Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 928 Secret Is Out I

Diana Winston was standing in the dimly lit room, her gaze fixed on the window. The room was adorned with elegant tapestries and furnishings, but all of it seemed insignificant in the face of the impending doom that was creeping closer.

On the bed, Noah lay motionless, dressed in pristine white. Sabrina sat beside him, her eyes glued to his face as she brushed his hair back with a trembling hand.

Suddenly, there was a deafening crash that echoed throughout the castle, followed by an eerie silence that seemed to stretch on forever. Diana's eyes narrowed as she stepped towards the window, drawing the heavy curtains aside to reveal the chaos outside.

The sight that greeted her was a nightmare that come to life. Undead and vampires were swarming over the castle walls, fighting against the Nagaland soldiers and guardians who were trying desperately to fend them off. And amidst it all, the Dark Queen herself was leading the charge, a vicious gleam in her eye as she cut down anyone who dared to stand in her way.

Sabrina's voice trembled as she spoke up, "Mother, what's happening?"

"They've broken through the barrier," Diana replied, her voice cold and devoid of fear.

Sabrina was horrified as she rushed to the window to witness the terror unfolding outside. "We have to do something," she pleaded.

Diana turned to face her daughter, her eyes flashing with anger. "What do you propose we do? Apologize for Norvin killing her beloved dragon?"

Sabrina winced at the bitterness in her mother's tone. "Maybe if I talk to her, I can-"

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Diana cut her off with a sharp shake of her head. "You think she'll listen to reason? All they ever did was save us, time and time again. And what did we do in return? We killed one of them."

Her words hung heavily in the air, and Sabrina could sense the fear and regret that lay beneath the icy exterior her mother presented. Despite her tough demeanor, Diana was worried about what would happen if the Dark Lord arrived.

As if on cue, a flash of lightning illuminated the sky, and the ground shook beneath their feet. The undead were getting closer by the second, and there was nothing they could do to stop them. Sabrina felt helpless, and she knew that her mother felt the same.

Diana was fed up with the constant manipulation of Noah by the Skyhall, Andreas, and the Guardians. Even though Norvin had sworn that he killed Nightmare, Diana had a nagging feeling that there was more to the story than he let on. Despite her outwardly cold and angry demeanor towards Sabrina, Diana was secretly terrified. She couldn't shake off the fear of what would happen when the Dark Lord, the son that no one knew she had, finally arrived.

Diana's eyes flickered with determination as she surveyed the chaos unfolding outside. "We can't stay here for long," she said firmly, her voice laced with urgency.

Sabrina's face lit up with hope. "If we could get to the rooftop, we can reach Rowena's floating palace and teleport to the Skyhall," she suggested.

At the mention of the Skyhall, Diana's eyes blazed with anger. The Skyhall had been the root of all their troubles, causing endless strife and conflict within their family. Noah and Ghost had been at each other's throats, unaware that they were brothers, all because of the machinations of the Skyhall.

Diana's fists clenched at the thought, and a fierce determination burned within her. She wouldn't let the Skyhall control their lives any longer.

Diana's heart sank as she looked out at the horde of undead and vampires surging toward the castle. She knew that their only hope of escape was to reach the rooftop and teleport to the safety of Rowena's floating palace. But the thought of bringing Noah to the steps of the Skyhall, the place where so much pain and manipulation had originated, filled her with a sense of dread.

She glanced out the window once more, her eyes narrowing as she surveyed the approaching army. She knew that she had one more card to play, but she was hesitant to reveal her true identity as Harriet Hunt.

As much as she wanted to protect her family from the Skyhall, she also knew that they needed all the help they could get. But if she revealed herself, everything would change. The world as they knew it would be turned upside down. 𝐛𝗲𝗱𝐧đ—ŧđ¯đ—˛đ—šīŧŽđ§đžđ˜

Diana clenched her fists, feeling torn between her duty to protect her family and her desire to keep her true identity a secret. But she knew that time was running out, and they had to act fast if they wanted to survive the coming battle.

As much as Diana hated bringing Noah to the steps of Skyhall, she knew she had no other choice. Deep inside, Diana felt that all the efforts she had put into protecting her family and keeping them away from the Skyhall were starting to crumble. The thought of her sons fighting against each other filled her with dread, and she would rather die than watch them kill each other. But right now, her priority was to save her beloved son Noah. However, as she looked at the overwhelming number of undead and vampires swarming towards the castle, she knew that reaching the rooftop without a fight was impossible. Sabrina was a skilled fighter, but the sheer number of enemies would be too much for her to handle.

With no other options left, Diana knew she had to reveal her true identity as Harriet Hunt. Despite her desire to keep her past hidden from her family, she realized that her son's safety was the top priority. Sabrina, who had always been fascinated with Harriet Hunt's story, would surely recognize her mother. After all, Sabrina had read every book and note on Harriet Hunt that she could find. But Diana feared that Sabrina would be devastated to learn that her mother had lived a lie for decades, pretending to be someone else. It was a risk she had to take, but Diana couldn't help feeling apprehensive about the consequences of her revelation.

Sabrina's heart was racing with fear as she watched the undead horde rushing towards the castle. She knew she had to protect her brother and mother at all costs. As she looked at her mother, she saw the determination on her face, and it gave her some hope. But she could see the fear in her mother's eyes, which made Sabrina feel even more anxious.

Sabrina had always seen her mother as a gentle and fragile woman who had never experienced violence or harm. She had been sheltered from the outside world and had always relied on her family to keep her safe. But now, with the undead and vampires closing in, Sabrina knew that it was her duty to protect her family and keep them safe.

Although she knew that Diana was strong and capable, she couldn't imagine her delicate mother fighting against the undead and vampires. Sabrina felt a sense of duty to protect her brother and mother, to keep them safe from harm. But deep down, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to change and that their lives would never be the same again.

With a determined look in her eyes, Sabrina stepped forward and flicked her wrist, summoning a long, silver sword into her hand. The blade gleamed in the dim light of the room, and Sabrina's grip on the hilt was firm and steady. "Mother, take Noah with you and stay close," she instructed, her voice strong and resolute.

Sabrina's words had barely left her lips when a loud banging on the door interrupted them. Diana's heart skipped a beat as she realized that the undead had breached the castle walls and was now at their door.

Ethan was away from the castle, which calmed Diana a bit, knowing that he was with the other Winstons and could protect her children if needed. But deep down, she knew that he would be desperate to return and fight by her side.

A deafening thud echoed through the room as the door suddenly buckled under an unseen force, sending shivers down Sabrina's spine. The sound of clawing and growling grew louder by the second, causing Sabrina to stand in front of her mother, her grip tightening around the hilt of her sword. Diana felt her heart racing as her mind conjured images of the undead horde breaking through the door and spilling into the room like a raging flood.

Then, the door finally cracked open, revealing the five undead that had managed to slip past the guards and make their way into the castle. These were not your average undead, as they were thin and quick, their movements resembling that of an animal more than a human. Their glowing red eyes locked onto Sabrina and Diana.

Sabrina, however, was quick to react, her sword gleaming in the dim light of the room as she rushed toward the undead with fierce determination. The clash of metal against flesh filled the room as Sabrina expertly dispatched the undead with deadly precision, each swing of her sword sending sparks flying.

Sabrina finally dispatched the five undead who rushed into the room, leaving blood and gore scattered around the space. The silence that followed Sabrina's victory over the undead was deafening. The only sounds that could be heard were the faint rustling of the wind outside and the soft panting of Sabrina as she regained her breath. The room was filled with the stench of blood and gore, and Sabrina's silver sword glinted in the dim light. Diana's eyes scanned the room, her senses heightened as she waited for the next wave of attack. She could feel the tension in the air, as if the silence was just a prelude to a much bigger threat.

Suddenly, the shadows outside the room started to move. Diana, a seasoned warrior, knew this silence just symbolized a bigger threat.

The shadows at the doorway started to take shape as a figure robed in black robes emerged. The figure's body was almost completely concealed by the long, dark cloak that flowed behind it, and the only visible features were the sharp, gleaming fangs poking out from under the blood-soaked fabric. The air around them seemed to grow colder as if the very presence of the figure was sapping the warmth from the room.

Diana could sense that this was no ordinary vampire. The way it moved, with a slow and deliberate pace, made it clear that this was a creature of great power and malice.

As the vampire made his way into the room, his presence alone sent chills down Sabrina's spine. His black robes flowed around him as he moved, and his fangs glistened in the dim light. Sabrina could feel his malice radiating off of him, making her feel as if she was in the presence of death itself.

"I found Noah," the vampire crackled, his voice laced with bone-chilling malice. The way he said it made Sabrina's blood run cold.

The vampire took slow, deliberate steps towards Sabrina and Diana, and Sabrina could see the delight in his eyes at finding them. But despite her fear, Sabrina stood firm, her sword tightly clenched in her hand. She knew she had to protect her mother and brother at all costs.

"Jackpot," the vampire kept chuckling in a low, sinister voice. His chuckles sent shivers down Sabrina's spine. In his eyes, Sabrina was weak, a mere Core Strengthening stage warrior, and Diana was even weaker, only at the Body Refining stage.

He usually wouldn't even bother to waste his time drinking her blood. However, this time was different. This weak and powerless woman was Noah's mother, and that made her valuable to the vampire. He hoped to capture them and offer them as a reward to the Dark Queen.

Sabrina lunged at the vampire with her sword, but the vampire didn't take her seriously. He dodged with ease and taunted her, "Is this all the strength you have? I thought you were supposed to be protecting your family." His voice was laced with malice and amusement.

He continued to dodge and weave around Sabrina's attacks, playing with her like a cat with a mouse. "You're no match for me, little girl. I'm a Soul Refining stage vampire, and you're just a Core Strengthening warrior. You're like a kitten trying to fight a lion," he said with a smirk.

As Sabrina continued to fight, the vampire kept bragging about how he would be rewarded by the Dark Lord when he presented Noah to him.

"When I bring Noah to the Dark Lord, he will be pleased and reward me handsomely. And I'll make sure he knows that I also caught his precious mother and sister," he said, his voice filled with pride.

He continued to taunt them, "You should come with me instead of waiting for the Dark Queen. She'll kill you in her anger, but I can guarantee your safety." His voice was slick and persuasive, but Sabrina knew better than to trust him.

The vampire, who had been toying with Sabrina, suddenly decided he had had enough. He moved with lightning-fast speed and landed a powerful punch on Sabrina's jaw, sending her reeling backwards. Sabrina's sword clattered to the floor as she struggled to stay on her feet.

The vampire smirked as he approached Sabrina, who was trying to get back up. "Don't worry, a little taste won't hurt," he taunted, baring his fangs. Sabrina gritted her teeth and lunged at him, but the vampire easily sidestepped her and punched her in the stomach. Sabrina gasped for air and fell to her knees, clutching her stomach.

The vampire loomed over her, a sinister smile on his lips. "You're a feisty one," he said. "But it's time to put you out of your misery." He raised his hand to strike the final blow.

But before he could do so, he suddenly felt a gush of wind and saw a blur of movement. A split second later, he felt a sharp pain in his neck and saw blood spurting out. He stumbled backward, trying to pull away, but it was too late. He felt his body go limp and he fell to the ground, dead.

Sabrina couldn't believe her eyes as she looked up to see her mother standing before her with a sword in her hand. The blood on her face made it difficult to see clearly, but she knew it was her mother. How could she have defeated the powerful vampire who had knocked her out with just one strike? Sabrina's shock was palpable, and her mind was racing with questions. What just happened? How her feeble weak mother killed the vampire? Sabrina could only stare in disbelief, waiting for her mother to explain what had just happened. The air was tense, and the silence was deafening as the two of them stood there in the aftermath of the battle. The future was uncertain, and Sabrina had no idea what was coming next.

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