I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1078 - Nearing the End of the War

Chapter 1078: Nearing the End of the War

It was the third time Xia Shiyu looked at the clock on the wall. She let out a sigh and muttered to herself, “Why are they still not back? ”

Half an hour ago, Ayesha drove to the airport to pick up Jiang Chen, so she took a shower.

It was summer, and the weather was hot. After the shower, Xia Shiyu did not immediately change. Instead, she wrapped her wet hair in a towel and sat on the sofa in the living room with her bath towel draped around her body.

Xia Shiyu fantasized about the way Jiang Chen would look at her, blushing and breathing heavily; a smile formed on her face.

Suddenly, she realized that she the naughty things playing out in her head and she blushed. With the heat on her face, she coughed and tightened her fists. She took a deep breath and adjusted herself before turning back to a fresh but quiet look.

Only the eyes that couldn’t stop searching for someone and the love inside her pupils exposed her anxiousness.

The clock ticked and tocked; it was already one.

As she looked at the clock on the wall one more time, Xia Shiyu was no longer calm and began to worry.

“Could it be a traffic jam… Impossible, how is the maglev car stuck? Are they in an accident?”

Xia Shiyu couldn’t sit still any longer. She quickly picked up the phone and called Jiang Chen.

The phone rang for a while and no one answered.

Then she called Ayesha but her phone was off.

Xia Shiyu started to get nervous.

Just as she got up and was going to change to take a look outside, she finally heard the sound of door opening. The light flickered and the familiar Luer entered the garage. Soon, the two walked in. Seeing that the two return safely, Xia Shiyu was relieved and walked forward. She pouted and protested to Jiang Chen.

“Why are you back so late?”

Jiang Chen smiled embarrassedly. “Got stuck on the road for a while, why are you not asleep yet?”

Xia Shiyu looked at Jiang Chen with a suspicious look.

No, if he is normal, then he will definitely have an unnatural reaction when he sees me wrapped in a bath towel. He is too calm now?

She didn’t know that Jiang Chen just shot four consecutive bursts and was in the Sage Mode (1) at this moment. Even if she was having a bubble bath with him, he wouldn’t have any reaction!

Jiang Chen didn’t realize why Xia Shiyu felt strange. He felt somewhat uneasy being examined by her look of suspicion. He touched his face and whispered.

“Is there something on my face?”

Xia Shiyu shook her head and then looked at Ayesha.

Ayesha blushed, and dodged her eyes.

Jiang Chen suddenly realized and thought.

This is not good.

Sure enough, Xia Shiyu immediately understood. With a grin, she walked to Jiang Chen and “gently” grabbed his arm.

“There is something on your face, I’ll help you.”

The fragrance of lilacs sneaked into Jiang Chen’s nose, and he saw her wet hair was covered with a layer of fine mist. Looking down at the beautiful face, it was whiteness that led to a seductive deepness. Jiang Chen finally reacted both in happiness and pain.

“There are a lot of things,” carefully examining Jiang Chen’s face, Xia Shiyu nodded. With a jealous look, Xia Shiyu stared at Ayesha, but the “wicked”smile did not change. “Let’s go upstairs, let me help you carefully clean the stuff out~”

Xia Shiyu grabbed the bath towel across her chest with one hand while she grabbed Jiang Chen arm’s with the other and marched upstairs.

Jiang Chen didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, which made Ayesha somewhat distressed. However, the little girl silently mourned for him for just a second before running to the upstairs bathroom, hymning a tune.

Coro’s summer was very hot, and she felt sticky. She couldn’t wait to take a shower and then have a great night of sleep.

Jiang Chen didn’t wake up until noon, rubbing his weary eyes.

The beauty who hugged him last night had already got up and left.

There was only the exhausted cattle, no ruined farmland. Last night, he tried all the moves he could perform and worked his emptied body, to finally making Xia Shiyu beg for mercy. He did not expect the dedicated female boss to get up and go to work the next day.

Jiang Chen shook his head and smiled. Then, he got off the bed.

Hearing sounds in the bedroom, the well-behaved Ayesha walked in with some clothes and gently helped Jiang Chen change. She whispered in his ear, “Is there any arrangements today?”

“Yes,” Jiang Chen rubbed Ayesha’s hair, “Spending time with you two.”

Enjoying his warmness, Ayesha smiled and softly said, “Spend more time with Sister Shiyu, she always waits for you at home. I occasionally can go travel with you. Although she seldom says it, I can feel that her love for you is not inferior to mine.”

Gazing into the pristine eyes, Jiang Chen suddenly felt he wronged her. He opened his mouth, but her soft finger stopped his words.

“Don’t say anything.”

Whispering softly, Ayesha tipped her toes and gently kissed him on his lips.

Looking at him with a loving gaze, she reached out and fixed his collar.

“Let’s go eat lunch.”

Looking at the beauty inches from him, Jiang Chen’s heart was pounding. He grabbed her waist and whispered into her ears.

“Can I eat you first?”

“No, you have to go to the company in the afternoon.” Ayesha buried her head and gently touched Jiang Chen’s chest with her forehead, then she said, “Get your priorities fixed, or Sister Shiyu will be jealous again.”

Although Jiang Chen was convinced that if he insists on it, Ayesha would certainly not resist. After he considered the harmony of the harem, he still listened to the girl’s suggestion. The two had lunch together, and Jiang Chen drove to the company in the afternoon.

Jiang Chen took the elevator to the top floor and when he passed by Xia Shiyu’s office, he went and said hello.

Although there were no words, Jiang Chen clearly felt Xia Shiyu’s joyous mood because he showed up in the afternoon.

She didn’t care if Jiang Chen treated his work seriously, she was used to dealing with the heavy workload for him. But she cared about if he was willing to spend more time with her. She didn’t expect Jiang Chen’s love for her to be more than his love for Ayesha who spent life and death with him, she just hoped that at least she is not far behind…

Going into his office, Jiang Chen asked the beautiful assistant to help him make a cup of coffee. He then called Future Bank CEO David Smith from downstairs.

Soon, Mr. Smith appeared in his office.

Since it was work hours, Jiang Chen went straight to the subject.

“Within three days, I need to see 150 billion Xin New dollars on the balance sheet of Future Bank. In addition, upload the research report of Daimler, BMW, and Volkswagen Group to an email. Right, which companies in Frankberg are the leaders in the electric industry? Get me a list of that too.”

After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, the word shock was written all over Smith’s face.

As a senior financial practitioner, any little bit of capital-related news in the world can’t escape his eyes. Without Jiang Chen’s order, Future Bank was already preparing to scoop up the European economy. The liquidity was available and his team only needed to determine which options would bring in the highest return and the highest success rate.

Daimler, BMW, and Volkswagen, the companies that possessed both technology and market, were naturally their first choice for investment. Except, these companies would not always be available. Even with double the premium, the government may not be willing to allow this transaction.

Smith didn’t expect that his boss would be so powerful. Even the pillars of the Frankberg auto industry, such as Daimler, BMW, and Volkswagen could be acquired. Did the Frankberg government just allow their pillars to be swept away by foreign capital?

“No problem.” While shocked, Smith only nodded without any oppositions.

“Then go.”


After Smith left, Jiang Chen grabbed a cup of mocha from his assistant and leaned back in his chair to enjoy it.

The war has been fought, money has been spent, and blood has flowed.

The Frankberg revolution was about to end in victory. Carmen died in Finland. The Freemasonry headed by the Rothschild family could not turn the tide. What happened next was the exciting part!

It was time to divide the trophy!

(1) Sage Mode – A internet jargon describing people who have just finished having sex and not wanting more.

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