Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 535 120.1 - Infernal Nexus

Chapter 535 120.1 – Infernal Nexus

We moved swiftly to the armory, where our gear had been prepped and laid out. The room was spacious, with rows of lockers and racks filled with weapons and armor. Each member of the team went to their designated locker, the mood shifting to one of quiet focus.

I approached my locker, which had been specially prepared for me, and found the Bloodthirsty Serpent Fangs and Starpiercer Arc neatly placed inside.

The daggers gleamed under the artificial lighting, their edges sharp and ready. The bow, with its shimmering wood and taut string, radiated a subtle power that I could feel even before touching it.

As I donned my gear, I felt a sense of familiarity and new energy from the artifacts. The daggers fit perfectly in my hands, their weight balanced just right for quick, fluid movements.

‘Not bad.’ The bow’s string hummed slightly as I tested its tension, promising precision.

The rest of the team was similarly focused, each member adjusting their armor, checking their weapons, and preparing mentally for the mission.

Kurt, in his heavy armor, looked every bit the formidable tank, while Gareth’s barrier gear was a blend of light armor with arcane symbols etched into the material.

‘An enchanting material. Most likely, adding the attribute that increases the wearer’s barrier capabilities.’ Dorian’s dual swords were strapped securely to his back, and Elena’s battle mage attire was both protective and flexible, allowing her to switch between magic and close combat. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the N0vᴇlFirᴇ.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

Lila, with her summoning gear, had a simple yet effective setup, with various small pouches likely containing her summoning materials.

Once we were fully geared up, Liana led us to the transportation area, where a sleek, armored vehicle awaited.

‘This is…..’ The transport was quite something—a cross between a military tank and a high-speed train.

It was built for both protection and rapid deployment, with reinforced sides and a powerful engine that could handle any terrain.

We climbed inside, the interior surprisingly spacious and lined with seats equipped with harnesses. Once we were all strapped in, the vehicle hummed to life, and we began our journey to the gate.

The interior lighting was dim, creating an atmosphere of quiet anticipation. The hum of the engine was steady, and a low vibration resonated through the seats. The vehicle moved smoothly despite the rugged terrain we were likely crossing.

Kurt broke the silence, glancing around at the team. “Any guesses on the dungeon type?”

Gareth, still sipping from his travel mug, shrugged. “Could be anything, but given the recent activity, I’m betting it’s something involving elemental monsters. We’ve had reports of increased mana fluctuations in the area.”

Elena nodded, her tablet now displaying maps and charts. “I agree. The mana readings suggest a strong elemental presence, likely something related to fire or earth. We should be prepared for environmental hazards as well.”

Dorian grinned, his fingers tapping a rhythm on the hilt of his swords. “As long as there’s something to cut down, I’m ready for it. Elemental monsters tend to have weak spots—just need to find them and strike.”

Lila, who had been quietly observing, added her thoughts. “If it’s elemental, my golem will be particularly useful. It can absorb a certain amount of elemental energy and convert it into defensive strength. We’ll need to be strategic about how we use it.”

I listened, processing their insights. The discussion was practical and focused on preparing for whatever we might face.

‘It seems this is somehow a way for them to keep themselves creative. A routine of sorts.’ Liana, seated at the front of the vehicle, turned slightly to address us. “You’re all on the right track. The dungeon is indeed related to elemental forces, specifically a fire-type dungeon. The gate has been fluctuating between Rank 6 and Rank 5, so we’re expecting a tough fight but nothing beyond your capabilities.”

She tapped a button on her tablet, and a holographic display appeared in the center of the cabin, showing a detailed map of the dungeon’s layout. “This is the intel we have so far. The dungeon is known as the Infernal Nexus, and it’s a complex network of lava flows, molten rock, and fire elementals. The core of the dungeon is a powerful fire spirit that we’ll need to neutralize to stabilize the gate.”

The holographic map highlighted several key areas within the dungeon, showing possible routes and choke points. “Your objective is to clear the dungeon of threats and ensure the fire spirit is contained but not killed.”

“Again?” Dorian muttered under his breath, his tone tinged with frustration.

I could understand the sentiment. For guilds that were business-oriented, dungeons weren’t just obstacles to be cleared; they were valuable resources.

The materials found within—rare ores, crystals, and elemental essences—were essential to the Awakened industry. From crafting powerful artifacts to enhancing existing gear, these resources could fetch high prices or be used to strengthen the guild’s capabilities. That’s why closing a dungeon immediately wasn’t always the priority.

Normally, there’s a reasonable amount of time before a dungeon closes after the boss monster is killed. This allows for the thorough harvesting of materials and ensures the guild maximizes its profits. But this situation was different, and I could sense there was more to it.

Liana, as if reading my thoughts, continued, “Since this dungeon is fire and lava-oriented, mining the materials is significantly more challenging and takes more time. The heat and unstable terrain makes it difficult for mining teams to work efficiently, so the dungeon must not be closed too quickly. However, we can’t afford to keep your team tied up here for too long, either. There are other missions waiting.”

Her explanation made sense. The balance between securing resources and moving on to the next mission was a delicate one, especially for a guild like Vanguard Haven that operated under constant pressure from rivals.

“That’s why you won’t be killing the fire spirit,” Liana explained. “Instead, you’ll leave it in a crippled state—weak enough that it won’t be a threat, but not dead. This way, the dungeon remains open, and the mining teams can continue their work. Once you leave, other operatives will take over to ensure everything is handled properly.”

It was a practical approach, though it came with its own set of risks. Leaving a boss monster alive, even in a weakened state, required precision and caution.

It also meant that the team couldn’t fully relax after the fight, knowing that the job wasn’t completely done.

‘It’s a tiring process,’ I thought to myself. ‘But it’s clear that this team has done it before. Still, it’s easy to see why many would prefer a clean, decisive finish rather than leaving loose ends.’

Liana seemed to catch the look on my face and nodded slightly, confirming my thoughts. “This method has been our standard operating procedure for a while now. It’s effective but also draining. Many don’t like it because it requires extra effort and precision. But it’s necessary for the guild’s long-term strategy.”

She explained, looking at me.

“I have no problem with that,” I replied, keeping my tone neutral.

Liana gave a knowing smile, one that hinted at the experience behind her words. “You won’t be saying that when you actually do it.”

The others in the team nodded in agreement. Kurt leaned back slightly, his expression thoughtful. “It’s true. We’ve all been there. It sounds straightforward, but it takes a toll, especially when you know you could just end it clean.”

Elena added, “It’s not just about the fight—it’s about holding back when every instinct tells you to finish the job. That’s where the challenge really lies.”

Dorian chuckled, though there was no humor in it. “And that’s not even mentioning the environmental hazards. Navigating lava flows and dealing with fire elementals while trying not to kill the spirit? It’s like walking a tightrope over a pit of spikes.”

As the conversation died down, the transport began to slow, signaling that we were nearing our destination. The tension in the vehicle shifted from discussion to preparation. Everyone was mentally gearing up for what was to come.

The transport came to a halt, and the doors slid open with a hiss, revealing the site where the gate was located. The area was cordoned off, with various pieces of equipment and personnel already in place. The gate itself was a swirling mass of red and orange energy, crackling with the heat and power of the Infernal Nexus beyond it.

The personnel on-site were low-rank Awakened, their gear practical and suited for the task at hand. They were here to mine the valuable materials that could be found within the dungeon, and they would follow us after we secured the initial area.

Kurt took the lead, his voice firm as he addressed the team. “Alright, we’ve already discussed the formation. Astron, you’ll start as our rearguard and ranger. Keep an eye out for any elementals trying to flank us. If the situation calls for it, you’ll shift to scouting.”

I nodded, falling into place at the back of the formation. The others moved into their positions with practiced ease—Kurt and Gareth at the front, forming the defensive line, with Dorian and Elena ready to strike from the sides. Lila stayed close to the center, her golem already summoned and standing ready.

With the formation set, we moved toward the gate. The air grew hotter with each step, the ground beneath our feet already warm from the ambient heat seeping through the portal. The personnel waited just behind us, prepared to enter once we had secured the immediate area.

As we passed through the gate, the world around us shifted. The cool air of the outside world was replaced by the stifling heat of the Infernal Nexus. The ground was a mix of solid rock and flowing lava, with the occasional spurt of fire bursting from cracks in the earth. The sky above was a swirling mass of dark clouds, lit from below by the fiery landscape.

We moved quickly, taking up positions to ensure the area was clear before the mining teams could move in.

The environment was as hostile as expected, with the heat pressing down on us like a physical weight. But we were prepared, and the barriers Gareth deployed kept the worst of it at bay.

Kurt’s voice came through our comms, calm and steady. “Let’s keep it tight, everyone. Stay focused, and remember the plan. We cripple the spirit, secure the area, and get out. No heroics—just clean execution.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Just like that, the team’s first dungeon exploration with me has started.

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