Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 533 Scriptures on the walls

Chapter 533 Scriptures on the walls

"I'll take that," Michael took the sword from Sabrina's hand and turned around to continue his journey showing no signs of disappointment on his face.

As he was leading the way, Sabrina followed him silently. Occasionally, she opened her mouth and shut it close quickly.

Since the path went straight, he did not need to focus on Sabrina's rube. So instead, he focused on the walls to make out shapes from the chaotic scribbling on the walls.

After almost fifteen minutes of walking in silence, the symbols and drawings on the wall began to make sense. Michael walked along the walls, looking at the engravings.

This time, Michael saw a vague shape of a cobra and a man with wings fighting a woman on a giant lizard-like monster.

"Shit!" When Michael touched the man, he felt a sudden bolt of electricity running through his finger.

"What the hell?" Michael touched the engravings of the man again, but unlike before, he felt nothing.

Michael walked along the walls with a deep frown on his face.

"Who is he?" Michael asked himself, looking at the man with the wings in the wall.

On the other hand, Sabrina saw nothing but scribblings and chaotic shapes on the wall. Nothing made sense to her. She walked behind him until he suddenly halted his steps.

She wanted to ask why he stopped, but he raised his finger, wordlessly telling her to not speak.

He looked closer at a potion of engravings where the man with the wings was fighting a giant five-headed hydra. The man looked tiny compared to the hydra. But piqued Michael's curiosity was the vague shape of a human watching the fight from the shadows. The mysterious figure almost resembled his full Lucifer form.

"Is that me?" Michael looked at the figure closely,

But suddenly, he felt a gust of wind brushing past him.


In a blink of an eye, Michael moved his head to the side as an arrow went into the wall, cutting a few strands of his hair.


Michael unsheathed his swords, pushing Sabrina against the wall so she wouldn't be attacked from behind.



This time, Michael deflected the arrows with the two swords.

"Why don't you show yourself? Let me guess, you're too ugly" Michael sneered. Sabrina looked around, trying to find where the arrows were coming from. But after she heard Ghost's words, she saw a figure slowly appearing near the wall on the other side.

The figure who appeared out of thin air looked exactly the same as the skinless monsters Ghost killed before. Except, the creature in front of them held a bow in its hand.


"AH!" Sabrina squealed and closed her eyes instinctively. But when she opened her eyes, an arrowhead made of iron was just a few inches away from her.

If Ghost hadn't caught the arrow, the arrow would have gone straight through her head.

"Trident Cross," snapping out of the shock, Sabrina quickly waved her hand as the ghostly golden trident materialized over her head.




The skinless archer changed its target when the translucent shield appeared around her. It rapidly fired arrow after arrow at Michael with lightning speed.

The archer was indeed fast, but Michael was faster than him. Hence, he easily deflected the arrows with his swords while walking toward the archer.


Michael pointed one sword at the creature and fired a bolt of lightning while deflecting the arrows with the other.

"Grrr!" The creature growled, leaping away from the lightning bolt just in time. Michael fired lightning bolts rapidly like he was shooting a gun. Thus, the skinless creature was forced to leap and run instead of firing arrows at Michael. It was so easy for Michael, a Soul Refining stage warrior, to toy with the weak creature. Besides, the shadow realm boosted his power to a certain degree with its dark, gloomy ambiance.

After a few moments, Sabrina saw Ghost firing lightning bolts out of both swords. As a result, the creature growled and kept leaping back and forth.

It felt as Ghost was toying with the creature to Sabrina. He was not a guy who would toy with his foes.

"Why are you running? Don't you wanna kill me?" Michael pretended to play with the creature, but in truth, he was testing the creature's agility, speed, and powers. Even a weak rat would unleash new forms of attacks when pushed to the corner, so Michael wanted to see what the creature before him could do.

"Wind blast," Michael changed his tactic by sending a powerful wave of wind toward the creature, blasting it onto the wall behind. The creature was able to avoid lightning bolts, but it couldn't escape the wind blast.

The creature squirmed, trying to get back to its feet. But looking at Michael approaching it gradually, the creature closed its eyes as Michael saw a bright white light enveloping the creature.

"That's it, use everything you have," Michael intentionally riled up the creature by laughing at it.

[Does the host wish to convert the life energy the Queen's archer radiated to Arch energy and show its relative cultivation level?]

"It's nice to see you are being helpful again system," Michael mumbled under his breath sarcastically,

[It would cost you 50,000 badass points]

"No shit sherlock. Just take it," Michael didn't try to be stingy as knowing the enemies was crucial to winning any battle. Until now, he didn't meet any challenging skinless creatures, so he killed them easily. However, that didn't mean he wouldn't meet any stronger creatures. In fact, he had a feeling that they were just in the beginning stages of the maze and would meet terrifying foes on their way forward.

Michael halted his steps waiting for the system to give him the ability to see the creature's cultivation level. Sabrina was confused as she failed to understand why he stopped attacking the creature. On the other hand, she noticed the creature raising its hands to the sky as though it was praying for something.

As a result, Sabrina saw a black arrow slowly materializing in its hands.

"Body Strengthening stage?"

Suddenly Michael was able to sense the cultivation level of the creature. But, to be honest, he was kinda surprised at how weak it was. Its cultivation stage gradually rose from the Body Strengthening stage level 2 to 5 and stopped at level 6 when the black arrow finished taking its shape.


The creature nocked the arrow on the string, aiming at Michael, who remained still.

"Lightning Dash,"

Before the creature could release the arrow, Michael dashed at the creature. The next moment, Sabrina saw the creature's head flying into the air and landing right in his hand as its headless body staggered around the place, spewing dark blood.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing a low-level Queen worshiper. The reward is 10,000 Experience points and 1000 Badass points]

Without wasting the blood, Michael quickly took out a few vials from the system storage and collected the blood. Afterward, he bent down to cut a piece of flesh from the creature's chest, which nauseated Sabrina. But Michael whistles and cut a chunk of its flesh, showing no signs of disgust on his face.

"Ring of fire" after cutting the flesh and taking its head, Michael raised his hand, sending a wave of fire onto the headless body. It took the fire a few minutes to disintegrate the body into a pile of ash and bones.

After killing the creature, Michael returned to the wall section where he was staring before the creature attacked him. However, he was disappointed to see the arrow sticking right through the place where he saw a figure resembling him.

"Damn it," Michael punched the wall, shocking Sabrina.

"What was that?" she asked, breaking her long silence.

"Nothing. Come on let's go,"


Meanwhile, somewhere else in Awor, Sabar was sitting behind an oak table with moonlight pouring on him through the window behind him. He closed the thick book he was reading and took a long sip of red liquid from the glass in his hand. One would expect the liquid to be wine but in truth, it was human blood.

What else could an Elder vampire like him drink on a beautiful night like this? His eyes were too tired to the point he wanted to cancel his night hunt and go to sleep. However, when he was about to stand up, he heard someone knocking on his door.

"Come in," Saber calmly said as a young girl wearing a black top and a white mini skirt entered the room carrying a wooden box.

"Lord Saber, someone has sent you this," Saber creased his brows as he smelled a familiar scent from within the wooden box.

"Leave it here," the maid girl placed the box on the table, bowed towards him, and left the room, leaving Saber alone in his rather empty room.

Saber waited until the footsteps were completely unhearable. Then, looking at the wooden box, Saber exhaled. Then, he slowly lifted up the wooden box to see the bloody severed head of Hacan staring at him.

"Hacan," Even at that moment when a fellow Elder vampire's dead eyes were coldly staring at him, Saber didn't lose his calmness. Instead, he closed Hacan's eyes and picked up the letter beside the head.

It was obvious to Saber that whoever killed Hacan left the letter for him to read. So, he didn't waste any time but picked up the letter and opened it,

Dear Saber,

I hope you are enjoying your evening in the Awor continent, the land of the rich. If you wished to continue your life by leeching onto wealthy nobles, you may do so. However, the moment you step outside Awor, I will end your pathetic life…Just like I did to your friend Hacan.

Yours truly,

The one who's holding your life…


Out of the blue, the windows behind him shattered as an arrow went straight through his shoulder. Saber jerked around to see no one in the sky. He dashed outside, but there was no one in the area as far as he could see and sense.

"Who are you?" Floating in mid-air, Hacan asked himself.

"Am I being hunted?"

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