I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 747 Throne

Chapter 747 Throne

"We still have a winged creature that could destroy anything to nothingness here." said Elder Forgus trying to calm the situation.

"Alright, let's talk about this Throne first. Anna, please release Silvia." said Angus.

"Tch… Fine. If you are bad, I will throw you into my pepper ball." said Anna while threatening the regenerated Silvia.

In response, Silvia didn't reply but gave a polite bow. After interacting with Silvia for a while, they know Silvia will become truly sincere when she is on her cold side rather than the usual talk or pitiful side.

"Now, tell us more about this Throne." said Angus.

"We also like to hear about it." said a dwarf with a white beard sitting on top of the nearby equipment.

At this moment, everyone suddenly notices a few more people on board. Most of them are in the seventh grade that have just fought before. Even the unruly Warchief Might also come and sit on the floor.

The Warchief seems in deep meditation and trying to push back all the corroded wounded slash on his chest. Still, everyone knows he is still paying attention to the surroundings. Besides the seventh grade, they also find few people wearing similar hideous cloaks.

These people are the tower guardians that Dumrod hired before. With the activation of the tower, their contract is fulfilled. Now, they just want to survive and leave this place. The best way is to work with Angus' current group.


"Throne is a force creature by the world. It could be said to be the Angus didn't surprise at the sudden intrusion. He gave an acknowledged nod to them before signaling Silvia to continue her explanation.

"Throne is a force creature by the world. It could be said to be the world's self-defense mechanism. Their sole purpose is to eliminate things that threaten the world. To put it bluntly, it is similar to the killer cell or self-defense mechanism in our body." explained Silvia.

"If it is the world's self-defense mechanism, why is it also targeting us? And not just pursue Dumrod?" asked Nabe.

"Because all of us also pose a threat to the world, especially the seventh grade." replied Silvia coldly.

"Huh?! Why? I don't think we seventh grade ever did a bad thing to the world." commented one of the sixth-grade dwarves.

"That's probably because we have mana, right?" said Angus.

"Yes. In fact, I am also not sure why Throne targets everyone when they appear. From the ancient record, they always target anything. Be it living beings, plants, animals, weapons, or even a rune."

"As long as it contains certain energy, it will target them. No matter if the energy is mana, miasma, divine energy, or any other type of energy. It will always target them." said Silvia.

"From the ancient record, Throne's ability is not only destroyed but also returns it to its original state, which is nothingness." added Silvia.

"What did you mean?" asked Nabe curiously.

"Thorne's real body is a giant eyeball covered by those big wings. Normally, its eye stays closed, leaving a single eye slit. However, when it opens its eyes, everything it sees will disappear into nothingness. It is also called the Eye of The Beginning."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath solemnly, especially the seventh grade. Since they listen to it as the force created by the world, they know their situation has already become worse.

"Then, is there a way to kill it?" asked another dwarf with cold sweat.

"Yes. Just kill it like any other living being. You just need to hit it hard enough to kill it. However, I don't suggest killing it." said Silvia solemnly.

"Why? We couldn't just stay still and take our life, right?" commented the dwarf from the side.

"Because it will attract more Throne." replied Silvia.

"There are more of them." exclaimed the nearby dwarf.

"Yes. Actually, there is no real record of their number or their living habitat. However, one of the oldest ancient records says they are endless. In my opinion, as long as the world still exists, their number is infinite." explained Silvia.

Everyone immediately understands what Silvia is trying to imply. The Throne is the force of the world. It is created by the world as a self defense mechanism.

It could be produced continuously as long as the world exists. It is similar to the dungeon sweeper that Angus and the others met.

"Then, how did we fight it? We can't stay idle and do nothing, right?" asked one of the tower guardians.

"Actually, we could just escape from here. The space lock in the area is already destroyed. As long as the space in the surrounding area is turned back to normal, we could teleport outside." said Angus.

"That's for you who can use a space element? What about us who can't?" asked the other tower guardians.

"Calm down, everyone. We actually could…." said Elder Forgus.

While Angus and the others were planning to escape from the area, a space crack suddenly appeared inside one of the hidden buildings in the Undermine Council.

*WHOOSHH* From the space crack, a young man sitting on top of the flying pillow shivering while a trace of snow and cold wind could be seen behind him.

"BRRRR… That frozen lizard is really stinky as always. What the point of hoarding the treasure is they didn't use it. Hmph!! I should bring a grilling lizard next time." grumbled Mitar.

During this moment, he notices that Mira and her subordinate are still inside the room. Mitar ignores the two vampires and focuses on her beloved girl.

For a moment, he finds this cold taciturn girl the most beautiful thing in this world. Mitar immediately shakes his head to calm himself and cleanse his thoughts.

"Err… Sorry. I shouldn't lash on you like that. Here, I hear girls like shiny stuff." said Mitar shyly before snapping his hand.

Suddenly, a mountain of shiny things appeared near them out of nowhere. Seeing this, Mira didn't change her expression or reply to Mitar's apology.

However, she approaches the mountainous treasure and starts throwing the stuff around as if trying to search for something. Seeing this movement and behavior, Mitar could help but cry and hug his flying pillow.

Because of their identity, Mira and Mitar can't speak or interact like others. For Mitar, he could talk normally but couldn't have any physical contact.

However, Mira's condition is different. If she tries speaking casually in her emotional state, she may change the world or even destroy it without knowing. At that time, she may need to put things back. Therefore, she couldn't speak to Mitar, especially in her emotional state.

All she could do was show it through her gesture. Fortunately, the two of them have a very deep bond and understanding. Mitar could understand Mira even if she was not talking by just her gesture.

While Mira rummaged and threw things around, she suddenly stopped and glanced at Mitar momentarily. Mitar also notices this sign and finally realizes the Throne outside.

"Are you sure you want to help her? Even if we could save her now, she will face more tragic things in the future." said Mitar.

After saying this, things that Mira throws suddenly come toward Mitar. In response, Mitar's flying pillow immediately moves around to dodge these things. In contrast, to the lively, unique couple, the two vampires nearby could only stay silent.

For Darren, he is already getting used to Mitar and Mira's interaction. Although he hates Mitar for flirting with his Master, he also knows Mira's feelings for Mitar. Hence, he never interrupts their rare moment of interaction.

As for Lenora, she is pretty surprised about her master's boyfriend. Still, her vampire instinct tells her this person is as powerful as her master.

Meanwhile, the Throne slowly opens its wings one by one. Each time it opens its wing, it will release an enormous energy wave to annihilate everything it touches. Currently, it has already spread its four enormous outer wings and destroyed everything in the span of 30 kilometers away.

Unbeknown to anyone, Throne's wings are actually one of their ways to perceive everything in the surrounding. The more it opens its wings, the sharper its perception. Just as it opens the last fourth wing, it notices many threats to the world flying in the distance. b𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚎l.net

*SWISH* In a second, Throne disappeared from its spot and appeared near flying Porky. This sudden appearance surprised everyone. All the seventh grade immediately ready to launch their attack to protect themself.

In this perilous situation, a pink bubble enveloped the whole Porky before disappearing Bing Bong Boots - Transport]. *BUUUSHHH* A moment later, everyone disappeared and appeared a hundred meters away from Throne.

The majority of the dwarves on board are puking and vomiting from sudden motion sickness. However, they didn't have time to recover.

"Hurry, spread around!! Thrones could sense that we are grouping together!!" warned Silvia loudly.

Hearing this, Warchief Might, Nabe, Elder Lotord, and other powerful seventh grade jump out from the flying Porky to spread around. None of them have any thought to fight against this Winged Creature.

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