Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 992 War God Crashes The Wedding

As the wedding celebration of Michael and Gaya reached its peak, the atmosphere was filled with joy, laughter, and the infectious rhythm of music. The guests danced and reveled in the happiness of the occasion, their hearts light and carefree.

Amidst the merriment, Michael, the groom, glanced up at the night sky and noticed a sudden glimmer of light. It caught his attention, and an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. Sensing something amiss, he discreetly activated the earpiece hidden beneath his neatly tailored suit.

"Spider, I've spotted a strange light in the sky. Check it out discreetly and report back," Michael whispered urgently, ensuring that Gaya remained unaware of his concerns.

Before the vampire death squad could acknowledge his command, the glimmer of light in the sky rapidly intensified, closing the distance with astonishing speed. Gasps of surprise escaped from the guests' lips as the light descended upon the island, illuminating the surroundings with an otherworldly brilliance.

The arrival of this unexpected visitor left everyone in a state of shock, their festivities momentarily forgotten. Wide-eyed and speechless, they watched as the radiant figure emerged from the light, its ethereal presence captivating their attention. The air crackled with a sense of anticipation, as if the world itself held its breath in awe of this extraordinary arrival.

However, the true nature and purpose of this enigmatic visitor remained a mystery, shrouded in uncertainty. The scene was frozen in time, with whispers of speculation and trepidation circulating through the crowd. The joyous celebration now stood at a crossroads, its path veering into the realm of the unknown.

As the golden light dissipated, revealing the figure within, a hushed silence fell over the crowd. The guests' eyes widened in astonishment as they beheld the sight before themβ€”an Orc unlike any they had ever encountered. His crimson skin stood out in stark contrast to his intricate white and blue tattoos that adorned his muscular physique. Tusks protruded from his mouth, and numerous piercings adorned his body, glinting ominously under the moonlight.

The Orc's eyes blazed with an otherworldly light, radiating an aura of power that sent shivers down the spines of those who stood in his presence. Without a second thought, Saber lunged forward, determined to end the life of this uninvited guest.

But before Saber could even reach the Orc, a powerful gust of wind erupted from the Orc's body, sending the valiant warrior hurtling backward. The sheer force of the blast sent Saber flying off the island, his body crashing into the waters below. The destructive wind tore through the surroundings, obliterating everything in its path, causing chaos and throwing the remaining guests off balance.

Michael, paralyzed with shock and disbelief, couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. He couldn't discern the Orc's cultivation level, but the overwhelming power emanating from the Orc was palpable, leaving Michael and the others in a state of trepidation.

With an instinctive surge of protective energy, Michael swiftly stepped in front of Gaya, his eyes blazing with determination. Two dark beams shot forth from his gaze, cutting through the air with an ominous hiss.

"Elidyr, activate the runes!" Michael commanded, his voice laced with urgency.

In response to his command, the three portals, positioned at the edge of the island, burst into life, emanating a brilliant light that grew in intensity. A powerful pulling force gripped the guests, drawing them towards the portals against their will. The wedding scene was suddenly thrown into chaos as bewildered and frightened cries filled the air.

"Everyone, hold on! We need to get out of here!" Michael shouted, his voice barely audible above the turmoil.

Shock and disbelief etched across the faces of the guests as they found themselves helpless, unable to resist the overwhelming power radiating from the enigmatic Orc. The once jubilant atmosphere had been replaced with a sense of vulnerability and fear.

In the midst of the pandemonium, Michael shielded Gaya, his beloved wife, with his own body, sheltering her from harm. His focus never wavered as he directed his dark beams toward the menacing Orc, determined to confront this formidable foe head-on.

The once joyous wedding scene was abruptly thrown into chaos as the power radiating from the Orc engulfed the island. Gasps of astonishment filled the air as guests stumbled backward, their faces etched with shock and disbelief.

"What the hell is happening?!" Trista exclaimed, her voice trembling with fear.

Tiberius, wide-eyed and bewildered, looked around in disbelief. "Who is this? Why can't I move?"

Aria, her hands shaking, whispered in disbelief, "This power... it's overwhelming. We're completely powerless."

Claire, her voice quivering, managed to utter, "Take Cindy and run to the portal!"

Gibson tightened his grip on his Cindy's hand, his voice filled with urgency. "Stay close, Cindy. We need to find safety."

Corey, his expression a mix of awe and fear, muttered, "This power... it's beyond anything I've ever witnessed."

Optimus, his usually calm demeanor shattered, exclaimed, "No ordinary foe... Who is this Orc?"

The guests, overwhelmed by the immense power radiating from the Orc, looked to Michael with a mixture of hope and desperation, realizing that their only chance lay in the strength and determination of the bride and groom. The fate of the wedding celebration hung precariously in the balance as the battle between light and darkness loomed ominously overhead.

The once serene wedding scene transformed into a chaotic spectacle as the power radiating from the Orc overwhelmed the island. The Orc's imposing presence left everyone stunned and paralyzed with fear.

The very atmosphere crackled with an otherworldly energy, causing hair to stand on end and sending shivers down the spines of those present. The Orc's red-skinned visage, adorned with intricate tattoos and piercings, exuded an aura of dominance and malevolence. His glowing eyes bore into the crowd, relishing the fear that danced across their faces.

Michael, shielding Gaya with his body, unleashed his dark beams upon the Orc, hoping to subdue the intruder. The beams of darkness struck the Orc's head, but to the shock of everyone, nothing happened. The Orc remained unfazed, a smug smirk etched upon his lips, defying the powerful onslaught with disdain.

Gaya, realizing the urgency of the situation, summoned her celestial bow and a quiver of ethereal arrows materialized by her side. Determination replaced the fear in her eyes as she stepped forward, ready to confront the menacing intruder. The bride, radiating a blend of grace and strength, prepared herself for the battle that now threatened to overshadow her wedding day.

Amidst the chaos, guests stumbled and scrambled for cover, their movements hindered by the overpowering presence of the Orc. Their attempts to rally against the intruder proved futile as the force emanating from the Orc left them weak and powerless, their limbs heavy as if burdened by invisible chains.

The once immaculate wedding venue now bore the scars of the chaotic upheaval. Tables and decorations lay in disarray, tossed aside by the gusts of wind that erupted from the Orc's very being. The vibrant flowers that once adorned the aisle were trampled underfoot, petals scattered like remnants of a shattered dream.

"Now, Elidyr!" Michael shouted, his voice filled with urgency and determination.

In response, Elidyr clenched a golden crystal in his hand, crushing it with a resounding crack. As the crystal shattered, the pulling force emanating from the portals multiplied several folds, causing the air to tremble with their intensity. The portals, now unleashed with unprecedented power, surged with an insatiable hunger, greedily drawing everything in their path towards their swirling depths.

The Orc, his eyes fixed on Michael, proclaimed with a chilling certainty, "I am only here for the God of Darkness."

With a flick of his wrist, three figures materialized out of thin air before the Orc. Among them stood Samuel, the gray-haired butler of the Winston family, his neatly combed hair contrasting with the chaos unfolding around him. The sight of Samuel stunned Michael, his mind reeling with the implications of the Orc's words.

But before Michael could react, the Orc's lightning-quick movements outpaced his reflexes. In one swift motion, the Orc seized Samuel by the neck, using the helpless butler as a shield. A malicious grin danced upon the Orc's face as he directed Michael's own dark beams towards Samuel's head.

Time seemed to slow as the dark beams pierced through Samuel's skull, shattering bone and unleashing a crimson spray of blood. The lifeless body crumpled to the ground, an innocent victim caught in the crossfire of this ruthless battle.

Amidst the chaos, the scene unfolded with a stark contrast. On one side, the portals, their power amplified, exerted an irresistible force, tugging at everything in their path. Tables, chairs, and decorations were ripped from their positions, uprooted by the voracious pull.

On the other side, a battle of immense power and stakes played out. Michael, shielded by darkness, stood alongside Gaya, his eyes filled with fury. The Orc, a formidable adversary, remained resolute, his aura pulsating with a malevolent energy that rendered everyone around him weak and powerless.

In this tumultuous clash between the forces of chaos and order, the island became a battleground of conflicting energies. The portals greedily devoured the surroundings, tearing apart the remnants of the once serene wedding scene. And amidst the swirling chaos, the battle between Michael and the Orc raged on, with bloodshed and despair marking the unfortunate path they tread.

The vampire death squad landed on the island with swift precision, their presence a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. They quickly assessed the situation, their red eyes scanning the tumultuous scene. Working together, they rallied the remaining guests, guiding them towards the portals that thrummed with an irresistible pull.

Amidst the pandemonium, Michael's heart pounded with a desperate desire to save Gaya from the clutches of this immensely powerful foe. With determination etched on his face, he reached out and grasped Gaya's hand, his grip firm and resolute. With all his strength, he propelled her towards the nearest portal, his intention clear.

But in the midst of the airborne journey towards the portal, Gaya's body moved with a swift fluidity. With a sudden twist, she nocked an arrow upon her bowstring and took aim at the Orc, defying Michael's intention to guide her to safety. The tension in the air was palpable as Gaya's fingers released the arrow, its trajectory carrying it towards the Orc with a lethal intent.

In a display of godly speed, the possessed Orc, fueled by Rudra's sliver of grace, dashed towards Michael with a swiftness that defied comprehension. The air crackled with anticipation as the Orc's movements became a blur, evading Michael's punches and kicks with uncanny agility. Despite the Orc's imposing size, it maneuvered with the grace of a predator, effortlessly eluding Michael's onslaught.

The ground trembled beneath them as Michael's dark beams shot forth from his eyes, slicing through the earth with devastating precision. The surroundings bore the scars of their deadly power, split apart and rent in halves, a testament to the ferocity of the battle.

But the Orc, an embodiment of Rudra's divine essence, proved elusive, nimble in its evasion. Each blow was met with a deft sidestep, each kick evaded with a fluid movement that seemed to defy the laws of physics. In the midst of this violent ballet, the Orc seized an opportunity, delivering a powerful punch to Michael's chest with an impact that sent him hurtling through the ground, the earth quaking beneath the force.

Gaya's voice echoed through the chaos, her heartrending cry of "No!" a testament to her anguish and determination. The air hung heavy with tension as the battle raged on, the clash of power and the stakes at hand becoming a swirling vortex of uncertainty.

As agony surged through Michael's body, his advanced personal device (APD) around his wrist sensed his critical condition. With mechanical precision, the APD swiftly injected a potent healing potion into his bloodstream, mending his damaged organs and revitalizing his strength. Ignoring the lingering pain, Michael rose to his feet, determination etched across his face. With a fierce resolve, he lunged forward, his hands outstretched, and the dark swords materialized in his grip, crackling with ominous energy.

The Orc's lips curled into a menacing smirk as he taunted, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and sadistic glee, "Let me see the infamous God of Darkness in action. Show me what you're truly capable of."

The power radiating from the Orc, fueled by Rudra's sliver of grace, created an aura that disrupted the very fabric of magic around them. The teleportation scrolls, a potential escape route, faltered in their effectiveness, rendered useless in the face of this overwhelming force. Rudra, in his strategic cunning, did not want the God of Darkness to slip away until the remaining two seal bearers, who had materialized beside Samuel, were eliminated.

In this charged moment of clash and determination, the readers witness Michael's resilience and unwavering resolve. They can feel the weight of the Orc's taunts and the pulsating energy that surrounds them, drawing them deeper into the scene as the battle unfolds.

With a swift and relentless assault, Michael swung his dark swords at the Orc, determined to keep him at bay and away from Gaya. The blades sliced through the air with precision, but the Orc's invisible force field proved impenetrable, rendering Gaya's arrows useless as they harmlessly bounced off the ethereal barrier.

In a moment of triumph, Michael managed to land a shallow cut across the Orc's chest, causing blood to spatter in the air. However, the strength of the Orc's skin astonished Michael, as the wound appeared far less severe than anticipated. The Orc's taunting laughter echoed through the chaos, further fueling Michael's determination.

Suddenly, the Orc's grip tightened around Michael's hand, restraining his movements. With his other hand outstretched, the Orc reached for one of the remaining seal bearersβ€”a frail old man cloaked in dark brown fabric. In a cruel twist of fate, the old man was lifted effortlessly into the Orc's colossal palm, his terrified gaze meeting Michael's.

As the Orc's power overpowered Michael's resistance, he helplessly watched as his own hand, guided by the Orc's malevolent will, slashed across the seal bearer's head. Blood erupted, painting a macabre scene of horror as the head was severed, the lifeless eyes staring into nothingness.

The Orc's triumphant voice reverberated through the chaotic battleground, chilling the air, "Two down, one to go." 𝑏𝑒π˜₯π‘›π‘œπ‘£π‘’π˜­.π˜―π‘’π‘‘

Overwhelmed by the Orc's otherworldly strength, Michael felt as though he was battling a force beyond comprehension. Every move he made seemed feeble in comparison, as if pitted against an unstoppable entity.

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