Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 574 172.3 - Answer

Chapter 574 172.3 – Answer

“This…this is my answer to your words.”

As Maya approached Astron, her heart pounded so fiercely she was certain he could hear it. The weight of her confession, the release of her family’s most guarded secret, still hung heavy in the air between them. It was out now—no taking it back.

Yet, instead of the fear she had anticipated, a strange calm had settled within her. She had finally told him. And now, as she stood there, trembling with the effort to suppress the hunger gnawing at her core, she realized just how deeply she had come to rely on Astron.

Her pink eyes flicked up to meet his, searching his expression for any hint of judgment or rejection. But what she found instead was something that startled her—a softness, an understanding that reached deeper than words.

Astron had always been composed, distant in a way that made it hard to decipher his true emotions. But now, as she stood on the precipice of losing control, his gaze seemed to ground her.

The familiar pull of her vampiric urges had been growing, intensifying ever since she had opened up to him. It was as if, in revealing her family’s secret, the walls she had built to keep her hunger at bay had crumbled. Her fangs pressed painfully against her lips, a constant reminder of what she was—of what she could never fully escape.

The thirst was becoming unbearable, and the more she tried to suppress it, the harder it fought back.

‘Why does he still stand there, calm as ever, even after all I’ve told him?’

A single tear slid down her cheek, unbidden, as she fought against her instincts. She had told herself she wouldn’t give in, that she wouldn’t become a slave to the cravings that threatened to consume her. But standing here, so close to him, it was all she could do to hold back.

She didn’t want to hurt him, didn’t want to give in to the part of herself that she had always feared. But Astron, his voice as calm and steady as ever, had seen through her resolve.

“Senior, it’s okay. You can come.”

The words sent a shock through her, breaking whatever fragile barrier she had managed to hold in place. Her shoulders shook, her breath catching as the weight of her hunger collided with the truth she had confessed. How could he say that? How could he offer himself so willingly, knowing what she was, what she could do to him?

Her hand trembled as she reached out, fingers brushing lightly against his chest. The warmth of his skin beneath her touch was both comforting and terrifying. She didn’t want to give in, didn’t want to lose control, but Astron’s steady presence was unraveling her resistance. The urge to feed was too strong, too overwhelming to ignore any longer.

“I don’t… I don’t want to be a slave to this,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding in her ears. “I don’t want to give in, Junior… I can’t.”

But even as she said the words, she knew she was losing the battle. The hunger was all-consuming, and no matter how hard she tried to fight it, she was losing control. The darkness inside her was winning.

And then, Astron’s voice broke through her spiraling thoughts, steady and unwavering. “Nothing in this world works that way, Senior. You’ve done more than enough already. No one can reach the skies from where they are in just one step.” Her heart clenched at his words. Could it really be okay? Could she really trust herself, trust him, to allow this? She had fought so hard to maintain her humanity, to resist the pull of her vampiric instincts. But standing here, with Astron in front of her, his calm acceptance washing over her, the resistance she had held onto for so long was crumbling.

A tear slipped down her cheek as she took another step toward him, her body trembling. “Is it really… okay?” she asked, her voice cracking with the weight of her desperation.

“It is,” he replied, his voice gentle but firm. “Contrary to before, I’m a lot stronger now. You can drink freely, as much as you need.”

His words sank into her, slowly easing the fear that had been constricting her chest. Her hand, still trembling, reached up to his neck, her fingers brushing lightly against his collar.

The fabric loosened easily under her touch, revealing the pale skin of his neck. She could feel his pulse beneath her fingers, steady and calm, unlike the storm raging inside her.

Her lips quivered, her fangs aching as they grazed his skin. She could hear his heartbeat, steady and reassuring, as if telling her it was all right to let go.

The thirst was unbearable now, her body screaming for relief, but still, she hesitated. She really didn’t want to hurt him. She really didn’t want to lose control.

But Astron didn’t flinch. He stood firm, his eyes locked on hers, offering her a calm she desperately needed. “You may come, Senior,” he whispered his voice like a lifeline pulling her back from the edge. “It is really fine.”

His eyes, which were normally empty and cold, now looked more tranquil and more dependable.

More than ever, she could see the calmness of the stars among them as if she was looking into the cosmos itself.


Even if she wanted to ask, she knew one thing.

That this was all she needed.

With one final, trembling breath, Maya leaned in. Her fangs pierced his skin, and the taste of his blood filled her senses. The warmth of it washed over her like a balm, soothing the burning hunger that had been clawing at her insides.


Maya’s fangs sank deeper, and immediately, the rush of warmth spread through her like a fire in the dead of winter. She hadn’t realized how much she’d needed this until the first drop of his blood hit her tongue. It had been a month since she last fed like this, and yet, it felt like an eternity. The blood from the bags couldn’t compare—not even close.

‘Ah… Really…’

Her mind spiraled as the taste overwhelmed her senses. It was richer and more potent than ever before. She could feel the power in every drop as if Astron’s strength had infused his very essence into his blood. It was intoxicating, far beyond anything she had ever experienced.

‘What… what is this?’

Her thoughts were hazy, but she knew something was different. She had tasted his blood before, but never like this. The flavor had changed—grown stronger, more vibrant as if it carried a new depth of power she hadn’t noticed before. Was it his strength that had evolved? Or was there something else… something she couldn’t yet place?

As she drank more, the taste only seemed to get better, an ecstasy blooming inside her that dulled the edges of her restraint. Each gulp was a release, a surge of relief that washed away the tension she had been holding onto for too long. It wasn’t just physical—it was as if her very soul was finding peace.

‘Too long… It’s been too long…’

Her mind echoed the thought, the months of restraint and struggle dissolving in the face of this moment. She felt her body easing, the tightness in her muscles unwinding as the familiar warmth spread through her limbs. The hunger that had gnawed at her, the ever-present need that she had fought to suppress, was finally being sated.

And the more she took, the better it tasted.

Her heart raced, pounding in time with his as she drank deeply, letting herself fall into the sensation. She knew she shouldn’t be enjoying it this much, but it was impossible to stop. His blood was like nothing else she’d ever tasted—an elixir that filled the void inside her, made her feel alive in a way she hadn’t felt in so long.

‘Why does it taste like this?’

She didn’t understand it. The blood from the bags was always enough to keep her from losing control, but this… This was different. It was richer, purer, and it flowed through her like a current of life. Was it because he had grown stronger? Had his power infused his blood with something new, something more potent?

Or was it something deeper?

Her hand gripped his shoulder, nails digging in lightly as she continued to drink, her body trembling from the sensation of it all. The ecstasy of the moment was almost too much to bear.

She felt that these feelings in her heart were growing stronger, a bond that went beyond the physical act of feeding.

It was as if, with each drop, she was losing more and more.

‘This is… this is dangerous…’

She knew it was.

It was so dangerous that she knew at this point she was on the brink of insanity.

She couldn’t stop herself now, even if she wanted to. The hunger, the ecstasy—it was all too much, and she had already crossed the point of no return. Every drop of his blood bound her closer to him, filling her with something more than just satisfaction. It was as if a piece of her was being exchanged for every moment she indulged.

She was losing herself.

‘I can’t… I can’t go back now.’

That thought echoed in her mind, sinking deeper with each passing second. The bond they shared, it wasn’t just a physical connection. No, this was something far more dangerous, something that went beyond hunger or survival. She could feel it—her heart, her soul, craving not just his blood but him. The very essence of who he was had become essential to her, a part of her being that she could no longer ignore.

The blood in the bags? They were nothing compared to this. Nothing in this world could compare. No matter what she tried, nothing else would satisfy her like this.

Unless she was with him.

Maya’s grip on Astron’s shoulder tightened, her nails digging deeper into his flesh, the tremors in her body growing more pronounced as the overwhelming emotions consumed her. There was no escaping it now. He had become her anchor, her lifeline, and without him, she would be lost.

‘I’m already… too far gone.’

Her eyes fluttered shut, but her other senses remained sharp. She could smell it—the faint, familiar scent of lavender that always surrounded him. It had always comforted her, a subtle reminder of his presence, but now, it only intensified the connection she felt. The scent mingled with the taste of his blood, creating a heady mix that drove her even deeper into the abyss of desire. Sёarᴄh the ηovelFire.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

For a brief moment, Maya allowed herself to sink into the sensation, her body trembling with every pull of his blood, every beat of his heart echoing in her ears. She could hear the rhythm of it, steady and unyielding, guiding her further into this dangerous territory. Her lips pressed tighter against his neck, savoring the warmth that spread through her veins.

But then… she opened her eyes, just slightly.

Her gaze fell upon his pale skin, still pulsing with life beneath her lips. She could see it—his skin moving faintly with each heartbeat, the blood flowing just beneath the surface. The sight sent a shiver through her, a reminder of how close she was to the edge.

Her lips trembled as she realized the gravity of her actions. She wasn’t just feeding. She was consuming something far deeper than blood. Something that, once taken, could never be given back.

‘This is dangerous,’ she thought again, her mind racing even as her body refused to stop. But no matter how much she tried to pull herself back, it was already too late. She had passed the point of return.

Without him… without this connection… there would be no peace for her. No relief. Nothing else could fill the emptiness inside her heart.

Nothing but ‘Him’.

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