Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 976 No More Guardian Guild I

As the ethereal dragon struggled to regain its footing amidst the rubble of the partially destroyed Guardian Guild headquarters, Michael drew forth his dark swords, their blades gleaming with a malevolent aura. With a commanding gesture, he summoned the dark flames to enshroud both blades, imbuing them with dark flames.

His eyes scanning the battleground, Michael focused his attention on the remaining guardians. In the sky, a group of fifty to sixty guardians hovered, their determination evident despite the overwhelming odds. Around the headquarters, a sizable force of a hundred to a hundred and fifty guardians stood their ground. Over the sea, fifty to sixty warships bobbed in the waves while an equal number of airships dotted the airspace above.

The scene was a testament to the Guardian Guild's unwavering resolve, a last bastion of defense against the relentless onslaught of the Dark Lord. The air crackled with tension as the guardians prepared for what could be their final stand, their numbers dwarfed by the overwhelming power of their adversary.

Elara Valren, in coordination with Salesi, made a strategic decision to lead their fleet into their own pocket dimension, ensuring their safety. This left the remaining guardians to face the Dark Lord alone, bearing the weight of the impending battle. With his dark swords firmly in hand, Michael set his sights on eliminating the remaining guardians.

In a swift and calculated move, Michael charged towards the guardians in the air, invoking his speed spell, lightning dash. The power of the spell propelled him with such incredible velocity that he seemed to blur, leaving behind a trail of afterimages and streaks of golden lightning. The guardians, caught off guard by the sudden gust of wind, barely had time to react before their heads were severed from their bodies.

The speed at which Michael harvested their heads was so astonishing that distant onlookers struggled to perceive his presence. All they could witness were the heads of the guardians soaring through the air, accompanied by a spray of blood from their lifeless, headless forms. For a fleeting moment, the lifeless bodies of the guardians remained suspended in the air, before gravity took hold and they fell to the ground, marking the grim aftermath of Michael's devastating assault.

As Michael swiftly decapitated the remaining guardians, he simultaneously unleashed the power of the Ring of Flames. With a mere gesture, waves of dark flames surged forth, engulfing the airships hovering in the sky. The intensity of the flames reduced the once-mighty vessels to mere ashes, their wooden structures consumed by the merciless inferno.

The dark flames proved to be a catalyst for destruction, causing explosions when they reached the gunpowder barrels within some of the ships. The resulting blasts reverberated through the air, adding to the chaos and devastation. The golden bolts of lightning that trailed behind the Dark Lord left a path of destruction in their wake, as ships succumbed to the overwhelming power and guardians lost their lives in the relentless onslaught.

Michael continued his relentless assault on the guardians and their ships as the dragon let out a thunderous roar and swooped down, aiming to engage him in deadly pursuit. Ignoring the dragon's presence, Michael skillfully evaded the golden energy balls that were unleashed from the dragon's mouth. His focus remained unwavering as he prioritized the task at hand — decimating the remaining guardians before turning his attention to the formidable dragon.

As the dragon relentlessly pursued Michael through the sky, it continued to unleash its golden energy balls, targeting the Dark Lord. However, Michael's mastery over his abilities allowed him to evade the deadly projectiles with agility and precision. Using his wind blast, he redirected some of the golden energy balls toward the enemy ships, causing powerful explosions that shattered the vessels into countless fragments.

The chase between the dragon and the Dark Lord unfolded with breathtaking speed and maneuverability. Michael deftly weaved through the air, executing quick turns and sudden shifts in direction to stay one step ahead of the dragon's attacks. He utilized his heightened senses and exceptional reflexes to anticipate the dragon's movements, narrowly evading its jaws and claws.

In a display of strategic prowess, Michael seized every opportunity to retaliate against the guardians. When the dragon unleashed a golden energy ball, he skillfully directed his wind blast to intercept it, redirecting the destructive force toward the guardians who dared to challenge him. The explosive impact obliterated their ranks, leaving a trail of chaos and destruction in its wake.

The cat-and-mouse chase continued, each maneuver and evasion pushing the boundaries of their respective powers. The dragon's relentless pursuit tested Michael's skill and endurance, but he remained determined and focused, determined to eliminate the guardians and emerge victorious in this epic clash of forces.

The news reporters stood frozen in awe and terror as they witnessed the battle unfold before their eyes. Their faces were pale, and their eyes widened as they exchanged hushed conversations.

"By the heavens, have you ever seen such devastation and power?" exclaimed a young reporter with wide eyes, clutching their notepad tightly.

Beside them, a seasoned journalist, their hands trembling, shook their head in disbelief. "In all my years of reporting, I never imagined witnessing such a cataclysmic event. The Dark Lord is single-handedly obliterating the Guardian Guild. It's an unfathomable display of power."

Their attention remained fixated on the scene below, where the once-proud Guardian Guild headquarters now lay in ruins. The shattered remnants of the fortress served as a haunting testament to the relentless assault launched by the Dark Lord.

"Look at the destruction unfolding beneath us! The Guardian Guild is crumbling, defenseless against the Dark Lord's relentless onslaught," gasped the young reporter, their voice filled with a mix of shock and fascination. "Every strike he delivers tears through their defenses."

The seasoned journalist nodded grimly, their gaze scanning the chaotic battlefield. "Tomorrow's newspaper headlines will shake the world. The fall of the Guardian Guild at the hands of the Dark Lord will send shockwaves throughout the realm,"

As their attention momentarily shifted to the aerial chase between the dragon and the Dark Lord, a shiver ran down their spines. The dragon's monstrous form and the Dark Lord's swift evasive maneuvers intensified the already gripping spectacle.

"Look there! The dragon continues its relentless pursuit!" exclaimed the young reporter, pointing to the sky. "The Dark Lord's agility is astounding, dodging the dragon's deadly onslaught with breathtaking precision."

The seasoned journalist nodded in agreement, their eyes fixed on the aerial duel. "It's a battle between titans. The Dark Lord stands alone against the Guardian Guild, systematically decimating their ranks with each devastating blow. His power is unmatched."

The reporters exchanged nervous glances, knowing they were witnessing history unfold before their very eyes. The magnitude of the battle and the impending headlines they would craft for tomorrow's newspaper weighed heavily on their minds. The imagery of the Guardian Guild's destruction would leave an indelible mark on the world, forever etching the Dark Lord's terrifying power in the annals of history.

As Michael swiftly soared through the chaos, engaged in relentless combat with the guardians, he could hear Elidyr's voice resonating in his mind. Elidyr, observing the war unfold through the Spyder nestled on Michael's neck, provided valuable guidance from the safety of the castle.

"My Lord," Elidyr spoke urgently, "I have crafted a rune specifically designed to disrupt the dragon's ethereal form, rendering it tangible for a brief window of time. Once you identify the source of its power, activate the rune. Remember, to truly vanquish this dragon, you must strike both the creature itself and its source of power simultaneously. If we fail to do so, it will only regenerate and continue its rampage."

With a sly smile on his face upon hearing Elidyr's voice, Michael's confidence swelled. He had strategically positioned Elidyr to witness the battle, knowing the value of his knowledge on runes and ethereal forms. It was a stroke of luck to have Elidyr observe the unfolding events.

Without a moment's hesitation, Michael accessed his linked space ring and retrieved a golden parchment adorned with a glowing rune. His movements were swift and purposeful, avoiding the dragon's menacing heads as he set his sights on the Guardian Guild headquarters. The speed at which he traversed the sky caused the ocean below to churn and spray, a testament to his urgency.

As Michael neared the headquarters, the remaining guardians sprang into action, unleashing a barrage of outlandish weapons. Arcane rifles crackled with energy, launching bolts of lightning, while shimmering blades glowed with enchantments as they were brandished. The air crackled with the release of powerful elemental spells and ethereal projectiles.

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However, Michael swiftly maneuvered through the chaos, expertly evading the guardians' attacks. He soared higher into the sky, then dove down with incredible force, landing amidst the guardians with a thunderous impact. The sheer power of his landing sent shockwaves rippling through the surroundings, causing the guardians and their weapons to tremble and topple.

Seizing the opportunity, Michael unleashed dark beams from his piercing eyes, obliterating the guardians in his path. The beams sliced through flesh and armor, severing heads and limbs with terrifying efficiency. The scene resembled a scorching hot knife cutting through butter, leaving destruction in its wake.

Meanwhile, Michael deftly evaded the dragon's energy balls, skillfully dodging their lethal trajectory. His movements were fluid and precise, allowing him to navigate the battlefield while simultaneously dispatching the guardians. The combined might of his dark beams and evasive maneuvers left a trail of fallen foes and severed limbs, a testament to his unrivaled power and combat prowess.

As Michael darted through the crumbling hallways and corridors of the Guardian Guild headquarters, the dragon hot on his heels, the entire building quaked under their fierce pursuit. His keen eyes scanned every inch of the surroundings, desperately searching for the source of the dragon's power. In his Environmental Scanning map, he detected a pulsating energy emanating from a specific location.

Amidst the chaos, the walls trembled and shattered, sending debris raining down as Michael pressed forward. Finally, he descended into an underground chamber, where his eyes fell upon a captivating jade stone adorned with an intricately etched tiny dragon. Sensing its significance, Michael knew this was the key to severing the dragon's hold.

Without hesitation, he reached out and snatched the jade stone, his hand trembling with determination. As he did, the dragon let out a thunderous roar, its golden energy surging toward Michael with relentless force. The impact of the blast sent him hurtling through the walls, his shoulder bleeding profusely, but he clung tightly to the precious jade stone.

With sheer willpower, Michael emerged from the crumbling Guardian Guild headquarters, soaring into the vast expanse of the sky. The dragon, its existence threatened, unleashed one final desperate attempt to halt him. But with the jade stone firmly in his grasp, Michael defied the odds, his resolve unyielding.

As the dragon emerged from the remnants of the Guardian Guild, Michael stood firm, clutching the jade stone and the golden parchment tightly. Knowing the moment had come, he summoned the dark flames, engulfing the scroll in his hand. The ancient rune, pulsating in a crimson hue, soared through the air and struck the dragon with precise accuracy. The ethereal form of the dragon flickered and wavered as the rune took hold, transforming its essence into a crystalline state.

With unwavering determination, Michael unsheathed his dark sword, its wicked blade gleaming in the light. He lunged forward, his movements swift and precise, evading the golden energy balls unleashed by the dragon's heads effortlessly. The crystalized body of the dragon stood no chance against the dark sword's lethal edge. In a breathtaking display of skill, Michael cleaved through the dragon's defense, shattering its fragile form. Simultaneously, his grip tightened around the jade stone, crushing it with a resolute grip.

The dragon let out a thunderous roar, a final cry of defiance before its entire being shattered into a mesmerizing cascade of golden light. It dissipated into the vast expanse, leaving no trace of its existence behind.

As Michael's feet touched the ground, his body slumped forward, the weight of exhaustion finally catching up to him. He took deep, labored breaths, the rise and fall of his chest revealing the toll of the fierce battle he had just endured. Surrounding him, the remaining guardians closed in, their eyes gleaming with a glimmer of victory. They believed him to be weakened, vulnerable, unaware of the secret power that flowed through his veins.

Little did they know, concealed beneath Michael's worn exterior, the APD hummed with quiet efficiency. The Automatic Potion Dispenser, an invaluable ally in his arsenal, had already administered its healing elixirs into his bloodstream. The restorative potions worked their magic, mending every wound and revitalizing his weary body.

As the guardians closed in, their swords at the ready, their faces twisted into triumphant grins, Michael's eyes flickered with a newfound strength. The weariness that had weighed him down only moments before now transformed into a fierce determination. With renewed vitality coursing through his veins, he straightened his posture, his gaze steady and unyielding.

The guardians, oblivious to the invisible wellspring of power that surged within him, prepared to strike. Little did they know they were walking toward their death.

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