I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 791 Overwhelmed

Chapter 791 Overwhelmed

"What the hell are you doing?! Shoot her!!" ordered the guardian captain while taking a distance.

Unfortunately, his stern order fell on deaf ears. Moreover, unlike the sluggish Gram monster, Brigida didn't give the captain any breath and kept making close contact. This is the big difference between fighting an experienced combatant and a mindless monster.

As the guardians used to fight against the monster all year long, they didn't expect such a situation. Their rigid minds also couldn't find an immediate solution to this sudden battle.

Even if they could think of a good solution, the other guardians are preoccupied with Angus' spells. Despite being unable to damage the guardian significantly, it didn't mean his spells were utterly useless.

In fact, just a small explosion produced close to their face is enough to make the guardians falter and interrupt their battle mage casting. On the other hand, the guardian captain is getting more restless.

It is clear his opponent is only a woman in fifth-grade strength. Yet, he had no advantage and was even being pushed around. All his movements and actions seem predicted by Brigida.

As the user of chain and sickle weapons, he can make his attack pattern unpredictable. Even a combat expert can hardly predict his attack and can only passively be on guard.

However, he didn't expect there to be someone who could clearly see his weapon trajectory like an open book and could easily counter it. Brigida's movement and attack are also very precise, which could put the guardian captain in a bad posture or position.

At this moment, a small firebird emerges from another direction and lands on Jayna's hand. Jayna gets the telepathic message from his father and relays it to Angus through his bond.

"Well, I guess playtime is over." said Angus with a grin.

*SHIING* Suddenly, a massive magic circle appeared below the guardians. Unlike Angus' previous magic circle, this spell didn't contain any trace of fire. It even feels as cold as ice.

Before anyone can react and get away, the spell is instantly active [3rd Circle – Neverwinter]. The guardians on top of the magic circle instantly turn into a frozen ice block.

Despite using elements other than his affinity, Angus's casting speed is still fast by ordinary standards, though it seems many times slower than his usual instacast speed.

"DAMN!! Bornja, that's an ice spell, right?!" commented Kusibella from the side.

"By my beard!! How did he do that?!" replied Bornja.

Ignoring the two dwarves' spectator, Angus already casts a few more of the same spells at guardians without stopping launching his Fire Missile spells harassment.

"I-Impossible?! How could he use…" said one of the battle mages before being frozen inside an ice block.

They didn't expect Angus, who is an expert at using fire elementals, to suddenly use ice elementals like he was born with this elemental affinity.

"Understand the world. Seek the truth. Nothing is impossible. This is an ancient anecdote carried by ancient mages and sorcerers. I may be a fire elemental mage, but it didn't mean I couldn't use the surrounding ice elemental, especially in this place." said Angus with a sneer.

As Angus said, a large magic circle, far bigger than before, covered all the guardians' ground. It is dimly lit, slowly gathering the dense ice elemental in the surroundings.

"Stop him!! Don't let him finish his spells. Target him first!!" shouted the guardian captain from the side.

Some quick-witted guardians also know he couldn't let Angus finish his spells and freeze them. Yet, approaching Angus on top of the Salamander Gram is quite difficult.

Not only do they need to be wary of the Salamander's giant body and its fire-ice poison, but they also need to defend against Lilith's mana arrow. From a glance, they know this mana arrow is dangerous. If they don't pay attention, they may end up being pierced by this mana arrow.

A single arrow from Lilith is enough to put any fourth-grade monster into a bloody hole, much less these guardians, which are only at the third and fourth-grade level. Still, it is not impossible to dodge the arrow as long as they pay attention to Lilith.

Unfortunately, it also led them to another problem. When dodging the arrows, they often bump into each other or break their formation. They couldn't even approach the Gram Salamander Cupid.

The guardians didn't realize their movement trajectory was being controlled by Lilith like a puppet using the mana arrow.

'So, this is the feeling of controlling others. This is quite addicting.' thought Lilith inwardly.

"Enough play around, Lilith. We got our permission. Kill any guardians who are in our way. This is the new directive order from His Majesty himself." declared Angus loudly.

Hearing this, Lilith could only pout her cheek but did not show her protest to Angus. Then, Lilith's aura and stance changed into more menacing. A dreadful aura erupted from Lilith before she released rapid mana arrows at once [Bow Art - Furious Rain]. *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* *BAM*

Instantly, all the approaching guardians exploded, leaving only their lower part. Even their strong magic armor couldn't even defend against Lilith's attack.

"Damn!! Another capable fifth grade?!" commented the guardian captain.

Before he could give another order, Brigida got close to him again and swung her Halberd [Halberd Art - Thunderous Sweep]. *SWISH* *BBZZTT* A lightning energy blade emitted from the Halberd and hit the guardian captain. π™—π’†π’…π’π™€π’—π’†π™‘οΌŽπ™€π’“π™œ

The guardian didn't expect Brigida to launch a long-range attack at point-blank range. Combined with the lightning elemental properties, the captain couldn't react before getting hit. Fortunately, he is still in sixth grade and has strong body resilience.

Fighting the lightning elemental, which wreaks havoc on his body, he decisively jumps back to create distance. At this moment, Brigida makes a swish turn before pointing her finger toward the retreat guardian captain [Movement Cast - Lightning Bolt]. *BZZTT*

The lightning bolt hit the numbed captain's body. He was completely paralyzed as he slumped on the ground without being able to move.

"Protect the captain!!" said the nearby guardian.

Yet, Brigida also does not stay idle and throws her Halberd towards the paralyzed captain [Halberd Art - Thunder Thrust]. *BLLLAR* Like a real lightning bolt coming from the sky, the Halberd travels fast in the blink of an eye. *SPPLATT* *BOOOM*

Just before the hit, a few guardian members stay in front of their captain and get hit by Brigida's Halberd. Under Brigida's terrifying attack force, they couldn't stop the Halberd's momentum and skewered it before being thrown along with the guardian captain.

Still, their sacrifice is barely enough to save their paralyzed defenseless captain. Brigida recalls her Halberd artifact with a thought.

Just as she wants to put the arrogant captain to an end, "Brigida, let's go. There will be others coming at us." Angus' voice was heard from behind.

At this moment, Brigida notices the other guardian members have already turned into frozen ice blocks or pinned down by Lilith's mana arrow. Their fight is only happening shortly, but it still leaves many scars and devastation to the surroundings.

Like an obedient maid, She didn't question Angus' choice to spare the guardian captain and return to Cupid. Then, the giant white Salamander again moves in another direction under Angus' command.

Seeing Brigida's indifference after their previous intense battle, "That's quite a good fight you got there." chimed Lilith from the side.

"It is just a simple battle." replied Brigida stoically.

"I know we should not become emotional when serving our Master. But, do you not feel something after killing those people?" asked Lilith.

"It's nothing. How about you?" asked Brigida.

"Well, I am Altras. Although we usually look like your human race, we still never thought of any other race as good as ours. Killing them is like killing animals. I bet other races, even humans, are also like that. But you are different. You are human killing your own kind." said Lilith.

"Did you mean I should feel remorse about killing them?" asked Brigida.

"Nah… I just want to know about your feelings about killing your own kind." said Lilith.

"*Sigh* I just feel nothing. For all I can remember, this is the only thing I am good at. Fighting and killing those deemed as enemies. How about you? I hear you also killed many of your kind when being rebellion leader in Nirvas." said Brigida.

"Urgh… I am not a leader or anything. We were short of trusted people at that time. They point to me as one of the Seven Faces since I am one of the best fighters among the others. As for killing my own kind, I… Well, I am not sure it is right to say it."

"But, I am glad to kill those trash. Just seeing their blood flowing and crying is enough to give me satisfaction. It is as if I am trying to clean a filthy thing and make it clean." said Lilith with a grinning mad smile.

'And here I thought I was the one with a crazy mind. Well, we are serving a monstrous Master. It didn't matter if we were crazy or not.' thought Brigida.

While the two private maids are talking to each other, the female dwarf can't help but twitch at these two loyal maid stories. Still, judging by their monstrous master, they find it wasn't wrong for them to be this crazy.

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