I Know The Secret To Surpass Level 100

Chapter 208 - You Don't Have To Know

A sound of broken glass echoed the whole guild. The glass he was holding was now shattered on the ground, broken in pieces.

Just when he thought he was already surprised, figures started to walk inside. People with the faces he had been with not too long ago.

"Missed us?" Emelda smirked. "It's been a long time, Mr. Elliot."

"W-What?" Elliot stuttered. "But it was– they said it was…"

"Glad to see you again, mentor," Christina smiled. "It's been a while."

A tear fell past his eye as he dashed towards the people in the doorway, opening his arms to which they gladly took.

"How did this happen? They said it was Midnight's birthday," Elliot said, hugging Christina, Emelda, and Dan. "You guys did me good."

His guild mates started appearing, carrying the banners that said 'Welcome Back' in them. The food they prepared were also now in the table, everyone celebrating their return.

"My father had granted them the Royal Pardon and will be free until after the Championship," Lance said. "When we beat the other guilds and win it."

"What?" Elliot looked at him. "You mean, if we lose they go to prison?"

"We won't lose," Lance said. "Well, they kicked me out of the team, so I guess it's technically you that won't lose."

"We won't," Elliot loosened his grip and stoof firmly. "We're going to show that lord that we're not just some small pathetic guild he can trample on, that we're just poor commoners and peasants, and we're just girls who can't do anything."

"That's the spirit," Frederick grinned. "Now, tonight, let us party. In three days, let us fight for the victory!"

Elliot nodded and grinned, "Yes. We will win this."

Luck took a glass of beer and raised it in the air, "Then let us celebrate ahead of time if you're that confident."

They knew Luck was challenging them. To actually won the Championship was a far cry from their current status. They knew the man was just letting their will falter, but its not going to happen.

Elliot took a glass from Glitch's counter and raised it, "Yeah. Let us celebrate on ahead."

He was grinning when once again, the glass almost fell from his touch. Glitch had to use his ability and dash to Elliot, catching the glass before it hits the ground.

"Hello, Mr. Elliot," Viper waved at him. "I'm sorry I just returned. I was with the guys who took the villagers from Solaguer. It was a week's trip, so I was gone for a bit."

Elliot softened after he saw Florencia. A sense of guilt washed over him when he saw that she couldn't even look at him in the eye. The accident from before could still be affecting her, scarring her at such a young age.


"Let me talk first," Florencia cut him off. "Is that okay?"

Elliot nodded vigorously, "Of course, of course. You go first."

"I am an Adventurer," Florencia said. "That being said, I am prepared to die. And if you feel bad about it, then stop. I don't want you to feel anything negative about what happened. It was an accident."

"But I could have just–"

Once again Florencia cut him off. Not by words this time. She ran over to Elliot and wrapped her arms around him, "No, Elliot. Just stop thinking nonsense. You're Elliot and you're our mentor. Accidents happen a lot, and sometimes, it's unavoidable."

"I can't forgive myself," Elliot confessed. "For almost hurting you and for not acting immediately about it."

"Then let me forgive you," Florencia said and looked at him straight in the eye. They were about the same height, so Florencia reached Elliot's gaze without any problem.

Elliot smiled at her, returning her embrace, "Thank you."

"Let us join in on that too!" Christina dragged Viper and joined the hug, Elliot opening his arms so they could join them.

With a satisfied smile, Elliot closed his eyes, "Thank you, everyone."

The next day was filled with a familiar dread in the air. Everything smelled of alcohol, puke, and smoke. Everyone was drunk, including the villagers from Cilca.

"I said I'm never drinking again," Elliot grunted. "Why am I in this condition?"

"Dustin is in Midnight's room again," Lance said. "He's been sleeping in Sun's room ever since the boy's here. That's how he takes care of Dustin."

"Yeah, okay," Elliot said. He looked up from the table and saw the familiar white cloak and the staff coming forward.

No one had the strength to even acknowledge Iris's appearance, when they usually cheer for her even at their drunken state.

"This is the worst one I've ever seen," Iris said. She raised her staff and casted her spell, finishing it with a recovery spell so everyone could replenish their health.

"Thank you Iris!"

"Iris, you're the best!"

"I know we could always count on you."

The guild members started their cheering, making the girl blush with a light pink tint on her cheek. She looked very shy when facing the large men cheering her on even when she had probably done this a lot of times.

Elliot rolled over and walked to his room, remembering what the voice in the book told him.

"What did it meant by Glitch knew?" Elliot asked himself and opened the door.

He opened the door and saw Sittie on his bed. He was tilting his head when Sittie blasted the shock to Elliot, making him sleep again.

"Seriously, how much do you have to know?" Sittie asked. "Frederick's panicking right now. Just don't go around snooping for clues, okay? You shouldn't know anything yet."

She closed the door, making sure no one saw and dragged Elliot's body to his bed. She then placed her hands on both his temples and let them glow with the bright yellow color.

"Memory Erase."

There was a shock that ran all through Sittie's body. She had to retract her hands and stretch them, smirking after she realized that it was the Supreme Dragon Immunity Crest.

"Let's do this again," she returned her hands on Elliot's temples and was about to cast when the boy's hands gripped on her wrists. "Oh, what?"

Elliot's eyes snapped open, meeting her shocked ones.

"What are you doing?" Elliot asked. "Aren't you Sittie? The girl from Nefantine?"

Sittie nodded, letting Elliot sat up with his hands still gripping her wrists. "Yes I am. I was trying to wake you up because–"

"Why was my Dragon Immunity Crest used?" Elliot narrowed his eyes. "Did you try to kill me?"

"No, no," Sittie grinned. "I was just trying to– Sleep."

Elliot fell back on the bed with the sudden shock delivered in his body. His hands loosened on Sittie's wrists that made the girl sigh and frown.

"I don't want to do this, Elliot," Sittie said. "But I have to.. It would only become harder for everyone if you know."

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