Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 909 Death Of Nightmare

The dark forest was enveloped in an eerie silence as the pocket dimension attached to the dark abyss came to life. The air crackled with foreboding energy as a large figure materialized out of thin air. It was Nightmare, the Dark Lord's fierce familiar, who had been teleported to the pocket dimension by Michael's system after Noah's fatal blow.

As Nightmare landed on the dark soil, his breathing was heavy, and his scales were slick with sweat and blood. He tried to stand up, but his legs gave way, and he fell to the ground with a thud. The once mighty dragon was now reduced to the size of a small dog, whimpering in pain.

His once-mighty form was now reduced to that of a small dog, lying helplessly on the ground. Gaya and Azazel appeared in a flash of light, and their footsteps echoed through the empty space.

Gaya's heart pounded as she rushed towards Nightmare, her eyes welling up with tears at the sight of his wounded body. She could see the hole in his chest and the blood slowly dripping from it. Gaya's hands shook as she pulled out a healing potion, hoping to save her dear friend.

As she poured the potion into the wound, a strange light surrounded it, preventing the healing potion from having any effect. Gaya's eyes widened with shock and horror as she realized the gravity of the situation. Nightmare's life was in grave danger.

"Listen..." Nightmare's voice trailed off, but Gaya couldn't bear to hear him speak. She poured another healing potion into his mouth, hoping it would help, but it was in vain. Tears streamed down her face as she realized the situation was beyond her control.

Azazel stood on the side, his eyes glued to the dying Nightmare. His heart sank as he watched the life force slowly drain out of the dragon's body. He knew that the healing potions would have no effect, but he couldn't bear to see Nightmare suffer like this.

Gaya, on the other hand, refused to give up. She poured healing potions into Nightmare's wound repeatedly, but the strange light surrounding the wound seemed to be preventing the potions from working. As she poured another potion into Nightmare's mouth, he let out a loud growl, sending a puff of hot air toward her face.

"Stop," he said in a weak voice, his eyes dimming. "It's no use. I'm dying."

Gaya's eyes widened with shock and disbelief. She couldn't accept that Nightmare was going to die. "No, you can't die," she said, tears streaming down her face. "We have to find a way to save you."

But Nightmare shook his head weakly. "There is no way," he said. "I have been fatally wounded. My time has come."

Azazel's heart sank as he heard those words. He knew that the Dark Lord would be devastated if he learned of Nightmare's death. He immediately tried to contact him, but there was no response.

Gaya's heart was in agony as she watched Nightmare's life force slowly fade away. Memories of their time together flashed through her mind, from the playful fights to the countless times she had chased him around for teasing her. She remembered how he had grown from a tiny dragon to a mighty creature and how he had always been there for her, like a little brother. Despite the age-old hostility between her race and dragons, Gaya couldn't bear the thought of losing Nightmare.

As she poured the healing potion into Nightmare's mouth, she watched in despair as the strange light surrounding his wound prevented it from healing. His breathing became heavier and labored, and he emitted a puff of hot air, almost as if he was trying to stop her from prolonging his suffering. Gaya felt helpless and powerless, and her anger towards whoever had stabbed Nightmare was overshadowed by her worry for his life. She couldn't imagine a world without Nightmare, and the thought of losing him was unbearable.

Azazel's attempts to contact the Dark Lord proved futile, and the situation grew increasingly dire as Nightmare's life force continued to fade away. It was as though an invisible force was preventing him from contacting the Dark lord. Despite Gaya's attempts to heal him, Nightmare knew that his end was near.

Gaya's tears fell on Nightmare's face as she held him in her arms, her voice breaking as she promised to heal him. But Nightmare knew the truth, and he shook his head, his breathing growing shallower.

"Don't talk. Save your energy. I will heal you…" Gaya's voice stuttered as she frantically searched for a way to save Nightmare. But Nightmare slowly shook his head.

"You cannot… I can feel it…I am going to die…" Nightmare's voice was weak and strained, his breaths coming in short gasps. 𝘣𝘦𝑑𝘯𝘰𝘷𝘦𝑙.𝘯𝑒𝘵

"No, you're not. You're going to be okay," Gaya pleaded, her tears falling onto Nightmare's face as she held him close.

"Please, just let me go in peace. I don't want my death to trigger a war… promise me…promise me and let me…" Nightmare coughed up more blood, his body growing weaker with each passing moment.

Gaya held onto Nightmare tightly, trying to stop the inevitable. She could feel his strength slowly leaving his body and his breathing becoming shallower with each passing moment. Nightmare lifted his head and looked into Gaya's eyes, his own eyes filled with gratitude and sadness.

"Thank you for everything, sister," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I wish... I wish I had more time."

Gaya's heart broke as she watched life slowly slip away from her dear friend. She could feel her tears falling on Nightmare's scales as he weakly put his head on her shoulder to embrace her.

"Please... let me go... in peace," he murmured, his breaths becoming more labored. "This is my dying wish."

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Gaya nodded, unable to speak as she held onto Nightmare. She knew that she had to let him go, but the pain of losing him was too much to bear. She whispered her own words of gratitude and love to him as he took his final breath, and she felt his body go limp in her arms.

Gaya stood there in disbelief, holding Nightmare's lifeless body in her arms. She couldn't comprehend that her beloved dragon, her little brother, was gone forever. All the memories of their adventures together flashed before her eyes, making her feel like she had lost a part of herself. Her heart was heavy with grief, and she couldn't bear the pain of losing someone she loved so dearly.

The world around her seemed to have stopped moving, and everything was eerily quiet. Even Azazel, who was usually composed and unaffected by emotions, shed a tear for Nightmare. He knew how much the dragon meant to Gaya and how devastated she must be feeling right now.

Gaya finally broke her silence, her voice sounding hollow and devoid of any emotions. "Where is he?" she asked, referring to the Dark Lord.

"I cannot reach him, my lady," Azazel spoke cautiously, not wanting to add to her pain.

Without another word, Gaya stood up, still holding Nightmare's body in her arms, and disappeared from the pocket dimension. Azazel was left behind, feeling helpless and powerless to comfort her.

As Azazel stood in the pocket dimension, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was someone else there with him. A shiver ran down his spine as he scanned the area, but there was no one in sight. Suddenly, he heard a voice, one that he recognized all too well.

"It had to happen," the Dark Lord's voice echoed through the space, but there was no physical form to accompany it. Azazel's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

For a moment, he thought he just imagined things, the sadness of Nightmare's death playing tricks on his mind. But deep down, he knew that something was amiss.


Two days had passed since Nightmare's demise, and the atmosphere in the castle was heavy with grief and sorrow. The Dark Queen had locked herself in her chambers, and no one had seen or heard from her since the day of Nightmare's death. Azazel, the demon butler, had taken charge of cleaning up the chaos Vedora had left behind in their path of destruction. The three-headed hydra had gone on a rampage upon hearing the news of Nightmare's death, causing mass destruction and chaos throughout the castle. Azazel had never seen Vedora agree on something so quickly before, and their combined anger was a force to be reckoned with.

In an attempt to subdue the raging hydra, Azazel and his vampire death squad put their lives on the line. The battle was fierce, and Azazel had to use every ounce of his strength to stop Vedora from destroying the castle. The three heads worked in unison, breathing fire, ice, and poison at the attackers. Azazel's body was covered in burns and cuts, but he refused to give up. His determination to bring Vedora under control kept him going.

Finally, Azazel managed to inject Vedora with a paralyzing poison, causing them to collapse to the ground. The demon butler breathed a sigh of relief as he caged Vedora in the same cage Alicia had attempted to use to capture the Dark Lord. Despite his victory, Azazel knew that the battle was far from over. The loss of Nightmare triggered a chain reaction of events that would have a profound impact on the future of their world.

Sudden;y, the castle shook violently as though a devastating earthquake had struck. Azazel sprinted out of the surveillance room and onto the castle's balcony, only to witness a terrifying sight. The dark clouds in the sky were as black as midnight, and an overwhelming surge of energy fluctuations was causing the sky to crackle with lightning. The ocean below the floating mountain had become so turbulent that towering waves crashed against the mountain's edges. To make matters worse, several colossal tornadoes were swirling across the sky, ready to tear apart anything in their path.

Ignoring the danger, Azazel flew up to the top of the sword-hilt mountain, where the Dark Lord used to meditate. There, he saw Gaya encased in a brilliant golden energy dome. The heavenly tribulation had begun, and Gaya was attempting to step into the Immortal stage.

Azazel could only watch as Gaya triggered her heavenly tribulation. The thunder roared so loudly that it felt like the very mountain would crumble to the ground. The lightning strikes were so intense that they illuminated the entire sky, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. Meanwhile, the tornadoes continued their onslaught, destroying everything in their path.

The dwarves who were busy constructing the castle dropped their hammers and other tools and ran as fast as they could inside the castle. They shouted and panicked, pushing and shoving each other to get inside the castle, seeking shelter from the raging storm. Some of them stumbled and fell on the ground, but they quickly got up and continued to run towards the castle.

At the same time, the vampires who were patrolling the floating mountain saw the black clouds and the violent energy fluctuations in the air. They immediately landed on the ground and ran towards the castle, moving as fast as they could. Their eyes widened with fear as they saw the towering waves and the tornadoes approaching the mountain. They could hear the deafening sound of the wind and the waves crashing onto the mountain, making it shake violently.

The vampires didn't waste any time and flew towards the castle, joining the dwarves who had already sought shelter. They too pushed and shoved their way inside, their hearts racing with fear as they heard the storm's fury outside. Once they were all inside the castle, they waited anxiously for the storm to pass, hoping that they would be safe from harm.

As the world trembled under the wrath of the heavenly tribulation, Azazel rushed back to the surveillance room with a determined look on his face. He knew this was a critical moment and had to act fast. Summoning all the powerful subordinates and the vampire death squad, he ordered them to gather at the dark ocean. The ground shook violently, and the castle's walls creaked and groaned under the immense pressure of the raging winds. Azazel could feel the hairs on his arms stand on end as he braced himself against the howling wind.

But he couldn't afford to waste any time. The Dark Queen was going through her heavenly tribulations and would be at her weakest. Azazel knew that he had to act quickly and decisively to ensure her safety. He cursed under his breath, knowing they could have been better prepared if only the Dark Queen had informed him earlier. But now, there was no time for regrets. They had already lost Nightmare, and he wouldn't let anything happen to the Dark Queen.



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