Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 572: Fixing Olivia’s Marriage

Chapter 572: Fixing Olivia’s Marriage

After planning his next moves, Michael waited for Reginald to arrive at Hades with Gaya. As time flew, more and more nobles entered the hades, and the restaurant began to get busy. Not even an hour passed opening the restaurant, yet all the tables got filled with nobles. A few nobles looked surprised to see Michael, but they didn't bother Michael.

Finally, after the sun ultimately rose out of the horizon, Reginald entered the Hades with Olivia and Ricky.

"Lord Reginald," Michael stood up to firmly shake Reginald's hand. Gaya also shook his hand before everyone settled into their places.

"We will have three specials please," Michael ordered the food on behalf of Reginald,

"Master Ghost, I heard about what happened in the alchemy competition. Scary business. Thank you so much for taking care of her," Reginald showed his gratitude to Michael with a nod.

"Lord Reginald, I asked you here to talk about Olivia. Normally, I wouldn't poke my head into others' business. But she is not an outsider. She is my student, and as a teacher, I can't ignore her well-being,"


"Hear him out," Gaya cut Reginald short when he was about to interject Michael.

"I don't like to beat around the bush. These two are in love," Michael pointed at Olivia and Ricky,

"And I want you to marry them. If you are hesitating because he is not noble and not strong enough, this will reassure you," Reginald noticed Michael talking a parchment from his space ring and writing something on it.

"This contains my word to you. In two years, Ricky will reach the Soul Refining Stage. In two months, he will be appointed as one of the elders of the Sunrise sect and no longer be just a henchman,"

Everyone except Gaya was startled.

"Tea…Teacher," Olivia stuttered as Michael slid the parchment towards Reginald. He took it in his hand and glanced at Michael's words,

''I think we will both agree that at the Soul Refining stage, Ricky can protect Olivia without anyone's help," Michael calmly said,

"And as an Elder of the Sunrise sect, he will be influential and have a status higher than many nobles in Elon," Gaya exclaimed after Michael.

Reginald was simply speechless while Ricky felt like he was about to faint.

"You have to think of your daughter, Lord Reginald. She asked for your permission because she loves and respects you. It's time you return the same gesture to her. If she marries another guy, she will just be a wife. But Ricky will treat her like a queen. He is a nice guy,"

Ricky's eyes watered, hearing Ghost vouch for him. On the other hand, Reginald just stared at Ricky and Olivia before sighing.

"Do you really think he can reach the Soul Refining stage within two years?"

"I don't think. I know, you have my word,"

After getting assurance from Michael, he couldn't reject Ricky anymore. Besides, Noah Winston had called off the marriage so Reginald had no choice but to accept the deal from Ghost.

"And Ricky,"

While Reginald was pondering, Gaya turned her gaze towards Ricky,

"She is the only girl in your life. The only tears I want to see in the green eyes are happy tears. Otherwise, I'll break your bones, make a soup, and feed it to you," Gaya threatened Ricky and by the coldness of the tone, Reginald could tell she wasn't kidding.

"What's your answer, Lord Reginald?"

Reginald looked at Ricky and Oliva yet again and heaved a long breath of sigh,

"I have no objection to the marriage between them. We shall marry them after he reaches the Soul Refining Stage,"

Not that Reginald wanted Ricky to fail, but he truly wanted someone powerful to protect his daughter. That was the main reason why Reginald rejected Ricky. However, now that Ghost reassured him, he truly believed Ricky could reach the Soul Refining stage. As far as Reginald was concerned, Ghost could do anything if he set his mind to it.

As soon as Reginald agreed, Olivia lunged at her father and hugged him tightly. Meanwhile, Ricky almost grabbed Michael's feet, but Michael quickly stopped him with a gust of wind.

"You and Daniel find some associates for you. From tomorrow, the two of you will start cultivating like never before. Aelia will give you a training regiment you must follow,"

Ricky bopped his head up and down. Although Michael could provide Daniel and Ricky with pills and potions, without hard work and a strict training regiment, they wouldn't reach the Soul Refinement stage in a million years. Since Michael gave Reginald his word, he gave the responsibility of training them to Gaya.

After sending the happy love birds away, Michael started to talk about the future of the majestic.

"Lord Reginald, we have a unique opportunity in our hands. You know what that is right?"

Reginald nodded,

"Almost eighty percent of the alchemists in Elon and Ozer are wiped out. So we have a huge vacuum of alchemists. Don't you think it's time to hike the price up a bit?" asked Gaya.

"Definitely. Your pills and potions already have a huge demand. In fact, the demand is way higher than the products in our hands. I can get our team to assess the market and get a rough idea of how high we should raise the prices,"

"That's good. But I am also thinking of expanding the majestic Lord Reginald. Between you and me, I am planning to make Olivia the head of my majestic chains. What do you think of Olivia getting a share in profits?"

Reginald became speechless. Even 10% in the profits would settle Olivia for life. In fact, she would surpass Reginald's net worth in a couple of years if Ghost did what he said. As a merchant, he could tell how much of a golden opportunity this was.

"It'd be wonderful Master Ghost,"

"I thought so too. Can you do me a favor, Lord Reginald?"

"Of course Master Ghost,"

Reginald was too excited as he had already started to imagine Olivia as the head of Ghost's majestic chain.

"I need good places to open up branches. Can you get your team to find me some great places and their prices?"

"Consider it done. I'll have the list brought to you in a few days,"

Reginald already had a few places in mind. Thus, finding Ghost a few suitable places wouldn't be difficult. Besides, Reginald would provide his full help to Ghost to build a majestic chain so Olivia could have a bright future and become a renowned leader instead of being an alchemy teacher in Aragoth.

After everything was said and done, Reginald left Hades, leaving Ghost and Gaya behind. The duo did not linger around in Hades but went straight back to the sect. At the time, they returned to the sect, Michael was hit by a heavy bag, and the bad was none other than Nightmare, who shrunk his size like a fully grown german shepherd.

"Nightmare, buddy" the dragon frantically licked Michael's face and showered him with kisses.

"It feels like too long," Nightmare hugged both Gaya and Michael in the mid-air.

The trio slowly descended onto Claire's mention and went inside to see Claire.

"Ghost," Claire welcomed Michael and Gaya with a grin.

"take your seats,"

After they all settled down, Claire handed over two parchments to Michael.

"One is the document for merging the kingdom with the sect, and the other is your graduation confirmation. Since you will be busy getting ready to go to Awor, I took the liberty to draft them as fast as I could," Gaya took a short glance at the two documents before putting them inside her space ring.

"Also, I sent some disciples to find you two a good place to build your home. By the time you come back from Awor, we'll have a great place,"

"Yes, but don't let anyone start building. I want to design every brick of our castle,"

"Castle?" Claire raised her brows in surprise.

"Of course, it will be a castle. Not just any castle. It will make the existing castles in Elon look like shabby houses,"

"But don't you think it's overkill to build a castle for just the two of you?"

Claire turned her gaze to Michael, but he remained silent. It was Gaya's dream to design her own castle, and Michael had no plans to stop her from doing so. No matter how much coins it would cost him, he would let Gaya build them their own castle.

Plus, Michael loved the idea of living in a castle without all the responsibilities of a king.

"Normally I'd disagree with her, but I love the idea of living in a castle. I have some cool ideas for my room," Nightmare excitedly laughed.

Hearing the two of them, Claire could only sigh.

"There is no stopping you, is there?"

"Nope," Gaya shook her head.

"Trust me Claire. You're gonna be mind blown. We just need to find some best architects in Awor,"

"So, have you thought of how you will get to Awor? You can't fly there as it would take months. If I were you, I'd look for a portal,"

"Speaking of a portal, do you think the Holy church would have one?" Michael suddenly asked.

"I think so. The Holy Church has a branch in Royal land, and I heard they have a portal there," Claire said,

"That's great. I have to meet his holiness anyways. Thank you Claire,"

Claire wanted to ask why Michael suddenly wanted to meet with his holiness, but she refrained from sticking her nose into his business.

"Why don't you stay here and have that girls night today? I'll go meet his holiness,"

Michael said to Gaya as she quickly creased her brows,

"Why can't I come with you?"

"Because you should spend some time with them," Michael gently squeezed her hand, looking into her eyes. It took Gay a second to realize his true reason,

"You know what, that's a great idea,"

"What about me?" asked Nightmare,

"I'll take you with me," Michael rubbed Nightmare's head and agreed to bring him to the church.

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