Hunting for Love for 101 Times

Chapter 381

Chapter 381

"What did Mrs. Ni call me for?" Night Si Shen out of the ward, asked Monzo.

Monzo looked at yesishen with some worry and shook his head: "I'm sorry, sir, I lied to you, but my wife didn't call."

Night Si Shen listened to Monzo's words, can't help but frown.

Dillock said: "Sir, it's like this. When Mr. Meng saw that you had a cold, he wanted to ask you to come out for a corresponding treatment, so he made this excuse. In fact, he didn't want his wife to worry about your health."

Night Si Shen nodded: "Uncle Zuo, I'm not so delicate, it's OK."

"Sir, your body is the most important thing in our hearts. Even if you don't take an injection, you should take at least some medicine. In this way, you can recover quickly. When you go ashore, you are all wet and can't delay."

"I'm really OK..." Night Si Shen just finished, only feel heavy head, heavy head, Monzo and dylock in time to help him, went to the infirmary.

Obviously, he has got a very serious cold, so it is necessary to prescribe the right medicine to the case.

When Xia Nuan almost recovered, yesichen fell ill. Mengzuo kept it from her for several days, and finally the three children told her.

Every time she asked yesishen where he had gone, dylock would say yesishen was busy with business. Xia Nuan really thought he was busy with work. Finally, Wuyou and Xia Nuan secretly asked her about it. She knew that he didn't come because he was ill.

Xia Nuan can't sit on the bed. After getting out of bed, she goes directly to the ward where Yesi Shen is, but Yesi Shen is transferred to another hospital.

The doctor said it was against his wife's request that yesichen be transferred to another hospital. Summer warm asked night Si Shen which hospital, the doctor does not know the situation.

Xia Nuan left the hospital and returned to the residence with her three children.

It's dillock who takes her back. Dillock is also a subordinate Xia Nuan always believes in, so Xia Nuan wants to get some information about yesishen from dillock. From dylock, Mrs. Ni transferred yesishen to her former private hospital. After her rehabilitation, the private hospital was founded again.

"Is he really just catching cold? Why does Mrs. Ni want to transfer him to another hospital? " Xia Nuan asked dylock.

Dillock definitely nodded: "yes, it's really just a cold. My wife also knows that my wife is such a son. She must be very concerned about his health, so she's a little nervous."

Xia Nuan nodded: "after lunch, I want to visit him in a private hospital." Then, she made some food for him by the way.

Dillock looked a little embarrassed: "this matter should ask Mrs. Ni, but I'll try to see if I can convince her."

"Thank you, Locke."

"Ma'am, that's all I should do." Dillock bowed himself in a somewhat flattered way.

Back home, Mrs. Ni just goes downstairs and collides with Xia Nuan, who is going to go upstairs to the bedroom. She looks at Xia Nuan with a straight face. Xia Nuan is not comfortable with being stared at, so she says hello to her in a low voice and takes her three children to enter the bedroom. Unexpectedly, she is stopped by Mrs. Ni.

Xia Nuan had to ask the three children to go in ahead of time, but she turned back, face to face with Mrs. Ni..

"You are the cause of ah Shen's illness," she asked coldly

Summer warm silent, as default.

"If you really want to die, you'd better find a place where no one is. Why bother ah Chen?" She said coldly.

Xia Nuan finally spoke slowly: "I really want to die, but for the sake of night and children, I gave up that idea."

"What about Gu Jinhan? You have been in contact with him. He is Xiao Chi's son. You don't know him clearly. Have you ever thought about ah Shen's feelings and my feelings? "

"I'm just friends with him. He once saved me. I'm very grateful to him, but the relationship between me and him is not what you think. It's just me and Yeqing. I hope you will allow me to visit him. " Summer warm said.

"He needs to recuperate now. You can't go there." Mrs. Ni interrupted her decisively.

"I'm his wife and I have an obligation to take care of him. No one can stop it. " Xia Nuan doesn't like to be against her all the time.

She also has her own reasons: "he is my only son. I will not ask a woman to be with him at any time."

"I don't understand you, madam."

"My son is the only blood of Ni's family. What he has to do is to inherit his father's will, instead of going around you and being tired of your love. Don't you understand what I mean? I want you to stay away from him. You can go to Gu Jinhan and never come back. The three children are at night. They can stay here. The children in your stomach are not necessarily here. "

"I won't go! I am yesishen's wife, you have no right to drive me away! The baby in my stomach is his too. I'm not going anywhere. " Xia Nuan's eyes are firm and her tone is determined.She and yesishen have gone through so many ups and downs. It's not the only way to leave against the wife. She and yesishen are one. No one can separate them.

"It's not up to you. If I don't turn you out, ah Chen will turn you out."

Xia Nuan didn't understand her words, but she didn't want to understand. She only knew that she was deliberately provoking the relationship between her and Yesi Shen.

She won't take her words to heart.

"Because you were with Gu Jinhan, you betrayed him. I have proof. " She said slowly.

"Gu Jinhan and I are innocent. Yezao already knows." Summer warm face without fear.

When Mrs. Ni opens the video of her mobile phone, she and Gu Jinhan kiss each other. Xia Nuan's heart sinks again.

"This video is sent by Gu Jinhan. He sent it on purpose, so that we all know what happened between you."

"No! That's fake! I don't have that kind of relationship with him! " She kept coming forward and explaining to Mrs. Ni.

All of a sudden, Xia Nuan's back felt a strong force. Her body leaned forward uncontrollably, and she leaned towards the opposite lady who came downstairs.

Xia Nuan wants to pull the rebellious wife who is about to fall, but it's too late. She screams and falls downstairs.

All this happened so fast that Xia Nuan hardly responded.

"What happened?" Geli yells behind her. Geli looks at the falling of the reverse lady and screams: "madam! Madame

After she rolled down the stairs, Mrs. Ni was already unconscious, and her mouth was still bleeding

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