Hunting for Love for 101 Times

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

Xia Yan's eyes appeared a moment's moving, however, her heart always can't cross that ridge, every time she saw yeenshen, she can't help but think of yeenshen mercilessly push her into the sea scene, every time she think of these, her resentment to yeenshen will be more and more.

Xia Yan suddenly pushed away yeenshen: "it's impossible between us. Don't pester me!"

Yeen Chen was still full of expectations, heard Xia Yan's resolute words, his heart was lost again, he had to let go of Xia Yan: "Xiao Yan, I really don't ask you, how do you choose is your freedom, since you don't want to compound with me, I only silently send blessings, hope you can find your own happiness."

He said, eyes showing a trace of reluctant, ready to leave.

Xia Yan looked at the night en Shen's back, alone, that pair of eyes also become extremely complex. It took her a long time to recover.

Zeng Guihua sighed: "I feel that he really treats you, Xiao Yan. Would you like to think about it?"

"Mom, don't persuade me. I won't think about it. Do you know what he did to me before?" Xia Yan turned to the bedroom, not listening to Zeng Guihua's persuasion.

Zeng Guihua sighs and stops talking. But in her heart, she actually hopes yeenshen and Xiayan will get back together. She is also worried about whether yeenshen will hurt Xiayan. However, seeing yeenshen's sincerity, she should not hurt Xiayan any more.

Zeng Guihua thought about it, and a touch of complexity flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Zeng Guihua's mobile phone rang, suddenly interrupted her thoughts, she pressed the answer.

"Auntie, have you thought about it?"

Zeng Guihua was embarrassed: "Xiaoyan doesn't want to get back together with you. Mr. night, in my opinion, let it be. Don't embarrass me Xia Yan doesn't know that before she comes back, Yeen Chen has successfully convinced Zeng Guihua to help him do something.

"Auntie, I promise you, when I marry Xia Yan, I will treat her well all my life, and I will not make her suffer any grievances. Please believe me, I will make her a night wife, and I will not treat her like before." The night grace over there said this kind of sincere words, which moved Zeng Guihua again.

"Mr. night, if you really treat Xiaoyan, of course I have nothing to say, but your heart has always been unpredictable, Xia Yan will not believe you." Zeng Guihua lowered his voice.

"Auntie, do you forget what I said to you before? Now the moon Photo Club has been looking for you to investigate Xia Nuan's identity. Do you hope that the moon photo will kidnap you for cross examination and interrogation? Now only I can protect you. As long as Xiaoyan marries me and stays with me, I will not allow you to threaten you. "

After listening to yeenshen's words, Zeng Guihua got worried in his heart. Holding his mobile phone for a long time, he slowly said to yeenshen, "OK, I promise you."

"You should know what to do."

"Yes, I do." Zeng Guihua saw Xia Yan come out of the bedroom. She hung up the phone.

"Mom, I'm going to Australia. Just now, Jiani called and said that I had something to deal with in the company." Xia Yan seems to be in a hurry.

Zeng Guihua rushed forward and handed the prepared juice to Xia Yan: "can't you stay at home tonight? Or I'll be leaving tomorrow morning. "

"No, I'm really in a hurry." Xia Yan looks at her watch and looks anxious. After saying goodbye to Zeng Guihua, she is ready to leave.

"Did you go there alone? Be safe. " Zeng Guihua handed the glass of fruit juice to Xia Yan: "you drink this first, and you will be thirsty on the way. This is the fruit juice I squeezed for you. Try it quickly." Finish saying, continuously urge Xia Yan..

Xia Yan smiles and sits on the sofa, holding the juice in Zeng Guihua's hand: "it's OK. Anyway, I just called Xinzi to ask her to come and pick me up. I'll wait for her at home for a while."

She took a sip of the juice.

Zeng Guihua looked at Xia Yan with a loving face, and her heart also mentioned her throat.

Xia Yan doesn't think it's anything. She drinks a few more mouthfuls of juice. Gradually, she suddenly feels a little dizzy. She shakes her head, but her head is more and more heavy.

"Mom, is this juice mixed with wine? How do I feel like I'm getting drunk? " Xia Yan did not wait for Zeng Guihua to answer, but fell on the sofa, unconscious.

Zeng Guihua shakes a few times and finds that she has no response. She takes out her mobile phone in a hurry and calls yeenshen.

In fact, yeenshen didn't go far at all. He had been waiting for news from Zeng Guihua nearby, so after receiving a call from Zeng Guihua, he came to Xia's house for the first time.

After returning to Xia's home again, Yeen Shen, without a moment's delay, picks up Xia Nuan from the sofa and goes directly to the bedroom, followed by Zeng Guihua.

To the bedroom, yeenshen took out a syringe, the bottle of liquid medicine into the syringe, and then, in the case of Xia Yan unconscious, he put the bottle of liquid medicine into Xia Yan's body.Zeng Guihua came forward with some worries: "Mr. night, you don't have side effects on Xiaoyan, do you?"

"Don't worry, auntie, there are no side effects, and it will never affect her health. I just hope to make up with her, so I do it. I mean nothing will hurt her." Yeenshen injects Xia Yan with medicine, covers her with a quilt, and then holds her hand. Her eyes are filled with deep feelings. Zeng Guihua is relieved to see this.

Yeen Chen is right. This medicine just tells Xia Yan to forget the past. She just wants her to be with him.

The next day, when Xia Yan woke up again, she was a little confused. She only felt that her head was swollen and painful, like it was going to explode. What came into her eyes was a man's face, and there was a woman standing beside her. She felt familiar with this woman.

"Xiaoyan, are you awake at last?" Zeng Guihua a face of joy, looking at Xia Yan, see Xia Yan a pair of puzzled appearance, she knows, night en Shen before the medicine has been effective.

Xia Yan is more confused looking at Zeng Guihua, and looked at night en Shen: "where am I?"

"You're at home, don't you forget us? I'm your mother and this is your husband yeenshen Zeng Guihua keeps brainwashing Xia Yan.

Xia Yan looks at Yeen Shen and takes another look at Zeng Guihua. Finally, she focuses on Yeen Shen. Night en Shen see her a pair of inexplicable appearance, distressed frown: "your mother said right, I am your husband."

Xia Yan looked around and found that this bedroom is also extremely familiar, but she will have no memory for a while and a half, so she can't remember these. Yeenshen took her in her arms and gave her a kiss on her cheek: "don't think if you can't remember, your head must be very painful, now the most important thing is to rest."

Xia Yan nodded and looked at Yeen Shen. Her face was ruddy. It was obvious that she was shy. Yeen Shen saw this. She was happy and hugged her more tightly: "I didn't take care of you. Don't worry. I will recall our past with you in the future."

Xia Yan didn't make a sound. Her eyes were shining with a curious light. Yeen's deep smile helped her cover the quilt.

Zeng Guihua saw this with a smile of satisfaction on his lips.

Zeng Guihua was going to the kitchen to make some food for Xia Yan. However, when she went to the kitchen, through the window, she saw several people wandering outside the door, as if monitoring her. Zeng Guihua's heart sank.

She quietly out of the kitchen, want to close the door, this time found a shadow squatting in front of the door.

Before Zeng Guihua had time to call for help, she was

controlled by the two shadows. She wanted to call, but she couldn't. He was dragged away from Xia's house.

Zeng Guihua has never appeared. Yeenshen went to the kitchen out of concern. However, when he went to the kitchen, he didn't find Zeng Guihua. He frowned and began to look outside. However, yeenshen realized the seriousness of the situation. Zeng Guihua has disappeared for several days. Yeenshen has been sending people to look for him, but he hasn't told Xia Yan about Zeng Guihua's disappearance. He doesn't want to make Xia Yan worry. What he has to do is to find Zeng Guihua as soon as possible. He doubts whether the moon will take Zeng Guihua away.

Because as far as he knows, Mrs. Baili of the monthly Photo Club has been trying to determine whether Xia Nuan is dead or not. Mrs. Baili wants to start with Zeng Guihua.

In a country, Xia Nuan and yesishen get the news from mengzuo that the money of the night family has been recovered, and it is not mengzuo who recovers the money of the night family, but mengzuo's daughter Geli, which makes Xia Nuan and yesishen feel a little surprised.

Monzo came to the night home and told yeshishen in person that Geli did it just to make up for her previous mistakes. After listening to this, Yesi Shen flashed a touch of emotion in her eyes: "in fact, she doesn't need to make up for her mistakes. Xia Nuan and I have already forgiven her. We know in our hearts that these things are not her responsibility. Most of them are directed by her wife."

After hearing this, Monzo's eyes flashed a trace of gratitude: "I know, sir, in my opinion, you can forgive her is the biggest reward to her."

"Uncle Zuo, the reason why I ask Geli to leave us is that Geli is old and old. It's time to start a family. She can't serve Mrs. Ni all her life."

"Yes, I understand." Monzo said.

"When gray comes back, you tell her I appreciate what she's done." Night Si Shen said.

Meng Zuo answered, and the knot in his heart was gradually getting better.

At this time, Dr. Su came in and reported Mrs. Ni's physical condition to yesishen: "Sir, Mrs. Ni's health has improved. It should be OK."

After listening, Yesi sighed: "I have something to tell her." He wanted to tell Mrs. Ni about the recovery of the money, so that her health would improve quickly and her heart would open.

Dr. Su took a look at Xia Nuan and said to Yesi Shen, who was about to leave, "Sir, I think I should do a pregnancy test for my wife to ensure the health of the fetus."Night Si Chen readily agreed to come down, call summer warm to stay here to accept the examination of doctor Su, and he is to go to the bedroom of inverse wife.

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