Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 969 The Day Before The Final Battle

In the armory of the Guardian Guild, Alicia stood surrounded by an array of gleaming armors. Her fingers caressed the smooth surface of the silver armor bestowed upon her by Noah as a wedding gift. The armor exuded an ethereal aura, adorned with intricate runes that glowed softly, as if alive with ancient magic. A chilling mist swirled around the armor, enveloping Alicia in an icy embrace.

With every piece she donned, Alicia felt a surge of power and purpose. The armor covered her from head to toe, its design both elegant and formidable. The helmet was crafted with precision, revealing only her face while concealing the sides, adding an air of mystery to her presence. The silver hue of the armor shimmered in the light, reflecting her determination and unwavering commitment to the Guardian Guild's cause.

With Noah's absence and the imminent confrontation with the Dark Lord looming, Alicia embraced her role as the leader of the Guardian Guild. As Noah's wife, she felt compelled to step forward and guide the guardians in the face of this dire threat. Donning her armor, Alicia carried the weight of responsibility on her shoulders, determined to honor her connection to Noah and protect the Guild.

As the elite team of guardians, handpicked by Noah himself, witnessed Alicia preparing for battle, a surge of pride and courage coursed through their veins. They knew that Alicia's presence at the forefront would inspire them to fight with unwavering resolve. Each guardian, with their own unique skills and unwavering loyalty, looked to Alicia as their beacon of hope and strength.

Among them, Neela stepped forward, her gaze filled with concern. Recognizing the immense danger they faced, she approached Alicia and assisted in securing the armor, her hands deftly fastening the straps.

"My lady, I beg you to consider what I've asked of you. Please, for the sake of your safety, leave this place," Neela pleaded, her voice filled with genuine concern. She couldn't bear the thought of losing Alicia, and the weight of disappointment they would carry in the eyes of Supreme Guardian Noah if something were to happen to her. 𝒃𝙚𝙙𝙣𝙤𝙫𝙚𝒍.𝒐𝙧𝒈

Alicia looked at Neela, her expression was resolute yet understanding. She gently shook her head, her determination unwavering.

"Neela, I am not facing the Dark Lord merely as a Guardian Captain. I am facing him as a Winston, as Noah's wife," Alicia explained firmly. The stripping of Noah's title as the Supreme Guardian held no weight in her heart. To her, Noah would always be the embodiment of that role. It was her duty as his wife to confront any threat that endangered the guild they both held dear.

Neela, aware of Alicia's history with the Dark Lord, continued her plea, hoping to break through Alicia's resolve.

"My lady, I understand the pain and anger that resides within you. But we cannot allow those emotions to cloud our judgment. None of us can single-handedly stop the Dark Lord from destroying our guild. We all know the uphill battle we face. However, if you survive this, we will eventually prevail in this war against the Dark Lord. The Supreme Guardians need you more than us, my lady."

Neela's words were heartfelt, carrying the weight of the guild's concerns. She reminded Alicia of the Dark Lord's despicable actions, recounting how he had humiliated her brother, Peter, during the battle tournament of Elon, reducing him to a mere mop for the floor. The Dark Lord had then exposed Peter as the vigilante, resulting in his house arrest by the Guardians. And finally, in a heart-wrenching moment, Alicia had witnessed the Dark Lord teleport Peter into the very cage where she had captured him, leading to Peter's tragic demise before her eyes. To add to the pain, Alicia's own family blamed her, believing that if she had let go of her hatred towards the Dark Lord, Peter might have been spared. The consequence was her family exiling her.

As Neela spoke, Alicia listened intently, her emotions stirred. Memories of the pain and loss resurfaced, but Alicia's resolve remained unshaken. She knew the risk, the uncertainty that lay ahead. Yet, the fire within her burned brighter than ever, fueled by her determination to avenge her brother's tragic fate and protect her guild.

With a calm but unwavering voice, Alicia responded to Neela's heartfelt plea. "Neela, I understand your concerns, and I am grateful for your words. But my decision stands firm. I cannot let go of my duty to the guild and to my family, no matter the risks involved. The Dark Lord has taken enough from us, and it is time we stand up against his tyranny. If there's even a chance to bring justice and protect those we love, then I will face this battle head-on."

Neela, feeling a sense of urgency, made one final attempt to convince Alicia to reconsider. "Alicia, I implore you to think about what I'm saying. The Dark Lord is Noah's brother, which makes him your brother-in-law. We can't fight against our own family. Let us face the Dark Lord and his army while you find safety elsewhere."

Alicia paused, her gaze meeting Neela's, her expression filled with determination. "Neela, I understand the connection between the Dark Lord and my husband, but I refuse to let that sway my decision. The Dark Lord may share blood ties, but his actions have severed any bond of kinship. He is not anyone's family, not to me, not to Noah. He has chosen a path of darkness, and it is our duty to stand against him."

Neela's shoulders slumped in resignation, realizing that Alicia's resolve was unyielding. "I understand, Alicia. I see the strength and conviction in your eyes. Just promise me you'll stay safe and return to us."

Alicia reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Neela's shoulder. "I promise, Neela. I will do everything in my power to protect myself and return to you all. We are guardians, bound by our loyalty and our shared purpose. I will not bring shame to my husband or the guild by running away when the Dark Lord threatens us."

Neela nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of worry and admiration. "May the gods be with you, Alicia. May your courage inspire us all."

With a final embrace, Alicia and Neela parted ways, each filled with their own emotions. Alicia, now fully clad in her armor, made her way toward the gathering guardians. Her heart was heavy with the weight of responsibility, but her determination burned bright. As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue upon the horizon, Alicia stood before her fellow guardians, ready to lead them into the approaching battle against the Dark Lord and his menacing army.

The night grew darker, but Alicia's resolve remained unwavering. She would face the Dark Lord head-on, for her fallen brother, for her husband, and for the future of the Guardian Guild. The stage was set, the battle awaited, and Alicia, the symbol of unwavering strength, was prepared to write the next chapter in their saga of light against darkness.


As Alicia prepared to face the Dark Lord, Elara returned to Salesi's hidden pocket dimension, where they gathered to plan their next moves. Elara took her seat at the round table, while Salesi and Evan greeted Neela with a nod. Evan couldn't hide his concern for the upcoming battle against the Dark Lord. What troubled him even more was Salesi's strict order for him to stay away from the Guardian Guild tomorrow. Salesi knew that if Evan confronted the Dark Lord, he would be extinguished in an instant. She valued Evan as a member of her Shadow Clan and wanted to protect him from such a fate.

Curiosity sparked in Salesi's eyes as she turned her attention to Elara. "So, Elara, how did your meeting with the Council of Immortals and the leaders of the great clans go?" Salesi's smile revealed her amusement, as she already anticipated the outcome.

Elara let out a frustrated sigh, her expression filled with a mix of annoyance and anger. "It was a complete waste of time. Those imbeciles believe that the Dark Lord's only target is the Guardian Guild. They refuse to acknowledge that once the Dark Lord decimates the guild, the other seven great clans will be next on his list for annihilation. It's infuriating to witness their sheer ignorance and lack of foresight."

Elara's frustration reached a boiling point, and she couldn't help but vent her anger. "If those clan leaders had an ounce of intelligence, they would realize the imminent threat and unite against the Dark Lord. Instead, their foolishness and stubbornness blind them to the danger at hand. I had to restrain myself from leaping out of my chair during the meeting and giving them a piece of my mind."

The room fell silent, the weight of the impending battle hanging heavy in the air. Elara's frustration was shared by those gathered, each aware of the gravity of the situation.

Evan's question hung heavy in the air, filled with a mix of frustration and desperation. "What about the Council of Immortals? Will they simply stand by and allow the Dark Lord to wipe out the Guardian Guild?" he implored.

Elara's voice dripped with exasperation as she replied, her frustration barely contained. "Those spineless cowards are no better than the clan leaders. At least they had the audacity to admit their inability to challenge the Dark Lord, rather than spewing feeble excuses," she exclaimed, her emotions raw and unfiltered. Deep down, however, Elara knew that the Council of Immortals had made a grim but realistic assessment.

Salesi interjected with a knowing tone, her words laced with a hint of satisfaction. "They are not entirely mistaken, my dear," she remarked.

"The Dark Lord has ascended to the Half Celestial stage. Even if every immortal within the Council united in confronting him, victory would be an elusive dream," Salesi stated, her voice betraying a mix of admiration for the Dark Lord's power and a hidden agenda. While she relished the thought of the Immortals foolishly throwing themselves at the Dark Lord, becoming fodder for her own sinister plans, she understood their reluctance. The Immortals were not as gullible as she wished.

Elara nodded in reluctant agreement, her sigh a testament to the heaviness in her heart. Though she desperately clung to a glimmer of hope, the truth weighed heavily upon her. The impending doom of the Guardian Guild, once her beloved sanctuary, now loomed inescapably. Noah's absence had left them vulnerable, their resilience tested to the core.

Salesi inquired, though she already knew the futility of attempting to dissuade Alicia from her decision. "Have you made any effort to dissuade Alicia from her perilous plan to face the Dark Lord?" she asked, feigning concern while secretly delighting in the unfolding of her grand plan.

Elara let out a heavy sigh, her voice tinged with resignation. "We both know better than to try and reason with Alicia," she replied, the weight of their shared understanding palpable.

"Indeed, it is a pity," Salesi responded, her words laced with false sympathy. However, her true feelings betrayed a twisted delight at the pieces of her grand design falling perfectly into place. "But can we truly blame Alicia for her unwavering determination to confront the Dark Lord? After all, he has ruthlessly shattered everything that held meaning for that poor girl," Salesi added, recalling the atrocities the Dark Lord had committed against Alicia.

Deep within the recesses of Salesi's dark heart, a twisted delight simmered as she heard the news of Alicia's impending battle against her own brother-in-law, the Dark Lord. Salesi understood the deep-seated animosity between them, fueled by the unspeakable pain the Dark Lord had inflicted upon Alicia and her loved ones. She relished the anticipation, for she knew the Dark Lord's merciless nature all too well.

Salesi's cunning mind envisioned the aftermath of Alicia's tragic demise at the hands of the Dark Lord. She foresaw the inevitable wrath that would consume Noah, Alicia's husband and the former Supreme Guardian. Despite their shared blood, Salesi knew that Noah's love for Alicia ran deeper than any familial bond. The news of her death would be a catalyst, shattering the tenuous connection he had once held with his treacherous brother.

With calculated ruthlessness, Salesi saw the path she had laid before her, like a macabre chessboard. Alicia's demise would serve as the catalyst, igniting the flames of a long-awaited war between the two brothers. It was a malevolent plan, meticulously crafted to exploit their familial ties, manipulating their emotions to orchestrate a battle that would rend the heavens asunder.

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As Salesi reveled in the darkness of her scheme, her eyes gleamed with a sinister satisfaction. She knew that Alicia's sacrifice would be the catalyst for the grand confrontation she had longed for, a clash of titanic forces that would shake the very foundations of their world. The anticipation coursed through her veins, fueling her wicked ambitions, as she eagerly awaited the tragic chain of events that would set brother against brother in a battle of unfathomable proportions.

In the twisted tapestry of fate, the threads wove a cruel and heartbreaking tale for the two brothers, Michael and Noah, bound by blood yet torn asunder by destiny. Their paths diverged, leading them down contrasting roads that would inevitably intersect in a tragic collision.

Michael, consumed by an all-consuming love for his wife Gaya, stood as a formidable guardian, willing to commit unspeakable acts to alter her fateful demise. He would willingly unleash devastation upon any who dared threaten her, forsaking the bonds of morality in a desperate attempt to rewrite her destiny. The depths of his devotion knew no bounds, his actions fueled by an insatiable desire to protect his beloved.

Meanwhile, Noah, the other brother, faced the harrowing possibility of losing his own wife, Alicia, in the clutches of his own brother. The intricate web of fate had entangled their lives in a macabre dance, where the relentless whims of destiny eclipsed familial ties and blood connections.

The cruelty of their intertwined destinies was a bitter reminder that even the strongest bonds could be severed by the relentless hands of fate. The path laid before them was one of anguish and despair, where the choices they made and the actions they took would inevitably lead to a tragic confrontation. The very fabric of their existence seemed woven with an inherent cruelty, as the brothers found themselves caught in a web of love, loyalty, and the ultimate betrayal.

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