Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 956 Rest In Peace Michael

(New AHSS Chapter is out. Please read it and let me know your thoughts in the comments)

As the confident words of the current Michael resounded in the chamber, the previous Dark Lord felt a surge of pride wash over him. He had orchestrated events, sacrificed his own existence, and shaped the very fabric of the universe to pave the way for this moment. The conviction and determination exuded by his successor validated his choices and gave him solace in the knowledge that his sacrifices were not in vain.

With a solemn yet satisfied smile, the previous Dark Lord addressed the current Michael. "Everything I sacrificed has led us to this moment Michael. I made many mistakes but giving ourselves a second chance was not one,"

The current Michael nodded, acknowledging the weight of his previous self's words. However, before he could respond, the previous Dark Lord continued with a grave expression.

"Now, listen carefully, Michael. As you leave this realm, I want you to entrust Nightmare's soul to Buzz," the previous Dark Lord instructed, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "He may seem cowardly and foolish, but he possesses an innate power that will prove invaluable to you in the future. Trust him, for he will play a significant role in your journey. This is not an altercation of the timeline but my advice to you,"

Michael regarded the previous Dark Lord with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. However, a flash of doubt crossed his face as he considered entrusting Nightmare's soul to someone like Buzz.

"But Buzz...he is a coward. How can I trust him with something so important?" Michael questioned, his voice tinged with skepticism.

The previous Dark Lord's eyes glinted with a hint of amusement as he responded, "Ah, but you see, Michael, cowards have the potential to surprise us. Their fear can drive them to acts of unexpected bravery. Loyalty, too, can be found even in the most unlikely of souls."

Curiosity piqued, Michael leaned in closer, awaiting the wisdom his previous self had to offer.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from π—―πžπ—±π§π¨π˜ƒπžπ₯.𝗼𝗿𝐠.

"Cowards understand the value of loyalty better than most. When pushed to their limits, they can rise above their fears and show unwavering allegiance," the previous Dark Lord explained, a flicker of intensity in his eyes. "Do not underestimate Buzz. In his own comical way, he may prove to be a steadfast companion, willing to go to great lengths to protect what he holds dear."

Michael pondered the words of the previous Dark Lord, weighing the risks and rewards. After a moment of reflection, he nodded, accepting the truth in his predecessor's words.

As the weight of their conversation settled upon them, the previous Dark Lord gazed at Michael with a mixture of pride and sadness. He knew that this would be the last time they would stand face to face, their paths forever diverging from this point onward.

"Michael, my time here is drawing to a close. From this moment forward, you must forge your own path, guided by the lessons you've learned and the choices you make," the previous Dark Lord spoke with a voice filled with both conviction and a tinge of wistfulness. "You possess the strength and wisdom to shape your own destiny, and it is time for me to release the reins and fade into the annals of time."

Michael's eyes reflected a mixture of gratitude and acceptance as he realized the truth in his previous self's words. He knew that he had been entrusted with a great responsibility and that he alone would have to face the challenges that lay ahead.

"Thank you," Michael said sincerely, his voice carrying a deep sense of appreciation. "For everything you have done, for the sacrifices you've made. Your guidance and wisdom have shaped me into who I am today."

A gentle smile graced the previous Dark Lord's lips as he acknowledged Michael's words. With a nod, he spoke softly, "Before I depart, with your permission, I would like to speak to Gaya one last time. To offer her my gratitude and share a final farewell."

Michael's eyes softened, understanding the significance of this request. He knew that the bond between the previous Dark Lord and Gaya was unique and profound, and he respected the need for a final conversation between them.

"You have my permission," Michael replied, his voice filled with genuine warmth. "Gaya deserves to hear your words, to know that you are at peace with the choices you've made."

With a nod of gratitude, the previous Dark Lord acknowledged Michael's permission. A surge of power emanated from him as he focused his energy on Gaya, releasing the frozen time around her. The world around her gradually unfroze, returning to its natural flow.

Gaya blinked in surprise as the surroundings came back to life. She felt a gentle warmth enveloping her, as if an ethereal presence had entered the space. And then, she heard a familiar voice, a voice that stirred memories and emotions deep within her heart.

The current Michael respectfully stepped aside, allowing the previous Dark Lord to approach Gaya. The ethereal figure floated gently before her, a poignant expression of love and longing etched upon his spectral features.

"Resetting the very fabric of the universe, rewriting time itself, all to have this single moment with you... It is a price I willingly paid," he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and contentment. The lines etched upon his ghostly visage told tales of hardship and determination, of a love that defied the boundaries of existence.

The currents of time seemed to stand still, as the previous Dark Lord and Gaya remained locked in a gaze that spoke volumes, words unspoken yet understood.

"Thank you, Gaya. Your love and understanding give me solace in the knowledge that our connection transcends time itself. You are the flame that will forever burn in my heart. I have seen countless timelines and you loved me more than I loved you in every single one," As the previous Dark Lord spoke these words, his voice started to stutter. πš‹ο½…ο½„πš—πš˜πšŸο½…πš•οΌŽπš—ο½…ο½”

As their conversation drew to a close, Gaya could sense the ethereal presence of the previous Dark Lord fading away. But the love they shared remained, a timeless bond that defied the constraints of reality.

With a heavy heart, the previous Dark Lord whispered his final words. "Goodbye, Gaya. i will always be with you and always love you,"

Although the current Gaya had no recollection of the previous Gaya's experiences with the previous Dark Lord, a deep sense of love and connection resonated within her. As tears welled up in her eyes, she gazed into the ethereal eyes of the fading form before her. In that poignant moment, she could feel the weight of their shared history and the immense love that had transcended time. The tears spilled over, rolling down her cheeks as she silently bid farewell to the previous Dark Lord, knowing that their love would forever remain etched in the depths of her soul.

As the form of the previous Dark Lord began to fade, Gaya and Michael approached him, their faces filled with a mix of gratitude and sadness. They stood side by side, their hands gently clasped, as they bid farewell to the one who had orchestrated their path and sacrificed so much for their sake.

"Thank you," Gaya whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "Thank you for everything. Your sacrifices will never be forgotten."

Michael nodded in agreement, his voice filled with gratitude. "Rest in peace, Michael. I got this,"

The previous Dark Lord smiled, his ethereal presence growing fainter with each passing moment. "Remember, the future is yours to shape. Embrace the darkness, cherish the love, and hold your family close,"

With a final nod of understanding, Gaya and Michael watched as the form of the previous Dark Lord dissipated into the ethereal realm. Though their hearts were heavy with the weight of his absence, they carried his teachings and love within them as they prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead.

When the ethereal form of the previous Dark Lord dissipated into the air, a small metallic black skull materialized on the ground where he had been floating. Its intricate design reflected an aura of ancient power and mysterious knowledge. Michael's eyes widened as he beheld the enigmatic artifact, drawn to its presence.

With a mix of anticipation and trepidation, Michael reached down and picked up the skull, feeling its cool, smooth surface against his palm. As soon as he held it, a surge of energy coursed through his being. Visions flashed in his mind, revealing a portal shimmering with otherworldly light.

"What is it?" Gaya asked. Gaya, still reeling from the emotional farewell with the previous Dark Lord, turned her attention to the floating ball of light beside her. It was Nightmare's soul, a delicate and powerful essence that held a part of their dear friend within it. A sense of responsibility washed over her, urging her to ensure its safekeeping.

Curiosity tinged with confusion filled Buzz's eyes as he observed Michael and Gaya, waiting for an explanation. Michael, realizing the weight of the task at hand, looked at Buzz with a determined gaze, his voice filled with purpose. Gaya stood in complete disbelief upon hearing Michael's request to entrust Nightmare's soul to Buzz, a mosquito who often portrayed himself as a fearless warrior despite his cowardly nature. However, deep down, Gaya understood that if Michael had chosen Buzz for this crucial task, there must be a valid reason behind it.

"Buzz, we need your help. This soul," Michael gestured towards the radiant orb, "belongs to Nightmare. We entrust you with its safekeeping until we return to the realm of hell. Keep it with you, protect it, and ensure its preservation until we can bring it back to our world."

Buzz's compound eyes widened even further as Michael's request sank in. He glanced at the radiant orb, then back at Michael, desperately searching for a way out of this responsibility. His wings buzzed nervously as he began to stammer and mumble, trying to come up with excuses.

"Oh, um... Michael, you know, I'd love to help, really, I would," Buzz started, his voice shaky. "But, you see, I have this... uh... important mission to, uh, rid the realm of hell of pesky fleas! Yes, fleas! They're terrorizing the underworld, and only a fearless warrior like me can defeat them!"

Meanwhile, Gaya, shocked and concerned about entrusting Nightmare's soul to Buzz, couldn't contain her worries any longer. She pulled Michael to the side, her voice filled with apprehension. "Michael, are you sure about this? I mean, Buzz... he's not exactly the most reliable choice for such an important task. Are we really putting the fate of Nightmare's soul in his hands?"

Michael's expression remained serious as he met Gaya's concerned gaze. "I understand your reservations, Gaya, but believe me, this is the best way. Before Michael faded away, he advised me to entrust Nightmare's soul with Buzz. It may seem unconventional, but we have to trust him,"

Gaya furrowed her brows, contemplating Michael's words. She knew that the previous Dark Lord, had unrivaled knowledge and foresight. If he had specifically mentioned Buzz, there must have been a reason behind it.

"But Michael," Gaya pressed, her voice filled with lingering doubt, "Buzz is a coward. How can we expect him to protect something so precious? It just doesn't add up."

Michael sighed, understanding Gaya's concerns. "I know it seems counterintuitive, but Michael's words emphasized that sometimes courage hides behind a facade of fear. Buzz may not appear heroic, but he possesses something that can surprise us all. Besides, I don't see a way of bringing Nigthmare's soul back to our world. Remember what Elidyr said, a soul cannot pass through a teleportation portal without special rituals,"

Gaya looked at Buzz, who was still trying to muster the courage to accept the responsibility, and then back at Michael. Reluctantly, she nodded, her expression filled with a mixture of worry and hope. "Alright, Michael, I'll trust your judgment. If he believed in Buzz, then perhaps there's more to him than meets the eye. I just hope he doesn't accidentally squish the soul or get distracted by a passing firefly."

Michael chuckled, appreciating Gaya's humor in the face of uncertainty. Finally, Michael returned to Buzz and asked him one more time to take Nightmare's soul with him. End of the day, Buzz knew the realm of hell better than Michael and Gaya.

Gaya's reluctant trust in Michael's judgment hung in the air as Michael turned back to Buzz. The giant mosquito was still fidgeting nervously, his wings buzzing in agitation. Michael took a deep breath and approached Buzz, his voice firm but gentle.

"Buzz, I understand your concerns, but we have no choice. You possess knowledge of the realm of hell that Gaya and I lack. You know its intricacies and hidden dangers. It's essential that you take Nightmare's soul with you,"

Buzz's wings buzzed with nervous energy as he scratched the back of his head, trying to come up with another excuse. "You see, Michael, I appreciate the confidence you have in me, but I just remembered that I have a prior commitment to... um, exterminating pesky vampire bats in the underworld! Yes, that's it!"

Michael raised an eyebrow, a glimmer of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Buzz, you may pretend to be fearless, but we both know you'd rather buzz away from danger than confront it head-on."

Buzz tried to maintain his faux bravado, puffing out his miniature chest. "Well, Michael, that's just... an unfair characterization of my heroism. You see, I possess a tactical retreat strategy that is unparalleled in the all hell. It's called 'strategic buzzing away,"

Michael pondered for a moment, his mind working through various approaches to convince Buzz. Suddenly, an idea struck himβ€”a way to tap into the mosquito's desires and manipulate his interests.

"Buzz," Michael said, his voice filled with a newfound enthusiasm, "if you agree to take on this task and protect Nightmare's soul, I will use my influence to free you from the clutches of hell. No longer will you be confined to this godforsaken place that you so despise. Imagine, Buzz, a life outside of hell's torment and misery."

Buzz's compound eyes widened at the mention of escaping hell. The thought of leaving behind the eternal flames and the constant buzzing of restless souls ignited a spark of hope within him. His wings buzzed with excitement as he imagined a life beyond the torment of his current existence.

"And that's not all," Michael continued, his voice carrying an air of mischief. "In my world, you will be revered as a great and fearless warrior. Picture this, Buzz: beautiful girls from every kingdom, lined up to be with you. They'll be mesmerized by your tales of heroic deeds and your legendary status. You'll have your pick, every single day!"

As the words settled in, Buzz's compound eyes glistened with anticipation. The mere mention of beautiful girls had him hooked. Thoughts of being the center of attention, adored by admirers, and surrounded by a bevy of royal suitors filled his imagination.

"Really?" Buzz stammered, his wings fluttering with a mix of excitement and disbelief. "You mean... I could have all that? Freedom from this inferno and an endless supply of adoring ladies?"

Michael nodded, his expression playing up the allure of the proposition. "Absolutely, Buzz. It's yours for the taking. All you need to do is agree to safeguard Nightmare's soul and ensure its preservation. The rewards that await you are beyond your wildest dreams."

Buzz's comical facade crumbled completely as he imagined himself basking in the glory of his newfound heroism and the attention of countless beautiful ladies. He couldn't resist the temptation, and a mischievous grin spread across his mosquito face.

"Oh, Michael, you had me at 'beautiful girls'!" Buzz exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. "Who needs that cheating bitch of a girlfriend of mine when I can have a harem of heaven-defying beauties? I'll need to get a notepad to keep track of them all! This is going to give me quite the headache, but it's a headache I'm willing to endure!"

Gaya couldn't help but laugh at Buzz's overzealous response. She shook her head, a mixture of amusement and disbelief on her face. "Oh, Buzz, I'm sure it will be such a burden for you to choose from your legion of adoring ladies. Don't strain yourself too much!"

Michael couldn't contain his amusement either, chuckling at Buzz's exaggerated excitement. He patted Buzz's tiny shoulder, his voice filled with a hint of mischief. "Remember, Buzz, with great power comes great responsibility. You'll have to navigate the treacherous waters of your newfound popularity. But fear not, for we will be there to guide you."

Buzz nodded eagerly, his wings buzzing with anticipation. "Absolutely, Michael! I'm ready for the challenges that come with being a legendary warrior with a horde of devoted fans. I'll take on this responsibility with all the courage I can muster!"

As the trio set off on their journey, Michael couldn't help but marvel at his successful manipulation. He had tapped into Buzz's desires and used them to motivate the hesitant mosquito. Little did Buzz know that the world Michael promised might not be exactly as he imagined. Still, Michael couldn't deny the satisfaction of seeing Buzz's genuine excitement and willingness to take on the task.

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