I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 518 517. Ten Thousand Millennia

Sylvester woke up early in the morning. He had compelled himself to sleep the previous night as he believed the entire upcoming month was going to be full of tireless and sleepless nights for him. He awakened Miraj on time and commenced planning for the day. If they were all to go using horses and gallop at full speed, they could arrive at the Green City in two days.

But he didn’t have that much time to squander, so he had decided to take the Grand Wizards along and secure the city before anything dire could happen. However, Miraj’s mission was also significant, and for that, Sylvester started making the explosives.

They were simple bombs made of exploding crystals, fire crystals, and air crystals, but this time he was inscribing elder runes in them to supercharge them with Solarium just the moment they were to explode. The ensuing explosion was going to amplify the intensity of the blast by at least six-fold.

‘At least a few hundred such explosives will suffice since Chonky can fly rapidly. But just to be certain, I should make them time-based so that Chonk has time to escape in case Saint Scepter is there.’ Sylvester schemed, and from the morning before the sun rose, until the entire camp became bustling with activity, he made explosives.

“Ready to go?” Aurora entered his place and saw him cleaning things up.

“Yes, just let me speak with Sir Dolorem and Mum first. I need to get information on their whereabouts before we make a move. Inform Gabriel and others that we Grand Wizards will be departing first through my light tiles.” Sylvester commanded her.

“Got it.”

Once again alone, Sylvester fastened all the explosives and handed them to Miraj. “Chonky, this singular red crystal is the trigger. Once you’re done hurling all the explosives, simply shatter this crystal. All explosives will detonate simultaneously then.”

Miraj listened attentively. “Aye, aye, Maxy. Anything else?”

“Just stay safe… I’ve already lost too much.” He simply embraced his lifelong friend. “And thank you for doing this.”

“Hehe… Why thank me? Just give me a few bananas, and I’m good.” Miraj cheekily retorted.

That was what made him treasure Miraj the most. His ability to uplift him even in the darkest of moments was something that kept him sane even when all hope was lost.

“Relax now. I will speak with Mum and Sir Dolorem simultaneously.” Sylvester closed his eyes and focused on the two Solarium Signatures.

At his present level, establishing a connection with someone so close was utterly effortless, so he felt the connection succeed within a few seconds.

“Mum? Sir Dolorem? It’s me… I’m back in the East.” Sylvester initiated contact.

“Max?” Xavia’s soothing voice echoed. “I knew it was you… you spoke to all of us at night!”

Sylvester’s brows furrowed. “What do you mean? Where are you right now?”

“Lord Bard, we’re on the move.” Sir Dolorem responded this time. “Her Majesty Isabella knew about the plans of the Holy Land to capture and employ Mother Xavia as a bargaining tool to lure you over. Queen Isabella and I decided it’s better we depart for the Highland Kingdom, so right now, we’re crossing Lake Elixir in the Highland Kingdom, not far from Sand City.”


Sylvester went speechless quickly. The Highland Kingdom was beyond Riveria, far in the south from where he sat. “Did you hear my hymns last night? Where were you then?”

“We were at Fort Sunflower under Viscount Kaecilius’ care,” Sir Dolorem answered.

Sylvester blew hot air from his mouth, his focus remaining steadfast. “This is not what I expected. At best, I believed my telepathic communication through Solarium Web would reach Kinman City within the Duchy where I resided. But it turns out… it also reached the extreme boundaries of Riveria.”

“I think you are mistaken, Lord Bard,” Sir Dolorem interjected. “We were at Fort Sunflower at night, but even today, no matter which village or town we come across, everyone speaks of a peculiar heavenly voice calling for them. I have a feeling that your magic is more powerful than what you believe, Lord Bard.”


Complete speechlessness, confusion, and a sudden realization. It was a flurry of emotions that Sylvester was never accustomed to since things rarely ever went his way so perfectly.

‘Is this the work of Solis from behind the scenes? Aiding my efforts? Or is this my true innate ability?’ Sylvester questioned himself, albeit remaining doubtful.

“This means my words were heard as far as the Holy Land, and, if possible, the edge of Blackhart Kingdom,” Sylvester mumbled.

“Or perhaps the entire Sol… Or the world,” Sir Dolorem painted a much grander picture. “Lord Bard, what occurred last night was not mere magic. It was a celestial experience for anyone touched by your words. The comforting warm feeling I felt after you finished your words rejuvenated me and cleared my mind from all the worry and negativity—it was as if I was purified. Your Elder Magic is… something… divine!”

Agreeing, Mother Xavia chimed in. “Max, I heard what happened. You defeated Masan. You are now stronger than before. But please take care of yourself. What’s happening in the Holy Land is far worse than what you can imagine. As you had requested, I expanded my Bright Mother’s group throughout the world and discovered these strange missives being exchanged between the Holy Land and the rest of the realm. They spoke of some Divine Will…and all the letters were in the name of someone called Cosmo.”

Sylvester heeded her advice seriously. “Where did they come from?”

“I don’t know. I was never able to find their origin. Max, Niel isn’t the true mastermind behind all this… I have a feeling this is much worse.” Xavia warned him, and a mother’s intuition was seldom incorrect.

Sylvester sighed helplessly. Yet again, a bloody grand conspiracy. “What about Healer Hendrix and his family? Keep them safe in King Highland’s castle. That man is vital for the future development of the realm. And Sir Dolorem, remain with mother… Keep her safe while I attempt to first uncover what’s going on.”

“Wait!” Sir Dolorem interjected just as Sylvester was about to end the magic. “Lord Bard, Lady Elaine, the elven wife of Healer Hendrix, asked me to tell you something.”

‘Elaine? I’ve spoken with her only once.’ Sylvester remained silently perplexed, listening intently.

Sir Dolorem continued, “I don’t know precisely what it means, and it appeared more like a prophecy, and her precise words were, ‘Golden is the color of Solis, and the same is the color of nature’s soul. You are born as two halves but together, they make you a whole. Sylvester Maximilian, gaze beyond what you view—for your eyes, I pity you.’

“This is what she said, Lord Bard. Wha… Lord Bard? Are you there?”

But no voice returned to Sir Dolorem.


Back inside the tent in Sandwall, Sylvester had fallen onto his back. His eyes rolled up into his head. His body twitched as if experiencing a seizure, but when Miraj tried to touch him, all he felt was an extreme fever.

“Maxy! Wake up! What happened to you?” Miraj tried to help him but to no avail. Seeing no choice, he ran out to get Aurora. “Help! Help, Max!”

But beyond the veil of reality, Sylvester was fine. His mind and body froze, and the Solarium Web connection broke. Suddenly, he found himself standing in front of jail bars in a deep, dark dungeon. It was damp, and the scent was something he remembered from a long, long time ago when he was merely five or so years old.

It felt too real to be a memory, as there, beyond the jail bars, was the naked form of an elven woman, beaten to a pulp, bleeding from all her parts, and even there. Her legs were bound to the wall with metal chains so she could not run, while her hands were free.

Her hazy, lifeless eyes continued to stare at Sylvester’s face as if peering into his soul. The scent of a broken mind—the scent of rotting flesh—permeated the air.

“What is your name?” Sylvester inquired, his young, childlike voice clear, confirming it was a memory.

“L-Lixiss… W-Why? Why did you steal me from my home? Why did you enslave me? What did I do to you?” She cried, releasing all her frustration, for there was nothing left to fear. The worst had already happened, and death was drawing near.

She suddenly reached out and caressed Sylvester’s face. But there was no anger or hatred in her gesture, scent, or eyes. Instead, there was only maternal love, pure and untainted, as if she saw through his two lives and all he had experienced.

“Your eyes… I pity you… Cursed to carry the will of two worlds, your golden eyes are more than mere beautiful pearls. There was another one long before you, ten thousand millennia ago—wild, jubilant, a beauty with a destiny accursed—You share the same; she only went first. So open your heart, let the blessing flow through your mind—you are the rebirth, goddess Remira of elf kind!”


As if thrown into a void and through the universe, the dark dungeon he stood in vanished, replaced by passing stars and galaxies. The sensation of burning spread throughout him, and his mind once again faded to darkness.

“Gah!” With a loud gasp, he awakened. His eyes shot open wide, shimmering with a golden hue and red fire. “WHAT! What was that?!”

He attempted to sit up but fell back again. A piercing headache left him writhing in pain, yet simultaneously, he looked for answers that his mind contained.

“I… I don’t remember her saying those words… Nor did that voice belong to that elven slave… Two worlds? Remira? Me?”


[A/N: The elf slave scene happened in Chapter 17.] 𝒃𝙚𝙙𝙣𝙤𝒗𝙚𝒍.𝒏𝒆𝒕

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