Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 912 Nightmare In Hell

(After Nightmare's death)

The people of Michael's world thought hell was just a figure of speech and did not exist in real life. However, only a few higher-ups in the Skyhall knew that the realm of hell was very true. They knew the realm of Hell was a place of darkness, despair, and unending suffering. From the perspective of someone who found themselves in this accursed place, it was an unimaginable nightmare.

The landscape was barren and desolate, devoid of any signs of life or beauty. The ground was rough and jagged, littered with sharp rocks and broken bones. The air was thick with the stench of sulfur, ash, and decay, making it difficult to breathe.

In the distance, the skies were dark and foreboding, with black clouds swirling and lightning flashing in every direction. There was no sun or moon or natural light to guide one's way. Instead, the only light came from the flickering flames that rose up from the molten lava rivers that ran through the realm.

As one moved through the realm, they encountered various forms of torment and torture. Servants of hell and other malevolent beings lurking in the shadows, eager to inflict pain and suffering on the hapless souls who had been damned to Hell. The screams and cries of the damned could be heard echoing through the darkness, a constant reminder of the misery that awaited those who dared to enter this realm.

In Hell, there was no escape, no respite from the unrelenting agony that one was forced to endure. It was a place of eternal suffering, where the tormented souls were trapped forever, unable to find peace or rest. It was a place that one would do well to avoid, lest they found themselves lost in the darkness, doomed to suffer for all eternity.

At the center of hell was the castle of the ruler of Hell was built in the center of a lone mountain, surrounded by jagged peaks and a moat of boiling lava. It was a massive, foreboding structure with black stone walls that reached up toward the dark, stormy sky. The gates were made of iron and adorned with twisted demonic faces, and the courtyard was filled with strange, otherworldly creatures. The air was thick with the stench of sulfur, and the sound of screams echoed from within the castle's walls. It was a place of eternal darkness and despair, where only the bravest or most foolish would dare to enter. ๐™—๐™š๐™™๐’๐’๐™ซ๐’†๐™ก๏ผŽ๐™ฃ๐’†๐™ฉ

Suddenly, a luminous orb materialized in the sky and drifted toward the castle. As the ball of light floated through the castle's halls, its illumination revealed a macabre and foreboding atmosphere. The walls were lined with skulls and bones of all shapes and sizes, arranged in twisted patterns. The floors were slick with blood and littered with the remains of the tortured souls who had met their gruesome fates within these walls.

The air was heavy with the stench of decay and sulfur, and the flickering torches cast eerie shadows on the walls, making it seem like the castle was alive with malevolent spirits. The sound of dripping blood echoed through the hallways, and the occasional moan or scream of agony could be heard in the distance. Clearly, this was no ordinary castle but a place of unspeakable darkness and horror, ruled by an entity of unfathomable power and malice.

The atmosphere grew even more sinister as the ball of light approached the throne hall. The walls were adorned with grotesque tapestries depicting scenes of torture and suffering, and the throne Finally, it reached the throne hall, casting an eerie light on the ruler of hell as he sat upon his throne, which itself was carved from blackened bones and adorned with the skulls of defeated enemies

"Where am I?" a gentle voice sounded from the ball of light.

As the gentle voice sounded from the ball of light, it echoed through the throne hall. Suddenly, a peal of devilish laughter erupted, filling the room with a menacing aura.

The laughter came from the ruler of Hell himself, who had appeared before the ball of light. He stood tall, with jet-black skin and three blazing eyes on his face that pierced through the darkness. His four muscular arms hung by his side, each one adorned with a different weapon. A set of large wings sprouted from his back, twitching with excitement as he surveyed his new guest.

The ruler's eyes burned with a fierce flame, reflecting the fires of the underworld. His face was twisted in a wicked grin, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. He had no nose, but his nostrils flared as he breathed in the scent of his new prey. His pointed ears twitched, picking up on every sound in the room.

With a voice that resonated through the entire throne hall, the four-armed man declared, "Welcome to the depths of hell!" The room burst into an eerie light as flames flickered and danced, illuminating the man's imposing form. Suddenly, a burst of flames erupted from every direction, engulfing a small ball of light that hovered in the air.

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The voice within the ball of light sounded disoriented as it responded, "Hell?"

The four-armed man laughed devilishly as he explained, "When mortals die in the upper realm, the lucky ones simply cease to exist. But the unfortunate souls end up here, in the depths of hell, with me."

The ball of light seemed to tremble as the man continued, "And you, my dear, are one of the most unfortunate of them all." The flames intensified with a flick of his wrist, casting menacing shadows across the room. The air grew thick with the scent of smoke and brimstone as the man towered over the tiny ball of light, ready to unleash the full force of his infernal powers.

As the flames intensified, the ball of light within them flickered and pulsed, almost as if it were alive. The voice within sounded bewildered, unsure of what was happening.

"So, am I still alive?" the voice asked tentatively.

To the surprise of anyone who might find themselves in such a situation, the voice inside the ball of light rejoiced. It was a strange reaction to the hellish surroundings.

"Yes, rejoice with me and pray for your master, the Dark Lord, to come for you," the ruler of hell replied, a wicked gleam in his eye.

The ball of light went silent for a moment as if processing the request. The ruler of hell's smile grew wider as he waited, anticipation written all over his twisted face.

The voice within the ball of light spoke up, reluctant and unsure. "You know about him?" it asked, referring to Ghost, its friend, and the Dark Lord.

The ruler of hell snickered, his four arms flexing as he took a step closer to the flickering orb. "I know everything," he replied with a sinister chuckle.

Yes, the voice within the ball of light belonged to Nightmare, the dragon who met his untimely demise at the hands of the possessed Noah. But now, Nightmare existed only as a soul, trapped within the confines of the ball of light that had materialized before the ruler of hell.

Nightmare was disoriented and confused, his memories stretching only as far as when Noah plunged a sword through his heart. He had no idea what had transpired since then, but one thing was certain in his mind: he was dead and somehow ended up in hell.

Nightmare quivered with fear as the ruler of hell approached, his three blazing eyes glinting with malicious intent. Flames flickered and danced, illuminating the ruler of hell's imposing form as he taunted Nightmare with his eternal suffering.

"You are trapped here, in my realm," the ruler of hell hissed, his voice echoing through the throne hall. "And there is no escape from the torment that awaits you until the Dark Lord comes for you,"

Nightmare's soul writhed in agony as the flames intensified, casting menacing shadows across the room. The air grew thick with smoke and the sounds of screams and agony, and Nightmare knew that he was trapped in this eternal nightmare.

The ruler of hell grinned wickedly, relishing the terror he had instilled in his new prisoner. He knew he had complete control over Nightmare's soul and would relish in his suffering for as long as he desired. As Nightmare hung in the balance, trapped between life and death, he knew he was in for an eternity of pain and suffering in the depths of hell unless Ghost himself ventured into the realm of hell for him.

The agonizing scream of Nightmare echoed through the eerie castle, reverberating off the walls and sending shivers down the spines of all those who heard it. The ruler of hell had been tormenting the dragon's soul for what seemed like an eternity, reveling in the power he held over his captive prisoner.

But even the ruler of hell grew tired of the dragon's screams, and he finally relented, allowing Nightmare a brief respite from his endless torture.

"You said you know everything," Nightmare growled, his voice laced with pain and anger. "But if you truly knew who was coming for me, you wouldn't dare to continue torturing me like this."

"I am counting on his arrival," the ruler of hell growled, his three blazing eyes glinting with malicious intent. "He will pay for what he did to me, but this time, I have something he cares about. You, little dragon, are my ticket away from this godforsaken place."

The ruler of hell's voice echoed through the throne room, and the very walls seemed to shake with his rage. But despite his ferocious demeanor, there was a hint of desperation in his words. He had spent countless eons trapped in the depths of hell, cut off from his homeworld and everyone he had ever known. And now, finally, he saw a way out.

For the ruler of hell, the prospect of returning to his homeworld and seeking revenge on those who had banished him was almost too good to be true. He had lost track of how many thousands of years he had spent in hell, but now, he finally had a chance to escape and unleash his wrath on those who had wronged him.

Nightmare's soul quivered with fear as the ruler of hell loomed over him, his four muscular arms adorned with deadly weapons. The air grew thick with the stench of sulfur and brimstone, and the flames flickered and danced around them, casting eerie shadows on the walls.

But even in the face of such overwhelming terror, Nightmare refused to back down. He knew that Ghost was coming for him and would do everything in his power to ensure that his master arrived in time to save him.

As the ruler of hell laughed maniacally, reveling in his newfound power, Nightmare steeled himself for the torture to come. With a fierce determination burning within him, Nightmare waited for the arrival of Ghost, knowing that only he had the power to defeat the ruler of hell and set him free from his eternal torment.

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