I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1054 - Operation Alpha

Chapter 1054: Operation Alpha

When Johnson returned to the Rothschild manor in Finland, Carmen was packing his luggage in the office.

While he was packing up, other than a few books, there were only two things inside – the Golden Apple and a laptop. He didn’t need to worry about clothes and necessities as the butler would naturally take care of it for him.

What surprised Johnson was that the boss’s mood seemed to be pleasant. Not only was the gloom in his eyes gone, he also looked less terrifying. Every time they changed their hideout, his mood had always been bad.

Something should have happened when he was gone.

“You’re back?” Carmen stood up and smiled.

“Yes.” Johnson nodded and walked into the office, he glanced at the suitcase on the ground. “Are we ready to leave?”

“Yes, in half an hour.”

“What is the destination?”

Carmen laughed and pointed out the window.

Johnson looked at the window but was confused. He did not see anything.

The north?

But they were already at the northernmost manor of the Rothschild’s family. How north could they go?

“My dear Mr. Johnson, tell me, where is the largest concentration camp in Northern Europe – no, the largest refugee camp?”

“Near the Inari Lakes in northern Finland.”

“Bingo!” Carmen snapped his fingers. He opened his arms with a smile. “That is our destination.”

Johnson didn’t understand why the boss suddenly wanted to visit the refugee camp, but since it was the boss’s decision, he could only obey. However, before they leave, he still must inform the boss. Intuition told him that it may be better to say this when the boss is in a good mood.

“I don’t mean to disturb your good mood, just…” Hesitated for a moment, Johnson then continued, “The newly appointed Arrow Frankberg branch manager Bagley, was killed by the 10th Armored Division during the command of the battle by an artillery shell.”

“How many people do we have left in Frankberg?”

“Only two thousand left…”

No one expected the allies to suddenly turn their weapons. Arrow deployed five mechanized brigades in Bava, almost all of which were defeated on the night the 10th Armored Division turned.

“Let them withdraw,” Carmen said without a change in mood.

Johnson, shocked, looked at his boss.

It seemed like he expected the shocked reaction, Carmen smiled and said, “The Rothschild family, or the Freemasonry has lost Frankberg, I know this very clearly. Rest assured, I’m not the kind of person who can’t take a loss, nor the kind of person who easily gives up. You can do as I say. In addition, get Sardes to come to the military base next to the refugee camp, I have a new assignment for him.”

Johnson bowed his head.

It seemed that the boss regained his rationality.

But for some reason, Johnson instinctively felt a little uneasy.

If he wasn’t mistaken, in the dark green pupils, there was a strong sense of zeal…

Lake Inari, the largest freshwater lake in Finland and the northernmost lake. The Ivalo River flows into the lake from the southwest and is injected into the Arctic Ocean through the Patz River to the east. The lake has appeared many times in Norse mythology. More than 3,000 islands were scattered in the lake and divided the lake into a complex network of lakes and rivers.

No other seasons existed here, only snow decorated the lake all year long.

It was night. To the north of Lake Inari, a snow-camouflaged motorboat floated quietly onto the shore of the lake, looking far away, it looked like a floating piece of ice.

Not far away, two patrol boats galloped across the lake without detecting the motorboat at all.

After the patrol boat left, eight figures wearing polar camouflage slowly lifted their heads from the motorboat.

“Keep going.”

Kutpov gestured to the person operating the motorboat, and the motorboat slowly started and quietly headed to their destination.

Under the camouflaged beret, it was a face with as many scars as wrinkles. On the defined face, there were two pupils that only should exist on wolves. Just by making eye contact, one could feel the dangerous, murderous intent within him.

Beside him were guys who are as dangerous as him.

They were part of the Alpha Special Forces, among the most dangerous offshore special operations teams.

There was nothing on them that could prove their identity. Participation in unauthorized overseas military operations, if discovered, could not be explained by diplomatic disputes. A bad fallout could spark a military conflict between two countries. From the moment they took off, they were prepared to die as stateless people.

Of course, under normal circumstances, they all would go back alive.

The motorboat was docked north of Lake Inari.

Kutpov towed the motorboat ashore, hid behind the snowdrift, and then gestured to his comrades to maintain a fighting stance while moving toward the target position.

The reason why they appeared in Finland was due to what happened a week ago.

The Russian Security Agency received information from its allies that the military base next to the refugee camp on the north bank of Lake Inari in Finland was the largest training base of Arrow Company in Northern Europe. It delivered more than 5000 mercenaries to the war.

Their task was very simple. Set up beacons in the ammunition depot, training grounds, and important facilities in the training base, and then destroy the base’s air defense system and guide the PAK-DA stealth strategic bomber to “mistakenly” bomb the site.

While it may be a “mistake”, it was no different than an outright airstrike.

This military base was close to the border. As long as the “correct” people die and they are not detected by the radar, the Finnish government is likely to keep an eye closed. The harsh environment in the refugee camps were criticized by human rights’ organization to be the concentration camps of the 21st century. If report come out that the mercenary organization is forcing refugees to join its rank, it would be a heavy blow to the image and diplomatic reputation of Finland.

Once the military base is destroyed, the mercenaries going to Ukraine in the next five months would be cut to one-third. It won’t take five months, even if Celestial Trade dragged the war on, the war could end in a month.

The return was worth the risk for Russia.

Under the disguise of the night, the Alpha Team traversed through the snow and approached the high ground next to the military base in the pine forests.

Passing through the dense pines, through the barbed wire covered with snow, they even saw the refugees gathered around a coal stove for heat. Just like the intelligence said, the European consortium “accommodated” these poor people, and then moved them here. They used their family members as hostage and used citizenship and salary as a temptation to force them to sell their lives to Arrow.

According to the mark on the map, the first ammunition depot was just 500 meters away. These people did not seem to think that anyone could reach here. The patrol intensity was quite slack, and the sentinel on the sentry even lit a cigarette to kill time.

However, Kutpov frowned and gestured for the soldiers next to him. Everyone stopped simultaneously and quietly pruned in the snow, as if they naturally belonged in the whiteness.

The roar of the helicopter propeller gradually became clear. A black transport helicopter flew not far away from them and headed straight to the military base, landing on the tarmac near the gate. With the arrival of this helicopter, the entire base became excited.

Kutpov noticed that the sentinel had thrown away the cigarette in his hand, and his back was straight, acting full of energy.

An important person arrived.

With the thought in his mind, Kutpov took out his binoculars and looked in the direction of the helicopter.

A man in military uniform stood in front of the helicopter, welcoming the visitors.

A team of mercenaries with exoskeletons swarmed out of the helicopter, followed by a Jewish man who jumped out from the helicopter. Adjusting the focal length and focusing on the man’s face, Kutpov paused for a second as his pupils suddenly contracted.

Carmen Rothschild!

Ghost Agents’ number one wanted target!

But why was he here?

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