I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1231 - Awakened Monsters

Chapter 1231 Awakened Monsters

It turned out to be a misunderstanding.

Ghost Agents and special forces quickly left the scene.

After about half an hour, Jiang Chen comforted Ayesha’s emotions in the room next door, then asked her to go home first and wait for him after he reassured her that he would not use the machine again. Finally, Ayesha left, and Jiang Chen returned to the lab. Then he looked apologetically at Amos who was sitting there drinking coffee.

“Ummm… I apologize about Ayesha.”

“No worries,” Amos waved his hand. “I can understand how she felt. On the day my wife passed away, I almost went crazy. I didn’t regain the meaning of life until the doctor showed up with Millan in front of me.”

“…I haven’t died yet.”

“Ahem, sorry.” Amos looked away awkwardly while he touched his noise, “Yes, what happened to you in that room? I only saw a white light and then I lost connection with the drone.”

“You can’t believe what I saw.” There was a mysterious smile on Jiang Chen’s face. “I saw Mars 3.7 billion years ago and an ancient civilization that existed for nearly 100,000 years. This is going to be a long story. Do you have anything to eat here? I am a little hungry. Let’s talk while eating…”

After all, it was one of the most well funded laboratories of the Future Group. Dr. Amos had plenty of food here.

Jiang Chen ate five sandwiches wrapped in cabbage and ham before he felt some warmth in his stomach. While responding to Dr. Amos’ astonished look, he reached for the beer and ham leg. As he devoured the food, he talked about what he saw during the past three days.

The lunch was over an hour long.

“I see.” After Dr. Amos listened to Jiang Chen’s narration, he let out a sigh, leaned back against his chair, while he exclaimed at the ceiling.

“Why are you sighing?”

“I was wondering if we could pass the Great Filter,” Dr. Amos smiled. “The destruction of the Gaia civilization unfortunately provided arguments for Fermi’s Paradox. Even the civilization that was powerful enough to dig through the planet was erased by time.”

“So, we have a long way to go,” Jiang Chen wiped his mouth with a napkin and shrugged with an indifferent look on his face. “I am used to solving the problems at hand before thinking about more distant problems.”

Tens of thousands of years is too far away.

Even then, when the Earth civilization is facing life and death, it’s not up to him to worry about.

“True, these things are indeed too distant,” Dr. Amos leaned back in his chair and smiled. “How are you going to deal with this problem?”

“The ‘key’ is here with me, and it will be sent to Mars along with the next batch of supplies.”

“I don’t think it’ll be easy to dig out that site,” Dr. Amos thought. “With the current size of the Mars colony, I’m afraid we don’t have the ability to carry out such a large project.”

“I know, so we have to speed up,” Jiang Chen opened his watch and gently pushed a holographic screen in front of Dr. Amos. “In fact, Celestial Trade prepared a project plan already but now everything is all ahead of schedule.”

“Tiangong City Plan?” Looking at the words, Dr. Amos was intrigued.


At this moment, the [Warning] icon suddenly appeared on the holographic screen and flashed with a piercing light.

Jiang Chen paused and looked at Dr. Amos, who was equally confused. They both saw the same disbelief.

“How long do we have to wait?”

James frowned while he sipped on his coffee as he gazed out at the unchanging desert in the rover.

Three days had passed, and no news came from underground..

Although a rover typically stored a week of supplies, and they could sleep and shower on the rover, it was quite boring to just wait. Compared to zoning out in front of the sand and a well, he would much rather stay in the colony

Wang Qiang grinned. “I think it’s fine that nothing is happening. Perhaps after we finish the remaining coffee we can—”

At this moment, the sound of the ground trembling came from beneath.

The two looked at each other with questions in their eyes..

Wang Qiang placed the coffee down and put down his legs as he looked out the window with a frown.

“What’s that sound?”

“An earthquake?”

“Impossible, the geological activity of Mars is quite stable – SH*T!”

A cloud of dust was sent up in the air!

The chassis was hit hard, and it felt like the rover was hit by a shell. It was immediately tossed, and it spun several times before finally stopping.

A centipede-like monster crawled out of the sand dunes, revealing its menacing figure.

In everyone’s horrified expression, it opened its sickle-like mouth and it was filled with countless sharp needle-like teeth as it let out a screeching scream. The armor on its body reflected a deathly vibe under the dim daylight

A Devil Worm!

If Jiang Chen was here, he would be screaming out loud, because it was too close to what he saw in the memory of Gaia civilization! It was clearly a species from 3.7 billion years ago, why did it appear here?

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

While they were surprised, the soldiers near the armored vehicle reacted immediately. The Gauss rifle in their hand flashed with white light, and the bullets that accelerated faster than the speed of sound exploded and created green blood splutters on the monster’s body.

There was a painful moan, and its chain-like tail whipped in the soldiers’ direction, lifting up more sand.

Its head slammed to the ground as it tried to escape.

At this time, the large cannon on the vehicle finally locked on to the giant centipede-like monster, firing off its deadly firepower!

The orange-yellow trajectory flew over the desert of Mars and shredded the resilient Devil Worm countless times. Dark green blood splashed into air, dripped on the sand and gave off a sizzling sound.

Finally, the visible half of the body of the Devil Worm that had already began to drill back into the sand dunes, fell powerlessly on the sand…

“Nathan, go check on the rover and help our engineers. Lee, you take the hook lock on the car and tie it to the monster. Be careful of its blood, I think it contains some kind of strong corrosive organic acid.”

The captain put down his rifle and gestured the soldiers behind him with a warning signal, then he looked at the monster with a frown as he cussed.

“Sh*t, what is this?”


“I remember someone made a flag before we went to work. Who was it?”

“Jim!” With a grin, Lee tied up the monster and snorted. “I still remember the idiot-”

He did not finish his sentence before the sand exploded again!

Another Devil Worm crawled out from the ground and sent the soldier walking back flying. Its sickle-like teeth instantly collapsed and created a bloody rain in the air.

“LEE!” The captain’s eyes widened, enraged, as he pointed at the new monster that just appeared. “Open fire! FIRE!”

The bullets began flying again in the desert, accompanied by the Devil Worm’s screams.

The earth shook like warm water that had began to boil. It was as if something was brewing.

In the depths of the unknown underground, three billion years of sleep was disturbed, and ancient creatures were waking up. Those who finally discovered these distant guests began to regain the hunting tradition engraved in their genes.

Obviously, there was more than one monster!

“We lost Mine 071, abandon Suitcase X-1101, all units evacuate immediately! I repeat! Evacuate Immediately!”

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