Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 657: Gaya vs Everyone in the tavern

Chapter 657: Gaya vs Everyone in the tavern

“I got this,” Gaya put the sack containing Puma’s head on her chair after she stood up. She cracked her fist. Her eyes turned predatory as though of a seasoned killer. It was evident she was not in the mood for playing. Anyone could see the suppressed rage in her eyes. The bartender looked at her for a moment before turning his gaze back to Michael. He couldn’t believe the youngster was letting a girl face these killers. As a man who lived in the southern continent for decades, the bartender could easily differentiate cultivators from southerners. These two were definitely not from the Southern continent. Which meant they hailed from the cultivation continents. However, no matter how powerful they were in their homelands, in the Southern continent, they were as weak as babies. Atleast, that’s what the bartender thought.         

Michael slowly took the glass in his hand and took a little sip. He didn’t even bother to turn around.      

“You have insurance for this place?” asked Michael.      

Meanwhile, three tall, bulky muscular mountains moved toward Gaya. Gaya and Michael were tall, but these three were taller. They were tall enough to raise anyone’s eyebrows. If being tall wasn’t enough to stand out, they were big enough to win any bodybuilding competition on earth. Compared to them, Gaya looked smaller, like a child.      

The three cracked their knuckles. One of them looked at Michael,     

“Last chance, kid. Leave now, and we won’t mess up your girl,” growled the man. He didn’t remove his hood so Michael Michael couldn’t see his face in the reflection in the glass.      

“Try not to kill them,” said Michael, completely ignoring the man.      

“But the more the blood, the better,” said Michael. Drawing out Lenora might require them to spill more blood. She was a vampire, after all. Michael didn’t delude himself by thinking he could get an Elder Vampire’s attention without bloodshed. As much as he liked to avoid bloodshed, some tasks required blood. For instance, the bartender could tell them he knows Lenora or the way to meet Lenora. Instead, he ordered his lackeys to beat them up. A wrong decision on the bartender’s path. Gaya was ready to fight Michael himself, let alone these nobodies.      

“I don’t have all day,” Gaya coldly threatened the three. She rolled up her sleeves, preparing to beat the crap out of them. The three might have an advantage in size, but they were no match for a furious woman with arch energy coursing through her veins. Their heavy thundering boots made the table nearby tremble.      

Instead of ganging up on her, only one approached Gaya. The man didn’t take Gaya seriously. So, when he reached an arm-reaching distance from Gaya, he tried to put his hand on Gaya’s shoulder with the intention of throwing her out. Before his hand could touch Gaya, she grabbed his hand, immediately crushing his hand.     

“ARGH!’ The man squealed like an injured cat. His scream surprised everyone. But his cry was cut short when Gaya kicked him right between the legs with enough force to dislocate his pelvic bone.     

“Shhhhh,” Michael grimaced. He almost heard the sound of something shattering. The man lost all his strength and power. Finally, he just collapsed to the ground.      

“So they are not vampires,” Michael thought to himself. If he were a vampire, her kick would have hurt him more because vampires had no reproductive organs in their bodies. Instead of traditional means, the vampires reproduced by turning others. In a way, their fangs were their reproductive organs.     

“Bitch-” The man growled. Unfortunately, Gaya wasn’t done with him. She took a step forward, stomping his stomach. Blood gushed out of his mouth. The man curled into a ball, screaming in agony. His scream was cut abruptly short by Gaya as she picked up a chair nearby and bashed it on his head. The two behind him were stunned, just like everyone in the tavern. Using their momentary shock, Gaya grabbed the broken piece of the chair in her hand, leaping onto the two behind her victim.      

The two of them snapped out of shock. Intuitively, they brought their hands before their faces to defend themselves. The wooden leg was no match for the thugs’ big gigantic arms. Wood splinters flew in all directions when Gaya bashed the wooden leg on the man’s arm. Everyone thought Gaya was done for. Unlike the first one, the two were prepared. They thought Gaya wouldn’t be able to surprise them with a low blow.      

“Fucking bitch!” one of the men threw his fist, cursing Gaya. Once again, she surprised them with her speed. She swayed her body to the side, avoiding the punch mid-air, grabbed one of the flying wood splinters, and stabbed the man who threw the fist in the eyes. Wasting no time, she punched the man in the chest, pushing him a few meters back before turning her focus to the other. As she calculated, the man tried to kick Gaya in the gut, leaving himself vulnerable.      

To everyone’s shock, Gaya grabbed his leg and threw him onto the other. The man who got stabbed in the eyes screamed in agony until he collided with his buddy. Her throw had enough force behind to make the two of them fly onto the wall behind. The animal heads hanging on the wall tumbled down due to the force of the collision. Everything from Gaya leaping onto them to sending them flying happened in a couple of seconds. It was too fast for a normal human being to comprehend. The bartender’s mind failed to see what had just transpired. She moved and fought with speed and strength beyond mortal limits. She took down three muscle mountains thrice her size in a couple of seconds.      

The three served as an outlet for her rage. Without giving the two a break, she dashed at the two. Poor bastards didn’t even have time to react. She picked up the antlers that fell off the wall and stabbed the man who had his eyes stabbed.      

“AHH!” He screamed. Luckily, his buddy felt the same pain when Gaya stabbed him with the same antler she used to stab the other. Seeing Gaya stabbing them in the legs repeatedly, another two decided to step in. They dashed at Gaya to stop her.      

The bartender was freaked out when he saw the grin on Michael’s face. He had no idea why Michael was smiling at his glass. Unlike the three, the two who decided to save the three were neither tall nor muscular. They were just regular dudes, at least one was a dude, and the other was a woman. Hearing their footsteps, Gaya jerked her head around. When the two saw the predatory eyes of Gaya, they trembled. Fear clutched their hearts, making them question their decision to stop her. But it was too late for them. Gaya picked up a chair and threw it at the two. She wasn’t stingy with force, so the chair hit them with enough force to knock the two out.      

The blood spurted from her victims painted her face red. Her white robes were drenched in their blood.      

“Thu,” Gaya spat the blood went into her mouth. She grabbed a chair, dragging it toward the two who tried to stop her.  To Michael’s surprise, the tavern didn’t seem to have many vampires.      

“Tell her to stop!” the bartender panicked. He tried to crouch down to pick up the crossbow under his shelf. However, Michael simply grabbed the man by his head and smashed it on the counter.      

“You know, if she doesn’t vent her anger on those guys, she will be cranky. I don’t like her being cranky. So why don’t we just sit back and let her do what she does best?” Michael whispered into the bartender’s ears.     

“Next time when two strangers come asking for information, give them what they want,”     

“You are making a big fucking mistake,” The bartender growled.         

“What mistake?” Michael bashed the bartender’s head against the table yet another time. The few bottles lined up on the counter fell off to the ground. Glass shattered into tiny bits and pieces, momentarily taking everyone’s gaze from Gaya to Michael.     

“NO!” On the other hand, the lady who tried to stop Gaya screamed, seeing Gaya raise the chair. Unfortunately, Gaya didn’t stop. She brought down the chair with all her might upon them. The two of them were instantly knocked out cold by Gaya.      

“Now tell me where the fuck is Lenora?!” Gaya roared. Her mighty roar shook the entire tavern like an earthquake.      

Seconds passed, turning into minutes. Thirty minutes went by in a blink of an eye. At that moment, the tavern was in ruin. All the customers were bleeding on the ground and groaning in pain. There was not a single table that remained intact.  She went a little overboard. When she was done, the place reeked of blood and old ale. Standing in the middle of the tavern, Gaya looked like a demon incarnate. The blood of her victims oozed down from her body from head to toe.      

Finally, Michael let go of the bartender. Once he saw the state of his tavern and the customers, his face lost all color. The man trembled.      

“Demon,” That was the first thought that appeared in his mind when he noticed Gaya.     

Michael slowly placed the glass on the table. He rose from the chair, turning around. First, he just adjusted his robes, and then, he picked up the sack with Puma’s head.      

“Is this enough?” Michael asked, throwing the sack to the dark corner of the tavern. An oblivious man could see nothing but darkness. For Michael however, the figure hiding in the darkness was clear as day.      

Gaya turned her gaze to the corner. Surprisingly, she saw a figure stepping out of the darkness.     

“Lenora,” Gaya growled.     

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