I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 724 Solar Flare

*Arrgghh* The slave woman screamed in pain from being stabbed. This sudden ruthless action made the other women fear. They know their master is a very unpredictable person. Besides his huge obsession with money, the young man has an eccentric temperament.

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One moment, he could become like a saint that helps anyone without thinking of the return. However, the next moment he could become a very ruthless person that dismembers his slaves without mercy just for being bored.

"Huh?? What the fuck?!! Tal, why are you just standing there? I didn't pay you to just stand there and do the work on my own?! Are you the boss or me?!!" complained the young man towards the nearby demon butler.

"I apologize, master. Everyone, hurry!!" said the demon butler nearby before urging the nearby employee.

The other employee was startled at the sudden situation but still obeyed demon butler Tal's order.

"Wait.. Wait… Master, please!!" pleaded the women slaves. 𝒃𝒆𝙙𝙣𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍.π™˜π™€π™’

Unfortunately, their pleas turn on deaf ears as the young man looks at the women slaves being stabbed to death without a stoic face.

"Hmph!! What a disgusting move?!" commented Miranda bluntly.

"Hm… What did you say?" asked the young man sternly.

"Oh.. nothing, dear. Your action is very bloody and gracious. It almost makes me think of God's work, " said Miranda with a mocking face.

Hearing and seeing Miranda's action, the demon butler Talgriun and others couldn't help but cold sweat in fear. Although they are only slaves, they still know Miranda's true identity as monster-minded people from the nearby dwarves' guard.

They worry their master will somehow fight against this woman while they are still nearby.

"Ehhh…. Don't flatter me. I am just a humble rich man. You know... with enough money, you could buy anything and do anything." said the young man as if he didn't see Miranda's mocking action.

"Really? Then, if I asked you to give me the dwarf king, would you do it?" asked Miranda seductively.

"Of course. Anything for you, my dear." said the young man.

The two people looked at each other with a similar grinning smile. No one knows the thought inside their head.

"Will you truly do it?" asked Miranda in a serious expression.

"Yes." replied the young man shortly.

"When?" asked Miranda again.

"When the time comes." said the young man nonchalantly.

"Tal!!" the young man suddenly called his demon butler.

"Yes, master." replied Tal while disposing of the stabbed women slaves corpse.

"I smell faith trash nearby. Bring all of your men and clean them out. Be sure to do it fast. Their smell is making me puke, " said the young man, holding his nose.

"As you wish, master." said Talgriun before ordering some men.

As the head butler, Talgriun knows more about his master's habit and what he means. He even suspects that his master is a monster-minded person. Yet, he didn't dare to reveal it as the last time a slave revealed it, no one in the surrounding survived besides him.

For the demon Talgriun, the young man is his master that is worthy of his respect, loyalty, and fear. Hence, even if his order is ridiculous and absurd, he will still do it without hesitation.

Besides, the young rich man never gives an impossible task to him. No matter how hard the task is, it can always be done as long as he tries hard enough.

Talgriun immediately brings all the bodyguards and high-grade combatants in their group to hunt the nearby hiding religious group. Normally, this action breaks the code of butler and bodyguard as it will leave their master alone without any defense.

Yet, Talgriun is not worried about his master's safety. He knows the true power of his master. Although his master may look like a spoiled young master, he is a powerful combatant comparable to any big-nation leader.

Even if he is surrounded by seventh grade, Talgriun is confident his master can escape without injury.

After Talgriun moved into the distance, "So, what did you want to talk about?" asked Miranda.

"What makes you think I'm going to talk to you privately?" asked the rich young man.

"Fuck off, Alphonso!! I am not in the mood for your play." replied Miranda.

"*Sigh* This is why women are so hard to understand. Even money couldn't make me understand women." replied Alphonso, the rich young man.

Miranda didn't reply and only frowned at Alphonso's action.

"When was the last time you went wild?" asked Miranda while observing Alphonso carefully.

"Oh my… You got me." said Alphonso with a wide grin.

"*Sigh* You are more headache than little Queenie." said Miranda.

"Oh, come on…. I am just asking you to take care of me a little bit. Please…" said Alphonso with a strange pleading tone.

"Fine. But you need to pay me later. Although I am free, it doesn't mean I will do work for free." said Miranda.

"Anything for you, my dear." said Alphonso.

After saying that, Miranda suddenly disappears from her spot without a trace. *BOOOOM* At the same time, an enormous explosion happened at Alphonso's place. It killed the nearby slaves along with slaves who carried the luxury platform.

*GROOOARRR* A thunderous wild howling was heard from the place. A moment later, a figure covered in black with sharp claws flashing around the area destroyed anything like a mindless beast.

Meanwhile, the dwarves fighting Warchief Might finally realize the increased temperature in the surrounding area. At first, they thought it was because of the lava pool below.

However, they notice the temperature is increasing faster each time it passes by. This is no longer ordinary fire mastery or the hot temperature from the bubbling lava. With their perception, they finally find Warchief Might is the source of this hot temperature.

Suddenly, Warchief Might call back all his artifact sets and leave him bare naked. Yet, none of the dwarves dare to approach Warchief Might. The temperature on Warchief Might is too hot even for the dwarves.

It is known if the dwarves have very high natural resistance towards heat and fire. Their resistance is so high that it is even hailed as fire immunity.

Yet, these sixth-grade dwarves and elders didn't dare to approach Warchief Might. The Warchief Might surround space and air even distorted by the high temperature.

"Hahaha… What's the matter?! Come over here!!" said Warchief Might before moving slowly to the dwarves.

*Shhshss* Just as the Warchief Might take a single step, the dwarves could feel their armor, even their indestructible artifact turning red hot. It is as if it will be melted any second.

"Fuck!! Get out of here!! He is too hot." said one of the dwarves.

Unfortunately, these dwarves are a single step too late. Warchief Might suddenly flexes his bare muscle for a split second and releases an invisible heatwave towards the surrounding [Secret Art - Solar Flare].

*WHOOOSHH* a heatwave spread from Warchief Might and scorched everything surrounding. The heatwave moved so fast and instantaneously before any dwarf could react. It keeps spreading to the vast Undermine Council.

Fortunately, the heatwave temperature decreases as it moves further. Still, any living being feels like getting hit by a terrible heat storm. Any other living being will be scorched to ash without strong fire resistance.

*WHOOSHH* The heat storm passes the sandy wasteland where Lotord and Alder battle. This strange phenomenon attracted them and they looked in Warchief Might's direction. Using their perception, they feel like a blazing sun has appeared from Warchief Might.

"Now, that's interesting. No wonder he dared to taunt everyone before." said Alder with a smile.

"This… That fucker!! I am going to kill him!!" said Lotord in anger.

Using his seventh-grade perception, he could feel many sixth-grade dwarves disappear at the Warchief Might's place.

"Hee…" commented Alder before releasing a series of claw attacks.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* With a fast movement, the giant dwarf behind Lotord parries the incoming fast attack.

"Tch…" grumbled Lotord,

Unfortunately, he couldn't complain as Alder was already moving and launching another fast attack.

He knows he can't do anything but fight this monster overlord. Although he wants to beat Warchief Might for killing many of their sixth-grade dwarves, he is still preoccupied with Alder.

If he tries to run away and fight Warchief Might, he fears Alder will go berserk and kill any dwarf he finds. Moreover, he also needs to worry about the hidden monster people. One wrong move and he may end up in a worse state than before.

Moreover, Lotord's previous injury is still not fully healed yet. He had no luxury of thinking about others and needed to focus on his current fight.

On the other hand, Angus and Jayna welcome the heat storm with a smile. They may not know the source of the sudden heat storm, but it gives them more advantage in their battle. Not only is it unable to hurt them, but it could also even strengthen Firebirds in the air.

Jayna is even ready to create another giant Firebird. The only one who grumbles at the sudden heat storm is Anna and the dwarves.

The dwarves hate it since it will strengthen Angus and Jayna. As for Anna, she hates it for turning her delicious roasted pork into unpalatable charred meat.

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