Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 589: Killing a Fusion Stage Cultivator

Chapter 589: Killing a Fusion Stage Cultivator

Micheal witnessed everything happening in the throne hall through the drone. Igor surprised Michael with his words. Unlike the old cahoots, Igor actually wanted to strengthen House Rottgard through other means than waging war against the other Houses.

"I have a limit too Lord," When Ivon was about to rose from the throne, Igor said, gritting his teeth.

"A limit for my patience,"

"How dare you?!" One of the elders growled at Igor only to be ignored by the latter.

"I wish I have taken the empress's offer to join her clan," Igor snickered as Ivon's eyes reddened in pure hatred for Igor.

While they were busy quarreling, they didn't notice the change in the air. Unknowing to them, they were breathing the fear toxin mixed with the plague.

Michael felt lucky to get all the protectors and the House Lord under the same roof. It made poisoning them with the Fear toxin a much easier task. Otherwise, he would have had to find each Fusion Stage cultivator and poison them individually.

His only regret was Igor. Michael couldn't help feeling Igor would have made a fine asset in his growing army. Unlike most people in the world, the young man seemed to possess intelligence and rational thinking. It was a pity Igor was getting infected as they spoke.

"The only reason you stand before me is our ancestor care for Iranian," Ivon spoke coldly.

Iranian was Igor's late father, and when Igor heard his name from Ivon's mouth, Igor felt his anger bubbling deep within him. Because of their old ways and hatred for Voldigards, Igor lost all his family. Deep down, Igor hated Ivon and the protectors more than he hated the Voldigards.

"I hope our ancestor will be delighted to see House Rottgard faces several new threats in a few years. But, suppose you think destroying Voldigards would make your lives easier. In that case, you guys are in for a shitty surprise," Igor sneered and stood up before Ivon. He was about to turn around and leave when Igor sensed the change in his body as well as in the air.

Suddenly, an elder stumbled down from his chair.

"Protector Cyan," another elder shouted and reached out for the fallen comrade only to stumble down like the other. Soon, the four protectors fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

"What the fuck is happening to me?" Igor was not in a better condition as his legs gave up. As a result, Igor collapsed down. His vision turned blurry.

Nonetheless, Igor rubbed his eyes, hoping it would clear his vision. While Igor tried to regain his strength, he heard the elders finally stop throwing up blood.

A few seconds later, the protectors returned to their feet. With his blurry vision, Igor looked up to see Ivon rising from his throne and wiping the blood coming off his mouth.

Since Ivon was stronger than everyone in the hall, the fear toxin affected him less.

"Are…are we…infected?"

"No shit," Igor coughed, closing his mouth. When he took his hand off his mouth, he saw the blood sprinkles on his palm.

"You must have gotten from the Voldigards. It's you. You sealed us our fate!"

"You fool!"

"You doomed us all!"

The protectors immediately blamed Igor and yelled at him.

"We must contact our ancestor before we succumb to the plague." Ivon however remained calm, unlike the rest.


Suddenly an ear-piercing shriek echoed through the hall,


Another loud shout followed the shriek, sending shivers down their spines.

"We are under attack!" Igor could hear someone shouting outside. As soon as they heard the alarm, soldiers of House Rottgard rushed into the hall, including the two Soul Refining stage guards who guarded the main gate.

"No you idiots, get out of here!" Igor shouted at the soldiers who rushed into the hall to protect their lords. However, they were startled to hear Igor's orders.

"We all be infected if we stay together like this!" Igor was right but as usual, no one listened to him. So instead, they surrounded Ivon and the protectors.

"Raise the gates. No one is getting in or outside. I want the intruder's head on the plate before the first light!" Ivon barked an order before turning around to leave the throne hall.

'He was in quite a rush to meet his ancestor, who may be their best chance to survive the plague.

"What's the rush?" out of the blue, another calm voice resonated in the hall. The voice however didn't sound like a human but a beast.

"What the?"

"Who was that?"

"Am I hearing things?"

The soldiers looked around frantically, trying to locate the voice's source.




Igor's heart skipped a beat as he jerked his head around to look at the front door leading outside. The door shuddered, glowing for a second. Following the front door, the doors on the left and right sides also glowed and shuddered.

Looking at the phenomenon on the doors, a curious soldier rushed towards the door. He tried to open the door but no matter how hard he pushed, the door didn't budge.

"It's locked!" Igor sighed.

"Someone locked us in the same hall. Now we are all stuck here to get infected by the plague," Igor just sat on the ground, rubbing his temples.

"Is it true? My lords, what should we do?!" a panic-stricken soldier questioned the protectors and Ivon. Every single soldier, including the Soul Refiners felt weak and coughed up blood. In addition, some of the soldiers began to hallucinate and shouted in gibberish.

"Break the door," one of the protectors barked as a group of soldiers limped towards the front door.

"It's too late. We are done for," those who heard Igor panicked more.

"Shut up IGOR!" Ivon roared as he couldn't put up with Igor anymore. Ivon had enough in his mind so he couldn't be patient with Igor as he used to.

If House Rottgard's protectors and he got infected with the plague, it wouldn't be too long before the other families target them like vultures. Ironically, it's what they did to Voldigards.

"You can kill me if you want," Igor let out a deep breath as more and more soldiers fainted due to the fear toxin in the air.

"How does it feel Lord Ivon?" the same beastly voice they heard before resonated again. This time, the voice was louder and sounded close to them. At last, three dark figures descended to the throne hall through the opening directly above the throne. The trio wore full dark robes with their faces covered with black masks.

Something told Igor that the masks were designed to filter the air thanks to his study under the dwarven masters in Sil Alari.

"How does it feel to be weak and helpless?" one of the three talked but no one could point out whom. They couldn't differentiate them from the voice which sounded animalistic rather than human. The closer they got to the ground, the further everyone stepped back.

"Who are you?" Ivon asked the trio, trying to conjure the celestial energy around him. However, he felt no connection with the energy around him. Unfortunately for them, the modified plague mixed with the fear toxin worked faster than the original plague. When someone was infected with the original plague, it would take two to three days to completely lose connection with the energies. But Michael's handiwork boosted the plague's effect and made anyone who breathed the fear toxin lose connection with the energies in a few minutes.

"You ask the wrong question Ivon. The right question is, how do you want to die?" Michael asked Ivon, tilting his head.

"My Lord," when the protectors saw Michael place his hand on Ivon's shoulders, they tried to rush towards him to protect him. However, as soon as they took a step forward, Gaya blasted away them with a powerful gust of force.

Despite their weak status, the soldiers unsheathed their weapons to attack the intruders. Some even tried to cast spells.

"One who kills must be prepared to be killed," Michael grabbed Ivon's neck and before Ivon could fight against his hold, Michael simply snapped his neck. Since Ivon lost his connection with the celestial energy, his body became weak. Thus, Michael could simply snap his neck like a twig.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing a Fusion stage, level 10 Cultivator. The reward is 750,000 Experience points and 10,000 Badass points]


The soldiers and the protectors screamed, seeing Ivon's lifeless body hitting the ground. His eyes were still wide open and contained a hinge of shock and horror. Igor, who hated Ivon to the core, surprisingly felt relieved and had a tinge of joy seeing Ivon's body.

"The protectors are mine to kill," after killing Ivon, Michael quickly instructed Gaya and Eve. he wanted the experience points of killing the Fusion stage protectors.

"The rest?" Gaya questioned Michael with a devilish grin behind her mask.

"Except him, kill everyone,"

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