Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 660 The Blood Prince's Punch

Saber clenched his fist. Seeing Saber lose his calmness stunned the others. Trista and Lenora had never seen Saber like this before. Which led them to believe the potion really worked.

To their surprise, Saber released the two of them. Michael and Gaya coughed, running their throats for a moment.

“It worked,” Saber turned around and responded to everyone’s curious looks. For a moment, Trista and Lenora couldn’t believe what they had just heard. No matter how powerful they were, the sun was their ultimate bane. Even the elders were unable to survive the sunlight for a couple of minutes let alone the minions. It was the only weakness they had besides primordial flames. At least with primordial flames, they could somehow kill the flame wielder. With the sun, they had no choice. Hence, they never dared to step outside their castles during the day.

“How many more do you have?” asked Saber. The others were kinda in shock to question Michael, except for Ingram. Michael couldn’t read what was going on in Ingram’s head. He remained without showing any signs of emotions on his face, as though the potion meant nothing to him.

“Twenty,” said Michael.

“What stops us from killing you after you gave us the location?”Finally, Lenora snapped out of her shock and questioned Michael.

“Nothing, Elder. But I’d rather die instantly than live looking over my shoulder my entire life. So here I am, taking a leap of faith,” said Michael.

“Besides, I don’t see any other way to find Adelia,”

The elder vampires took a few moments to weigh their options. Although they were brutal and cruel, they were not dumb. These vampires survived all these years by capitalizing on opportunities and working with valuable assets like Ghost. At this moment in time, the Ghost was far more valuable to them as alive than dead. Compared to the potion he gave them, the lives of two half-baked elder vampires and Puma who were stupid and weak enough to get killed was nothing.

Moreover, Saber had other plans for Ghost.

Saber looked at the others for a moment before nodding at Lenora. Finally, Lenora decided to share what she knew about Adelia with Ghost and Gaya.

“The one who put the hit on Adelia was Elder Kragen. He’s dead,” Gaya’s heart skipped a beat.

“But the last time I heard, Adelia ventured into the treacherous ocean, searching for the Wise Dragon. If I were you, I’d start my search with that dragon,” Lenora didn’t bother to explain the dangers of venturing into the treacherous ocean. He was just a human. But, since he had given them something crucial and asked them for their mercy, she would call off the death squad until he messes with her kind one more time.

“How do I know you’re telling the truth and not leading us into a death trap?” asked Gaya.

Lenora burst into laughter.

“You don’t.  But you have no choice either,”

To Michael, Lenora didn’t seem like she was lying. Plus, she had no need to lead them into a death trap.

“Once we retrieve the rest of the potions, I will call off the death squad. But make no mistake, if you ever kill one of my kind again, I will personally come for your life,” Lenora threatened Michael.

“I will not dare to,” Michael bowed slightly.

“Now the location,” asked Saber.

Michael slowly moved his hand into his inner coat pocket, making no sudden movements. He was about to retrieve the parchment when a sudden thudding sound made the entire hall tremble. The torches were snuffed out by an invisible force. Darkness fell over them. Saber conjured an orb of light, sending it to hover over them. But the orb could hardly illuminate the place. Something sucked all the light, making the place gloomy.

Everything went silent.

“Hrrggm,” a demonic growl cut through the silence. Immediately, Michael’s neck hair stood up. A powerful being just appeared in the hall. He sensed the being with his Environmental Scanning. However, Michael couldn’t pinpoint the being’s exact location. He tried to move but failed to do so. His body simply refused to move.

The hall continued to tremble with each thud. Little by little, the thudding sounded closer and closer to them. Michael’s nose twitched due to the overwhelming stink of blood in the air. The orb of light could hardly illuminate the place with its dim red flames. Michael glanced at the Elders to see a bewildered look in their eyes. He quickly tried to access the Spyders around the hall. To his shock, he sensed no Spyders around them. Every single one got destroyed.




Suddenly, several red warning boxes blocked his vision. The system screamed inside his voice. Michael was about to teleport away from the place when he saw a hulking figure step out of the darkness. The figure was gigantic, red, and muscular to the point any oblivious man would be terrified to even look at it. Even the elders looked puny in front of the towering eight feet humanoid monster. Two dark horns protruded out of each side of the monster’s head. The figure looked like the embodiment of the word demon.

The figure snarled, revealing its two long fangs.

“Blood Prince,” Michael heard Trista take a step back, sweating from head to toe in utter fear.

“SYSTEM!” Michael immediately shouted at the system in his mind. At the same time, The Blood Prince dashed at Michael, destroying the stone table between him and Michael. Unfortunately, the Blood Prince’s speed was beyond the limits of Michael and everyone in the room. Even the system wasn’t fast enough to teleport Michael in time. As a result, The Blood Prince was able to punch Michael in the chest just before Michael disappeared from the hall.

“Teleportation. Humph,” The blood prince snickered. His voice resembled the voice of the Dark lord but several times more demonic, evil, and threatening. The blood prince snapped his finger as the orb conjured by Saber shattered into pieces. Once again, pitch-black darkness surrounded them. Usually, vampires could see in darkness. However, the darkness created by the blood prince blocked their vision, blinding them completely.

“NO…NO….NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” a sudden scream from Lenora stunned the elders.

Her scream was abruptly cut short as they all heard the sound of flesh getting ripped apart. The elders weren’t strangers to this eerie sound. But when it happened to one of them, they all trembled in fear. After a while, silence returned to the hall. The elders remained until the torches around them flickered. Finally, a torch lit up, and when it did, the elders almost screamed in terror.

The blood prince sat on a throne where Michael and Gaya were. He was gnawing on a big piece of meat that resembled a human thigh. Their hearts pounded against their chests. Slowly, their gazes swept across the blood prince. In his hand was a head, Lenora’s head. Blood trickled down from Lenora’s neck.

“Welcome to the new age of nightwalkers,” The Blood prince crushed Lenora’s head with his bare hand. It created a sickening crunch followed by a burst of evil laughter.


The system immediately teleported Michael and Gaya to the Mazeroth castle grounds. The force of the Blood Prince’s punch sent them flying even after appearing in the castle ground. They both hit the ground, crashing through the grass field for a few minutes until they came to a halt. Gaya jumped back to her feet since she wasn’t hurt.  As soon as she got to her feet, she looked at her side to make sure Michael was alright. To her shock, he was on the ground, shaking. His chest smoked as though someone had set fire to his clothes.

“HUMAN!” Gaya screamed. Her knees turned to jelly as she collapsed to the ground beside Michael. One could clearly see the large fist on Michael’s chest. The blood Prince’s fist left a clear burning mark on his chest. Furthermore, the wound ate through Michael’s skin.

Gaya noticed Michael spurting a dark foam out of his mouth. Sudden panic clenched her heart. She emptied a bunch of healing potions into his mouth, hoping they would heal him. However, the healing potion had no effect on Michael. Even after emptying the third bottle into his mouth, his chest still smoked, radiating a strong scent of burning flesh.

“Professor Steinmeyer,” Gaya’s head jerked aside to see Gilrine. When he noticed Michael on the ground, the smile on his face froze. He rushed at Michael.

“What happened to him?!” Gilrine panicked.

“I don’t know. I found him like this,” Gaya didn’t even know how she was able to answer Gilrine. Her mind was blank in shock.

“We need to get him to the infirmary. NOW!” Gilrine took Michael in his arms and stood back to his feet. Gaya didn’t see any other choice. They were about to turn around when Gaya saw another figure stepping out of the darkness. With the long black robes and hair, Professor Lane blended in with the night like a chameleon.

“Professor Lane!” Gilrine shouted.

Professor Lane came to Gilrine’s side.

“Oh my god,” Professor Lane mumbled under his breath.

“The infirmary cannot save him. Bring him to my office now,” Professor Lane instructed Gilrine. For the first time, Gilrine heard Professor Lane show a slight fear in his voice.

Gilrine did not waste any time as he ascended into the air,

‘What’s happening to him?!” Gaya couldn’t control the tears from flowing out of her eyes.

“Blood Prince, Professor Steinmeyer. He was punched by a blood prince. You don’t happen to know that right?” Professor Lane questioned her expressionlessly.

“PROFESSOR!” Gilrine’s shout saved Gaya. They quickly looked up at Gilrine to see Michael’s body frantically shaking.

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