Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 578 127.7 - Answer

Chapter 578 127.7 – Answer

“Knowing all of this… can you still stay by my side?”

Those words sounded like they came from his very soul as if he was laying everything before her naked.

No types of false pretenses, no types of deceiving. He was showing pure emotions to her. That was all.

The question hit her like a hammer, knocking the wind from her lungs. Maya’s mind raced as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Everything about him—his distance, his focus, the way he never seemed to fully let anyone in—now made sense. He had been carrying this burden, this pain, all alone. And she hadn’t even realized how deep it ran.

The weight of his question settled on her, heavy and unshakable. Could she really stay with him, knowing that his entire life was driven by a single, all-consuming goal? Could she handle being with someone whose heart was set on a path so dangerous, so dark?

But in that moment, as she looked into his eyes, she realized the answer had already been decided. She had known for a long time that there was something special about him, something that had drawn her in from the very beginning. She had chosen to trust him, to be by his side, long before she ever knew the full truth.

‘If he’s been living with this pain… then there’s no way I can leave him now,’ she thought, her chest tightening as the depth of her own feelings hit her all at once.

The world seemed to quiet around her as her mind began to replay every moment they had shared. Every gesture, every word, every time he had been there for her without question, without hesitation. The memories rushed through her—how he had always been by her side, offering his silent support, helping her control her vampiric urges, and never asking for anything in return.

‘He’s always been there for me,’ she thought, her chest tightening as she remembered the countless times he had stayed by her side when others would have left. She could see the moments clearly now, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place—how he had accepted her vampiric nature without judgment, how he had offered her his blood even when it put him at risk, how he had never once flinched when she revealed the truth about her family’s dark legacy.

He hadn’t cared about her family’s influence, their power, or the burdens she carried. He had simply accepted her for who she was. And that… that was something she couldn’t take for granted. It wasn’t just that he had accepted her secret—it was that he had done so without question, without fear, even knowing the consequences of her family’s actions. She knew, deep down, that her family wouldn’t leave him alone easily. They wouldn’t look kindly on her closeness to him. And still, he had stood by her.

‘I did this to protect him,’ she reminded herself, thinking of the reason she had revealed her family’s secrets in the first place. She had thought she was protecting him from the inevitable attention her family would give him, but now… now she realized that he had revealed his truth to her with no such selfish motive. He had bared his soul to her not out of fear or obligation, but because he trusted her. And that trust meant everything.

How could she even think of turning away from him now?

‘That is right.’ ‘That’s right,’ Maya thought, a sudden clarity washing over her as she realized how much easier everything felt now. All the weight she had been carrying, all the doubts and fears—none of it mattered anymore. He had revealed his purpose to her, his darkest truth, and instead of feeling any sort of repulsion or fear, all she felt was peace. Acceptance.

Whether he lived for revenge or not, did that even matter? No, it didn’t. All she wanted, all she needed, was him. His presence beside her. Wasn’t that enough? Did she need to complicate things by overthinking? The answer was simple—she didn’t.

‘I just want him,’ she realized, her heart settling into a calm rhythm. ‘That’s all.’

Her gaze softened as she looked at him, the intensity of her earlier emotions melting away. There was no longer a need to question anything, no longer a need to hesitate. She had made her choice long before this moment, and now, with his truth laid bare before her, she knew without a doubt that it was the right one.

Slowly, she reached out, her fingers brushing against his hand. She was hesitant at first but grew more confident with each passing second. She intertwined her fingers with his, feeling the warmth of his palm against hers. The connection between them felt different now—stronger, more certain. As if all the walls they had built around themselves had finally crumbled away, leaving only the truth of what they meant to each other.

With a soft pull, she urged him to stand while she sat on his lap. His

Astron’s upper body shifted as he sat upright, his gaze never leaving hers. Maya, still on his lap, felt the steady rise and fall of his chest as they faced each other, the intensity between them only growing stronger. Slowly, she reached for his other hand, guiding it toward her chest, pressing his palm gently against her heart.

“Can you feel it?” she asked softly, her voice carrying the weight of her emotions. Her heart was beating fast, not out of fear or hesitation but out of a certainty that had settled deep within her. “This heart… it beats thanks to you.”

His fingers rested against her chest, and she could see the slight shift in his expression as he felt the rapid thrum beneath his hand. The sensation was intimate, almost overwhelming, but Maya didn’t pull away. Instead, she leaned closer, her free hand brushing gently against his lips as she whispered, “Is this enough of an answer for you… or do you need something more?”

Her breath was warm, her touch soft as her fingers traced the curve of his lips. The question hung in the air between them, filled with a vulnerability that Maya had never shown anyone before. There was no more hiding, no more pretending. She was offering him everything, and all she wanted in return was his understanding.


A soft sigh escaped his lips as he tapped on her chest.


She flinched as the place he was touching was kind of…..

“This is enough.”

Astron lowered his head, resting his forehead against her shoulder, the soft warmth of his breath brushing against her skin. His voice, barely a whisper, carried the weight of exhaustion, both physical and emotional. “You guys… you really can’t let me leave you alone, can you?” he mumbled, his tone a mixture of resignation and quiet acceptance.

Maya’s heart clenched at his words, even though she didn’t fully understand the depth of what he was referring to. She had seen how he distanced himself from others, always keeping people at arm’s length. In the clubs, in their shared moments, he had always been somewhat distant, careful not to let anyone too close. It was as if he had built walls around himself, protecting something fragile inside. But now, he was here with her, letting those walls crumble, even if only a little.

Her hand moved instinctively, finding its way to his head, fingers slipping through the soft strands of his black hair. She gently ruffled it, her touch both soothing and tender. “I won’t let you,” she whispered, her voice filled with quiet determination.

“I can see that.”

As they stayed in that quiet, intimate embrace, Maya’s mind wandered back to why Astron had come here in the first place—the banquet. It had seemed like such a strange request from him, given his usual reluctance to attend events like that. And now, with everything he had revealed, the pieces started to fall into place.

She bit her lip, hesitating for a moment before asking, “Junior… is the reason you wanted to attend the banquet also related to your revenge?”

Astron shifted slightly, his forehead still resting against her shoulder, but she could feel the subtle change in his posture. After a pause, he nodded. “That’s right,” he said quietly, his voice laced with a seriousness that made her heart tighten. “There’s a demon amongst the people attending.”

Maya’s entire body flinched as the weight of his words sank in. “What?” she whispered, her tone suddenly sharp, all traces of gentleness evaporating as the atmosphere between them shifted. “A demon? Are you sure?”

The softness that had filled the air was replaced with a tense seriousness, the gravity of the situation hitting her like a cold wave. She knew the danger of demons far too well. Unlike demonic humans or contractors, who, though dangerous, were still human in origin, a true demon was something else entirely—a creature of pure malevolence and chaos. Their presence was rare, but whenever they appeared, they brought devastation.

Astron finally pulled back slightly, enough to meet her gaze, his eyes filled with a cold, unyielding resolve. “I’m certain,” he said. “I’ve been tracking them for a long time. One of them will be at the banquet. This is the best chance I’ll have to get closer to them.”

Maya’s heart raced. “A real demon…” she repeated, her voice barely a whisper. The implications were terrifying. If Astron was right, then this banquet wasn’t just some social event—it was a battlefield, and she had no idea how far he was willing to go for his revenge.

Her hand tightened in his hair, pulling him closer again as if trying to keep him grounded. “Junior…..Do you really….”

“I will kill him.” Searᴄh the novel(F~) website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Maya’s words trailed off as she looked into Astron’s eyes, searching for any hint of doubt or hesitation. But all she saw was that same cold, unwavering resolve that he always carried when speaking of his goal. Her heart pounded in her chest, fear mixing with the overwhelming need to protect him.

“Junior… do you really think you’re ready?” she asked, her voice trembling slightly. “A demon isn’t like anything else you’ve faced. Even if you’ve dealt with a vampire before, that vampire was still recovering. This… this is different. They’re—”

Before she could finish, Astron cut her off, his voice firm and unyielding. “I know exactly what I’m dealing with, Senior.”

The sharpness in his tone made her freeze, her breath catching in her throat. He wasn’t going to back down—not now, not ever. Maya’s grip on his hair tightened as her heart twisted in her chest.

“But Junior…,” she whispered, trying to find the words to make him see the danger. “Demons are—”

“I know what they are,” he said, his voice lower now but filled with a quiet intensity. His gaze bore into hers, his expression pitch black. I’ve faced them before. And I’ve survived. I’m not going into this blind, Senior.”

Maya blinked, her mind racing. He had faced demons before? But he had never mentioned it, never shown any signs of that kind of experience. And yet, as she looked into his eyes, she saw no doubt, no hesitation.

“This one won’t be any different,” Astron added, his voice resolute. “I will kill him, that’s it.” 

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