Hunting for Love for 101 Times

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

Geli went to the bedroom. When she left, she took a look at Xia Nuan and bowed slightly: "madam, hasn't Mr. back yet?"

Xia Nuan shook his head and said simply, "No." With that, his eyes fell on the three children, and he didn't seem willing to talk to gredo.

Seeing this, Geli didn't ask any more. She went into the bedroom in silence.

"Mom, when will dad and grandpa Meng come back?" Anson holds his cheeks and looks forward to the delicious food on the table. Obviously, he was hungry.

Xia Nuan gave Ansheng a kiss on the cheek: "wait, dad should be back soon."

"But how long do we have to wait, mom? Didn't you call dad just now?"

"Yes, dad said he would be back soon." Xia Nuan deceives an Sheng. In fact, she makes several phone calls to Yesi Shen. However, Yesi Shen turns off the power.

"Well, we'll wait." Anson had to say.

About ten minutes later, Xia Nuan looked at the three children, and her eyes flashed a touch of loss.

"Why don't you eat first." Xia Nuan doesn't want to starve her children.

Wuyou and Nianci stare at the delicious food, but shake their heads.

Ansheng is already very hungry. He decides not to wait any longer. Even he is a little angry with his father: "OK, mom, let's eat first. Dad may have eaten outside."

Finally, Xia Nuan fed the three children and took them to the bedroom.

"Dad hasn't come back yet. Maybe he won't come back tonight. Mom, you can sleep too. Don't sleep with dad tonight. You'll come with us Nianci and Ansheng are agitating in Xia Nuan's ear. Obviously, they have prejudice against Yesi's not coming back.

Xia Nuan pulled a farfetched smile: "OK, you go to sleep first. Mom takes away the food."

"Mom, come back quickly." Ansheng kisses Xia Nuan on the cheek.

Summer warm settled the child, listless downstairs. At this time, she was holding the mobile phone and dialing yesishen's private phone again.

Yesishen's phone is still off.

Summer warm eyes flashed a touch of worry. She went downstairs just in time to see gray come out of Mrs. inverse's bedroom. Summer warm welcome up.

"Grey, can you give me uncle Zoe's phone number, please?"

Geli looks up and down at Xia Nuan, smiles and asks, "what do you want my father's phone to do?"

"I have something to look for him. It's very important." Xia Nuan certainly won't tell her that she can't get through to yesishen, so she wants to confirm yesishen's safety from mengzuo..

Geli is very straightforward, and gives mengzuo's phone number to Xia Nuan. Xia Nuan thanks and dials mengzuo's phone number. I learned from Monzo that yesichen is still in nanzhentian. The exact time of coming back has not been determined.

Summer warm hung up the phone, lost in thought.

When the child fell asleep, Xia Nuan personally drove to nanzhentian.

At nanzhentian, when she said she was Mrs. Cong, she was stopped outside. Xia Nuan had to wait for Yesi to sink out.

Lin Meng saw this scene, turned back to the south, and then told the guards: "this woman is not allowed to come in without my permission. If anything goes wrong, none of you can afford it."

"I see, Miss Lin." The guard nodded solemnly.

Lin Meng goes in again and takes the phone.

"She's out there. You can come to her directly. I'll try to delay it for a while."

Just finished, she hung up in a hurry.

Because I happened to see Yesi Shen and Nanzhen Tianxia building, next to mengzuo. Lin Meng boldly met up, a face timid looking at night Si Shen.

"Mr. Cong, I hope we can cooperate happily in the future." Nanzhentian took the initiative to shake hands with yesishen, very friendly.

"In the future, I like that you can inherit your brother's will to govern a country better." Night Si Shen said.

Yesichen knows that Nan Zhentian is his uncle and his father's brother, so he thinks he should be competent.

Obviously, he has expressed his unwillingness to run for president, which makes nanzhentian not so depressed. He is in a good mood and reaches out his hand to yesishen.

"Mr. Cong, I still need your support. I hope you can help me more with Frank in the future."

"Of course." Night Si Shen readily agreed.

When we got to the front, yesichen and nanzhentian stopped and looked at Lin Meng standing there trembling.

Lin Meng lowered his head, did not dare to see the night Si Shen, just a look of guilt.

Night Si Shen's eye color sank for a while.

Nanxiu stepped forward and looked at yesishen: "Mr. Cong, Lin Meng apologized to you for nearly harming Mr. Gu last time. She has been feeling guilty. I hope you and Mrs. Cong can forgive her."

When nanxiu finished, Lin Meng knelt down at yesishen's feet with a plop: "Mr. Cong, I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me."Night Si Shen's serious face didn't have a trace of expression: "you get up, this matter has passed, so don't mention it again."

"But have you forgiven me?" Lin Meng asks Yesi Chen. Looking forward to the night.

Nan Zhentian stares at Lin Meng with a face: "if you do something wrong, it's good not to worry about it with you. Do you still ask for forgiveness?"

Lin Meng cried like a tearful man: "Mr. Cong, I know you don't remember villains, but there is always a barrier in my heart. I feel very guilty, unless you and Mrs. Cong can forgive me."

"We've forgiven you. You don't have to." Night Si Shen looked at Lin Meng's tearful eyes, some soft hearted, but thinking about what she had done to Xia Nuan, those eyes changed back to the indifference before.

"Really? Mr. Cong, can you really forgive me? " Lin Meng can't believe it. She's getting excited.

"Yes, get up." Night Si Shen a little tired, so, he wants to leave here, don't want to entangle with Lin Meng.

With the help of nanxiu, Lin Meng finally gets up. Yesishen goes over them and prepares to leave with nanzhentian.

And Lin Meng also went to send Yesi Shen.

Xia Nuan stood by the car, listening to Gu Mei's words, with a dignified look in her eyes.

"Xia Nuan, my brother doesn't want to leave at all. He doesn't want to leave you at all. But now that you have a family and children, he has to suppress his feelings for you. He wants to protect you, but he's embarrassed to appear in your life. So he told me to stay here and protect your safety in the dark. Do you think my brother is very pitiful ?”

Gu Mei stands opposite Xia Nuan and looks at Xia Nuan with tears in her eyes.

Xia Nuan didn't expect that Gu Mei had been following her to nanzhentian, because Gu Jinhan wanted her to stay here to protect her.

"Gu Mei, thank your brother for me. In fact, you don't have to protect me like this. I'm safe."

Xia Nuan holds Gu Mei's hand.

Gu Mei drew back her hand and wiped away the tears on her face: "I will take your thanks, but you must accept the letter my brother wrote to you." She said, the hands of the letter into the hands of the summer warm.

Summer warm looking at that letter, the mind is dignified.

"My brother won't ask you to force you to stay with him any more. He has read it. You can keep this letter as a souvenir." Gu Mei said.

Summer warm looking at that envelope, silently accepted.

"Your brother Is he in Philadelphia now? " Summer warm quiet mouth asks her.

Gu Mei nodded: "it's here."

Xia Nuan nodded: "that's good. When you go back to Philadelphia, ask him to take care of his body and pay attention to self-cultivation."

"Well, I will..." Gu Mei said that her eyes flashed a touch of timidity when she looked forward.

She took a step back and lowered her head: "Xia Nuan, I'll go first. Please put this letter away. Don't wait for Mr. Ye to misunderstand me."

With that, she turned and quickened her pace.

"Stop." The deep and cold voice of the night stopped Gu Mei's step, and Gu Mei's step took a meal.

Xia Nuan turns around and sees a gloomy looking night. Si Shen comes here. Behind him are Lin Meng and Nan Zhentian's father and son. Lin Meng sneers with pride and looks like a good play.

"Yeh, Gu Mei came to say goodbye to me." Summer warm explanation.

Night Si Shen ignored, but looked at the letter in her hand and asked Gu Mei: "Gu Mei, didn't your brother leave? Why are you still here? "

Gu Mei stammered, "because I have to deal with some things, but I've finished and I'm ready to go."

"What are you going to deal with? Can I help you? " Night Si asked coldly.

"No, sir. I'm leaving now. Goodbye." Gu Mei sped up her pace, got on the car and sped away.

Summer warm frown at night Si Shen, some uneasy in the heart, subconsciously threw the letter into the bag.

Zormon drove a car by himself, and yesishen and xianuan got into a car together.

"I've been turning off the phone when I called you, so I came here to wait for you. I wanted to go in, but the guards didn't allow me to go in." Xia Nuan's voice was soft. Before he started the engine, he put his hand on his arm carefully.

See the night Si Shen didn't resist, summer warm can't help but a sigh of relief.

Night Si Shen started the engine, light mouth: "after you report yourself is Cong's wife's identity, no one will stop you to go in, the fact is you don't want to go in, you have been talking with Gu Mei outside."

"It's not true. It's the guard who stopped me outside. As for Gu Mei, I didn't expect her to appear suddenly." Summer warm said.

Yesishen didn't make any response, and the speed increased a little.

Xia Nuan continued: "I made a lot of delicious food tonight. I've been waiting for you for a long time, but you haven't come back."There was a little bitterness in her voice.

"Take out your letter, don't hide it, and don't deliberately change the subject." Night Si Shen interrupted Xia Nuan's words.

Summer warm a Zheng, slightly let go of night Si Shen, immediately a smile: "night, this letter is Gu Mei to me, is between women pour out heart, nothing good-looking."

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