I Know The Secret To Surpass Level 100

Chapter 167 - The Boy Who Beat Up Thugs

A metal boot was smashed against the bald man's face, further damaging it. Elliot was mercilessly giving hard blows on the bandits all by himself.

He deactivated Hasty Aspire as to not further hurt the bandits, after realizing that they're not actually Adventurers. They do not have the system nor the warning for hostile beings from the Manual.

Basically, they were just ants for him.

"With their numbers and size, they should be the one ganging up on Elliot…" Florencia trailed off, shocked after seeing the short boy literally defeating every single one of the thugs.

"But this…" Christina gasped. "It looks like a one-sided fight. And Elliot's not even having a hard time against all of them."

The bandits have large builds. Their muscles were bulging out of their bodies, almost looked like they were about to pop out. Each of them had scary faces and expressions that a normal civilian would find scary.

But what everyone was seeing was beyond incredible. A short, just a shy four inches above five feet boy was beating them seven against one.

The large men were crawling away in fear, losing hopes of beating the boy in combat. The only option left for them was survival. If they don't run away now, their lives will be in critical condition.

"Come to think about it, Elliot is scary," Viper said. "His physical attacks alone allows him to do this much damage. Let alone using his full potential."

"It is amazing. But how far does his potential goes?" Christina asked that made the two look at her in confusion. "N-No, I mean he might be even stronger than what we expected."

With a final punch on the last thug standing, Elliot pushed them out if the wooden platform. He signaled the three to tie them up while the villagers provided the ropes to do so.

"Call your husbands," Elliot announced. "Your city is free from these thugs. You don't have to pay their ridiculous taxes anymore."

"Is that true?" the village head cried. "W-We're free?"

Elliot smiled and nodded, "Yes, ma'am. You're all free."

The villagers gasped at the announcement. They looked at each other with tears welling in their eyes. It didn't take a second more before the entire crowd was filled with cheers and hollers of joy, everyone feeling bliss for their freedom.

A woman was climbing their bell tower, pulling the rope that made the bell ring. A sound that reached the men of the sea.

She rang the bell four times, a signal for the men to come back home immediately. It was either because they were being attacked or something marvelous was happening, like a wife giving birth.

"Did you hear that father?" a child asked his father while the older man pulled a net from the sea. "There were four bells. We need to go back now."

"But we're almost going to catch this fish, it's a big one," the father said. There were four men pulling the net, thinking that they're going to catch a large fish. They could sell a fish like this for 50 gold, almost enough for them to pay their tax.

Pulling the net, the group of men gasped after seeing a large trout. The fish was so large, it was almost half the size of the boat.

"This is amazing!" the father said. "This is already 50 gold. We can finally pay up for today's quota."

"That's right, Dan. Let's go back shore to tell our wives the good news," his crewmate cheered.

While they were preparing to go back home, the women of the village had prepared a small feast for their freedom. The Adventurers were the guests of honor, thanking them for saving their village.

"What is this?" Dan asked his wife when he got back. "Did the bandits ask for a feast now? We're all out of–"

"Oh, shush, Dan," his wife said. She was the woman who rang the bell tower, Emelda. "We're free from the bandits. The Adventurers we requested from the Alordean guild came and beat the living hell out off those bandits. Oh, actually that boy over there singlehandedly beat them. It was a sight to see."

"B-But their size was…" Dan trailed off. "There were so many of them. And all the men in the village was no match for the bandits."

"Is this true? The thugs are down and we can all live our lives normally?" Dan's son, Dustin, asked his father. "Can I play with Stacy now, father?"

"I can't belive this," Dan took a deep breath before approaching Elliot.

Elliot was sitting down on the long table the women prepared in his honor. He declined their offer countless of times but the women said for him to accept it, it was the least they could do for him.

Dan gulped in front of Elliot, feeling the strong aura from the man. He instantly believed that this boy could have beaten all the thugs up alone. He was nothing in any of their caliber.

"Sir?" Dan walked up to Elliot with his crew and all the other men in the village trailing after him. They all bowed down to Elliot and kneeled. "Sir, please train us to fight off bandits and thugs."

"W-What?" Elliot felt his face lit up. To say that he was embarrassed was nothing short of an understatement. He was red as a tomato after seeing about 150 men kneeling in front of him, begging for his help.

"Our wives had told you about your greatness and we wanted to learn how to fight like you," Dan said. "If it's possible, we want you to train us. Even if we pay you 100 gold per day just like our taxes with the–"

"Okay, hold up," Elliot immediately raised his arms to stop them. "First of all, guys, please stand. I am not a god or a king. Secondly, it will be my honor to train you. I always wanted to train people. And besides, my students here needs more experience."

"Then 100 gold per day is fine?" Dan's face lit up in excitement. "If you want to go higher, we can definitely go higher."

"I don't need gold," Elliot chuckled. "I already have plenty. You can give us a place to stay and food as our meal and we will happily train everyone."

The villagers looked at each other with nothing but bliss painted in their faces.

"So, it's a deal right?" Elliot raised his hand for Dan to shake.

The man didn't waste a second more and took Elliot's hand, shaking it and bowing slightly.

"Thank you!" Dan said. "Thank you so much."

"The food is ready! Everyone, let us eat!" Emelda came over with trays of food in her hands. The other women had also similar trays with other dishes.

"Oh, erm…" Elliot cleared his throat, about to say something when Christina tapped his shoulder.

"Allergion Immunuon," Christina casted. "I didn't know that Elliot the Boy who beat the Seven Thugs is allergic to seafood."

Elliot smiled awkwardly, raising both his fingers to form a peace sign. "Thanks, Christina."

"Don't mention it," Christina said.

"Now," Elliot rubbed his palms and took his tongue out. "Let us feast!"

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