Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 569 126.6 - Evergreen

Chapter 569 126.6 – Evergreen

As Maya stood before Astron, her heart beat steadily in her chest, but there was a subtle tension coiling beneath the surface. She had always prided herself on maintaining her composure, serene smile, calm demeanor, and mask, which she wore so well. But today, that mask felt fragile.

When she heard Astron’s voice—steady, calm, yet inquisitive—she couldn’t help but feel a tinge of satisfaction. He had uncovered a truth she had kept hidden, a part of her that few people knew. His perceptiveness, his ability to piece together the smallest clues, had always impressed her. But this time, it went beyond mere admiration.

“You’re right,” she said softly, her voice carrying a weight of relief and satisfaction. “I knew you would see it, Junior.”

Maya had known this moment would come eventually. She had prepared herself for the day when Astron, with his sharp mind and keen instincts, would uncover her secret. Her family’s connection to the Elves had always been something they guarded closely, and she had inherited that same carefulness. But for Astron, she had decided to make an exception.

As he stood before her, she couldn’t help but feel a wave of gratitude wash over her. There had been so many moments when Astron had proven himself, not just as a capable mage, but as someone she could trust with the most guarded parts of herself. He had saved her, stood by her, and never once demanded anything in return.

Maya’s pink eyes, usually so gentle, darkened ever so slightly with the intensity of the moment. It wasn’t just the weight of her elven heritage that she had kept hidden—it was also the growing vampiric nature within her. She had worked tirelessly to suppress it, to remain in control, but every time she was near Astron, it became harder to keep at bay.

‘He must know the truth,’ she thought, her gaze lingering on him. ‘He’s done so much for me, and I’ve always kept parts of myself hidden. But not anymore.’

Maya’s thoughts twisted and turned as she stood before Astron, her calm exterior barely masking the turmoil inside. She had always been in control, always the one who kept her emotions in check, but now—now everything felt fragile.

‘Is this selfish?’ she wondered. It wasn’t like her to act purely on emotion, yet here she was, baring one of her most guarded secrets to tie him closer to her. The moment Astron knew about her family’s Elven heritage, he would be bound to her in a way that no one else could be. There would be no going back. Her family, too, would ensure that. She had been deliberate and calculated, but there was an undeniable weight in what she had just done.

‘I won’t give him to anyone,’ she thought with a fierce intensity. The image of Irina Emberheart flickered in her mind, along with other potential threats, real or imagined. No one would take him from her.

But even as she clung to this thought, there was a flicker of doubt—a creeping sense of fear. She looked into Astron’s eyes, those deep purple eyes that always held a sharp, calculating edge. This time, however, something was different. His eyes, which usually assessed every situation with cold precision, were now filled with something unfamiliar: emotion. It was subtle, but there was a softness there, a hesitation.

Maya felt her pulse quicken. ‘What is he thinking?’ The usual certainty she relied on slipped away, replaced by a growing sense of unease. This wasn’t part of her plan.

She had expected Astron to accept her revelation, to understand the depth of her feelings and, perhaps, even share them. But now, seeing the conflict in his eyes, she wasn’t so sure.

Her chest tightened with a surge of insecurity. ‘What if I was wrong? What if he doesn’t feel the same way? What if this pushes him away instead of drawing him closer?’ The thought gnawed at her, sending a wave of panic through her mind.

Her grip on her composure faltered. For the first time, Maya wasn’t entirely sure of her actions. She had never miscalculated like this before, and the fear of rejection—of losing Astron—loomed over her like a shadow.

Just as the tension between them threatened to swallow her whole, a familiar voice interrupted the moment.

“Lady Maya,” Alfred’s calm tone called out as he entered the gazebo. “I’ve brought the tea.”

The sudden intrusion was a welcome distraction, yet it did little to calm the storm brewing within her. Maya’s gaze shifted to Alfred, but her mind was still reeling. She had acted hastily, hadn’t she? She had revealed too much too soon.

Maya forced a smile, but inside, she was unraveling. The uncertainty, the fear—it all mingled with the possessiveness she couldn’t deny. She had thought this would secure Astron’s place by her side, but now, she wasn’t sure if she had just made everything more complicated.

As Alfred set the tray down, Maya’s eyes darted back to Astron, searching for any hint of reassurance. But his expression remained unreadable, and that only made her anxiety grow.

‘I’ve come too far to turn back now,’ she thought, trying to steady herself. Searᴄh the NôᴠelFirё.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Maya took a steadying breath, but it did little to ease the tension winding tighter in her chest. Alfred’s presence was a temporary reprieve, but the suffocating feeling of uncertainty still loomed heavy in the air. Her gaze flickered to Astron, whose unreadable expression only intensified her unease.

She couldn’t let this continue. Not here, not now. The longer she waited, the worse it would become.

“Thank you, Alfred,” she said, her voice calm but clipped, the forced smile still on her face. “You may leave us now. There are things we need to discuss privately.”

Alfred, ever composed, gave a respectful bow. “As you wish, My Lady.” He hesitated for the briefest moment, his gaze lingering on her as if sensing the unease she was trying so hard to mask. But he said nothing, and after another polite bow, he turned and left the gazebo, disappearing from view.

The moment Alfred was out of sight, Maya felt a surge of urgency. She couldn’t leave this unresolved. Not with the uncertainty gnawing at her insides like a living thing. She needed to see this through—to either find reassurance or face whatever consequences her actions had brought.

With a swift, practiced motion, Maya raised her hand, her fingers tracing a complex symbol in the air. A soft hum of magic filled the space as the ancient formation around the gazebo activated, creating an invisible barrier that shimmered faintly for just a moment before settling into place. The protective formation was something only members of her family had access to—a powerful shield that ensured no one outside could hear or see what happened within its confines.

The air inside the gazebo grew still, the sounds of the surrounding forest muted as if they had been cut off from the rest of the world. It was just the two of them now—Maya and Astron—trapped in the intensity of the moment she had created.

Maya turned to face Astron fully, her heart pounding in her chest.

‘Calm down….’

She needed to calm down.

Her heart was racing, her thoughts spiraling with uncertainty, but she couldn’t let her emotions take control. She had already set this moment in motion, and now she needed to see it through with the composure that defined her.

With a soft exhale, she turned her focus to the tea set before her, the delicate porcelain gleaming under the soft light filtering through the gazebo. She poured the tea with practiced grace, the familiar motions grounding her, helping to steady the whirlwind of emotions.

The gentle sound of tea filling the cups was the only noise in the enclosed space. Maya picked up one of the cups and handed it to Astron, her fingers brushing lightly against his as he accepted it. She felt a jolt at the contact but quickly masked it with a smile.

Taking her own cup, she sipped the tea, though the usual warmth and flavor seemed muted. The tea, normally so calming, couldn’t compete with the freshness of his scent, the subtle allure that he carried without realizing. Her vampiric urges stirred faintly, but she pushed them back down, focusing on the task at hand. The tea served as a momentary distraction, a pause she desperately needed.

After a few sips, Maya set her cup down gently and looked directly into Astron’s eyes. There was a calmness in his gaze, the same steadiness that had always drawn her to him. But now, she needed to know if that calm extended to how he saw her—after everything she had revealed.

“Junior,” she began softly, her voice carrying the weight of the question that had been lingering in her mind. “If I were to talk about my family… would you listen?”

For a moment, there was silence. Maya watched him carefully, her heart once again picking up its pace, but she kept her expression neutral. She needed to hear his response, needed to know if he would accept this part of her without turning away.

Astron’s gaze remained steady, and after a beat, he nodded. “I would listen, Senior,” he said, his tone calm but carrying a sincerity that resonated with her.

“Because it’s you. I’ll always listen.”

Maya’s heart skipped a beat when she heard his words. The sincerity in his tone, the calm assurance—it all hit her harder than she had anticipated. For a brief moment, she found herself lost in his gaze, her breath catching in her throat.


Her heart pounded, loud and insistent, as if trying to remind her of the weight of the moment. She could feel it, the rush of emotions stirring within her, her usually steady composure cracking ever so slightly. She was always in control—except when it came to him. There was something about Astron that made her feel vulnerable and exposed in ways she wasn’t used to.

He wasn’t like others. He never wavered, never faltered, and his unwavering nature drew her closer and made her want to trust him with everything. And now, hearing him say that he would always listen to her… it was more than she had dared hope for.

Maya took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm within her. She needed to stay composed, to keep herself steady, but her heart raced on. The intensity of her emotions was overwhelming, and for a moment, she wasn’t sure if she could hold back everything she was feeling. She met his gaze again, seeing that same calm sincerity, and her resolve wavered.

‘He really means it…’

She bit her lip, her hands trembling slightly as they rested on her lap. How could he say it so easily? The warmth of his presence, his unshakable trust—it made her feel things she had long kept buried.

Thus, she started speaking.

“Do you know anything about the Elves?” 

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