Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 599: Grim Reapers Location

Chapter 599: Grim Reapers Location

The reaper gave Ghost's offer a deep thought. But, since he was losing the connection with arch energy rapidly, the reaper had to make a choice quickly before he fell to death.

"Give me the cure first," The reaper tried his luck only to get no response from Ghost.

"Fine. Here, this is the map to the guild where I picked up the assassination contract with your name on it," the reaper quickly accessed his space ring and threw a parchment to Michael, who caught the map. Michael opened the parchment to see the map of the Awor continent which was divided into three elven kingdoms, two dwarven kingdoms, one large beastmen kingdom, one orc kingdom, and finally, one kingdom ruled by a human king. Even after being divided into eight kingdoms, a vast piece of land was occupied by a barren snowy mountain chain to the north.

Michael searched for Nagaland on the map of Awor but found it very far from the continent. Nagaland wasn't a part of the mainland. Instead, it was a large island almost a quarter the size of Awor. The Grim Reapers guild was located between Sill Alari and Thera in the forest. It was marked with a red cross.

"Now give me the cure," The reaper's voice became weak as Michael predicted,

"I did give you my word," Michael slowly hovered towards the reaper with the cure in his hand.

"How do I know it's the cure and not poison?" asked the reaper.

"You don't," Michael simply smirked as he reached an arm's distance from the reaper. Then, Michael handed over the cure to the reaper, who looked at the potion for a few moments before ultimately deciding to drink it. It was not like the reaper had a choice too.


The reaper's hand froze in time, a few inches away from his mouth. A second later, the reaper coughed up blood and looked down to see Michael's hand going through his chest.

"You…fucking…bastard…" The reaper snarled at Michael with his last few dying breaths.

"Death…will get…to you…"

"Death can't have me until I want to greet it," Michael whispered into the reaper's ear, holding the reaper's heart in his hand. The heart was still beating in Michael's hand until he crushed it into a bloody paste.

"Mission failed, reaper," Michael devilishly grinned, looking at the reaper free falling down.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing a Fusion stage, level 8 Cultivator. The reward is 750,000 Experience points and 10,000 Badass points]

"Hey system, what's the deal? I get the same amount of experience points for killing both level 8 and level 2 cultivators?"

[Yes. After the Fusion stage, every higher stage will get a fixed number of experience points regardless of levels]

"But why?" Michael frowned,

[Because the system needs to change the host's body from the molecular level. Anything more or less than a fixed number of experience points will be harmful to the host and prevent the host from reaching Immortality]

Michael's frown got replaced by a grin when he heard the word 'Immortality'. Reaching immortality was Michael's initial desire when he came to this world. If it wasn't for all the dark lord business, Immortality would have been his only sole purpose in this world. Now, it was a weapon and a shield for him to face his enemies.

[Speaking of Immortality, the system urges the host to upgrade the system to the next level. You cannot reach the Half-Immortal stage with the current level]

After hearing the system's words, Michael willed the system to show his status window.

Host: Michael

Cultivation Level: Fusion stage, level 4

Experience Points: 750,000/1,000,000

Badass Points: 320,000

Skills & Spells:

Wind Blast - LVL 6

Responsive Shield - LVL 8

Environment Scanning - LVL 6

Ignitia - LVL 8

Lightning Dash - LVL 6

Energy Devouver - LVL 2

Soul Eater - LVL 1

Death Range - LVL 3

Eyes of Darkness (normal) - Can sense the cultivation level of others

Eyes of Darkness (Lucifer) - Can sense the cultivation level of others, Can see through illusions

Cloud of Darkness (Lucifer) - Weak-willed enemies will lose their courage completely and surrender. Death Range will be 50% more powerful, and if activated in darkness, the host's cultivation level will be boosted 4 levels up regardless of the stage barrier.

Wordless Spell Caster(Lucifer) - In full Lucifer form, the host just has to think of the spell to cast it.

Techniques: Swords of Destiny - 98% Mastery

Ring of Fire - 94% Mastery

Serpent-Maga - 98% Mastery

Occupation: Core Disciple of Sunrise Sect

The Guardian of Sunrise Sect

Lord Lucifer of the Abyssal

The Dark Lord

King of Bradford

Status: Healthy

Goals: Control the world

Rebuild the Order of Death

Utility Function:

Banker - LVL 5 (Ratio - 1000 gold coins: 40 badass point(s))

Runic Teleportation

X-Ray Vision (Also integrated with Eyes of Darkness)

Wealth: 25,000,000 Gold

Special Trait: 5-Star Alchemist

5-Star Inventor

Subordinates: Gaya - Warrior (loyalty level 100%)

Raylene - 5-star Chef (loyalty level 99%)

Aria - Assassin (loyalty level 87%)

Heinberg - Warrior (loyalty level 48%)

Maxine - Warrior (loyalty level 98%)

Tiberius - Warrior (loyalty level 55%)

Sadie (loyalty level 50%)

Ricky (loyalty level 98%)

Titus(loyalty level 60%)

Optimus (loyalty level 60%)

The Silent Reaper Crew - Pirates (loyalty level 92%)

Base of Operation: Sunrise Sect

The Abyssal

The Crypt

Kingdom of Bradford

Familiars: Nightmare (Forest Dragon)

Vedora (Three Headed Hydra)

Elemental Manipulation: Wind (10% Mastery) Fire (10% Mastery) (Lightning 15% Mastery) (Darkness 25%)

Michael could turn his gold coins into badass points but the upcoming auction prevented him from doing so. According to Valric from Grandspire bank, twenty million gold coins was just a measly amount to have when attending the auction. She also said he could buy some ordinary items with his coins if he had luck. But, for the time being, Michael wanted to hold onto his gold coins.

"You also used to give me gifts every time I reach a new stage," Michael complained to the system. It had been quite some time since the system gifted him like it used to. With everything going on, Michael wanted to get his hands on some Legendary gift boxes of the system.

[Stop asking for freebies and focus on upgrading the system] The system sounded kinda irritated by Michael's question. Michael didn't have time to argue with the system. Besides, he knew there was no point arguing with the system. Hence, Michael closed the system interface and flew in the direction of the Voldigard compound.

While flying, Michael tried to contact Gaya through the earpiece.

"Where are you?" Michael sighed in relief when he heard Gaya's voice.

"On my way to the Voldigard compound. Is everything alright? Did you have any trouble?"

"No," answered Gaya.

"Things are pretty normal here. But they are preparing a lavish feast for you. Hope you're hungry,"

"As a matter of fact, I am. All the fighting and killing made me hungry," Michael cracked his neck, producing a cracking sound in his neck.

"I am not surprised. The reapers are becoming a headache. Have you managed to get the location of their guild?" Gaya had the same thought about getting their location as Michael.

"I did,"

"So let's pay them a visit then but not as Ghost and Aelia," Michael sensed a tinge of evilness and killing intent in her voice. It was apparent she wanted to destroy the grim reapers as Dark Lord and the Dark Queen.

"Hmm. We'll talk more when I get there," Michael said before cutting the communication between them. Afterward, Michael just flew towards the castle without using the lightning dash. He enjoyed the dark clouds above him, drizzling and the wind against his face. It provided him with a captivating experience. Even after almost two years, Michael still had goosebumps every time he flew in the sky.

After almost thirty minutes of flying under drizzling weather, Michael finally reached the Voldigard castle. But unlike when he first came to the place, it looked buzzing with soldiers and clean of any blood or dead bodies. The VOldigard foot soldiers were busy fixing the broken statues and the fountains. At the same time, the female servants swept the front lawn by casting wind spells.

"Look Master Ghost is back!"

"Inform Lady Eve!"

"Master Ghost!"

The soldiers quickly stopped what they were doing and bowed slightly toward Michael. Not a single one failed to smile at Michael with gratitude for saving their lives. However, deep within their eyes, they feared Michael.

"Master Ghost," Azazel walked out of the castle gracefully and greeted Michael with a bow.

"How is everything, Sebastian?" Michael asked Azazel after gesturing at the servants to continue their work.

"Please, let me take care of this," Azazel waved his hand as a warm wave of energy brushed past Michael, drying all the wetness off his clothes.

"Cool," Michael gave Azazel a nod of appreciation before making his way into the castle.

The servants and Azazel managed to light the corridor and return the castle to its former glory in a short amount of time. However, Michael wasn't in the mood for admiring the castle's beauty. Instead, his mind was occupied by something he should have done as soon as he returned from the Shadow realm.

"Did Eve give me a room to stay in?"

"Of course, Master Ghost," Azazel addressed Michael as 'Master Ghost' instead of Lord Lucifer or my Lord due to Michael's order. Azazel was to call Michael 'Master' and Gaya and Nightmare to call Azazel 'Sebastian'.

"Follow me," Azazel led the way to Michael's room in the castle. Eve gave Michael the second largest room next to Jennifer's room. Eve gave Michael the second largest room next to Jennifer's room, among all the fifty-six rooms in the castle.

"Where are the Voldigards?" Michael asked Azazel while following him behind to his room.

"In the throne hall, Master Ghost,"

"As expected," Michael said. Surviving the plague was easy, but the real battle would begin when the Voldigards tried to rebuild their house. Luckily, they had Michael to help them. However, Michael prefeed Eve to be the house lord instead of Julien. Not that Michael hated or disliked Julien, but Eve was a better candidate for leading the Voldigards in this dire time. In Michael's view, Julien was a little bit soft. What the Voldigards wanted was a ruthless leader who would be willing to do anything for the betterment of their family. As far as Michael could tell, that person was Eve.

Finally, Michael arrived before his room and opened it to see a spacious room big enough to be called a hall.

"You're here," Gaya welcomed Michael, sitting on the queen-sized white bed. Nightmare curled into a ball on a comfy sofa facing the fireplace and enjoying the warmth coming from the fireplace.

Nightmare was sleeping peacefully, so he wasn't aware of Michael entering the room. That was also the reason why Gaya didn't raise her voice.

"Sebastian, go for a walk around the castle and let me know if you see anything or anyone suspicious. If you face any trouble, do not hesitate to teleport back to the dark forest,"

"As you wish, Master Ghost," Azazel bowed toward Michael and Gaya before leaving the room. Afterward, Michael took out a vial of blood from his system storage and placed it on the table in front of the opened window overlooking the city.

"What's this? Rather, who's blood is this?" Gaya asked Michael.

"Sabrina's blood," Michael nonchalantly answered Michael.

"And why do you have this?"

"I am going to check whether or not she is my sister,"

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