Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 947 Devotee Of Noah From Another Realm

As a seasoned assassin, Michael knew the importance of thorough preparation before taking on a target. He would typically start by gathering intelligence on the target's habits, movements, and routines. This could involve scouting out their usual locations, monitoring their communications, and identifying their vulnerabilities.

Once Michael had a clear understanding of his target, he would then carefully plan his approach. This would involve identifying the best time and location to strike, considering potential obstacles or hazards, and determining the most effective method for carrying out the assassination. Finally, Michael would ensure he had all the necessary equipment and resources at his disposal. This could include weapons, tools for disabling security measures, and escape routes. By taking these steps, Michael could increase his chances of success while minimizing the risk of being caught or discovered.

Standing before the ominous cave, Michael assessed his options. Sneaking into the cave was one possibility, but it was risky because he had no idea what kind of traps or obstacles might be waiting for him inside. The other option was to lure the orc out into the open and confront him directly. Michael weighed the pros and cons of both options and ultimately decided that the latter was the safer choice. He could use his combat skills to defeat the orc in a fair fight rather than risking his life in a trap-filled cave.

Michael couldn't understand why Dagon didn't come and kill the orc himself. He couldn't fathom the idea that the ruler of hell was weaker than the orc. However, he didn't have the luxury of pondering on this any further. Michael stood outside the cave, analyzing the situation before him. He decided to take action and raised his hand, channeling his dark energy. Suddenly, a bolt of black lightning shot from the tip of his finger, illuminating the area with its ominous glow.

Buzz slowly flew backward, his six-foot-long body trembling with fear. His bulbous eyes widened as he watched Michael unleash the bolt of lightning. Despite his tough talk earlier, Buzz was now realizing that he was way over his head. He covered himself with his wings and prayed for safety.

After firing the lightning bolt, Michael tensed, waiting for the orc to appear. Sure enough, the ground began to shake and stir, and a moment later, the massive figure of the orc emerged from the depths of the cave. He was a towering figure with bulging muscles that rippled beneath his armor. His long hair was tied back in a loose knot, and his fierce eyes scanned the landscape. In one hand, he held a giant sword, which he dragged along the rocky ground behind him.

Michael and Gaya remained calm before the orc, who seemed unperturbed by their presence. "I was wondering when you would come to take my life," the orc said calmly, as though he had been expecting them.

Michael couldn't help but make a joke, pointing towards Buzz. "I heard you stole his girlfriend," he said with a smirk.

At the mention of his girlfriend, Buzz's tiny heart skipped a beat. He felt a surge of anger and embarrassment, and for a moment, he considered flying away from the area. But he knew that he couldn't abandon Michael and Gaya, not when they were so close to their goal. So instead, he buzzed around Michael's head, trying to make himself heard above the wind.

The orc raised an eyebrow, looking from Michael to Buzz and back again. "I see," he said, his voice laced with amusement. "So you're here for revenge, little mosquito? Well, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. I don't have a girlfriend, stolen or otherwise."

Buzz let out a high-pitched whine, clearly not believing the orc's words. "Don't listen to him! He's lying! I saw him with her myself!"

The orc's response was unexpected as he simply shrugged, and a wry smile played at the corners of his mouth. "Maybe I swatted her accidentally," he quipped, his tone betraying a hint of amusement.

As they stood there facing the orc, Buzz flew over to Michael and whispered urgently in his ear, "How sure are you that you can take him down? I...uh...forgot to take my meds, and if you can give me enough time, I can fly back to the castle, take my meds, and come back to help you fight him."

Michael shot Buzz a skeptical look, unsure if the mosquito was bluffing or not. However, he couldn't afford to take any chances, especially with Nightmare's soul on the line. "We'll be fine, Buzz. Just stay out of harm's way," he replied, hoping to reassure the jittery insect.

A quick look at 𝘣𝘦𝑑𝘯𝘰𝘷𝑒𝘭.𝑛𝘦𝘵 will leave you more fulfilled.

Buzz nodded, his wings buzzing nervously, as Michael turned his attention back to the orc. The orc had crossed his arms and was regarding Michael and Gaya with a look of mild interest. Michael couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease at the orc's nonchalant attitude.

Michael's voice was calm but firm as he addressed the orc. "Normally, I don't take anyone's life without knowing what they did. But in your case, I have to make an exception. Dagon has someone I care about, and he wants your life as the price. So, do you have anything to tell us before we do this?"

Michael carefully observed the orc, trying to gauge his cultivation level. But to his surprise, he couldn't get a read on the orc's strength. Despite this uncertainty, Michael remained confident in his abilities. His instincts had never failed him before, and they told him he could take down the orc.

The orc broke the silence, his voice low and steady. "I only have one request," he said, holding out a silver pendant. "When you take my life, take this and give it to the bringer of light before you fight him."

Michael's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the bringer of light. The memory of discovering the truth about his family still stung, and the name Noah was like a punch to the gut. Noah, the god of light and Michael's twin brother. He clenched his fist, feeling a wave of anger and sadness wash over him.

The orc leveled his sword at Michael, proclaiming, "One day, the Bringer of Light shall emerge from the mortal realm and bring radiance to the darkened domain of the gods. He shall put an end to the heinous actions of the gods, starting with you."

Michael was completely taken aback by the orc's words. He couldn't make sense of what the orc was saying, but one thing was certain - this orc was not from his world. The way he spoke of the realm of the gods was unlike anything Michael had ever heard before. It was as though the orc had lived in a completely different world, one that was beyond Michael's comprehension.

"So, you serve the god of light, Noah, and wish for him to kill me?" Michael snickered, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Well, thanks for telling me. Now, I can take your life without any hesitation or remorse," he continued, his voice dripping with sarcasm and contempt.

Michael had no idea what kind of allegiance this orc had with Noah, but he couldn't let that distract him from his mission. The fate of Nightmare's soul hung in the balance, and he couldn't afford to be sidetracked by this orc's beliefs.

As Michael raised his sword, the orc simply smirked, his eyes filled with a kind of resignation. He knew that his time had come and was ready to face his fate. 𝚋edn𝚘𝚟el.co𝚖

"May you never step into the realm of gods," the orc spat, his voice filled with venom.

"Take my life in an honorable duel, Dark Lord," The orc's challenge for an honorable duel didn't faze Michael, who calmly took a step back and prepared himself for the fight. He glanced over his shoulder at Gaya, who nodded in agreement with his decision. She had faith in Michael's abilities - after all, he had defeated Peter's hell walker form and had the power to topple kingdoms. Even though the orc emitted strange energy radiation around him, Gaya was confident that he posed no real threat to Michael.

Michael raised his hand with a sense of purpose, and in response, his dark sword flew out of its sheath and landed squarely in his hand. He swung it around once to get a feel for its weight and balance, then pointed it towards the orc, taunting him to make the first move.

The orc charged at Michael with his giant sword raised, determined to take him down. Michael dodged his attacks with ease, his movements graceful and precise. He countered with swift strikes of his own, his dark sword glinting in the dim light of the realm of hell.

As the duel between the orc and Michael continued, sparks flew and the sound of clanging swords echoed through the wasteland. The orc was a fierce opponent, but Michael's skill and agility were unmatched. He could sense the orc's attacks before they even happened, and he effortlessly parried each strike with his dark sword.

The duel seemed to go on for hours, but in reality, only a few seconds had passed since the battle began.

Despite only a few seconds passing, Michael quickly learned that the orc was an exceptional swordsman. Michael's Sword of Destiny technique was renowned for its power and ability to defeat any swordsman, yet the orc managed to deflect Michael's attacks. Michael was surprised that the orc's swordsmanship skills. But what surprised him even more was the strength and durability of the orc's sword, which withstood the full force of the Dark Sword's attack. Although the orc deflected the Dark Sword without directly clashing with it, the Dark Sword still managed to chip away at the orc's sword, leaving a small mark on its surface.

Unbeknownst to Michael, Noah had conducted an extensive study of the previous Dark Lord's abilities five thousand years ago. He wrote his findings in a book and sent it to the realm of gods before the previous Dark Lord reset the universe. The orc that Michael was facing was one of the divine beings who had managed to acquire a few pages from this sacred book, which contained information about the Dark Lord's Sword of Destiny. With this knowledge, the orc had trained himself to become a formidable opponent for Michael, hoping to fulfill his duty to serve Noah and stop the atrocities of the gods.

Michael had always appreciated a good sword fight as it helped him hone his skills. However, he had no time to spare today. He was running short on time and needed to end the fight quickly. As the orc aggressively attacked Michael, hoping to land at least one hit, Michael blocked the orc's sword with the Dark Sword. He then quickly raised his other hand and summoned a powerful wind blast, sending the orc flying backward. Michael's wind blast was so powerful that it sent the orc crashing into a nearby boulder, shattering it into pieces. The orc groaned in pain as he struggled to get back on his feet. Michael slowly walked towards the orc, sword in hand, ready to deliver the final blow.

As Michael approached the orc, a thick aura of darkness began to emanate from him, causing the surrounding area to turn pitch black. The orc struggled to get back on his feet, but before he could fully stand up, Michael clenched his fist, and the darkness around the orc coalesced into an invisible hand that pushed the orc back to the ground, holding him in place. The orc strained against the grip of the darkness, but it was no use. Michael had complete control over the shadows.

"Many fear the darkness, but they forget that it is within the shadows where true power lies. Embrace the darkness, and you shall never fear the light again," Michael said.

As the orc tried to break free from the darkness that enveloped him, Michael's eyes began to glow with a sinister black light. It was as if the darkness within him was manifesting itself in his eyes, ready to strike down any who dared oppose him. With a focused stare, Michael unleashed a barrage of dark energy beams that shot out from his eyes and struck the struggling orc with deadly precision, causing the ground beneath them to tremble.

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