none other than Alicia, who held a grudge against Michael for exposing her brother and destroying his life. At that moment, Michael regretted not killing Peter in the forest when they first met.

When Michael gazed at Alicia, Norvin felt a chill looking at Michael's eyes. They were the eyes of a killer, and every fiber in Norvin's body told him that Ghost was not just a killer but a predator. He sensed an overwhelming power within Ghost that could rival the power of Noah himself.

Since Norvin didn't wholly comprehend his newly found powers, he couldn't make any connection between Noah and Ghost. As far as he was concerned, the power radiation he felt might be because of Ghost's higher cultivation stage.

"Are you arresting me?" Michael tilted his head. If everything went according to his plan, the alpha guardian wouldn't be alive to arrest him in a few days.

"Don't act so innocent. I saw everything. You let him go. YOU KILLED HIM," Alicia roared.

Alicia couldn't stay silent for long. Her hatred and anger blinded her mind and made her ignore Noah for a few moments.

"I didn't," Michael simply shrugged,

Of course, Michael killed Gabriel. He intentionally shot lightning bolts at Gabriel so he would lose his grip and fly into the red hole. Unfortunately, he didn't anticipate Alicia's quick reflex to grab him and Atian's interference.

Gabriel would have been alive if Michael didn't grab him before he could be pushed away from the suction force. But instead, Atian, the old bastard interfered and tried to save Gabriel.

Unfortunately for Gabriel, Michael had already fixed his mind about killing Gabriel. Gabriel's hands weren't slipping away. Instead, Michael was the one who let him go.

"Awww, is this about your vigilante brother? What was his name? Peter?" Michael pouted to mock her. As soon as Alicia heard Ghost uttering her brother's name, she lost it.

The golden spear still burning with Heaven's flame materialized in her arms. Just as she was about to leap at him, a hand grabbed her spear and stopped her. They all looked down to see Noah opening his eyes.

"I will tell you everything that happened here," Noah rose from the bed,

"If anything, we should thank him for helping me take down the vampire,"

Noah calmly said to Tanulia. To be honest, Noah didn't like the way Tanulia treated Ghost.

As far as Noah was concerned, if it weren't for Ghost, the elder vampire would have killed him and his friends. But, once again, Ghost helped him.

"We can let them go," Despite talking to an Alpha Guardian, Noah seemed domineering. His voice contained an authority that made Tanulia's tone weaker.

Noah then turned to look at Ghost, who was slightly surprised by Noah's words,

"I thank you on behalf of the guardians for your help Ghost. I'm in your debt,"

"Well, it's your lucky day as you have a chance to pay the debt," Michael yet again completely ignored Alicia and smiled,

"You've been engaged to her" Michael looked at Olivia and then turned back his gaze to Noah,

"But she's in love with someone else. So I'd appreciate it if you annul the marriage agreement,"

"Consider it done," Noah nodded,

Olivia felt like a mountain of pressure being lifted off her shoulder. She let out a deep sigh.

"Thank you…Thank you, Master Noah," Olivia bowed to show her gratitude. She didn't expect Noah to be so generous. So many young masters considered annulling a marriage a shame, but Noah was so benevolent.

"No. I should be the one asking your forgiveness. If I knew you were in love with someone and didn't like the marriage, I wouldn't have agreed to it,"

"No, no..how could you have known?" Olivia shook her head,

"Now that everyone got what they want, I should take my leave,"


When Michael was about to turn back and leave, Noah called him. Michael saw Noah extending his arm, and with a nod, Michael firmly shook Noah's hands.

After everything was said and done, Michael left the place with Olivia. They both shot towards the sky and disappeared into the dark clouds leaving Noah's group behind.

"What was that?" the moment Michael disappeared into the clouds, Tanulia coldly asked Noah,

"Forgive me for taking up the authority Alpha Guardian. But we need to make allies instead of enemies. This vampire threat is not a joke. A single vampire decimated one of the highly protected places in an hour" Noah looked around and sighed,

"If we want to defeat them, we need powerful allies,"

Considering Tanulia knew about Noah's identity and how important he was to the guild, she remained calm, although she didn't like how Noah interjected and disrespected her rank.

Then Noah turned his gaze towards Alicia, who was trembling in anger,

"And Alicia, the sooner you accept what your brother did was wrong, the better. If it weren't for Ghost, someone else would have exposed him"

Norvin's jaw dropped a few inches as he was utterly shocked by how coldly Noah talked to his sweetheart. It was the first time Norvin had seen Noah treat Alicia coldly.

The burning spear in her hands disappeared, along with the anger in her eyes. Instead, her eyes got filled with tears.

"This feud of yours with Ghost ends now. We would investigate impartially and serve justice if he had anything to do with Lord Gabriel's death. Do not let your hatred blind your mind,"

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