I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 478 478. Childish & Crazy

Chapter 478 478. Childish & Crazy

“Haha, why didn’t you tell me you were from Sandwall? I wouldn’t have challenged you,” Commander Tarnak chuckled as he shook Sylvester’s hand, his face visibly swollen on one side.

Sylvester remained silent, maintaining his chosen attitude for his disguise. However, the Princess always spoke on his behalf.

“So, can he be my bodyguard?” She asked proudly while standing by Sylvester. “Isn’t he a strong man? I knew I had great eyes to find talents.”

The Royal Knight Commander wholeheartedly agreed with her and promptly handed Sylvester the identity token, granting him the authority to enter the Royal Palace without any issues.

With the round stone token in his hand, Sylvester let out a disguised sigh of relief. ‘Finally, after a year, I have this token.’

Additionally, he received a metal case containing the specialized royal knight’s armor designated for personal bodyguards of the royal family.

“Come, Jack. I will show you where I live. Your room will be beside mine in case someone attacks me.” Princess Fernis said, clutching his arm and pulling him along. “From now on, you must be loyal to me and never reveal my private matters to others. Especially the matters of boys that I like.”

“What if His Great Majesty insists that I speak?” Sylvester nonchalantly queried.

She scoffed. “Then you must embrace death and still safeguard my secrets.”


“Hah! I was just kidding, Jack. My father knows everything already with his nosey sneaky spies everywhere. They are creepy as hell, but they keep us safe.” She babbled non-stop, giving Sylvester the necessary intel without even knowing.

The Princess was merely eighteen years old and had a bubbly personality. Unlike most other girls, she was far more outgoing, outspoken, and frank. She wasn’t girly and liked to play men’s sports and training with swords.

Of course, it was a concern for many as she was supposed to be a royal princess from the main family. However, being spoiled by the Emperor and her two brothers, the Empress Consort couldn’t influence the Princess to do things she didn’t want to.

“I should bring you to see my mother. She enjoys hearing about the happenings in the East,” Fernis murmured. “However, she might pester me to be more feminine. Forget it. We’ll visit her later. First, I want you to try on your new armor and show me your appearance.”

Sylvester was honestly having a hard time making a decision about the girl. On the one hand, she was excessively kind and adorable, but on the other hand, she was annoying. He knew she was attracted to him, as he had charmed her, but her affection for him was illogically high. He could sense that she wasn’t what she seemed, but her constantly excited mind made it nearly impossible to discern finer details about her through scents.

They strolled through the immense corridors with towering ceilings. The walls were painted white, while the pillars and carvings boasted a golden hue. Every few meters, there were small tables adorned with decorations, ranging from vases to pieces of armor encased in glass. The walls were adorned with paintings, stretching as far as the eye could see, regardless of the corridor they chose.

Sylvester knew very well the reason behind such grandeur of the castle. Unlike the East Sol, which was devastated by the thousand-year war, the West mostly remained untouched. They didn’t face any raids, nor did the Masan Empire break and fall apart like Gracia Empire.

With a legacy spanning five thousand years, the Masan Empire had amassed wealth throughout those years within that colossal castle, or perhaps scattered across the castles of the Hundred Castle City.

‘The castle is too vast to track on foot. I will need to start placing the Elder Runes all around.’ Sylvester planned in his head.

Before long, their lengthy walk concluded as they reached an unfamiliar floor in an unknown section of the castle. They traversed a lengthy corridor with a wall on one side and windows on the other, ultimately arriving at massive wooden doors.

“This is my royal chamber,” Fernis announced, tapping the twin doors softly. They were enormous, yet they opened silently on their own. Sylvester could clearly see the visible use of runes on them.

However, he wasn’t prepared for what lay inside. It was nearly as spacious as an Eastern king’s throne room. The room brimmed with hundreds of exquisite objects, including massive flower pots and even a tree. The word ‘luxury’ reverberated throughout the space.

In the center of the room stood a swimming pool, while at the far end, there was a large bed adorned with gold and other precious stones. The windows were colossal, reaching the height of the ceiling. Regal curtains in red and gold added to the allure.

“This whole place has runes everywhere. Let me show you something amazing.” She boastfully said and clapped her hands three times.

Pa! Pa! Pa!


All the curtains on the windows moved and opened on their own. Warm, strong light from the setting sun instantly draped the room in bright light and made the many treasures shine in its glow. Heck, even the thick red carpet that covered the flooring had golden lines made of a strange material that shone brightly.

“My second brother designed this place for me with his own hands and placed all the runes. I can control the entire room with claps and whistles. Want to see something more?”

She clapped again, but this time five times. In response, walls began to rise all over the room, converting it into a complex apartment instead of a single room.

Then, she whistled and pointed at the swimming pool. “The water can be heated and cooled as well. I also have strange enchanted musical instruments from the East that can play on their own. I love the sound of violin and piano; wait, I’ll play it.”

She used whistles and claps simultaneously this time. In an instant, in a corner of the room, the musical instruments began to play on their own. Sylvester recognized them easily as he had invented them with his own hands. But the advancement made to them with runes was unique to him.

“Did the Prince do it too?” He inquired.

“Of course! Second, Brother Jinn is considered to have godly talent in Runes. At the same time, he’s deeply interested in music and arts since he has no ambition to fight for the Throne. So, he uses all his time to create runes that can make our lives easier or strengthen our military—Amazing, isn’t it?”

“It certainly is, Princess.” Sylvester wasn’t even lying.

“Now go and wear that armor in that room.” She demanded.

Sylvester picked up the armor case and walked into a new room made from the runes. There were no doors, though, not that he needed any.

He quickly checked the armor for any strange runes and magic before putting it on. It was a simple polished golden armor with the emblem of the Masan Empire, which was an eagle. There was also a bright red cape that he draped on his back.

However, the most peculiar part was the helmet, which was more of a combination of a face shield and a helmet. It was golden and sturdy, with the pattern of curly hair carved on the head and the back, while the front depicted a stoic male face with a well-defined nose, lips, and eye sockets.

‘Ah! There are surveillance runes on it.’ Sylvester checked it carefully. ‘I should suppress them instead of destroying them. These will come in handy to create false leads and alibis once I start killing.’

Then he put the helmet on and walked out to show it to the Princess.

“Woah! You look so scary and handsome at the same time!” She gasped and rushed over to see him from all around. She patted his chest plate, the back, touched the cape, and finally, the faceplate.

“Although I don’t want your pretty face to be covered, I can’t help it as it’s an important protocol. All personal Knights acting as bodyguards must cover their faces. They all have a different faceplate, and it protects them from being hounded by civilians or some schemer.”

Sylvester nodded and showed her his sword. “My Princess, may I be given a different sword? This one is too short for what I am accustomed to.”

Fernis tried to take Sylvester’s sword and lift it. Sadly, her thin arms were too weak, and she only ended up tiring herself. “Jack, are you a brute? This is already so heavy.”

“The sword must be at least one hundred and fifty centimeters long and thirteen centimeters wide. Its weight does not matter, but it must be sharp and sturdy,” Sylvester softly demanded. “I can protect you better with it, Princess.”

“Aaaa!” She excitedly screamed like a fan girl and jumped to hug Sylvester’s neck. “You’re so badass! I love it when you’re so cold and ruthless. I knew you’re the best when I saw you cutting those assassins in half with a lumberjack’s ax”

Sylvester remained standing silently while the girl used him as a human tree branch. ‘She’s either childish or crazy.’

Soon enough, the Princess yawned and got off Sylvester. “I’m sleepy now. I will order the servants to bring dinner to my room. Eat with me, Jack.”

“Forgive me, Princess, I cannot. I am a lowly commoner, not even a Knight. Dining with you could woman dressed in a brown maid’s gown entered, her head bowed low. “Bring me my dinner—make it a generous portion tonight. I am famished after the long journey.”

“Right away, princess.” The servant swiftly left and closed the door.

Cheekily, the Princess walked over to the dining table near the window and sat down. “Do not worry; nobody will discover our secret. Even if they do, I will simply cry and threaten them with suicide if they dared to lay a hand on you—hehe—clever, isn’t it?”


‘Fuck! She’s childish and crazy at the same time.’ Sylvester evaluated quickly. ‘Her kind are the hardest to control. The moment she loses interest in me, she will dispose of me.’

He obeyed her command and joined her for the subsequent dinner. Throughout the meal, he listened to the princess babble incessantly, recounting tales from her childhood and such. It was a treasure trove for Sylvester as he gleaned insights into the royal family.

Fortunately, when night descended, he was permitted to retire to the adjacent room outside and sleep there. Even if crazy, she was not dumb enough to have him, a man, sleep in her room.

Thus, Sylvester soon found himself in a smaller room adjacent to the princess’. Nevertheless, it was spacious enough to befit a King’s chamber in sheer size. It was also adorned with runes and various artifacts all around.

First and foremost, Sylvester meticulously examined every nook and cranny for spy runes before finally removing his helmet. 𝐛𝗲𝗱𝐧𝐨𝘃𝗲𝗹.𝐜𝐨𝐦

“I should quickly start with Solarium Mapping of the castle and find the King’s residence.” he decided and, without taking off his armor, settled down cross-legged on the floor.

Knock! Knock!

However, as he sat down, he heard a knock on the closed window glass. Alert, he picked up his sword and walked over.

“Spies?” he wondered.


Indeed, it was the greatest spy in the universe. Soaring above the window, as fluffy and plump as ever, his large circular eyes cuter than ever.

“Chonky? What are you doing here?”


Miraj dived in once the window was open and slammed himself on Sylvester’s face.

“Maxy! It’s been one year! I missed you…muah-muah-muah!”

Miraj attacked Sylvester’s head, choosing violence—with kisses


[A/N: See the Armor’s faceplate.]

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