Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 933 Will Michael Forgive His Mother?

As soon as Michael heard the words, his heart felt like it was being ripped apart. A surge of emotions flooded through him, emotions that he didn't even know existed within him. The world around him seemed to come to a stop as he tried to process the revelation. The anger that had been burning within him slowly began to dissipate, replaced by a torrent of other intense feelings. He stood there, rooted to the spot, unable to move or speak as he grappled with the new information. 𝒃𝙚𝙙𝙣𝙤𝙫𝙚𝒍.𝒐𝙧𝒈

A deep sadness overtook him as he realized the years he had spent alone, longing for a family. The anger he had felt before dissipated and was replaced with a searing rage as he remembered the feeling of abandonment that he had harbored for so long. The knowledge that his own mother had left him only added fuel to the fire that had been burning inside him for so many years.

He wanted to lash out and make her pay for what she had done, but a part of him also felt a sense of relief at finally understanding the source of the pain he had carried for so long. He stood there in silence for a moment, his eyes closed, as he tried to come to terms with the truth that had just been revealed to him. Finally, he opened his eyes and turned to face Diana, his expression a mixture of pain, anger, and longing.

While Michael stood there like a statue, his mind was filled with memories of his childhood. He remembered being alone and abandoned as a child, with no one to care for him. He would spend hours sitting alone in the dark, longing for the love and affection of a mother.

One particular memory stood out to him - a cold, winter night where he had nowhere to go and no one to turn to. He had been wandering the streets, shivering in the cold, when he stumbled upon a couple huddled together under a blanket. They looked at him with pity in their eyes and offered him a small piece of bread, which he gratefully accepted. But as he turned to walk away, he heard them whispering to each other about the danger of taking in a child like him.

Michael felt a lump form in his throat as he remembered the hurt and rejection he felt at that moment. He had never forgotten that feeling, and it had driven him to become stronger and more powerful than anyone else. But despite his strength and his status as the world's number one hitman, he could never shake off the longing for a mother's love and the sadness of being abandoned as a child.

As Michael thought about his past and the revelation of Diana being his mother, his heart filled with anger. He couldn't help but think about all the times he felt abandoned and alone as a child. It was like a cruel joke to him that while he suffered as an orphan, Diana raised Noah with all the love and affection that he never received.

He remembered a time when he was just a young orphan boy, cold and alone on the streets. He had begged for food and shelter, but no one had wanted to take him in. Meanwhile, Noah had grown up in the safety and comfort of their mother's home, never having to worry about where his next meal would come from or where he would sleep at night.

The memory of that rainy night brought tears to his eyes, and he couldn't help but feel angry at Diana for abandoning him. The sadness and loneliness he felt as a child were now compounded by the realization that his own mother chose to raise his brother with all the love and care he deserved while Michael was left to fend for himself.

Little did Michael know that twenty-five years ago, the Skyhall elders had performed a forbidden ritual to alter Diana's memory and sever her motherly bond with Michael. They had warned her that one of her twin sons would bring destruction and chaos to the world, but even with this knowledge, Diana couldn't bring herself to abandon her own child. However, the elders had gone to extreme lengths to alter her memories, making her believe that she had abandoned Michael, just as Michael had believed for all these years. A cruel twist of fate left Michael feeling angry and betrayed, knowing that his mother had unknowingly abandoned him.

Tears began to roll down both Diana's and Michael's eyes as they let the truth sink in. Diana felt a mix of guilt, regret, and sorrow for the pain and suffering that her son had to go through alone. On the other hand, Michael felt a mix of anger, sadness, and betrayal at the revelation that his own mother had abandoned him. They both felt a deep sense of longing for the time that they lost and could never get back.

Diana approached Michael with her hands trembling with emotion. Tears streamed down both of their faces as they faced the truth of their familial connection. The dark shroud around Michael began to fade, revealing a man who had been consumed by anger and pain for so long. From above, Gaya watched in stunned silence as she slowly descended to the rooftop. Her usual fierce expression was replaced with a look of shock as the truth of Michael's past was revealed.

Gaya was in disbelief upon learning that Diana Winston was Michael's mother, making the Supreme Guardian and arch-nemesis, Noah, his twin brother. The revelation left her stunned, and for a moment, she set aside her desire to avenge Nightmare. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on everyone as they grappled with the enormity of the truth that had been revealed.

Michael felt an unfamiliar sensation as his mother wiped away the tear from his face. It was the first time in his life that he felt the touch of his mother. His mind was in complete disarray, unable to process the fact that Diana had been his mother all along. He had always imagined that the day he finally discovered the truth, he would be able to maintain his composure and deal with it rationally. But the reality was far different from what he had anticipated. A tidal wave of emotions overwhelmed him, and he struggled to make sense of them. The anger and bitterness that had been simmering inside him for years threatened to boil over, but at the same time, he felt a deep longing for the love and care of a mother that he had never known.

Michael wanted to scream and shout at Diana, to demand answers for why she had abandoned him. But his throat felt tight, and no words came out of his mouth. He felt like a lost child, unsure how to process the overwhelming emotions coursing through his body.

The thundering storm and gusting wind seemed to have stopped as soon as Diana revealed to Michael that she was his mother. Everyone around them was stunned, and their eyes were wide with disbelief. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

Sabrina broke the silence and whispered in shock, "What? Noah and Michael are... brothers?"

The rest of the guardians and Nagaland soldiers were equally stunned and looked at each other with disbelief. The idea of the Supreme Guardian and the arch-nemesis being twin brothers was beyond their comprehension.

One of the guardians whispered, "Did she just say that she is the Dark Lord's mother?"

Another one responded, "And Noah's too. They are twin brothers!"

The realization hit them hard, and they could feel their hearts pounding in their chests. The fact that the Supreme Guardian and the Dark Lord were related by blood was something they couldn't have imagined in their wildest dreams.

Diana's trembling voice rang out in the silence that enveloped them. The storm and the wind seemed to have come to a halt as she uttered the words that shook Michael to his core. Her hands shook as she gently cupped Michael's face, the tears rolling down her face as she looked into his eyes.

"You are not Ghost," she said, her voice breaking with emotion.

"You are Dean, Dean Winston. That was the name I gave you when you were born," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. Michael's eyes widened in shock as he heard the name. He had never heard it before, but it felt like a part of him had been awakened.

Diana searched Michael's eyes for any sign of recognition or affection, but all she found was pain and anger. She longed to hear her son call her 'mother' just once, but all she received was a barely audible response.

"Say something," she pleaded, desperation seeping into her voice. She needed to know how he felt about the truth she had just revealed.

Michael's eyes, usually so full of darkness, now held a mix of emotions that Diana couldn't decipher. His voice was strained and almost inaudible when he finally spoke.

"I might be your son," he began, his voice shaking with emotion, "but you are not my mother."

The words hit Diana like a punch to the gut. She felt as if the world had just crumbled beneath her feet. All she wanted was to embrace her son and make up for the lost time, but she knew deep down that it was impossible.

Michael felt that there was no possible way he could forgive his mother for abandoning him and treating him like he was worthless. Although he understood that she may have had her reasons, the pain he went through was too great to forgive and forget simply. His entire life was filled with suffering and despair, and it was difficult to move past the hurt and betrayal he felt.

Furthermore, Michael couldn't believe that he and Noah were brothers. They were completely different people in every way possible. Noah had grown up in a loving family, with everything he could ever want, while Michael had to fight for everything he had. The thought of being related to someone who had lived such an easy life was almost laughable.

Despite the intense anger and betrayal he felt, a small part of Michael couldn't help but wonder what his life would have been like if things had been different. If he had grown up with his family, would things have been better? Would he have been able to live a normal life instead of one filled with pain and suffering? These questions lingered in his mind, but they didn't change the reality of his situation. He was still the Dark Lord, and he would still have to face his brother in battle.

Michael's eyes shifted towards Noah, who was still unconscious in the air. "Even now, you are standing before me, protecting Noah. I had no one to protect me," Michael said with a sad, bitter snicker.

Sabrina's heart skipped a beat when she heard the revelation that Michael was her brother. It was as if all the pieces of a puzzle had suddenly fallen into place, and the bond she had always felt with Ghost now made perfect sense. She had always felt a strong connection to Ghost, the Dark Lord, and now she knew why. It was because they were siblings, and she had never even suspected it.

As the reality of the situation sunk in, Sabrina's mind was flooded with memories of her interactions with Ghost. Every time they had fought, every time they had met, every conversation they had ever had suddenly took on a new meaning. She could not believe that the person she had been fighting against all this time was her own brother.

Rowena, who had been punched by Michael, slowly rose back to her feet, her body trembling with shock. She could not believe what she had just heard. Her mother had another son, and he was the Dark Lord who had caused so much destruction and chaos. But as Rowena looked into Michael's eyes, she saw not the infamous Dark Lord but her little brother. Despite his terrifying reputation, she could not help but feel a strong connection to him.

Michael's voice trembled with a mixture of anger and sadness as he spoke.

"I have my own family now, just as you have built yours. But Noah has taken someone precious from me, and he must pay for what he did. He wanted to fight the Dark Lord, didn't he? Well, he will get his chance, whether I am his brother or not," he said, his gaze fixed on Noah's unconscious body.

Diana's heart sank at Michael's words. She knew she had to do something to make things right between her sons, but she didn't know where to start. Sabrina, who had been listening to their conversation, felt a knot form in her stomach. She couldn't believe that Ghost was her brother and the infamous Dark Lord at that.

Rowena, on the other hand, saw no Dark Lord in front of her, only her little brother. She wanted to embrace him and tell him everything would be okay, but she knew it wouldn't be that simple. The pain and anger in Michael's voice were palpable, and she knew he wouldn't let go of his grudge against Noah easily.

With a swift flick of his wrist, Michael pushed Diana aside and extended his hand toward Noah. The unconscious body of the Supreme Guardian slowly floated towards Michael, and before anyone could react, he grabbed Noah by his neck. The air crackled with tension as every onlooker held their breath, realizing that the fate of the world might rest on this moment. The guardians, Nagaland soldiers, rogue cultivators, and news reporters watched in disbelief as the one person who could stop the Dark Lord's reign was now in his clutches, powerless and unconscious.

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