I Know The Secret To Surpass Level 100

Chapter 180 - A Great Man

Before Braun could be attacked by Connor and Hope, he raised his hand and fired a beam of light from a flower that he formed in his palm.

The signal reached Julie, the woman shaking her head in disbelief after seeing the signal.

"So he was caught," Julie sighed in disappointment. "How will he pay us now?"

"You mean, you're not the ones who are after the butterflies?" Elliot asked.

Julie shrugged, "We're nothing but Adventurers. We take on jobs, and it just so happens that this job was on our Quest Board. The pay seemed great but I didn't think we'd fail like this."

"Why are you… why are you telling me all this?" Elliot couldn't help himself but ask. "You didn't want to say anything just a moment ago and now you're willing to tell me everything."

"My job here is done," Julie said simply. "I have nothing to hide anymore. So, goodbye. I will be seeing you again."

"What?" Elliot's eyebrows met, while Julie out on a stoic expression. "Hey, wait!"

Julie formed a magic circle on the ground beneath her feet. Elliot rushed over to her but he was too late, the woman was slowly sinking into the ground. Her pale green eyes seemed like they were digging into Elliot's soul as she descended, disappearing just like that.

"What was that about?" Elliot asked himelf, sighing. "Now to find Polschk."

'Quest [ The Butterfly Garden's Dilemma ] completed.'

'The reward is now in your Inventory."

Elliot stopped in his tracks and exhaled in relief, seeing the notification on his Console. He was going to check on the reward later on. For now, he must find everyone.

So, everything is fine? Elliot sighed in relief. Good.

"You sketchy little dork," Connor narrowed his eyes at Braun. "What the hell did you do?"

It didn't take another second more before Hope and Connor arrested Braun. The flaming handcuffs Connor made from his fire was enough to subdue the man, fooling him that if he does something, he will be burned.

Although he was being, almost harasses by Connor and Hope for answers, Braun kept his silence. He only stared at the void, looking like he couldn't feel, hear, or see anything.

The Guards came not long after and Braun was put in the prison, awaiting his trial. For his crimes of a terrorist attack that included a destruction of a very important tourist spot, the Butterfly Garden, he may be imprisoned for decades.

He did also attempt to kidnap, and hired a guild to subdue his target, which was Polschk.

"Where's Ed?" Elliot asked when he got outside of the establishment. Just as he finished, a rubble sounded behind them, Ed appearing with a disheveled look.

"What in the frook happened to you?" Connor laughed. "You look like you were slammed into a wall, then dragged into the ground and then slammed into a column."

"Oddly enough," Ed sighed. "That's exactly what happened."

The smile in Connor's face fell immediately, replacing with a look of surprise mixed with worry and laughter.

"I misjudged," Lance said. "That woman you fought must have a strong physical abilities, or an enhancement type of magic. She dealt devastating blows to you, I heard those."

"I sometimes just want to be a starfish," Ed sighed. "I need a healer."

Christina walked up to him and pointed her palms over his head, "Aqua Replenish."

The bubbles of water showered Ed, coating his skin with a cool blue light as it popped.

"This is nice," Ed moaned. "Thanks."

"You are welcome," Christina grinned. "It's the least I could do considering that I was practically useless back then."

"It wasn't your faut Braun was too powerful," Ed said. "I could sense his powers right at the other side of the thing."

"He was practically useless against us," Hope chucked, raising his fist for Connor to bump with his own fist.

"Swear, dude, if you saw the look on his face when he saw us morph, you'd crack," Connor laughed. "He even tried to counter my flames with his silky swamp vine or something, but the he had no idea my flames could dry it up if I try."

"These people are too powerful," Florencia whispered to Viper's ear. "I was knocked out the moment that plant thing grew and shed its pollen, but I saw several dried up plants after their fight."

"Which means?" Viper whispered back, leaning in to question.

"That Braun guy tried several flowers to knock them out but as you can see, they're still up as a tree," Florencia said.

"We need to reach their level," Christina whispered from beside them. The two, who were oblivious with her presence, could only jolt in shock.

"You scared us," Viper seethed. 

"You see, your whispers aren't really the most silent whispers in the planet," Ed said from the ground. He was laying his back on a rubble, not caring about the looks people gave him. "But everything we are right now is nothing without that boy."

Ed pointed at Elliot who was talking to the guards with Polschk and Lance. The younger three looked at Elliot's direction, seeing him look so cool.

Although he was the shortest among the group with the police, he had the most presence among them.

"He's the one who stitched us all together," Ed said. He sighed and laid his head on the rubble, staring at the blue skies. "Although I had to admit, we did work a lot too, but if it wasn't for Elliot, we would still be in lower levels right now."

"What do you mean?" Viper asked. "Does he take you to farming dungeons a lot?"

"Something like that," Connor responded before Ed could spill something. "That idiot trusted me because we were fighting together in a Strike. He let me follow him to his house and all, even provided me with food to quench my hunger. I owe everything to him."

"Same here," Hope added. "I was… different before. But Mr. Moon gave me the chance to live a different life, a better life than I previously had. He made sure to carry me when I'm tired, make me fire when I'm cold, and let me eat a lot when I'm not even that hungry."

"Yeah," Ed chuckled. "I really don't want to be sentimental and all, but he was the first person I approached willingly. And he helped me with my problems too, and a lot more problems."

"So, he's a good Adventurer?" Florencia asked.

"No," Connor said, smiling and shaking his head.. "He's a great man."

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