Hunting for Love for 101 Times

Chapter 386

Chapter 386

When he arrived at Zhongshan, yeenshen rushed to Xia's home for the first time. He had just come from Australia. He thought Xia Yan was running the clothing company before Xia Nuan in Australia, but Xia Yan left the company as if he had deliberately avoided him. He guessed that Xia Yan must have returned to Zhongshan, so he went to Zhongshan without delay.

At Xia's home in Zhongshan, yeenshen specially bought a lot of nutritional supplements for Zeng Guihua, just to please Zeng Guihua and ask Zeng Guihua to tell him about Xia Yan's whereabouts.

Zeng Guihua looked at the gifts and hesitated all the time. Yeenshen asked her where Xia Yan was. She shook her head slowly and said that she didn't know. Yeenshen was not in a hurry. She laughed: "anyway, I'm not here to look for Xia Yan. I'm traveling through here to see you by the way."

After listening to yeenshen's words, Zeng Guihua was obviously relieved. However, when she heard that yeenshen was going to stay at Xia's house for the night, her nerves tightened again.

"Mr. night, I'm going to the hospital to have a physical examination. It's not convenient to keep you. You'd better leave." Zeng Guihua gave the order of eviction.

Night en Chen but forward to support Zeng Guihua: "just Xia Yan is not in, I accompany you to the hospital."

"No, Mr. night. You'd better go and help yourself." Zeng Guihua politely refuses. Xia Yan repeatedly tells Zeng Guihua not to tell yeenshen her whereabouts. And Zeng Guihua also knows that yeenshen came here to see Xia Yan. He stayed here on purpose.

"It doesn't matter. I'm fine anyway." Yeenshen began to ask Zeng Guihua when to go to the hospital. Zeng Guihua was embarrassed and couldn't answer for a moment, because she didn't plan to go to the hospital. The reason why she said that just now was that she wanted yeenshen to leave wisely.

It just doesn't seem to work. Zeng Guihua has found various excuses for yeenshen to leave. Yeenshen just doesn't leave.

After Zeng Guihua made a cup of tea for yeenshen, Xia Yan actually called. Zeng Guihua went to the room awkwardly.

"Mom, did yeenshen come to our house?"

"As you expected, he's here, and he's not going to leave tonight. Xiaoyan, what do you say to do? "

Xia Yan over there was silent for a few seconds, and there was no countermeasure. After thinking about it, she said, "don't call the police, just say that he harasses us."

Zeng Guihua was about to say something, but she saw yeenshen standing in front of her. Her face turned white and she couldn't say anything.

On the other side of the phone, Xia Yan asked Zeng Guihua why he didn't speak. Yeen walked over with a serious face and took the phone from Zeng Guihua.

"Hello? Xia Yan, let's meet. " The voice of Yeen Shen is rare and gentle.

Xia Yan didn't even think about it. She refused Yeen Chen: "there's nothing to say between us. Please leave my home."

Night en Chen is casual threat Xia Yan: "well, you don't come back, I won't go, you do it by yourself."

"Then I'll have to call the police." Xia Yan angrily refutes yeenshen.

"I didn't break the law, I just came to travel, and as an old friend, I gave a gift to your mother, and your mother also accepted it. What's the reason for you to call the police and arrest me?" Yeen Shen naturally said.

"Yeen Shen, what are you going to do?"

"My purpose is very simple. I just want to see you for the last time. I'll leave when I say something. But I have to say that to you. " Yeen is sincere.

"You're not going to pester me, are you? You can leave as long as I see you and listen to you? Yeen Shen, you'd better not lie to me. " Xia Yan some don't believe of ask night en Shen.

"Yes, I'm serious."

Xia Yan listened to the words of night en Shen, decided to go back to see night en Shen side.

When Xia Yan appears in front of yeenshen, yeenshen doesn't ask to start again as before, but appears very calm.

Xia Yan's eyes looked firmer than before, without any emotion. She put her bag on the sofa and didn't look at yeenshen: "Mr. Yeh, if you have anything to say, I don't want you to affect my life."

After listening, Yesi Shen stood up slowly: "in fact, I just want to say goodbye to you, and then I'll say sorry to you by the way. I hope you can accept my apology."

Xia Yan sneered: "just for this? That's ridiculous. "

"Yes." Yeen nodded: "Xia Yan, I'm sorry. I feel extremely guilty for what I did before. I sincerely apologize to you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

"I don't care about it for a long time. Why do you have to do this? I think we'd better die of old age and stay away from each other." Xia Yan turns around and doesn't go to see Yeen Shen.

"Do you accept my apology?"

"What if I don't?"

"Then I'll keep telling you I'm sorry until you forgive me."

"In that case, I accept your apology." Xia Yan accepts the apology because she doesn't want to annoy yeenshen. She doesn't want to get involved with yeenshen again. What she has to do now is to run xianuan's clothing company well. She thinks that xianuan was not taken care of by her sister before she died. Now she just wants to make up for her guilt about xianuan."Really? Xiaoyan? Do you really accept my apology? " Night en Chen appears some inconceivable, subconsciously holding Xia Yan's hand.

Xia Yan stepped back and cleverly avoided his touch: "now I have accepted your apology, can you leave? I hope you don't disturb my life any more. "

"I have one more thing to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Xia Yanxian's extreme impatience, eager to leave now.

"I love you, Xia Yan." Yeen said these three words slowly and affectionately.

He hoped that Xia Yan would be moved by her words, and then they would start again.

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment. She hid her feelings in her eyes and became colder than before: "you seem to have confessed to the wrong person. I won't love you, and you don't want to listen to me. Please leave here."

See night en Chen want to come forward, Xia Yan immediately stopped him: "I don't love you, you'd better not force me like Xia Nuan!"

Yeen stopped and looked lost. She nodded: "goodbye, take care."

Finish saying, he some reluctantly left, Xia Yan's eyes flashed an accident, soon disappeared, helped Zeng Guihua to the room.

"Xiaoyan, I think he should really apologize to you." Zeng Guihua said.

Xia Yan sat on the sofa and drank a drink of water: "it has nothing to do with me. The important thing is, he won't bother me now. "

Zeng Guihua nodded, sat beside Xia Yan and sighed: "Xiao Yan, the media reported that Xiao Nuan was still alive. Is that true? You said you were looking for clues. Did you find any clues? "

Xia Yan shook her head: "no, if she is still alive, we'd better not disturb her. She will appear when she wants to. What I want to do now is to run her company well. Although it is supported by yesishen Estate Management Association, I always have to help share it. "

"Yes, Xiaoyan, are you really not going to get married?" Zeng Guihua began to change the topic.

Xia Yan did not seem to have this plan, nestled in Zeng Guihua's arms: "Mom, do you want me to get married? Can't I live with you? "

"Of course, but you can be with me when you get married. I just hope you have a good home. I have no regrets to have someone who really loves you with me. "

" I'm fine on my own. " Xia Yan said.

Zeng Guihua shook his head: "but after I was born, old and dead, you are so lonely. I can't bear to call you alone."

Xia Yan but indifferent smile: "anyway, I won't get married, I want to be with you."

Zeng Guihua looked at Xia Yan with a sad face: "I know that you have no plan to get married because of your health. In fact, when you get married, you can adopt a child."

"Mom, don't talk about it. I have no intention of getting married at all. As for the children, they may adopt one in the future, but they don't have to get married."

Zeng Guihua listen to Xia Yan's tone so firm, she also did not persuade her to get married, and Xia Yan was night grace after heavy injury, love has long been dead.

When the mother and daughter are hugging each other, the door is suddenly slammed open. Xia Yan and Zeng Guihua take a close look and it turns out that it's ah Hao. Ah Hao used to work in a casino and work as a thug for people. For a while, he has been dating Xia Yan. Just, summer Yan has already cut off the relation with him, why does he appear suddenly here? And it's very aggressive?

Xia Yan subconsciously stood up, walked forward and looked at ah Hao: "what are you doing here?"

Looking at ah Hao's bad intentions, Xia Yan knows that he must have planned for a long time. Today, huiao city didn't bring Xinzi and Jiani. Therefore, ah Hao dares to break in so blatantly.

Xinzi and Jiani were Xia Nuan's female bodyguards before. After Xia Nuan left, they followed Xia Yan to protect Xia Yan and Zeng Guihua. Xia Nuan told them before they left.

Ah Hao casually sat opposite Xia Yan and Zeng Guihua, with an idle look: "Mr. Xia, at least we once had an unforgettable love. Can't you just say you're done with me?"

Xia Yan coldly looked at ah Hao: "ah Hao, there is no relationship between us. Please leave immediately. At the beginning, I was confused and fooled around with you, but now I've changed my ways. I won't be cheated by you to gamble in the casino."

"Don't worry, I won't ask you to go to the casino. I know you've changed your ways, but you can't forget our old love just because you're the boss of the president." Ah Hao flicked the ash, picked his eyebrows and looked at Xia Yan.

"What do you want?" Xia Yan knows that ah Hao comes here for a purpose, so she won't talk nonsense with him.

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