I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 452 452. A Great Temptation

Sylvester was unaware of the events that had unfolded in the Holy Land during his journey to the north. If he had known, he would have welcomed the bestowal of Sainthood before departing the Holy Land, as it would have helped his work in the Duchy of Normani.

“Let us take a break at the fortress of Baron Strongarm for the night and inform him of the impending war. I suspect his timber business is about to soar, but I cannot allow him to exhaust all his land to meet the demand, as that would mean depleting his only natural resource,” Sylvester said as he directed his horse towards the town adjacent to the Baron’s fortress.

Soon, they arrived at the Baron’s keep safely. Since winter was coming, many folks had begun to fix their roofs and windows to tackle the harsh cold of the north. The town was full of activity, and just by looking, it was evident that the Baron’s businesses had brought a lot of prosperity to the region.

‘It’s great to see my ideas have such a direct impact on people’s lives.’ Sylvester thought to himself.

He had given the entire stationery industry to the Baron, who produced everything from pencils, erasers, sharpeners, and even paper, given his abundance of trees. The Baron also manufactured a few other items as a supplier for several other businesses. For example, he crafted furniture for Count Riveria’s hospital business. Additionally, many factories established by other nobles within Sylvester’s sphere of influence purchased furniture from him.

Sylvester had created an outstanding ecosystem where various lords and ladies supported one another through exclusive contracts at a reasonable price. 𝒃𝒆𝙙𝙣𝒐𝒗𝒆𝙡.𝙤𝒓𝙜

“My lord, it is a pleasure to see you,” Sylvester greeted the brawny Baron Strongarm inside the castle. The Baron now had a son and couldn’t be happier since the Barony was no longer reeling in poverty. “It is satisfying to witness people flourishing here.”

“But not for long, I’m afraid,” the Baron responded as he ushered Sylvester and Felix into the castle. “I heard the roars of the dragons from the East.”

“Yes, they were the Divine Dragons. They appeared over the Holy Land and prophesied the imminent war. The Holy Land has begun its preparations, and you will soon receive your instructions. Since you are now a pioneer in a crucial industry, I anticipate that you will receive substantial demands for the production of chariots and other war tools. So be prepared,” Sylvester advised him, well aware of how to profit from wars.

The Baron bowed his head in respect. “I understand, Your Grace. I will also inform the ex-Barbarian Chief Koruk Mi’nar. Will you be visiting the Duchy of Iceling?”

“No, I’m headed to Normani. I have been appointed as a member of the Pope’s Sanctum Council as Saint Light. My task is to fortify the Western border with Masan for future security,” Sylvester revealed, subtly hinting that he held the status of a Saint.

The Baron fell silent as he absorbed the fact that a nineteen-year-old was not only perhaps the wealthiest person he knew but also the youngest Saint in history.

“Congratulations, Your Grace.”

Sylvester chuckled self-deprecatingly. “If only I could spare a moment to relax, I would have appreciated the well wishes more. Unfortunately, we are currently at war.”

After the meeting, they had a generous dinner with the Baron and Baroness. Later, they retired to their rooms to rest. However, Sylvester did not need to sleep as he had much to plan. He had to write dozens of letters to Kaecilius, Lord Einarr of Sorrow, King Highland, and many others.

He also wrote a few letters for Isabella, instructing her to transition slowly into a Queen loved by the masses and gradually take over the throne from her brother. The Church had already blessed her, so there was no stopping her, especially when King Harold could not produce an heir to the throne.

He wrote nonstop the entire night, and before he realized it, the sun began to rise. It was time to move and reach the Duchy of Normani before sunset.

But before he left, he handed the letters to the Bright Mother of the town so she could send them letters covertly. They were coded, so he didn’t worry about any random bloke reading them.

Through Pitfalls Town, Sylvester and Felix reached the final turn and turned left onto the Desert Road that led straight into the Masan Empire through the Duchy of Normani. Unlike the Eastern part of the north, the Duchy of Normani had a dry winter, meaning there was almost no snowfall, but the temperature still dropped significantly.

The Duchy of Normani was neither rich nor poor. It was a desert land with little food grown, but it was known for its exotic plants such as opium, dates, and more. Masan was their primary trading partner as these products were popularly consumed in the West.

“There it is!” Sylvester finally saw the colossal walls of Kinman City, the capital of the Duchy, and the seat of Duke Normani. It was a magnificent city with high walls that obstructed the view from outside, but a few domes of the tallest towers inside the city were visible.

Although the city was located on barren land, there were beautiful cherry blossoms and some all-season trees near the walls, giving the city a more majestic appearance.


The soldiers atop the castle battlement shouted from the gaps in the wall as they looked down. There were dozens of them, each holding an arrow already aimed.

Sylvester greeted them with church blessings and spoke. “I am Archbishop Sylvester Maximilian, and this is Archpriest Felix Sandwall, son of Count Sandwall. I am here on the Pope’s orders to meet with His Highness, the Duke.”

The soldiers didn’t reply and stepped back. They likely discussed something as the gates soon began to slowly pull up with the clanking noise of metal chains.

Sylvester moved his horse inside at a slow pace, and the gate quickly closed behind him. He wondered why such heavy safety measures were being taken.

“Greetings, Your Grace.” A tanned man on a horse appeared. “I am the commander of the wall defense. Due to the increased Desert Cannibal activity, we are keeping our gates closed, so I apologize for not opening the door swiftly. Please, follow me to the Duke’s castle.”

Sylvester thanked the commander and followed him while looking at the city. He could see that it was not very big, but it was undoubtedly beautiful. Surrounded by tall buildings, the walls were sandy in color and made of mud bricks. They were refined and clean, with many of them holding domes at the top. Some even had colored domes made of marble or tiles.

‘I didn’t see any poor folks yet.’ Sylvester noticed another thing. ‘No children on the streets either.’

“Where are the children? Usually, they are running around the roads.” Sylvester inquired.

With some pride, the commander pointed at a building a distance in the front. “The Duke tried to assess his heirs to find the most promising one to carry his legacy. Lady Bethany was the one who decided to open free schools for children where they’d study and receive one healthy meal a day. That’s why you don’t see any children on the streets.”

‘I’m becoming increasingly impressed by this woman.’ Sylvester was pleasantly surprised.

“That’s brilliant. With more literate people, the Duchy can use those talents in trade and high-skilled workspaces. Even the Church desires to develop society in that direction. I believe Lady Bethany was chosen as the successor then?”

“No.” The commander yelled out, angry. “The Duke selected his second son. Lady Bethany was furiously criticized as she made the children of slaves, peasants, and the wealthy sit in the same room for study.”

‘A noble idea, but not a very smart one.’ Sylvester thought when he heard the outcome. ‘Her schools were deemed to fail.’

“Then her school failed?” Sylvester asked.

“To some degree, yes. The wealthy and nobles took their children away. But the commoners and slaves’ parents had to accept the circumstances as it was the only way their child could receive an education without spending an exorbitant amount of money.”

‘In that case, the future peasant class of this Duchy will be better learned and trained than the rich and nobles. The whole social hierarchy will be a mess. Interesting, I should observe this experiment further.’

Amidst their talk, they arrived at the castle. Surprisingly, this one didn’t have a moat, but simple walls all around and heavy guards. And as they entered, some guards began to trail them as well.

The castle was as grand as Sylvester anticipated. It felt like something straight out of an Arabian dream, with its vast structure and numerous blue domes at the top, making it a breathtaking sight. Even the ambiance was terrific, with water fountains nearby, and people’s chatter filling the air as they went about their business.

‘It’s frightening to consider that a single generation of a bad ruler can ruin all this prosperity. Indeed, dictatorship can be a double-edged sword.’

“This way, Your Grace,” the commander said, leading them towards the entrance to the main hall, where several sentries stood. “I am accompanied by Archbishop Sylvester, the Lord’s Bard.”

“Forgive me, commander. His Highness has gone to sleep.” The sentries replied.

Sylvester sighed and gazed out of a large window. It was still daylight, although it was now evening. “It appears that old age has not been kind to His Highness. No problem, let him rest. It’s best to discuss important matters when he’s fully rested.”

With bad luck already hindering their plans, Sylvester soon followed the commander to meet the Prima. Afterward, he and Felix were shown luxurious private quarters in a tower with a vast open balcony overlooking the city. However, Sylvester only wished to write letters, not rest.

Not leaving his room, he firmly closed the doors and sat beside a window to write while observing the starry sky. “Should I try writing to Emperor Lich, Raz Mi’ul Naseer? He should at least know what is happening down south.”

Eventually, he decided to contact the magnificent undead ruler. Although contacting him was challenging, Sylvester hoped to find an opportunity soon.

‘Who else?’

“Ehm! Does Lord Bard need some company?”


Sylvester’s body moved instinctively, and the spear he had placed beside the table rose in his hand, aimed towards the sound.

But the spear lowered as quickly as it rose, for Lady Bethany stood there. However, what she wore made Sylvester stutter. After all, he was a man, and it was impossible to ignore such temptations.

“W-What are you wearing, my lady? Please leave!”

“Hehe…” She chuckled and walked sultrily towards him with a face full of smiles. Her high heel sandals emphasized her posture. In her silky red, nearly see-through negligee, she seemed scarcely covered. Her bust was barely hidden by a matching tight red bra.

Tall, tanned, and strong, she strode confidently towards Sylvester. “Oh, forgive me, I had to sneak out of my room to meet you in secret. The spies my brother stationed outside my room think I’m asleep.”

“You could have changed your attire,” Sylvester said, well aware that there was not much age difference between them since she was about to become a Grand Wizard.

“Strange, I thought clergymen were not affected by women. Could it be…” She smirked and stood with one thigh slightly out of her negligee.

[A/N: See here.]

‘Alright, she’s making me feel things.’

Sylvester took a deep breath and firmly locked his eyes on her face before firmly speaking.

“My lady, I don’t have time for games. Please tell me why you came here, or leave. I have much work to do.”


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