Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 987 Michael Joins The Ancient Dark Queen

An hour later, Michael arrived at the cave, drawn by Trista's urgent call. As he stepped into the dimly lit cavern, a sense of foreboding washed over him, for the atmosphere was heavy with an overwhelming presence of dark energy. His eyes widened in surprise as he realized the magnitude of the evil lurking within the cave.

"Trista," Michael said, his voice laced with a mixture of admiration and concern. "You have done well. It is time for you to leave this place."

Trista, her red hair slightly disheveled and her eyes still gleaming with the remnants of her earlier bloodlust, nodded in acknowledgment. She understood the gravity of the situation and trusted Michael's judgment. Reluctantly, she turned and made her way toward the cave's entrance, leaving Michael to face the ancient evil alone.

As Trista departed, Michael's presence seemed to repel the malevolent energy that permeated the air. It was as if he possessed an innate immunity to the darkness that filled the cave. Though he could feel its weight pressing upon him, his resolve remained unyielding.

With a steady gaze, Michael took a step forward, ready to confront the ancient evil that dwelled within.

The lady's whispering voice, now colder and filled with anger, resonated through the cave. "Break the iron shield and release me!" it demanded, its tone laced with a sense of urgency and menace. "Or face the consequences!"

Michael, undeterred by the threatening voice, scoffed and let out a mocking chuckle. "You cannot threaten nor tempt me," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering. "I know of your origins, and how could you call yourself a Queen when you are scattered and caged like this?"

The voice grew more furious, echoing with a mixture of rage and frustration. "You puny human. You have no idea who you are talking to. I am the Queen of All!"

Michael remained resolute, his eyes gleaming with a hint of defiance. "Your claims of power may have been true in the distant past, but now you are nothing more than a shadow of your former self. Your time has passed, and you shall remain sealed within this cage."

To Michael's surprise, standing before him were the remnants of Mugashuku's master and the self-proclaimed ancient being known as 'The Queen'. During his travels through different universes, he had come across tales of the Queen, a threat that loomed over all existence. However, Michael had chosen to disregard her, for her soul had been fragmented and scattered across countless dimensions. Though her forces tirelessly sought to reunite her soul fragments and restore her power, it would take many years. Michael had more immediate concerns to attend to, and he knew he lacked the strength to face even one of the Queen's generals, let alone the Queen herself.

Finding himself alone with this remnant of the Queen, Michael saw an opportunity to manipulate the situation to his advantage. With a calm demeanor and a hint of amusement, he proposed, "Since we find ourselves in this isolated space, why don't we engage in a conversation and discover that we may share more in common than you realize?"

The Queen's anger flared, her ancient presence seething with hostility. "You, a mere ant, dare to suggest such a thing? I should end your existence for your audacity!" she retorted, her voice dripping with contempt.

A sly smile played across Michael's lips as he further provoked the ancient being. "Listen to yourself. You, who now yearns for the help of a mere ant to escape this cage. It seems you find yourself in this situation because you were too much of a bitch on your time," he taunted, purposefully igniting the Queen's fury.

The Queen's rage intensified, her anger fueling her desire for revenge. But Michael remained unfazed, his demeanor unyielding and nonchalant. In this encounter, the balance of power tilted in his favor, and he reveled in his ability to manipulate and undermine the ancient being before him.

"You should know that your General Mugashuku has sought my assistance in locating the dark energy crystals, which I suspect contain fragments of your own soul," Michael stated, his voice laced with a calculated confidence. The Queen's anger appeared to simmer down slightly upon hearing these words.

Seizing the opportunity presented by the momentary lull, Michael continued to sway the Queen's disposition. In his mind, he weighed the possibility of joining forces with her, recognizing the potential for increased strength. Furthermore, he harbored a certain empathy for the Queen, as the world had labeled him as evil and dark, much like they had her. Until he could ascertain her true nature, he saw no harm in utilizing her power to his own advantage. Besides, even if he were convinced of her malevolence, he knew that his options were limited. It was a matter of utilizing her and her forces to further his own goals.

"Very well, human. But let there be no mistake about who you are conversing with. While one fragment of my soul may be confined within this cage before you, countless others are not. Any of them possess the power to obliterate your very existence," the Queen warned, her voice laced with a chilling authority.

"Understood," Michael responded, his tone tinged with a confident arrogance. "You see, I am a god. Granted, perhaps a lesser deity compared to your esteemed presence, but a god nevertheless. The world and those who hold power in it brand those who possess great strength or wield unfamiliar powers as evil and dark. They labeled me as such and banished me to another universe. Do you now see why I suggested we might share something in common?"

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With his words hanging in the air, Michael observed the Queen, awaiting her response. The balance between their potential alliance and the inherent dangers of their association swayed delicately, leaving their future intertwined with uncertainty.

"Weaklings indeed fear power, while gods revel in it, crushing those who are beneath them. The feeble-minded call what they fear 'evil' and 'dark.' Regrettably, these pathetic fools have been allowed to grow and flourish," the Queen replied, her tone dripping with disdain.

"Yes, never underestimate the power of stupidity when it gathers in great numbers. This is where we can mutually benefit. As I am preoccupied with dealing with these imbeciles, I am unable to locate more of your scattered soul pieces. However, if you aid me in becoming stronger, as you have done with your generals, I can swiftly eradicate my enemies and expedite the search for your soul fragments," Michael proposed, his voice laced with calculated pragmatism.

In response, the Queen's laughter filled the cavern, an ominous sound that sent shivers down Michael's spine. The malicious echoes reverberated through the chamber, signifying an unsettling agreement.

"Human, do not assume that your attempts at manipulation escape my notice. I can read your thoughts as clearly as the light of day. Even the weakest fragment of my soul possesses the capability to annihilate your entire world in a matter of seconds. Yet, I perceive the potential benefits of utilizing you to further my own aims. Furthermore, I sense an ancient power dormant within you," the Queen declared, her voice tinged with a hidden sense of intrigue.

A chill coursed through Michael's being as he felt the probing gaze of the ancient being, a sensation that left him feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"I comprehend now why Mugashuku chose you to locate my scattered soul pieces. This dormant power within you possesses the ability to fulfill that task. However, it remains dormant, choosing to hide from its predators. At its current stage, this power is incapable of defeating them. I can assist you in awakening this power for a limited duration in exchange for your pledge," the Queen's words dripped with insidious intent and an icy aura of authority.

"What is it that you desire?" Michael inquired, his voice filled with a mixture of caution and curiosity.

"What you behold here is not a mere fragment of my soul, but rather my energy infused with a fraction of my consciousness. I left it as a beacon to guide the way towards my other scattered soul fragments, despite being imprisoned by someone I hold utmost disdain for," the Queen clarified, her voice resonating with a mix of bitterness and determination.

"And you wish for me to locate this soul fragment that your consciousness has discovered and deliver it to Mugashuku," Michael surmised.

"Yes and no. It would be prudent for you to locate my soul piece, but instead of handing over the crystal that contains it to Mugashuku, leave it within the place you refer to as the 'demon's grave,'" the Queen commanded, her voice leaving no room for negotiation.

The temptation to awaken the dormant system was too alluring for Michael to resist. He recognized the symbiotic relationship between himself and the system, realizing that if the Queen could temporarily awaken the system, he could utilize the accumulated badass points to locate more hidden seeds of darkness and find a permanent solution to prevent the system from remaining offline.

"I can fulfill your request. You have my word," Michael pledged, his tone laced with a tinge of eagerness and caution.

"I care not for your words, human. Failure to uphold this agreement will result in the wrath of my minion, Mugashuku. You would be wise to honor your promise," the Queen warned, her voice chillingly devoid of mercy.

"Understood," Michael replied. A brief silence enveloped the cavern, broken only by the Queen's voice as she continued to speak.

"Absorb my energy, and it shall awaken your dormant power," the Queen commanded, her words carrying a commanding authority. Suddenly, a pulsating sensation surged through Michael's mind, a familiar hum signaling the reawakening of the system. To his surprise and elation, he heard the long-lost voice of the system once again.

[System rebooting...]

[Unknown power has overridden safe mode...] 𝗯𝗲𝐝𝐧𝗼𝐯𝗲π₯.𝗻𝗲𝐭

[Energy absorption has commenced...]

The Queen's voice echoed with a commanding tone as she issued her next instruction. "Destroy the cage, human. Break the constraints that hold my energy captive," she commanded, her words laced with a mix of authority and anticipation.

Michael's instincts compelled him to obey, his mind filled with a surge of dark energy. Beams of darkness shot forth from his eyes, their intensity growing with each passing moment. With a tremendous burst of power, the beams struck the metal cage, shattering it into countless fragments. The once-imprisoned energy, now liberated, radiated with a strange aura, as if undergoing a transformation.

If the system had remained offline and silent, Michael's initial instinct would have been to exercise caution and avoid breaking the cage that held the Queen's energy. His analytical mind would have evaluated the potential risks and consequences of such an action. However, the awakening of the system introduced a new element into the equation. Its whispered guidance and subtle influence, coupled with Michael's trust in its judgment, shifted his perspective. The system's suggestion to break the cage and absorb the energy resonated with his deepest instincts, convincing him that it was a necessary and advantageous course of action. In this symbiotic relationship between man and system, their combined instincts and the whispered promises of power led Michael to make the fateful decision to shatter the cage and embrace the Queen's energy.

As the shattered fragments of the cage fell to the ground, the released energy began to manifest itself in a peculiar manner. It swirled and twisted, coalescing into intricate patterns and symbols that danced in the air around Michael. The energy seemed to be drawn towards him, and a powerful force drew it inward.

Within Michael's being, the system that had lain dormant for what felt like an eternity greedily absorbed the newfound energy. It crackled and surged, merging with the dark sliver of energy that had once been the Queen's. The merging of the two forces produced an otherworldly glow, as if a cosmic exchange was occurring within Michael's very core.

With each passing moment, the dark sliver of energy dissipated, vanishing into Michael's body. The absorption completed, the once-dormant system hummed with renewed vigor, intertwining with the latent power that had been awakened. Michael's senses sharpened, his veins pulsating with a newfound strength, as if the amalgamation of dark energy and system had forged him into something beyond human.

As the final remnants of the Queen's energy vanished, Michael stood before the radiant aftermath of the cage's destruction, a transformation evident in his eyes.

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