Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 746 Michael Vs Victoria III

At that moment, four giant boulders covered in scorching hot flames hovered over the city.

"Please don't do it, Ghost," Xanali pleaded. Although Victoria had evacuated the city, there were still many soldiers and nobles who remained in the city. She was unable to see them dead. However, Michael didn't give a damn about Xanali's plea. He brought his hand down, releasing flaming meteors upon the city. The meteors created a terrifying buzzing in the air as they soared down the sky. The city trembled when they hit the golden shield. Countless cracks appeared in the shield. As a result, the shield flickered. It took only a few seconds before the shield completely crumbled down.

The fiery meteors became closer and closer to the city. While they were falling down from the sky, these boulders lit up the sky in bright orange. Just the buzzing noise they created was enough to make everyone tremble. After casting the spell, Michael dashed forward. He saw Victoria trying to get back to her feet. When she saw the meteors, her heart skipped a beat. Her killing intent soared through the roof. With a flick of her wrist, she took a healing potion and emptied it down her throat. Seeing Ghost flying toward her, she threw the long sword to the side. Instead, she closed her eyes, conjuring a dark purple sword.

It was none other than the Cosmic sword. Michael felt the pure energy from the sword. The heat it radiated was just second to the dark flames themselves. Michael didn't try to block the sword with his Immortal killing sword or the spear. He knew attempting to block the Cosmic sword with those weapons would be futile.

Victoria swung the purple sword with lightning speed. To her surprise, Michael blocked her sword with a black shield. The moment the sword hit the shield, it created a powerful shock wave that decimated everything in a ten-meter radius. The force of it knocked back Victoria and even sent Michael back flying for a few meters. 𝚋ed𝚗𝚘v𝚎𝚕.𝚌om

Michael regained his balance. He looked down at the shield to see a cut on the shield's surface for the first time. The cut was not deep enough to break it, but the sword cut the shield nonetheless. Victoria did not give Michael any time to retaliate. She shot toward the sky with her sword. She began to cut down the meteors using every bit of her strength.

Xanali joined Victoria in destroying the meteors. Some of the soldiers also joined them in their fruitless attempt to save their city. They failed to understand that Michael could cast the spell again and again. However, Michael watched them waste all their energies for nothing.

"Oh Victoria," Ghost said from the ground. His voice echoed through the city.

"It seems like you are in a bit of a blunder. I am going to destroy your precious castle along with everyone in it. Even with the Cosmic energy, you cannot be in two places at once," Victoria's body froze as he turned around to see Michael moving toward the castle. She was stuck between destroying the meteors and saving the castle.

Michael wasn't kidding when he said he would destroy the castle and everyone in it. When he reached the castle, he covered himself with the dark flames and flew straight into the castle. He punched through the walls and pillar with such force and speed as the castle slowly crumbled down before Victoria's eyes.

The giant front door collapsed down, blocking the entrance. Victoria couldn't locate Michael within the castle. Evan stared at the castle with a blank mind. The ground itself trembled beneath his legs. Maxim Barnes built the castle with the strongest of materials and runes to withstand devastating natural disasters and attacks of all sorts. However, the castle completely failed to withstand Michael's onslaught. Xanali dived down to help the nobles stuck within the castle. She heard their cries for help and saw some boulders flying away due to someone casting spells from within.

While Xanali tried to help the nobles, Victoria destroyed the boulders. Tears flew out of her eyes. Her entire kingdom was getting decimated before her eyes, and she could do nothing to stop it. Xanali saw a statue hit the ground and splatter into pieces. The statue's head rolled onto her feet. She picked it up to realize the head belonged to King Maxim. The king's ego made him put a statute on top of the castle. It symbolized he rules over the world from high above. Michael destroyed the statute as well as what it symbolized.

When Michael reached the top of the castle, he flew away from the castle. He patiently waited for Victoria to turn around and look at him. It didn't take long for Victoria to notice him. Michael slowly raised his hand. Under Victoria's murderous gaze, Michael simply snapped his fingers as the castle collapsed completely.

Xanali and Evan leaped out of the way. Many nobles were not so fortunate to escape. As a result, the walls and stones crushed them.

"ARGH!' Victoria roared like a cornered beast. The energy radiation around her body shot through the roof as she dashed at Michael. She swung her Cosmic sword left and right while Michael blocked the attacks with his black shield. Still, Victoria managed to cut him a few times. Each cut was a couple of inches deeper. Blood trickled down Michael's chest. Yet, he didn't mind them at all. He finished toying with her.

"Give me all you got bitch," Michael snickered.

The battle between them intensified. Michael couldn't go all out because she would be dead in a second if he did. Hence, Michael suppressed his power. Despite suppressing his power, he still proved way stronger than Victoria. She swung her sword left and right like a crazed beast. Michael evaded some and blocked many with the black shield.

"ARGH!" Victoria swung her sword across his neck with a roar. Michae bent backward in the air, turned his body, and kicked her in the head. The kick sent Victoria flying. She coughed up dark blood. Michael didn't wait for her to dash forward. Instead, he flew toward her. He grabbed Victoria by her hair and punched her repeatedly in the face. She tried to stab him with the sword, but Michael grabbed her wrist, twisting it in the process. The Cosmic sword disappeared from one hand and appeared in the other. She tried to stab him. In fact, Michael was caught off guard. However, before she could stab him, Michael cast the Silenes spell, slowing down the time around him. She pulled the sword out of her hand.

She didn't even realize the sword was not in her hands anymore. Michael grabbed Victoria by her neck while capturing the dark flames to burn the Cosmic sword down. Victoria's eyes widened, seeing the dark flames engulfing the Cosmic sword. After Michael ripped off her armor, she lost major protection. Michael didn't show her any mercy as he punched her in the chest, breaking several ribs. Blood gushed out of Victoria's mouth. He knew he should feel some kind of mercy or pity for Victoria, but he simply couldn't. She didn't raise a finger when her men slaughtered everyone in the sanctuary, including children. Because of her and her father's lust for power, thousands of people lost their loved ones, homeland, parents, and lives. All of this could have been avoided only if Maxim Barnes and

In this world, only the Primordial flames had the power to fight Cosmic energy. That was why Maxim Barnes sent Victoria to Mazeroth. He tried to covert all the flames to himself. But the poor man managed to get no Primordial flames. The Primordial flames were believed to be sentient. They chose its bearer and not the other way around. Hence, why the Dark FLames chose Michael over Victoria even when she was the one who found it.

Michael grabbed her chest plate and ripped off the armor with his bare hand. He tossed the armor to the ground.

"I loved you…I loved you so much…yet you gave me nothing but pain…" Michael slowly said.

"Why did you have to kill them?" Michael threw Victoria into the rubble. Some of the soldiers who survived the castle's destruction rushed to save their princess. But Michael raised his hand, sending lightning bolt after lightning bolt to kill them in a few seconds. Evan stood at a safe distance from Michael.

"Stand up," said Michael. He landed near Victoria and picked her up by her hand. Thunder rumbled above Michael. Soon, the snowfall stopped. Instead, the sky split open as nature brought its wrath in the form of heavy rain. He dragged Victoria out of the rubble before throwing her a few meters away.

"Look at your kingdom," said Michael. Only Evan and Xanali remained still unscathed. Michael put his arms behind his back, looking at the ruin before him. As far as he could see, there was nothing but rubble. Even the heavy rain couldn't put out the flames spreading through the kingdom.

"What built from fire shall be reduced to ashes," Michael recalled the words of his elders. He saw the elders smiling at him from above. He let the rain wash over his face in silence. Victoria tried to stand up, but Michael sent a sliver of lightning bolt through her chest. Xanali wanted to help Victoria, but her legs refused to move. She had to think about Nagaland. If Gaya wanted, she could come up to Nagaland and destroy the kingdom with Ghost's help. The last thing Xanali wanted was the destruction of her kingdom. The Guardian Guild didn't save one of their own, so how could she expect them to save a kingdom of Nagas?

"You could have built a powerful nation without the Cosmic stream," said Michael.

"You took something from me. Now I have taken everything from you except your father's life," As soon as Victoria heard these words, she clenched her fist. She wanted to get up, but her body gave up.

"Don't die. I haven't killed your father yet," said Michael. He was waiting for Maxim to trigger the heavenly tribulation. Killing Maxim Barnes would be the last thing he does as Ghost. Afterward, Ghost would fade away from existence, and the Dark Lord would rise from Thusia's ashes.

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