I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 474 474. Five Year Plan

Chapter 474 474. Five Year Plan

Sylvester tried replicating the same sensation he experienced while meditating beneath the Soul Tree. He cleared his mind, allowing the Solarium in his surroundings to permeate his body and rejuvenate him. Meanwhile, gradually, he directed his complete focus toward the sensation he felt when healing Xavia.

Her Solarium signature was like a memory. It was a sentiment that varied from person to person. Describing it in words was challenging, yet it evoked an instant recollection of the other person.

Sylvester felt the same and saw Xavia’s face appear in his mind without even trying. Her charming motherly smile, a never changing kind face, and her worrying voice. He cherished her deeply, having come to feel that way after years of living. But, in the beginning, it was hard to separate the past life from the new one.

But gradually, Xavia grew on him, and her motherly nature allowed him to let go of the past and fully embrace the present. Naturally, the yearning for peace drew strength from this notion. Becoming the Pope and attaining power was all in pursuit of one thing—a peaceful life.

“Repeat after me, Sylvester. ‘?????? ? ??? ??? ???? ???? ????? ??? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ?????, ? ???? ?????? ??????.'”

It was a different sound of a language. It didn’t seem similar to any other language from both worlds he knew. But he followed the lead and chanted the same.

In a fleeting moment, Sylvester perceived a flicker of life despite his tightly closed eyes. As if being drawn toward something, he involuntarily pursued it earnestly amidst the surrounding void.

With the target fixed in his mind and Xavia’s Solarium essence firmly etched in his memory, he refused to let anything divert his attention. Throughout, the ancient incantations spilled from his lips, while the radiance within his eyes appeared to intensify.

Then, gradually, he sensed muffled voices reaching his senses. At first, they were indistinguishable, a blend of several voices merging into one. This caused his focus to falter slightly, but he fought to remain fixated on Xavia’s Solarium essence. Amidst the cacophony, the voices began to separate, and within that chaos, he discerned the faint cries of Xavia.

It was a feeble voice, brimming only with sorrow. Accompanied by sniffles, Sylvester knew that Xavia was crying and remembering him.

“W-Why did you leave me, Max? You promised to be with me forever…How could you go before me?”

Xavia’s sniffling subsided, but she did not respond. Sylvester imagined she was likely shocked and attempting to accept the situation.

The words became clear, and the voice unmistakably belonged to Xavia. Sylvester’s heart pounded anxiously upon hearing her feeble voice. He could understand her, as the demise of one’s child before them was one of the greatest pains for any parent.

“Mum…” He tried to call her. “I’m alive.”

Xavia’s crying intensified, and she wept louder. “I-I can still hear your voice in my mind…”


Sylvester tried to speak calmly without stopping. “I’m sorry, Mum. I couldn’t speak to you sooner. It was Shadow of Masan posing as Count Sandwall in Sandwall County. He fooled us all and backstabbed me. I was caught by the Cannibals but survived by the miracle of the lord. I am currently in the Divine Desert, training to become stronger. I am speaking with you through ancient Elder magic that I recently learned.”

Xavia’s sniffling subsided, but she did not respond. Sylvester imagined she was likely shocked and attempting to accept the situation.

“Please don’t act shocked or react to my voice if someone is near you. Nobody should know I am alive except for you and Sir Dolorem! I will speak with him later, but for now, I wish to hear your voice.”

“I am at home, alone.” Xavia suddenly spoke, happiness resonating in her words. “Is that truly you, Max? Are you safe? Are you injured? How are you—”

Sylvester interrupted her and tried to calm her down. “It’s a really long story, Mum. However, you must know about the rumors of a concealed temple in the Divine Desert. I have reached it and have received a divine blessing. It is truly I, Mum—your honey-loving son, with fluffy Lord Chonky by my side.” 𝒃𝙚𝒅𝙣𝙤𝒗𝙚𝒍.𝙣𝙚𝙩

She silently wept and smiled in her room. Sadly, Sylvester could not see her, as his ability did not allow him to. It was something Xylena could do, but she was not yet prepared.

“How is Lord Chonky?” She asked.

“Lord Chonky remains Lord Chonky. Apparently, he has grown wings and has become addicted to soaring through the skies. Nonetheless, he is still a great companion and helps me maintain my sanity. And what about you? I know you haven’t eaten much in the past six months.”

She stuttered while replying, which was proof enough for Sylvester.

“Mum, I am safe and growing stronger. I do not know when I will return, but I will communicate with you regularly from now on. So please take care of your health, because when I come back, a others from going after Xavia.

Following all the serious discussions, they conversed about a few mundane matters, expressing massive storm will engulf the Holy Land. You must prepare yourself for it—rise in the ranks and gain as much influence as possible. Expand the network of Bright Mothers across the world, from East to West, from the Sol Continent to Sand and the Central Continent. I will speak with Sir Dolorem, who will provide you with sufficient funds to sustain the operations.”

Sensing the gravity in his words, she asked in worry, “What are you planning, Max? Please do not jeopardize your life any further.”

“Mum, it is not merely a matter of existing in peace now. It is either them or me. There can only be one man at the pinnacle. They will not rest until I am dead, no matter what,” he replied.


“I cannot disclose that information yet, as it would unnecessarily put you in danger. Simply continue to act as if you are still grieving and gradually transform your demeanor into that of a cold-hearted woman who desires to fulfill her son’s wish and aid as many people as possible. Be watchful and trust nobody,” he warned her in good faith, as he knew that after his death, there was nothing stopping others from going after Xavia.

Following all the serious discussions, they conversed about a few mundane matters, expressing concern for each other’s well-being. They spoke incessantly for over an hour, and Sylvester ceased only when he sensed an improvement in Xavia’s state of mind.

Finally, he bid his farewell for the day.

“Love you too, mum. I will speak with you again tomorrow.”

With that, he withdrew his consciousness from her Solarium Signature but wasted no time redirecting his attention to Sir Dolorem’s Solarium Signature. The man was not too distant, and Sylvester swiftly began to hear his voice.

Sir Dolorem muttered to himself, presumably standing on the terrace of the Bright Mother’s abode. “I refused to shed a single tear, for I believe your demise to be impossible. You swore to ascend to the peak, and my pledge to you remains unfulfilled—Yet…It has been six months. I am losing hope… Where are you, Lord Bard?”

Sylvester loved the man as his own family and felt great pride that Sir Dolorem had such confidence in him.

“Indeed, I am not deceased, Sir Dolorem.” Sylvester promptly addressed him. “I speak with you through ancient magic I just learned.”


The sudden sound resounded as if Sir Dolorem had fallen down. Sylvester confusedly tried to speak again.

“You there, old friend?”

“…I am…I am here, Lord Bard! I am…” Sir Dolorem was filled up with emotions ranging from happiness to exhaustion. “I knew you can’t be dead.”

“Thank you for your unwavering belief in me, Sir Dolorem. I am in good health, presently situated within an ancient temple at the heart of the Divine Desert. Guided by an ancient entity, I am mastering Elder Magic. So, do not expect me to return to the Holy Land for several years. However, during this time, I have significant tasks for you.” Sylvester got to the business because they knew each other too well.

Sir Dolorem composed himself and responded resolutely. “Just give the instructions, Lord Bard.”

“I’ve spoken with Mum. Help her expand her secret spy group of Bright Mothers. Provide her with all the money she may require. Furthermore, keep an eye on all the Kingdoms, particularly Riveria. Kaecilius is under my influence, so assist him in amassing more power and wealth. He shall become the instrument for eradicating slavery from the world in due course. Lastly, maintain communication with all the Lords and Ladies close to me. Ensure the preservation of their businesses and facilitate further expansion for increased profits.” He instructed.

Sir Dolorem promptly accepted all the orders. “Is there anything else, Lord Bard?”

“Yes, one more thing. Please clear the name of Sandwall County. It was the Shadow of Masan who orchestrated everything, not them.” Sylvester implored, his concern for Felix evident.

However, an eerie silence from Sir Dolorem ensued before the man finally spoke. “I-I’m afraid it is too late. His Holiness dispatched the Holy Army and eradicated the entire County. Felix’s father and brother were discovered deceased, making it impossible to clear their names.”

“What about Felix? I hope he was not held responsible.”

“He’s missing, Lord Bard. I tried to use all my informants to look for him, but his last sighting was entering the Pope’s Palace. Furthermore, in response to your demise, the Inquisitor High Lord departed the Holy Land, renouncing his position and status.”

Sylvester was aware that the response to his demise would be immense, but he hadn’t anticipated it to be of such magnitude. He felt concerned for Felix, yet at the same time, he pondered why the High Lord Inquisitor displayed such unwavering loyalty toward him without any apparent reason.

“Continue the search for Felix, and as for Lord Inquisitor, try to find his whereabouts. Perhaps I can enlist him to support my cause in the future. Besides this, please take care of yourself and prepare for the inevitable.” Sylvester cautioned him at the end, just like Xavia.

Sir Dolorem, even though he didn’t see Sylvester, saluted and responded. “Understood! May the Holy Light enlighten you, Lord Bard.”

With that, Sylvester retracted his senses and allowed the magic’s effects to reverse. It took some time, but eventually, he felt his eyes gradually open, and the sunlight from within the Core Temple pierced through them.

“Congratulations, you have taken the first step to mastering Elder Magic.” Pope’s ghost cheered him on, despite the frown on Sylvester’s face.

“Your Holiness, please teach me everything!” Sylvester abruptly rose to his single leg and looked at the temple’s exit. “I find myself in the most exceptional training ground in the entire world, with an abundance of beasts ranked as Grand Wizards for training purposes. I can’t let this opportunity go to waste.”

“When do we return home?” Xylena walked beside him, lending support by holding his hand.

Sylvester shook his head. “Not until both of us possess sufficient strength to be the hunters, rather than the hunted! For five years! We shall remain here and master Ancient Magic—Then, we shall journey westward and ultimately seize control of the entire continent from the shadows.”

“West? But our home lies in the East,” Xylena interjected.

Sylvester cracked his knuckles, and a blazing flame of vengeance flickered in his eyes.

“The time has come for the Masan Empire to become the Masan Kingdom!”


[A/N: Last time-skip of the story incoming.]

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