Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 930 The Dark Lord’s Wrath I

Harriet was a force to be reckoned with. Sabrina watched in awe as her mother slaughtered wave after wave of undead and vampires. She could see the fatigue in Harriet's movements, but it didn't stop her from taking down any enemy that dared to get close.

Sabrina could feel the terror in her heart as she saw the number of undead and vampires that had amassed outside the castle. She knew that they were outnumbered and outmatched, but her mother's strength gave her hope.

As the battle continued, Sabrina saw Harriet take hit after hit, but she kept fighting. Blood dripped from cuts and bruises on her body, but she refused to back down.

Sabrina watched as her mother fought with fierce determination, her eyes blazing with a fire that seemed to come from deep within her soul. It was clear that she was fighting for her family, for her children, and for the safety of her loved ones.

Sabrina's heart swelled with pride and admiration for her mother, but at the same time, she felt a deep sense of fear. She didn't want to lose her mother to this battle, but she knew that the only way to survive was to keep fighting.

Diana wielded her black swords with the precision of a seasoned warrior and used the white flames to aid her in the battle. The flames illuminated the hallway with a blinding light as they burnt through the flesh of the undead and vampires. The stench of burnt flesh and blood filled the air as Harriet cut through the hoard of monsters with ease.

The hallway was now a gory mess with body parts and blood splattered everywhere. Sabrina walked behind Harriet in shock, trying her best not to step on any of the corpses. She was afraid of the power and brutality of her mother. Sabrina never imagined that her gentle mother could fight with such ferocity.

Harriet was still taking hits from the vampires and undead, but she never faltered. She moved like a whirlwind, spinning and cutting her way through the hoard of monsters. The vampires and undead kept coming, but Harriet didn't back down.

The battle raged on, and it seemed like it would never end. But with every swing of her swords and every blast of her white flames, Harriet was getting closer and closer to the rooftop where they could escape.

As they reached the stairs that led to the rooftop, Diana could see the shadows of vampires and undead climbing up the circular stairs from below. She quickly turned to Sabrina and Noah.

"Sabrina, take Noah and walk in front of me. Climb the stairs to the rooftop. I will take care of them from behind," Diana ordered in a commanding voice.

Sabrina hesitated for a moment, looking at her mother's battered and bloodied state. But Diana gave her a reassuring nod, and Sabrina gathered her wits and took Noah's hand.

As they started climbing the stairs, Sabrina could hear the screeching and growling of the undead behind them. She could feel her heart racing as she climbed higher and higher with Noah floating before her.

The stairs were narrow and winding, making it difficult for them to climb quickly. But Sabrina could see the rooftop getting closer with each step they took.

As they climbed the stairs, the vampires and undead climbed up from below. Diana had to fight while climbing the stairs and using the environment to her advantage. She kicked an undead down the stairs, causing a chain reaction that took out a few more. She spun around and sliced a vampire's head off, causing blood to splatter on the walls.

Sabrina walked fast, keeping her brother close and casting spells to weaken the undead. But Diana was the one doing most of the fighting. She used her sword to parry blows and struck back with deadly precision. The stairs became slick with blood and gore as the bodies piled up.

One vampire managed to grab Diana's leg, but she kicked him off and then smashed his head with the hilt of her sword. Sabrina felt fear creeping up her spine, but she knew she had to keep moving. She climbed up the stairs as fast as she could while Diana fought off the attackers.

The vampires and undead climbed up the stairs as they taunted Diana with their hissing voices.

"You think you can escape us bitch?" a vampire sneered as he lunged at her.

But Diana was quick and agile, dodging his attack and striking him down with her sword. She didn't respond to the vampire's words, knowing that words wouldn't save her or her family.

Another vampire tried to grab her from behind, but Diana spun around and sliced his head off with a swift stroke of her sword. However, she didn't escape unscathed. One of the undead managed to land a blow on her shoulder, causing her to grit her teeth in pain. But she didn't let it stop her from fighting, using the environment to her advantage by kicking a nearby stone down the stairs, causing the undead to trip and fall.

As they climbed higher and higher, the battle became more intense, and the vampires became more desperate to stop Diana. But she fought on, striking down any who came close to her, even as more wounds appeared on her body.

"You can't run!" another vampire snarled.

But Diana just glared at him with fierce determination in her eyes. "Come and get me," she replied as she delivered the final blow that sent the vampire tumbling down the stairs.

The vampires couldn't believe their eyes as they saw Diana, a seemingly fragile and weak human, taking down their brethren with ease. They exchanged glances of confusion and disbelief.

"Is she really human?" one vampire asked another.

"She can't be," another replied. "No human could fight like that."

Diana heard their whispers and couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She knew that her true identity as Harriet Hunt was still a secret, and the vampires had no idea what they were up against.

To read the uncut version, go to 𝒃𝒆𝒅𝒏𝒐𝒗𝙚𝙡.𝙘𝙤𝒎.

She continued fighting with determination and strength, taking hits and inflicting wounds upon the undead and vampires. Despite the pain and exhaustion, she refused to give up, knowing that the safety of her family depended on her.

With each swing of her sword, she proved to the vampires that she was not to be underestimated. And with each vampire she took down, she drew closer to the rooftop and the safety it offered.

When they reached the rooftop, Sabrina was awestruck by the view of the ongoing war. She saw the undead and vampires on one side, fighting against the Guardians and Nagaland soldiers on the other. There were no dragons in sight, but the battle was intense nonetheless.

On the ground, Guardians and Nagaland soldiers fought bravely against the overwhelming hoard of undead and vampires, with swords and spells, trying to hold their ground.

The sky was filled with smoke and the smell of burning flesh. Sabrina could hear the sound of clashing swords and the screams of the dying. Her heart raced as she watched the battle from above, feeling helpless and scared.

Sabrina's heart lifted as she saw the flying palace hovering above them. She could barely contain her relief as she pointed up at the massive structure, shouting to Diana.

"Mother, there's the palace!" she cried out, her voice filled with hope.

Diana looked up and saw the palace as well. A look of relief washed over her face as she realized that they were almost safe for a moment. The sky was a chaotic dance of ice and fire as Rowena and Azazel continued their battle. Their spells clashed with thunderous booms, sending shockwaves through the air and rattling the ground below. Despite the danger, Azazel's maniacal laughter echoed across the sky, a testament to his insane thirst for power.

Diana's heart raced as she watched the battle unfold. She wanted nothing more than to join in and help her daughter, but she knew that Noah's safety had to come first. The stakes were too high, and she couldn't afford to lose focus.

As she turned to Sabrina, she could see the fear in her eyes. Sabrina's hands trembled, and she struggled to catch her breath. Diana knew that she had to remain calm and steady, even in the face of such chaos. She put a reassuring hand on Sabrina's shoulder and whispered, "Stay close to me. We'll get through this."

But even as she spoke, her attention remained fixed on the battle raging above. The sky was filled with crackling energy and dazzling displays of light, and Diana could feel the raw power emanating from Rowena and Azazel. It was a deadly dance, and Diana knew that only one would emerge victorious.

As the battle continued, Diana's anxiety grew. She couldn't bear the thought of losing her daughter, not after everything they had been through. Her heart clenched with each blast of energy and every spell that echoed through the sky.

Rowena had been fighting Azazel for what felt like an eternity, the sky above them exploding with magic and chaos. She had summoned all her strength and knowledge to counter Azazel's spells, her icy blades whistling through the air as she danced around him.

Finally, with a deadly punch, Rowena sent Azazel flying backward and she flew back to the castle, landing on the rooftop. But when she saw the blood-drenched site of her mother, Rowena's heart skipped a beat. Despite her cold personality and character, Diana, as a mother, could see the worry in Rowena's eyes.

Trembling with concern, Rowena approached Diana, her mind filled with questions. She wanted to know if her mother was alright if she had been hurt in the battle. The sight of her mother, covered in blood, filled her with a sense of dread and unease.

Diana, sensing her daughter's worry and confusion, pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her close. For a moment, they just stood there, locked in a silent embrace, the chaos of the battle still raging around them.

Finally, Diana pulled back, looking at Rowena with a solemn expression. "I am fine, my dear," she said, her voice steady and reassuring. "But we need to focus on the task at hand. We need to ensure Noah's safety and get through this,"

Rowena nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself. She knew her mother was right. They couldn't afford to let their emotions cloud their judgment, not when the fate of Noah was at stake.

Together, they turned to face the chaos below, ready to do whatever it takes to protect Noah.

As Rowena led Diana, Sabrina, and Noah toward her flying palace, the sky above them crackled with energy. Suddenly, a deafening boom echoed through the air, and a blinding light filled the sky.

When the light faded, a group of soldiers descended from the heavens, their armor glinting in the sunlight. They wore silver plate armor and had blue feathery metal wings attached to their backs. Lightning flashed around them, and the ground shook as they landed on the rooftop.

Rowena tensed, her hand instinctively reaching for her blades. But the soldiers made no move to attack. Instead, they stood in formation, their eyes fixed on Rowena and her group.

Diana's eyes flared up in anger as she saw the angels of Skyhall unit descend from the sky. Her heart felt like it was about to burst with a powerful emotion that she couldn't quite put into words. Their mere presence made her blood boil with a fierce intensity.

The sight of the angels of Skyhall unit triggered a deep-seated anger within Diana, one that had been smoldering for over twenty-five years. She had once led a unit of angels and trained them, only for them to turn on her when she was at her most vulnerable - about to give birth to her children, Noah and Dean. The betrayal still burned like a fiery inferno within her, a constant reminder of the pain and suffering she had endured.

As she gazed upon the angels before her, Diana's eyes blazed with a fiery intensity, the anger inside her threatening to boil over. It took all of her willpower to keep her rage in check, to prevent herself from lashing out at these new soldiers who had done her no harm.

But the memories of the past were too fresh in her mind, the wounds too deep to ignore. She could feel the anger burning hotter and brighter with every passing moment, threatening to consume her completely.

Diana knew that the angels before her were not the same ones who had betrayed her so many years ago, but the anger inside her was like a beast that could not be tamed. It clawed at her from within, demanding to be unleashed.

Yet, somehow, she managed to keep a tight rein on her emotions, her iron will preventing her from acting on her impulses. It was a struggle, a battle that raged within her, but she refused to let her anger get the better of her.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Diana took a deep breath and managed to regain her composure. The anger inside her still burned, but it was a controlled burn now, one that she could manage. She knew that she had to keep her emotions in check if she wanted to protect her family.

Rowena's heart raced as she watched the exchange between the Angels and her mother. "Escort them to my palace," she ordered, trying to maintain a calm exterior despite her growing fear.

"They are coming with us, Holy Maiden," the man in armor replied, his voice cold and unyielding. 𝚋𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚎l.𝚘rg

Rowena's frown deepened. "They are going to my palace. It's an order," she repeated, her tone now icy.

"We have our own orders, Holy Maiden. Your mother and brother are coming with us to the Skyhall," the Angel said, his voice devoid of any emotion.

Diana's eyes narrowed as she realized the implications of the Angel's words. She had taken an oath never to use her Light flames or wield a sword again, and now it seemed the Skyhall had discovered her secret.

Sabrina's heart pounded in her chest as the tension in the air thickened. "Rowena, please, we have to go," she pleaded.

But Rowena's attention was fixed on the angels, her grip on her blade tightening. "What is the meaning of this?" she demanded, her voice cutting through the silence.

The lead angel remained stoic, his armor gleaming in the moonlight. "We have our orders, Holy Maiden," he repeated.

Diana stepped forward, her eyes narrowed with anger. "What orders? Who sent you?"

The angel's gaze flickered to her for a moment before returning to Rowena. "We are to bring you and your family to the Skyhall," he stated plainly.

Rowena's eyes blazed with icy fury. "And if I refuse?" she challenged, her blade now pointed at the lead angel.

The air crackled with tension as the angel remained unmoved. "We have been given authority to use force if necessary," he warned.

Sabrina's hand trembled as she clung to Noah's arm. She could feel the weight of the situation bearing down on them all.

Diana's mind raced with thoughts and emotions as she stared at the impassive angels before her. The weight of the decision she had to make felt like a crushing burden on her heart. She hated the idea of being under the control of the Skyhall again, but the safety of her family was at stake.

Her hands trembled as she clasped them tightly, trying to hide her fear and anger. She knew that if she refused to go with the angels, the consequences would be dire. She could not risk the lives of her loved ones for her own pride and anger.

Taking a deep breath, Diana made the difficult decision. She would go with the angels to the Skyhall, no matter how much she despised it. She would do whatever it takes to keep her family safe, even if it meant giving up her own freedom.

"Rowena…" Sabrina's voice quivered as she spoke up, trying to catch the attention of the two powerful women. At first, they ignored her, lost in their own thoughts and concerns. But when Sabrina called out once more, pointing towards the distant sky, their hearts began to race with fear. Despite the already dark storm clouds above, the sky Sabrina was indicating was completely black, as if it was swallowing up everything in its path. The darkness was slowly but surely moving towards them, causing a chill to run down their spines.

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