Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 978 Complete Destruction Of The Guardian Guild

After obliterating the Guardian Guild, Michael experienced a sense of relief and newfound strength. With his formidable enemy eradicated, a weight lifted from his shoulders. He hovered above the calm sea, gazing at the remnants of what used to be Hulwick Isle. This marked the second island he had completely decimated, the first being Itholan. Though the waves slowly settled, the storm continued to rage with unyielding fury.

Moments passed as Michael floated in contemplation, his eyes fixed on the once-thriving island. Then, with a serene expression, he turned away from the scene and soared through the air, leaving the desolation behind.

Several hours later, Michael arrived at the site of a grand castle, its construction still underway. Eve eagerly awaited his return, accompanied by a group of dark army soldiers. Their curious gazes followed his every move.

Eve, unable to contain her anticipation, approached Michael and inquired, "What happened?"

With a calm smile, Michael answered her, "The Guardian Guild is no more,"

Gasps of astonishment escaped the lips of the dark army soldiers. As Michael walked beside Eve, he placed his arm around her neck, a gesture of familiarity rather than an embrace. Together, they proceeded to enter the castle, the soldiers trailing behind them, their eyes filled with wonder and curiosity.

The castle, although only a quarter completed, stood as a magnificent testament to power and grandeur. Dwarves, renowned for their craftsmanship, were diligently working on the construction, their hammers clanging against stone and metal, shaping the fortress that would serve as Michael's stronghold.

The corridors they traversed were a blend of raw stone and scaffolding, revealing the ongoing labor required to bring the castle to its full glory. Dust particles danced in the air, illuminated by beams of sunlight that pierced through the partially constructed walls. The echoes of dwarves' conversations mingled with the sounds of construction, creating a symphony of progress.

As they made their way through the corridors, the soldiers' eyes wandered, taking in the meticulous craftsmanship of each detail. The flickering torches cast an eerie glow, revealing glimpses of the tapestries and ancient paintings that would soon adorn the walls. The scent of freshly cut wood mingled with the scent of stone, creating a unique aroma that permeated the air.

Within the castle's embrace, the dwarves worked tirelessly, their expertise evident in every stroke of the hammer and every carefully placed stone. It was a place where shadows thrived, secrets whispered, and destinies shaped.

The group continued their steady stride, their footsteps echoing against the stone floors and unfinished surfaces. Whispers of anticipation and curiosity filled the air, as the soldiers exchanged glances, eager to learn more about the outcome of the Guardian Guild's downfall. The castle seemed alive with an electric energy, pulsating with the aftermath of Michael's triumph, and the promise of a formidable future.

Michael proceeded to provide a concise account of the battle to his soldiers and Eve. Together, they made their way to the meeting hall, where his subordinates were already gathered. The soldiers and advisers stood up as Michael entered, showing their respect for their leader.

"Please, take your seats," Michael gestured, indicating that they should resume their places. He settled himself comfortably on his throne, a symbol of his authority.

As he seated himself, Sadie, his trusted aide, swiftly sent a stack of neatly stacked parchments gliding through the air towards Michael. With deft hands, he caught them and began reading each page with utmost care. These parchments contained valuable information about the prominent Great Eight Clans that spanned the world. In the previous meeting, Michael had requested Sadie to compile the best available intelligence on each clan.

As Michael engrossed himself in the contents of the parchments, absorbing the knowledge within, Eve took it upon herself to disseminate the news of the Guardian Guild's destruction to the others present. Shock and disbelief reverberated through the room as the members absorbed the magnitude of this revelation. Whispers and murmurs filled the air, as they grappled with the reality of the guild's demise.

Once Michael had finished reading the parchments, he placed the stack carefully on the table before him and directed his gaze towards Sadie, acknowledging her effort.

"You have done an exceptional job. Why don't you enlighten our comrades about the details of these Great Eight Clans?" Michael requested Sadie to present the information about the clans to the rest of their subordinates.

Sadie stood before the gathered subordinates, holding the stack of parchments that contained information about the Great Eight Clans. She cleared her throat and began to address the group.

"Allow me to introduce the Great Eight Clans," Sadie began, her voice clear and confident. "The first on the list is the Guardian Guild, comprised of humans, known for their military prowess and law enforcement capabilities."

She continued, "Next, we have the Nightshade Clan and the Stormheart Clan, both consisting of humans as well. These two clans, however, are not as widely known as the Guardian Guild. The Nightshade Clan focuses on exploring uncharted territories, such as treacherous oceans and dangerous demons grave. They are responsible for discovering new pocket dimensions and expanding human territories beyond this world."

Tiberius, one of the subordinates, raised his hand with a puzzled expression. "I've never heard of the Nightshade and Stormheart Clans. Why are they not as well-known as the Guardian Guild?"

Sadie nodded in understanding and replied, "That's because these clans have taken a different path. Unlike the Guardian Guild, their focus is not primarily on military and law enforcement. The Nightshade Clan specializes in ventures that contribute to human prosperity in other ways, while the Stormheart Clan wields influence over the economy from the shadows."

She continued, "The Nightshade Clan's endeavors in exploring dangerous realms and discovering new dimensions often go unnoticed by the general population. As for the Stormheart Clan, their impact on the economy is far-reaching, as they control a significant portion of the economic affairs of human kingdoms, working behind the scenes to ensure prosperity."

Sadie paused for a moment to allow the information to sink in before moving on to the next clan.

"Next, we have the Water God Hall and the Sea Serpent Hall, both belonging to the Sea Folks. These clans, however, do not involve themselves in the affairs of humans, elves, dwarves, and orcs, whom they refer to as 'landwalkers.' They maintain their own separate domains and keep a distance from the dealings of the other races."

She then moved on to describe the Gondolin Empire, which belonged to the elves. "The Gondolin Empire, led by Nithroel, is considered the most powerful clan among all the Great Eight Clans. Nithroel, the elven empress, rules Gondolin with a firm hand. Unlike other clans that rely on military might, she opts for diplomatic solutions and cunning deals in the shadows, rather than waging wars."

Sadie paused, allowing the significance of the elven empire's power to sink in among the listeners. The subordinates exchanged glances, realizing the weight of this information.

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"In addition to these, we have the Han Torum, a clan of dwarves known for their exceptional craftsmanship and engineering skills," Sadie continued. "And lastly, we have the Ironmane Horde, representing the beastmen, a strong and formidable race."

She concluded, "These Great Eight Clans, each with their unique strengths and characteristics, have played significant roles in the realms. With the demise of the Guardian Guild, the balance of power among the clans has shifted. It is essential for us to understand these dynamics as we navigate the current landscape."

Sadie folded the parchments neatly and placed them back on the table. The subordinates sat in contemplative silence, absorbing the knowledge of the Great Eight Clans and the shifting power dynamics within their realm.

Aria, the Queen of Shadows, leaned forward, her eyes piercing as she addressed Sadie. "What should we expect now, with the demise of the Guardian Guild? Will the other races take advantage of this void?"

Sadie met Aria's gaze and replied with a serious tone. "Indeed, without the Guardian Guild to safeguard the human kingdoms, they will be vulnerable to the ambitions and encroachments of other races. The absence of a powerful force like the Guild creates a power vacuum that is bound to attract various factions and individuals seeking to fill the void left behind."

She gestured with her hand, emphasizing the potential consequences. "Human kings and queens will act according to their own desires and agendas, without the guidance and protection of the Guardian Guild. This could lead to unforeseen conflicts, political upheavals, and even territorial disputes among the human kingdoms themselves."

Sadie's voice held a note of concern as she continued. "Moreover, the absence of a centralized force like the Guardian Guild might embolden other races to expand their territories or assert their dominance. The balance of power that the Guild once maintained will be disrupted, and new alliances and rivalries will emerge."

She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in. "We must be prepared for these changes and the potential repercussions they bring. The demise of the Guardian Guild leaves a void that will undoubtedly alter the landscape of the realms, and we must navigate this uncertain terrain with caution."

Aria nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. The subordinates around the table exchanged glances, realizing the implications of the power vacuum and the subsequent ripple effects it could have on their world.

After Sadie finished explaining about the clans, all eyes turned towards Michael, awaiting his next command. The subordinates hoped he wouldn't assign them an overly challenging task, considering the immense workload they already had preparing for the Dark Lord's upcoming wedding with Gaya, the Dark Queen.

Michael seemed to read their minds as he addressed their concerns. "I understand that you have been preoccupied with the wedding preparations," he began.

"However, we must maintain our momentum. Our next target is the dwarves. They possess great capabilities, and we require their expertise to complete our castle and fulfill our future endeavors. Therefore, we shall begin recruiting the dwarves from Han Torum," Michael announced, directing his gaze at Saber, the newly appointed King of the Nightwalkers.

"Saber, your mission is to travel to Han Torum and present them with a choice: either dismantle their clan or face the consequences of my wrath," Michael commanded.

Eve, always eager to understand the reasoning behind Michael's decisions, questioned his approach. "Why not simply order them to join us directly?" she asked.

Michael shook his head, his expression filled with wisdom. "In the eyes of the world and the Skyhall, we are still considered evil. The dwarves, I believe, share this perspective. If we were to recruit them directly and they accepted, they would be branded as evil as well. We do not want that. By persuading them to dismantle their clan, we can discreetly recruit the talented dwarves without compromising their standing. Some may view the dwarves as cowards, but many will recognize their decision as a necessary one, especially after news of the Guardian Guild's destruction spreads," he explained.

Eve's curiosity remained unsatisfied as she pressed further. "And if they refuse to dismantle their clan?" she inquired.

A sly smile crept across Michael's face at her question. "We will ensure they comply. Saber, it is your task to instill the fear of god into the hearts of the clan leaders and make them understand the gravity of dismantling their clan," he declared. As an elder vampire, Saber possessed the prowess necessary to accomplish this intimidating feat, and Michael had full confidence in his abilities.

"Once we have gathered enough dwarves within our ranks, we shall proceed to the next phase of our conquest," Michael proclaimed, his devilish grin revealing his ambitious intentions. As he finished issuing his orders, Saber produced a parchment from his coat pocket and sent it flying toward Michael.

"My lord, this parchment contains a comprehensive list of the unique and powerful metals found in our world, along with the most suitable ones for forging your armor. Choose one, and we shall procure as much of the desired metal as you require before the wedding," Saber offered.

Eve couldn't help but express her concern for Lady Adelia, Gaya's mother, and her potential absence from the upcoming wedding. She believed it was crucial for Adelia to be present, as it held great significance for Gaya. However, Eve also knew that Gaya had entrusted Michael with the task of finding and bringing her mother to the wedding, which reassured her to a certain extent.

Curious about any updates on Lady Adelia, Eve turned to Michael and inquired, "Do we have any updates on Lady Adelia?" 𝗯𝐞𝐝𝗻𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥.𝐜𝗼𝐦

Michael reassured her with a calm demeanor, "Azazel will ensure that Lady Adelia is brought here before the wedding. For now, let us concentrate on our mission in Han Torum and the ongoing wedding preparations."

As the conversation shifted, Michael's gaze fell upon Aria, the Queen of Shadows. He entrusted her with a critical task related to the aftermath of the Guardian Guild's destruction. Michael's voice turned cold as he issued his command to Aria, emphasizing the importance of the matter.

"Aria, locate the prominent figures within the Guardian Guild and eliminate them. These wealthy merchants who supported the guild pose a significant threat if they are allowed to remain alive. After losing the guild, they will be eager for revenge, and our enemies may exploit them to fund their own endeavors. Therefore, it is imperative that we eliminate them and claim their wealth for ourselves," Michael declared with a calculated tone.

Michael's mind, a wellspring of cunning and ruthlessness, churned with a plethora of plans and contingencies, each crafted meticulously to outwit the forces plotting against him in the shadows. His genius, fueled by a thirst for dominance, allowed him to anticipate their moves and stay several steps ahead. With calculated precision, he orchestrated a symphony of strategies, always considering the multiple outcomes and adapting his approach accordingly. Michael's brilliance lay not only in his ability to devise intricate schemes but also in his unwavering determination to see them through, no matter the cost. His mind, an arsenal of relentless calculation, ensured that he would leave no stone unturned, no avenue unexplored, as he methodically dismantled his enemies and solidified his own position of power.

The subordinates watched attentively, aware that their Dark Lord's ambitions were rapidly escalating and that the course of their world was being shaped by his calculated moves.

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