Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 938 A Weapon Of The Gods

As Seraphine vanished before his eyes, Andohr snapped his fingers, summoning a shimmering golden orb before him. With practiced ease, he placed his hands on either side of the orb, causing it to flicker and hum to life. Within seconds, the figures of several of his most trusted underlings materialized within the orb, each one bowing low in reverence to their lord. Despite being stripped of his power and confined to the castle, Andohr was still one of the most cunning and powerful gods in his world, with a network of loyal followers at his command.

In the vast halls of Skyhall, only a handful of individuals were privy to Andohr's existence. These few figures, who controlled every aspect of the Skyhall, served as Andohr's eyes and ears in the mortal realm. To the outside world, the Holy Maiden was the public face of the Skyhall and its leader, but in reality, it was Andohr who held the reins of power. Andohr and a select group of gods had found the Skyhall thousands of years ago. Now, only a select few knew about its existence and Andohr's involvement in its affairs.

"My Lord," the figures intoned in unison, their voices laced with deference and awe. Andohr had agreed to send the Skyhall and its resources to fight Dagon and his army of hell walkers, but he had no intention of leaving the Dark Lord completely unchecked. Before he dispatched the Skyhall to battle, he had one last task for them, a mission that would ensure the Dark Lord was kept in check while he was away.

"Take the Celestial sword and deal with the Dark Lord," Andohr ordered his underlings with cool detachment. The Celestial cannon was one of the most powerful weapons in existence, capable of destroying entire armies with a single shot. Only a select few in the Skyhall knew of its existence, and Andohr trusted them implicitly to use it wisely.

The figures in the orb immediately bowed their heads in respect and obedience to Andohr, their lord and master. Without hesitation, they replied in unison, "As you command, my lord." Their unwavering loyalty to Andohr was a testament to the power he held over them and the Skyhall. Andohr knew that he could rely on them to carry out his orders, no matter how dangerous or difficult the task may be.

With a wicked smile, Andohr gave a final command to his subordinates in the Skyhall. "Make sure Cobra receives my gift," he said, his tone laced with a hint of malice. Andohr was a man of focus and commitment, and sheer will. Andohr's unyielding focus and unwavering commitment were the stuff of legends in the realm of gods. Once he set his sights on a task, nothing could divert his attention or weaken his resolve until he achieved his goal. His sheer will was unmatched by any other deity in the pantheon, and it was this tenacity that had allowed him to survive in the mortal realm for six thousand years.

Andohr knew that he couldn't afford to divert his attention from the looming threat of Dagon and his army. However, he couldn't ignore the atrocities committed by the Dark Lord in his absence. Andohr had already put his plan B into motion, ensuring that the Dark Lord wouldn't have an easy time while he was away. With a devilish grin, he ordered his trusted followers in the Skyhall to deliver a special gift to Cobra, one of the Skyhall's most efficient assets.


After consuming Andreas's soul, Michael found himself feeling empty and restless. The loss of Nightmare weighed heavily on his mind, and he struggled to come to terms with the fact that his friend was gone forever. As he thought about Nightmare, Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of anger toward the system. Every time he needed it, the system would malfunction, leaving him to fend for himself.

Despite Diana's revelation that she was his mother, Michael felt nothing towards her and her family. They had lived pretending he was dead all these years, and now that the truth was out, it didn't change the fact that they were strangers to him. Michael didn't even bother to spare them a second glance as he turned around to leave Nagaland.

Gaya approached Michael with a sense of empathy and understanding. As she floated towards him, she rested her gentle hands on his shoulders, offering a consoling touch to ease his pain. She could feel the weight of his sorrow, heavier than even her own, for the loss of his dear friend Nightmare. But there was something more that added to his agony, something that made her heart ache even more. She knew that Michael was now burdened with the knowledge that his greatest adversary, the one he was fated to fight, was none other than his own brother. The revelation had shattered his world, leaving him to grapple with an overwhelming mix of emotions that were difficult to comprehend. Gaya could only imagine the turmoil he was going through and wished there was something more she could do to comfort him.

As Michael was preparing to depart from Nagaland, a sense of unease washed over him, causing every hair on his body to stand on end. The storm that had been raging around the island intensified, casting ominous darkness over the already bleak landscape. Suddenly, a massive shadow loomed over them, and Michael's instincts went into overdrive. He looked up, and his eyes widened in shock as he beheld an enormous ship that resembled a sword. The vessel was gargantuan, dwarfing even the island of Nagaland itself. It was easily the largest ship Michael had ever seen, and it left him and everyone else who witnessed it stunned with disbelief. The sheer size and scale of the ship were awe-inspiring, and it was a terrifying sight to behold.

The rogue cultivators, news reporters, and soldiers were stunned when they saw the sudden appearance of the massive sword-shaped ship. Some of them gasped in disbelief, while others were frozen in fear.

"What the hell is that?" one of the rogue cultivators muttered, staring up at the imposing ship.

"Is that a ship or a floating city?" asked a news reporter, frantically trying to capture footage of the ship with his camera.

The soldiers on the ground were equally shocked. "This is unprecedented. We have no record of any ship this size," said one of the commanding officers.

As the ship descended closer to the island, its sheer size became more apparent. It was easily three times larger than the island of Nagaland and appeared to be made of a dark, metallic material. The ship had intricate designs etched onto its surface, giving it an ancient and ominous appearance.

"Holy shit, what is that thing?" one of the soldiers muttered under his breath.

"I've never seen anything like it," exclaimed a news reporter, her voice trembling with fear.

Another rogue cultivator looked up at the ship in disbelief. "This can't be good. What the fuck is happening?"

The ship cast an ominous shadow over the island, making it seem as if the end of the world had come. People ran in every direction, screaming and shouting in fear.

"We're all gonna die!" yelled a soldier as he fell to his knees, clutching his head in despair.

"Get the fuck out of here! We need to warn everyone!" another rogue cultivator shouted, trying to rally the others.

The ship was massive, larger than anything they had ever seen before. It looked like a sword, but the size was beyond comprehension. The sight of it alone made everyone feel helpless and small.

Suddenly, the airship's engines roared to life, it's power building as it hummed with energy. Slowly, the tip of the sword-shaped vessel began to emit an eerie purple glow, casting an ominous hue over the island below. The air crackled with electricity, bolts of lightning dancing across the ship's hull. The wind around the ship picked up, causing the trees to bend and sway as if a great storm was approaching. Drowning out all other noise on the island, the sound of the engines grew louder and louder. It became clear that this was no ordinary ship, and the inhabitants of Nagaland watched in awe and fear as it prepared for whatever lay ahead.

In an instant, the ship unleashed a devastating beam of energy that barreled straight toward Michael and Gaya, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The sheer force of the blast melted the dark storm clouds that had shrouded Nagaland, revealing the true horror of the situation. Michael tried to react, but a strange energy radiating from the ship slowed down his reflexes and prevented him from using a teleportation scroll. Panic set in as he realized the danger they were in, and Gaya's grip on his shoulder tightened in fear.

As the energy beam shot through the air, Rowena's heart skipped a beat as she saw Michael and Gaya in its path. Without a second thought, she launched herself from the rooftop, leaving a powerful shockwave on the ground as she flew at breakneck speed toward Michael. Her mind raced with a jumble of thoughts and emotions, and she knew that she had to act fast. As she flew, she thought of the ancient text she had stumbled upon in the forbidden section of the Skyhall library, a text that spoke of a ship beyond mortal comprehension. Could this be it? Was it the ship that the text had warned about?

Her heart pounding, Rowena flew towards Michael, feeling the weird energy from the ship slowing down her reflexes. She had to act fast if she was going to save him.

Despite the fact that Dean refused to forgive and forget their mother for abandoning him as a child, Rowena couldn't deny that he was still her little brother and that blood was thicker than water. She knew that Dean was misunderstood by the world and that the chaos and destruction he caused had earned him the label of 'evil', but to her, he was still her little brother. To Rowena, family came first, even above her loyalty to the Skyhall or her own life. She felt a fierce protectiveness toward both Noah, whom she had watched grow up, and Dean, whom she had only recently learned was her brother. She knew Dean might never understand her loyalty, but she was willing to risk everything to protect him and their family.

Driven by her fierce protectiveness towards her family, Rowena knew that she had to do something to save Michael. With no other options in sight, she realized that she had to use the forbidden stone - an ancient artifact that had been hidden away in the depths of the Skyhall's forbidden library for centuries. The energy from the ship had slowed Michael's reflexes, making him unable to use a teleportation scroll, and it was only a matter of time before the beam hit him. Rowena knew that she had to act fast if she wanted to save him. She focused all her energy and determination, racing towards Michael with lightning speed, leaving a trail of crackling energy in her wake. As she drew near, she took out the forbidden stone, knowing that using it was a risk that could have dire consequences. But for Rowena, the safety of her family was worth any risk. She pressed the stone to Michael's forehead, and in that moment, a powerful energy surge enveloped them both, transporting them away from the ship's deadly beam.

As Michael and Gaya vanished from the path of the beam, Rowena stayed behind to face the full force of the energy blast. The beam hit her squarely, and she felt an intense heat spread through her body. The impact sent her flying through the air, her body tumbling end over end. Diana and Sabrina watched in horror as Rowena was struck, their screams mixing with the sound of the explosion.

Diana and Sabrina shouted in terror as they saw Rowena get hit. The sound of the beam hitting Rowena was deafening, and for a moment everything seemed to stand still.

When the realization of what had just happened sunk in, the onlookers were left stunned and unsure of how to react. "Did she just...sacrifice herself to save him?" one rogue cultivator whispered, his voice barely audible over the ringing in his ears. "But he's the Dark Lord," another said in disbelief. "Why would she risk her life for him?"

Rowena's love for her siblings knew no bounds, and she was always there for them no matter what. She had always been the one to stand up for them and protect them from harm. Her actions in risking her life to save the Dark Lord were a testament to this love and devotion. Even though he was the enemy of many, Rowena couldn't turn her back on him because he was still family.

"I don't know," a news reporter replied, still in shock from the sudden turn of events. "But it looks like she did it without a second thought." The soldiers who had been standing nearby remained silent, unsure of how to process what they had just witnessed. π›π—²ππ—»π—Όπ˜ƒπžπ—ΉοΌŽπ—»πžπ˜

The group stood there in silence as the enormity of what had just happened began to sink in. Rowena had risked her life to save the Dark Lord, a man who was seen by many as the embodiment of evil. And yet, at that moment, all of that seemed to fade away, replaced by the simple fact that one person had saved another.

As the dust and debris settled, it became clear that Rowena was no longer in sight. Whether she survived the attack or not remained a mystery.

(Keep the gifts coming...)

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