Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 941 Castle Of Hell

As Michael clashed with Peter in the realm of hell, he couldn't help but notice the difference in how energy and cultivation worked in this place. His power was different here; he felt stronger but wasn't at his full Half Celestial power level. The darkness that surrounded them was the source of his strength. As the god of darkness and a newly minted Half Celestial, his body was now able to harness the darkness around him and turn it into his own power.

In this realm, there was little to no celestial or arch energy, which meant that the hell walkers' power was solely dependent on their hatred and the depth of their torment in the pits of hell. The more hatred they held, the more powerful they became. Peter's hatred toward Michael knew no bounds, and his power was almost on par with Michael's in the realm of hell. If Peter were to fight Michael in his own world, Michael could have easily disposed of him with a snap of his fingers.

Michael and Peter continued their brutal fight, with Michael always having the upper hand. He used his dark sword to slice off Peter's limbs, but they quickly grew back, thanks to his powers as a hell walker. Michael could feel the hatred emanating from Peter as he swung his sword wildly, trying to land a hit on Michael.

As they clashed swords, the ground beneath them shook violently, and chunks of earth and rocks flew into the air. Michael's eyes glowed with a mix of red and black as he unleashed a dark aura that surrounded him, making him even more powerful. Meanwhile, Peter's sword glowed with a sickly black light, and he howled with rage as he swung it with even more ferocity.

Blood and black pus flew everywhere as Michael sliced through Peter's body, but it only seemed to make him stronger. Their fight was bloody and gory. Black pus spattered everywhere as Michael continued to slice through Peter's body. Peter's sword cut deep into Michael's skin, but Michael showed no signs of pain as he continued to fight with his dark powers.

The ground shook with every blow, and Michael's dark aura grew stronger with each attack. He knew that he needed to end this fight quickly, or else Peter would become too powerful to defeat.

Peter laughed maniacally, as Michael cut off another limb. "You can't kill what's already dead, Ghost! I am already damned to hell, but you, you will join me soon enough!" Peter said, grinning from ear to ear.

Michael simply smirked in response, "Is that all you have, Peter? You're not even a challenge to me anymore. You're just a pathetic creature, controlled by your own hatred."

But Peter's laughter only grew louder. "Controlled by hatred? I am the hatred, Ghost! I am the fury of all those who were wronged and betrayed! And you will pay for what you did to me!"

The fight continued, with Michael slowly gaining the upper hand once again. But every time he managed to cut off a limb, it quickly grew back, and Peter's laughter only grew more maniacal.

"You can't win, Ghost! I am invincible!" Peter taunted. "I will torment you for all eternity!"

Michael's mind was in overdrive as he tried to figure out what it all meant. He knew that the elven rune was powerful, but he had never seen anything like the hell flames before. As he looked at the eerie purple glow emanating from Peter's body, Michael could feel the darkness within him stirring. It was as if the flames and the glow were calling to him, beckoning him to unleash their power. Michael knew that this was his chance to end the fight once and for all. 𝒃𝒆𝒅𝙣𝒐𝒗𝙚𝒍.𝒄𝒐𝒎

"Time to end this,"

With a newfound determination, Michael leaped backward, creating some distance between him and Peter, and sheathed his sword back into the sheath on his back. As he slowly raised his hand, the dark flames emerged from his palm and danced around his wrist. Gaya felt the intense heat radiating from the dark flames and the pure pitch-blackness of the flames. The air around them grew thick and heavy as the flames consumed the darkness, casting an eerie glow that illuminated the entire battlefield.

As Michael conjured the dark flames, an intense heat radiated from his palm, causing Gaya to shield her face. The flames danced around his wrist, emitting a pure pitch-blackness that seemed to swallow everything in its path. But as the dark flames grew stronger, the eerie purple glow within Peter intensified, pulsating like a beacon of malevolence. A low hissing sound filled the air, making Michael realize that the dark flames and the hell flames had some kind of history that he didn't know about. The dark flames began to move with a life of their own, as if they wanted to break free from Michael's grip and devour the purple glow. The hatred between the two forces grew stronger, and Michael knew that the battle was about to reach its climax.

In this realm, where hatred fueled power, the dark flames and hell flames were like two volatile substances that when mixed, threatened to explode with immense power. As the dark flames danced around Michael's wrist and the eerie purple glow in Peter's body grew brighter, both Michael and Peter felt a surge of power coursing through them, making them even stronger than before. The hatred between the flames was palpable, like two caged beasts waiting for a chance to tear each other apart.

As the dark flames swirled around his wrist, Michael dashed towards Peter with lightning-fast speed, leaving a trail of afterimages in his wake. Gaya was awestruck as she could barely make out Michael's figure, which moved so fast that it seemed like a blur. Peter, on the other hand, swung his sword violently and erratically, driven only by his boundless hatred. Michael easily evaded all of Peter's attacks, but he could sense that something else was controlling Peter - perhaps the hell flames that animated him. Michael realized that Peter had already lost his sanity when he became a hell walker, but now he had completely transformed into an abomination of hell.

With the fight taking a toll on both of them, Michael knew it was time to end it. He gathered all his strength and punched Peter in the gut with such force that his hand penetrated through his back. Peter stumbled backward but Michael wasn't done yet. He conjured the dark flames, ready to face the hell flames that he knew would emerge from Peter. Just as expected, the purple eerie glow crawled out of Peter's body and took the form of flames.

Michael braced himself as he heard a chilling voice emanating from the hell flames, "Welcome to my second home." Although he rarely felt fear, the voice sent shivers down his spine.

"The dark flames, I sense your hatred. This is the dominion of the damned, and we rule here. We have long awaited this moment, the moment we can make you suffer and consume your flames," spoke the hell flames cryptically, its twisted glee sending shivers down Michael's spine.

The intense and consuming hatred from the hell flames was palpable as they spoke, a hatred that had been festering for centuries.

"Your hatred fuels me, just as mine fuels you. It's an endless cycle of agony and despair, a dance between predator and prey. But remember, as much as I need your hatred, I also need you to suffer. And I promise, I will make you suffer like you never have before," said the voice with a twisted satisfaction that sent shivers down the listener's spine.

"I have lost count of how many have threatened to end me, yet here I am," Michael sneered, his voice filled with defiance. The hell flames responded with a malicious laugh, and Michael watched as they took control of Peter's body. Suddenly, Peter's eyes began to glow with a purple flame that radiated an eerie light. Michael, in turn, willed the darkness around him and shrouded himself in a cloud of inky blackness. His eyes flickered between a menacing red and black, while the dark flames danced and flickered around his body, fully enveloping him.

As the two opposing forces faced off against each other, the tension in the air grew thicker, almost palpable. The hatred that had been festering between them was now fully unleashed, and it was clear that only one of them would emerge victorious.

When the two clashed, the sound of metal against metal rang out as they exchanged sword strikes. Michael's movements were precise and calculated, while Peter's were wild and fueled by hatred. Michael easily evaded all of Peter's sword strikes, leaving him open for Michael's attacks. Every time Michael landed a hit, Peter's black pus oozed out from the wound and healed almost instantly.

Despite Peter's quick regeneration, Michael remained undeterred. He continued to fight with ferocity, knowing that his own power was also growing stronger with every passing moment. The dark flames around him burned brighter, fueled by his own hatred and the hatred of the hell flames.

As they continued to fight, Michael's strikes grew more forceful and accurate. Peter's attacks became increasingly wild, as though he was desperate to land a hit. Michael saw his opening and seized it, delivering a powerful strike that sliced through Peter's chest. Black pus gushed out from the wound as Peter stumbled backward, but Michael wasn't finished yet.

With a swift and calculated motion, Michael spun around and delivered a powerful kick that sent Peter flying across the battlefield. The impact was so intense that Peter crashed into the ground, leaving a deep impression on the soil. Michael was in full control of his powers, and the darkness that enveloped him only added to his strength.

As he raised his hand, the darkness around him grew thicker and swirled with an eerie energy. With a flick of his wrist, Michael summoned the remaining fragments of Peter's body to float towards him through the darkness. Peter squirmed and tried to claw his way out of Michael's grasp, but it was too late. Michael had already summoned the dark flames and willed them to envelop Peter's body completely.

Peter screamed in agony, but his screams were laced with maniacal laughter that echoed through the battlefield. Michael watched in satisfaction as the dark flames consumed the hell walker, burning him to nothingness. However, Michael knew that it wouldn't be that simple to end the existence of a primordial flame like the hell flames.

Just as Michael expected, the eerie purple flames that embodied the power of hell reappeared in the air above them, mocking him with its cryptic laughter. Michael could feel the malice emanating from the flames as it spoke, taunting him with its promise of destruction and suffering.

"You thought you could destroy me so easily, Michael? This is just the beginning. The fires of hell will rain down upon your world, and you and all those you hold dear will suffer for all eternity," the hell flames cackle maniacally, its words echoing in Michael's mind like a haunting melody.

Michael knew that this was far from over, that the hell flames would continue to seek revenge against him and all that he held dear. But he was not afraid, for he was the God of Darkness. He took a deep breath and raised his hand, conjuring a dense cloud of darkness around him. The darkness swirled and coiled around him like a living thing, ready to strike at any moment.

As suddenly as they had appeared, the hell flames disappeared from the sky. Michael was left standing in the darkness, his heart racing with anticipation. He knew that the threat of the hell flames was far from over, and that he would need to be vigilant if he was to protect the people he cared about.

Michael gazed up at the empty sky where the hell flames had ominously laughed before disappearing. He took a deep breath, knowing that while the hell flames were a problem, his first priority was to leave this realm. Turning to face Gaya, he gently brushed her face before focusing his attention on the castle looming in the distance.

"We need to get answers, and I think we'll find them in there," Michael said, his voice unwavering.

Gaya nodded, still in a state of shock from the intense battle they had just witnessed. As they began to make their way towards the castle, Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding.

Unbeknownst to Michael, the ruler of Hell and the infamous fallen god who had once made the pantheon tremble were eagerly awaiting his arrival. As he made his way towards the looming castle in the distance, he had no idea that he was about to cross paths with one of the most feared entities in the universe. The fallen god, whose name was whispered in hushed tones by even the bravest of warriors, was eager to come face to face with Michael, the god of darkness.

(Who wants to give your fav author a super gift?!!) ....shamelessly smiling...

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