I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 759 Farm Facility

Chapter 759 Farm Facility

"So, they are going back home. *Sigh* Certainly, with his mother and Nesa, we will never be able to force Angus. Then, let's do it like we planned before." said Jade through long-distance communication.

"As you wish, brother. Don't worry, Marquis Balan has been our retainer and belonged to His Majesty's faction for a long time." replied Jacob from the other side.

"That's not the problem. It is a shame that Angus couldn't use this opportunity to see the seventh-grade power." said Jade.

"Umm…. Then, why don't you bring Jane? I think it will be a good experience for her." said Jacob.

"No, it is too soon. Jane may have a strong will and be an excellent combatant. She is also a good leader. However, she may still break when facing a group of seventh grade simultaneously."

"Compared to her, Angus, who already participated in the battle of seventh grade, will be fine. In fact, I doubt if he ever succumbs to any pressure as he never falters when facing anything." said Jade.

"I see… Certainly, someone who isn't accustomed to the seventh-grade aura may break down on the spot. Well, since elder brother already said so, I will just follow your lead." said Jacob.

"*Sigh* How many times have I told you to call me Jade or brother Jade. What's up with this rigid call?" grumbled Jade. 𝒷𝓮𝒹𝓃ℴ𝓿𝓮𝓁.𝓬𝓸𝓂

"Can't do, elder brother. We still belong to the Duke's noble family and must show good noble etiquette." retorted Jacob with a smile.

"Fine. Whatever. I will come tomorrow to report to His Majesty first." said Jade before cutting off the connection.

The communication network still relies on many expensive lines and is powered by mana by many people. They couldn't just waste their time talking casually. Still, the current communication network is better than a few years ago.

It is also one of the major tasks for the Research Center to improve the communication network for each important facility in the Heart Kingdom.

Meanwhile, Angus and the others are having a tour with his mom and Madam Nesa. During the past few years, the whole Freyspire has also changed significantly. One of the notable changes is the farming site outside the city.

Previously, the suburbs only planted food-related products. Now, they are growing various plantations, from medicinal herbs to elephant grass. With the increase in Miasma Antidote sales, Angus also needs more Elephant Grass as its main ingredient.

However, he couldn't just purchase a bulk of elephant grass. This will give other nations a clue about the Miasma Antidote's main ingredient. Therefore, Angus told his father and brother Jason to mix medicinal plantations all over the field.

To make a better cover, Duke Jacob even built an excellent agriculture facility for these medicinal herbs and plantations. In fact, Jason didn't know the main ingredient of Angus' Miasma Antidote solution.

The worker only needs to pour all these medicine herbs and plantations into Angus' machine to create the solution before it is transported to the Research Center for more processing.

Angus' newly designed machine and droid will separate all the medicinal herbs and plantations with elephant grass automatically before creating the raw Antidote solution. In fact, he found these medicinal plantations could slightly increase the healing effect.

However, it is not very significant and didn't increase the potency of the antidote itself. Jason even thought the main ingredient was these precious medicinal herbs, not the elephant grass.

As for Duke Jacob, he already knows the elephant grass as the main ingredient because of his high ranking and identity. Still, he didn't plan to tell others, even Jason since it is one of the national guarded secrets and their golden goose.

While touring the farm site, they find the weather is cold and a little bit windy as it enters the rainy cold season. Feeling the peaceful environment and breeze in the air, everyone couldn't help but have a smile on their face.

"It would be good if we could live in this kind of place in the future." muttered Angus.

Jayna also heard this and couldn't help but blush while secretly holding Angus' hand. In her mind, she is already playing a scene where they live together in the suburban side with the naughty little Anna. She feels deep happiness and longing for such a peaceful scene.

Both Cecilia and Madam Nesa also notice the young couple's intimate action and decide to give some space to the two. During this time, Angus and Anna notice the twin Gemini sitting on the big leaf, carried by the wind.

"Ahhh… Anna also wants to ride it!!" exclaimed Anna while trying to catch up with the Gemini.

Angus and Jayna immediately prevent the little troublemaker from running around and creating a mess.

While walking at the vast farming site, Angus uses the opportunity to inspect all the facilities carefully. Most of the facilities here are designed by him.

However, the implementation and construction are given to other people from the Research Center. He only got some reports about the production rate and other stuff.

Therefore, he used this time to check the facility's production efficiency. Compared to other ordinary crafting products, farming takes a long time to produce a result. They also need a lot of trial and error before perfecting their current agriculture.

However, this is a different case for Angus. He may not have been a farmer in his previous life. But, his [Analyze] and modern way of thinking may solve all the problems and increase production efficiency.

As they enter the facility, they find the whole facility has a lot of guards patrolling nearby. Even two fifth-grade combatants and many high-grade Sur Knights hide among the ordinary guards. This is also one of Jacob and Jason's ways to increase security.

The guards protect the facility from spies or other forces and sabotage or crop destruction. Jacob and Jason know these plantations are essential for the Miasma Antidote solution and need extra security.

"Hmmm…. Oi, you come here." called Angus towards the nearby disguised guard.

"Yes, my lord. Is there anything I could help with?" asked the guard respectfully.

"Did you have someone stationed outside the field on the west side? About two hundred meters from here." said Angus.

Hearing this, the disguised guards immediately shock and turn serious.

"I will ask my superior first. If you have nothing else, I will excuse you first." said the disguised guard.

As the disguised guards that are stationed in the inside facility, their power and authority is different than the one stationed outside. He knows no other hidden guards are stationed two hundred meters from the farming site.

In other words, it should be another unknown force or spy. Not long after, Angus could feel a significant movement from the facility towards the west side.

'Hmm… It seems we need to improve the detection system and defense mechanism. However, enchanting the whole area and facility will require much effort and resources. It may also attract too much.'

'I should ask Master Valeron to build detection magic tools in this area. Come to think of it, we have those three dwarves that are good at magical engineering. They could have thought of something.' thought Angus inwardly.

While inspecting the facility, "No, this is not right. Just build this pipe and drainage system like my drawing for the watering process." said Angus.

"Err… Excuse me, my lord. But isn't this pipe too small? What if the plantation does not get enough water?" asked the botanist and farmer in confusion.

"That's not a problem. Most of the plantations only need a certain amount of water to grow. If they get too much water, it will only inhibit their growth. Using the pipe and drainage system, we could control the amount of water and reduce the water waste." explained Angus.

Discover the complete story on 𝗯𝐞𝗱𝐧𝗼𝐯𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺.

"Here is the list of the amount of water for each plantation." added Angus.

Hearing Angus' explanation and the water system design, most botanists and farmers are skeptical. However, they also couldn't say no to Angus. Most of them are still aware of Angus' genius achievement and the young master of this dukedom.

In the end, they could only do as Angus told them without saying another word. Angus is also glad to have his current noble authority. The agriculture process took a few months before it could show a result. Sometimes, it took a few years before they could get the benefit.

This makes most botanists and farmers hardly able to improve their farming methods. They also couldn't just try another method casually.

If they make a good result, it is not a problem. But, if the result is worse, they make a huge loss. In the worst case, they even experience crop failure.

Therefore, Farmers and botanists dare to experiment with new farming methods casually. However, it is a different case for Angus. Since he could be said to the owner of the whole farm, if the result turns bad, he is the one that is responsible for this new method.

This is also one of the few advantages of having a fiefdom and being part of a high-rank noble family. In their territory, they always have the final say. Ordinary citizens couldn't protest or say anything about it. At most, they could only give a suggestion.

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