Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 560: The Feast in Everlight

Chapter 560: The Feast in Everlight

Michael's quarter in Everlight castle was an ample hall with an attached lavatory. It had been ages since Michael took a shower, and it took him several minutes to figure out how they built the hot shower. Apparently, Don owns multiple hotel chains that were fitted with shower facilities. According to Amaryll, people had been waiting for months to book a room in their hotels.

Of course, Michael had plans to expand his restaurant chains and hotels. Still, for now, he just enjoyed the shower before hitting the comfy bed located in front of the windows through which Michael saw the angelic sight of Everlight.

Since it was the harvesting time, the paddy fields were blossoming with golden paddy waiting to be harvested by the farmers. So Michael just removed his armor and everything and lay in the bed wearing only loose sweatpants.

"It's time to upgrade the Inventor skill," Michael decided to upgrade his Inventor skill. Although Michael did not know when the shadow realm would pull him back, he treated staying in Everlight like a vacation.

He still had no clear idea why he was in Everlight physically instead of being in his soul form. But as far as he could tell, his future self planned everything.

Host: Michael

Cultivation Level: Soul Refining stage, level 6

Experience Points: 0/600,000

Badass Points: 610,000

Skills & Spells:

Wind Blast - LVL 6

Responsive Shield - LVL 8

Environment Scanning - LVL 6

Ignitia - LVL 8

Lightning Dash - LVL 6

Energy Devouver - LVL 2

Soul Eater - LVL 1

Death Range - LVL 3

Eyes of Darkness (normal) - Can sense the cultivation level of others

Eyes of Darkness (Lucifer) - Can sense the cultivation level of others, Can see through illusions

Cloud of Darkness (Lucifer) - Weak-willed enemies will lose their courage completely and surrender. Death Range will be 50% more powerful. If activated in darkness, the host's cultivation level will be boosted 4 levels up regardless of the stage barrier.

Wordless Spell Caster(Lucifer) - In full Lucifer form, the host just has to think of the spell to cast it.

Techniques: Swords of Destiny - 98% Mastery

Ring of Fire - 92% Mastery

Serpent-Maga - 97% Mastery

Occupation: Core Disciple of Sunrise Sect

The Guardian of Sunrise Sect

Lord Lucifer of the Abyssal

The Dark Lord

King of Bradford

Status: Healthy

Goals: Control the world

Rebuild the Order of Death

Utility Function:

Banker - LVL 5 (Ratio - 1000 gold coins: 40 badass point(s))

Runic Teleportation

X-Ray Vision (Also integrated with Eyes of Darkness)

Wealth: 15,000,000 Gold

Special Trait: 5-Star Alchemist

4-Star Inventor

Subordinates: Gaya - Warrior (loyalty level 100%)

Raylene - 5-star Chef (loyalty level 99%)

Aria - Assassin (loyalty level 86%)

Heinberg - Warrior (loyalty level 45%)

Maxine - Warrior (loyalty level 98%)

Tiberius - Warrior (loyalty level 55%)

Sadie (loyalty level 50%)

Ricky (loyalty level 98%)

Titus(loyalty level 60%)

Optimus (loyalty level 60%)

The Silent Reaper Crew - Pirates (loyalty level 90%)

Base of Operation: Sunrise Sect

The Abyssal

The Crypt

Kingdom of Bradford

Familiars: Nightmare (Forest Dragon)

Vedora (Three Headed Hydra)

Elemental Manipulation: Wind (10% Mastery) Fire (10% Mastery) (Lightning 15% Mastery) (Darkness 25%)

Because of the Ghost Shield, Michael's Darkness manipulation went from 20% to 25%.

At a 5-star inventor level, he could build various types of new gadgets and weapons.

"System, upgrade the Inventor skill to the next level?"

[The upgrade will cost the host 180,000 badass points. Does the host wish to upgrade?]


Without a second thought, Michael confirmed. He was excited to build new gadgets and weapons as well as modify his Lucifer armor further. He already had several ideas to power up Big bertha. The moment he got out of the shadow realm, he planned to visit big bertha and hunt down a few pirates in Big bertha. After that, he couldn't wait to see the mortars in action.

As usual, he felt acute pain in his brain while the system upgraded the skill to the next level. Then, all of a sudden, Michael's mind was flooded with new knowledge, new techniques, and a whole lot of blueprints to build new weapons. Coupled with his knowledge of firearms on earth, the -star level enabled him to build a more powerful, efficient version of almost every weapon known to man.

However, Michael felt reluctant to build modern firearms because they could be easily used against him. The thing he loved the most about his new world was its medieval fantasy vibe. No matter what, he wouldn't ruin the setting. Hence, Michael planned to build new fantasy kinds of weapons using his knowledge of firearms. Besides, most modern firearms wouldn't stand a chance against cultivators and their spells.

The only way to defeat them would be to build firearms powered that take advantage of Arch and Celestial energy. After upgrading and going through his status window once more, Michael felt his eyes closing up. He felt so exhausted.

Instead of fighting off the sleepiness, Michael closed the system window and closed his eyes. Only an hour passed when someone knocked on Michael's door.

But Michael was deep in sleep as he didn't even hear someone knocking on the door. The one who knocked on the door finally stopped knocking after a few knocks and decided to open the door.

"Ghost, you there?" Surprisingly, it was Amaryll who entered the room and saw Michael under the blanket sleeping peacefully.

"Should I wake him up?" Michael questioned herself for a few moments until she ultimately decided to wake him up.

"Hello," she gently tapped Michael's shoulder,

"Hey, wake up. The feast is ready," Her gentle tapping took a turn to a force one. Still, Michael didn't even move.

Suddenly she just grinned devilishly, licked her palm, and raised her hand to slap him on the shoulder. But when she was just a few inches away from him, he grabbed her hand. Her body became stiff as Michael let her hands go.

"It's rude to hit a sleeping person Amaryll," Michael slowly opened his eyes,

"It's rude to sleep when everyone is waiting for you," She ruffled Michael's head as he slowly woke up. He almost forgot he wore no shirt to cover his body, but luckily, the blanket covered his body instead.

"Take a bath and come," Amaryll smiled and walked out of the room. After battles, blood, and planning, it felt good to just sit back and relax. There was no one gunning for his life in Don's universe. Michael even wished there was a way for him to come to Everlight often and spend some time without any worries. Everlight had such a magical effect on him.

He heard his stomach growling. After quickly making his bed, Michael went inside the lavatory to take a quick bath. Although he took a bath earlier, he went to take another one because of the hint of blood smell coming off of him, courtesy of the skinless creatures he killed.


When Michael entered the feast hall following a maid left by Amaryll, he was welcomed by the sweet aroma of voluptuous food and apple cinnamon candles. The feast hall was almost the size of the great hall of Mazeroth. It was sparkling with candlelight and the great chandeliers hanging from the silver ceiling. numerous long oak tables were placed and laid with glittering golden plates and goblets.

There were hundreds of foods on the table and Michael recognized only a few of them such as lamb chops, steak, potatoes, meat pies, sandwiches, puddings, tarts, eclairs, and jams. At the top of the hall was another long table where the Don, Knight, and a few other new faces were sitting.

While the maids and servants were fixing the meal, Michael could see the dwarves already chugging down mugs of ale like water.

they didn't stop until Amaryll slapped some of them on the head. Despite her status, she was running around with trays asking everyone what they wanted and serving them delicious appetizers.

He could smell the steam coming off of the meat. The aroma of the brown sugar was music to his soul. When Michael entered the room, almost every single one in the room turned their heads to the doorway and stared at him. For a few moments, the room was enveloped in awkward silence. The next moment however, the entire hall erupted into cheers. They gave Michael a standing ovation as he walked toward Don and Knight.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully being a badass. The reward is 5000 badass points]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully being a badass. The reward is 2000 badass points]


Michael was too surprised by their gesture. The increasing badass points elevated his mood a couple of times. While he approached Don's table, Knight pointed to the empty chair next to Don.

As soon as Michael sat beside Don, the citizens stopped cheering and returned to their seats. Most of them were stunned to see the resemblance between Michael and Don, especially how they dressed.

Michael's robes were pure black with no colors whatsoever, while Don's armor had silver linings and a hood to cover his head.

"I heard what you did, thank you," when Michael saw beside him, Don thanked him.

"You did save my life back there," Michael smiled, unlike Don, who had no expression on his face.

Quickly a girl with bunny ears approached the table to refill Michael's empty glass with wine,

"I don't drink booze. Can you give me water or any kind of fruit juice?"

Amaryll, who came to serve Michael, was stunned by his words. She just gawked at Don and Michael for a moment,

"You're just like him. Are you related to him or something?" Michael noticed the water in Don's glass and realized Amaryll's words. To be honest, Michael shared the exact thought as Amaryll.

He wondered if he and Don had some kind of connection.

"Let's eat first. Then we will talk about what you're looking for," Don ignored Amaryll's question and said to Michael in a low-pitched voice. For some reason, Michael felt Don was aware of what he was looking for in the key.

But for now, Michael decided to enjoy the feast with the friendly people of Everlight. After all, the dishes in front of him looked delicious.

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