I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 730 Vision

Facing the humongous metallic door in front of him, Dumrod feels inexplicable pressure from it. His instinct kept telling him to escape from this place as far as possible. Not only the metallic door gives a mysterious aura but also the surrounding dark cavern.

Despite being illuminated by many magical lamps from the metallic robot behind him, the whole cavern is still covered by darkness. It is as if the entire cavern is covered with thick dark mist. Moreover, Dumrod also could hear mysterious soft whispers in an unknown language.

Still, Dumrod shrugged all these voices and focused on the giant metallic door. If Angus and Jayna see the massive metallic door, they will find it is similar to the door where Fire Phoenix is sealed. It is covered with a mysterious swirling pattern, God Rune.

Dumrod approaches the giant metallic door slowly. Each step becomes heavier, as if something is trying to prevent him from approaching the door. The voice and soft whisper also get louder.

Unfortunately, Dumrod didn't understand what this voice was talking about. The language the voice speaks is too ancient and has long been lost. Yet, he somehow could understand the intent behind each word. Each time the whisper is heard, he will get a fragmented vision.

This vision is quite disturbing and influences his strong mind. Yet, his willpower is strong and he decides to press on. After who knows how long, he finally arrives in front of the metallic door. At this moment, he finally notices the soft whisper is gone.

The whole dark cavern gives an unpleasant creepy silence. Dumrod could only hear his heartbeat in this whole cavern. He shakes his head to clear his mind before taking a ceremonial dagger in his hand.

Dumrod cut his palm and shoveled it towards the metallic door before him without hesitation. Just before his bleeding palm touches the metallic door, it magically disappears. The next moment, Dumrod was alone inside another dark area.

Looking back, he also finds his giant robot is also gone. He finds a translucent dwarf wearing the dwarf's ancient armor.

"Kiiek Roogg Krogok Ragezz." said the translucent dwarf in an unknown language.

Despite being unable to understand the language, Dumrod could somehow understand its meaning and intent. The translucent dwarf that looks like an ancient dwarf spirit told him to go back and not proceed further.

Dumrod shakes his head and stares resolutely at the dwarf spirit without saying anything. Seeing this gesture, the dwarf spirit suddenly releases enormous pressure on the surroundings. *BANG* The dwarf spirit slammed his Warhammer to his side while roaring loudly.

"ROOGO KRGAZ RAK PULBOG!!" roared the dwarf spirit.

The pressure is powerful and majestic as if trying to bend the world under the dwarf spirit's feet. As for Dumrod, he feels like he is being hammered down continuously by a strong sixth-grade dwarf. It takes his everything just to not fall to the ground.

"Arrghhh!!" screamed Dumrod

He grabs his green rock necklace and shows it to the dwarf spirit. As if sensing Dumrod's intent and will, the small green rock turns brighter and counters the powerful aura. The Ancient Dwarf Spirit didn't surprise at this mysterious rock but kept staring at Dumrod menacingly.

"What you seek is nothing but doom and destruction." said the Ancient Dwarf Spirit in a hoarse voice.

"Then, so be it. None shall stop me, even death." replied Dumrod sternly.

The dwarf spirit didn't say anything, only looked at his back for a moment before staring at Dumrod again.

"Go, my descendant. Do what you must do." said the dwarf spirit before disappearing into nothingness.

Along with the dwarf spirit's disappearance, Dumrod finds himself back in his previous dark cavern. Yet, the giant metallic door is no more. Instead, it is replaced by an endless dark path. Without hesitation, Dumrod takes a single step and finds the surrounding area has changed.

If the previous cavern gives a sense of creepy silence, this area gives a dangerous feeling, like his entire being threatened. Dumrod feels like going inside a different realm.

Ignoring this dreary feeling, Dumrod walked step by step into this bottomless abyss path. The pitch-black darkness seems to swallow his entire being.

Dumrod didn't know how long he walked in this darkness nor the direction he went. In his eyes, everything looks the same. Be it front, back, below, or above, it is just pitch-black darkness.

Moreover, his body is slowly numbed as if inside murky cold water. A sensation he never felt since he reached his current strength. Suddenly, the area gets brighter but is still covered by darkness. A female wearing dark robes and a veil appeared in front of him.

"Such a will… Speak, child. What do you seek?" asked a mysterious female figure.

"Blood and Power." said Dumrod shortly.

"Huhuhu… Follow me." said the female before walking in an unknown direction.ραпdαs `n?ν?| сom

Dumrod didn't say anything and just followed this mysterious figure. The two people walked through this dark area in silence. Yet, Dumrod's mind does not stay idle.

Same as before, he kept getting a fragmented vision for each step. Some of these visions are so powerful and real that they make his eyes bloodshot and give him terrible headaches.

Still, Dumrod didn't waver and kept following this mysterious figure. He knows what he seeks is close. After a while, Dumrod finds a small pedestal containing black rock on top of it.

"This is…" said Dumrod.

"Patience, child. The remnant of the forgotten one is not something you could touch lightly. This is the only thing you can afford for now. Nothing is free in this world, child." said the female figure as if she knew Dumrod's intention.

Dumrod didn't say anything and looked again at the black rock. Despite having a size less than an adult fist, Dumrod feels this thing could erase his entire being with a slight touch. Still, this didn't stop him from taking the black rock.

As Dumrod's rough finger touches the black rock, he feels like he is getting hit by powerful lightning and has another real vision. Unlike before, the vision is so real that it feels like he is going through it.

He could see the blood-red sky above, meteors raining down the field, explosions, and death in the area.

Then, a deafening loud bird cry was heard across the area before black rocks poured down from the blood-red sky. The vision disappears and brings him back to the real world.

The next moment, Dumrod finds himself standing far from his metallic robot. In front of him is the same dark path that he went through before. However, he finds a silhouette of a female figure in this pitch darkness staring at him.

"Beware of the winged one." said the female figure before turning around towards the pitch darkness.

*Crack* *Crack* Before Dumrod could understand these warnings, he heard a cracking and glass-breaking sound. The pitch-black darkness is magically distorted and produces a giant claw toward Dumrod.

*Clang* *Clang* *BANG* Sensing its master is in danger, the metallic robot behind Dumrod reassembles itself. It turns into a giant Colossus before holding the enormous claw. *ROOOARR* Along with this clash, a powerful roar was heard from inside the distorted darkness.

Dumrod didn't stay idle and immediately took a runic crystal in his hand. *Click* As soon as he breaks the crystal, his figure disappears, leaving his crumbled giant metallic Colossus.

In the meantime, all the powerful figures at the Undermine Council suddenly stop doing their things as if they feel something dangerous.

"This feeling…. Shit!!" said Alder before disappearing from his spot.

In contrast, Elder Lotord is spreading his sense of feeling his surroundings. As a seventh grade, he knows nothing good from this foreboding feeling. Moreover, Alder's reaction only makes him certain about the approaching calamity.

At the same time, Angus and the others also feel something. Each of them perceives different things. In Angus' case, he feels the need to get away from this place as if a nuke is going to strike this place. As for Jayna, she feels powerful darkness approaching their location.

"Emmm…. *Munch* *Munch* Ahh… Daddy, Mommy, Something bad is coming." said Anna while eating roasted pork.

"Anna, did you know what it is?" asked Angus worriedly.

"Emmm…" replied Anna while thinking hard.

Then, she turns around and seems to be searching for something under her shadow.

"Ahhh… This is." said Anna as she took out a familiar worn-out drawing book.

Angus and Jayna know this is one of Anna's terrible creature book collections. The little monster said nothing and opened the book roughly before showing a monster picture. 𝘣𝘦𝑑𝘯𝘰𝘷𝘦𝑙.𝘯𝑒𝘵

"This is it. Yup, Anna is certain. This… thing is coming here." said Anna nonchalantly before grabbing the nearby roasted pork.

Angus and Jayna grab the book to look more carefully at the monster drawing. The monster drawing could be clearer since the paper has many random strokes and rough scratches.

Whenever Anna finishes drawing a monster picture, she likes to make rough scribbles on it as if trying to color it. However, she didn't have any skill in coloring or even the patience to do this. Therefore, it only makes the monster drawing unreadable.

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