I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1159 - Conditions

Chapter 1159 Conditions

“That’s hard to say.”

A standoffish female voice interrupted the two’s bloating.

Han Junhua in a military uniform walked over and stood next to Jiang Chen. Then, she opened the holographic screen on her watch and launched a map of Shangjing. Her finger was pointed at a location two kilometers southeast of Badaling.

“I studied the map of Shangjing and found this.”

When Jiang Chen looked at the spot Han Junhua’s slender index finger pointed to, he saw the logo of a subway station on the map, and then frowned.

“What is the problem with Line 35 subway station?”

“Have you ever taken the subway?” Han Junhua asked.

Jiang Chen just wanted to say that he had taken the subway before, but he remembered that the subway he took seemed to be the subway in the 21st century. He knew nothing about the subway in this world…

Wait, he was not completely clueless.

Jiang Chen suddenly remembered that he took a subway in Wanghai in the virtual world he met Lin Lin in. If the subway in Shangjing was similar to the subway in Wanghai…

Without waiting for Jiang Chen to answer, Han Junhua paused for a second and continued. “The 40 subway lines in Shangjing are distributed in a circular shape. After renovations in the early 22nd century, the average depths are between 200 and 400 meters. The standard track width is capable of allowing two maglev trains to pass in parallel, but there is also a passage for armored vehicles to pass through in the middle, which is the ‘combat tunnel’ mentioned in the 2200 national defense white paper.”

When he heard Han Junhua’s explanation, he started to realize it was more serious.

“If I am the commander of CCCP, I’ll occupy here,” Han Junhua’s index finger gently tapped on the location of the subway station. “As long as they occupy the entire subway line in Shangjing, their tanks can move freely in Shangjing.”

“If we use the electromagnetic pulse cannon to collapse it—”

Han Junhua interrupted Li Wang and shook her head.

“If the tunnel can be collapsed by electromagnetic pulse cannons, what is the significance of the combat tunnel? Originally, it was an underground passage prepared to prevent NATO from destroying the road traffic network. Disregarding the electromagnetic pulse cannon on AS Order, even NATO’s ground-drilling missile had a hard time breaking through the special cement used as a protective layer.”

“What is your opinion?” Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

“Complete the deployment immediately, and then withdraw AS Order and supply airships from the subway coverage area,” Han Junhua’s index finger drew a circle on the map. “What we don’t know now is which CCCP force our enemy belonged to and what their air defense capability is. If their anti-aircraft vehicles move below us through the subway line, we are no different than sitting ducks in the air.”

Within ten minutes, NAC completed the deployment of its first group of soldiers. A thousand expeditionary troops descended on the northern part of the wall of Pingan Street and began to set up camp.

After seeing the firepower of AS Order, the survivors of Shangjing also witnessed the construction speed of the NAC.

With the help of twenty engineering robots, concrete walls three-person tall quickly lifted off from the ground. Light and heavy machine guns and mortars were pushed onto the bunker, and barracks were also built one after another. Before the evening, a simple military base was completed.

To ease the need for lookouts, NAC engineers placed explosives in the nearby buildings and exploded several buildings more than 20 stories tall.

In deafening explosions, the buildings collapsed and completely blocked the passage to the northern part of Pingan Street, the zombies on the road were crushed into meat. If CCCP tanks wanted to pass this road, they must send engineers to clear the debris.

Before dusk arrived, AS Order and the ten transport airships began to mobilize and moved in the direction of Qincheng. At the same time, Jiang Chen sent the Hunter Corps to the Badaling area to investigate the deployment of CCCP troops.

When AS Order left with the transport airships, Pingan Street’s gate opened under the giant wall.

With a team of bodyguards, Ding Liwei and other high-ranking executives of the city gathered at the entrance of NAC’s camp and expressed their intention to visit the soldiers.

Next to Ding Liwei, Wan Peng glanced at the kinetic skeleton on the soldiers at the door and a flash of envy quickly appeared and disappeared from his eyes.

The military factory in Pingan Street could also produce kinetic skeletons and even assemble power armors, but the cost of a kinetic skeleton was above 5,000 crystals, and the unit price of power armor was at least 10,000 crystals.

Only his loyal guards were equipped with kinetic skeletons. As for the power armor, only his confidants had such a privilege.

Ding Liwei next to him was in a better situation. The Second Militia Group itself possessed a police model of the kinetic skeleton. If it wasn’t for the war with the mutated humans more than a decade ago that ended up costing him heavily, he could have formed two battalions of power armors by now.

However, even the soldiers of the Second Militia Group were nowhere as equipped as the NAC. Not only the soldiers patrolling wore kinetic skeletons, but there were also two power armors defending the area.

My God, lowly guards also use power armors? How rich is the NAC!

Or do their power armor and kinetic skeleton not cost money?

Wan Peng was not the only one that was shocked, the executives of Shangjing Survivors Alliance all muttered in their mind. Just like that, the force of NAC already exerted psychological pressure on them.

Even Ding Liwei of the Second Militia Corps and Xu Tiannan who invited the reinforcements didn’t hold the most natural expressions.

Although they were reinforcements, if the reinforcements were too strong, things may not end up well for them.

After all, NAC’s support came with a cost.

Without leaving the executives out there for too long, the soldiers quickly received the order to permit passage. The two power armors stood aside, and the soldiers raised the railings to allow entry of the group.

“Welcome, friends from Shangjing.” Jiang Chen walked to the front of the group and extended his right hand, then he shook hands with the executives. After, he welcomed the group to head to the barrack that was in the middle of the camp.

Ding Liwei and Wan Peng exchanged looks and finally chose to accept Jiang Chen’s invitation. The bodyguards with guns were left at the door, and the group walked with Jiang Chen inside the barrack.

Jiang Chen sat at the head of the conference table, after the crowd was seated, soldiers stepped forward and served tea for everyone.

Wan Peng’s eyes were almost bulging out when he saw the tea-filled porcelain cups.

While others may not recognize this luxury, as a former security head at a top club, he very well knew what floated in the cups. It was the best West Lake Green Tea, a luxury rare even before the war! But he was serving guests this?!

Where did this guy get so many good things?

“As the host, we should have set up a banquet for you, but we didn’t expect to be entertained. We apologize for the situation.” Xu Tiannan took a sip of the tea, and couldn’t help but admire its fragrance, “great tea.”

“Not at all, just some ordinary tea,” Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Ding Liwei did not touch the tea on the table. He just looked at Jiang Chen. His sight was mixed with a bit of vigilance and distrust.

However, Jiang Chen did not care. The two sides were not connected, not to mention the fact that NAC’s combat effectiveness was clearly more dominant. If there was no necessary vigilance, Jiang Chen would have doubts about how he has lived on the wasteland until now.

After a long silence, Ding Liwei finally spoke.

“I have already long heard of Mr. Jiang’s name. I didn’t expect Mr. Jiang to personally head the troops. Please excuse us for not being the best host.”

“No need to worry, I’m not the kind of person who cares about formality.”

“Is that so? Then I am relieved.” Ding Liwei smiled and paused for a while before saying, “Since Mr. Jiang is a direct person, then I will also be direct.”

“I am sure your reinforcements are not unconditional?”

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