I Know The Secret To Surpass Level 100

Chapter 227 - Start The Countdown

Elliot didn't know but as he looked at the man, he felt an eerie fieeling that Polschk was hiding something from them. 

A Vassal.

"Polschk, tell us what you're hiding," Elliot didn't need to hold back. Even if Polschk was a Vassal, if his suspicions were correct, they could easily defeat him.

"W-What?" Polschk asked. "Mr. Elliot, whatever do you mean?"

"I know there's been something that's left unsaid, something important," Elliot narrowed his eyes at the old man. "What is it?"

His gut feeling was telling him that he's doing the right thing, but everything else says otherwise. Why would the man who told them about the Twilight Bless hide something from them? He wanted to save everything just like them. So, why?

"Mr. Elliot–" Polschk raised his and and sighed. "Right, I am hiding something. I know what will happen once the Twilight Bless will be unlocked."

"And why didn't you tell us?" Elliot crossed his arms. "Why did you keep it as a secret instead?"

"That's because before, I couldn't trust you yet," Polschk confessed. "You know how powerful people are. And I'm just an old retired man who can summon flowers and vines. What can I do against them?"

"Oh," Elliot was filled with embarrassment. He just realized that Polschk was also trying to defend himself.

"Once I told someone what the Twilight Wings would do, and they attacked me," Polschk sighed. "An old man like me couldn't handle any more disappointment."

"At least that has been cleared up," Lance said. "Thank you for telling us, Polschk. But what does the Twilight Bless give?"

"Power," Polschk replied. "The Twilight Bless will grant power that can tilt the balance of the Realms. Powers that are comparable to the legendary Eternals themselves."

"A-And if someone was to receive this power…" Elliot trailed off. It was just like Marrietta told them.

Whoever unlocks the Twilight Bless shall receive incredible powers. One beyond anyone's imagination. The Twilight Bless was believed as a myth throughout Hell, that was what Marrietta told them.

And upon hearing this, Marrietta couldn't believe them. That the Twilight Wings does exist.

This made Lance worry that the girl may turn her back against them. They left her in Elliot's room in the hopes of her recovery. She told them that she would follow them in Solaguer once she's fully healed.

"Each Twilight Wings possesses the powers comparable to an Eternal, thus there are six of them," Polschk turned to the butterflies in his cage. "One for every Realm. But their magic is so old, so ancient, so destructive, it would destroy the person who tries to wield it."

"W-What if we give these powers to the actual Eternals?" Elliot asked, making everyone turn to him. "As far as I know, I know three of them."

Polschk nodded and pointed at Hope, Connor, and Ed. "One, two, three, yes."

"You know?" Elliot gasped. "But how?"

"You don't think I couldn't sense the suffocating power in this room?" Polschk laughed lightly. "Everyone, I could distinguish a leaf from another. Sensing an intense surge of power coming from a person is easy."

Elliot looked at his friends, communicating through their eyes. He was asking them if it was okay for everyone in the room to know their identity and the three didn't mind it.

"So, what if an Eternal would be able to take them?" Elliot asked. "What if they become the vessel of the Twilight Bless itself?"

"Then the tilt wouldn't happen," Polschk replied. "I was hoping for you to suggest this. After all, an Eternal's power is already overwhelming. But after receiving the power, they must return to their Realms. Such concentration of power in one Realm would tear the fabric of the dimensions apart."

"What if we just kill these butterflies?" Ed asked suddenly. "I mean, yeah, they're important and all, but then if we–"

Polschk opened the cage and formed a sword with his other hand. The sword stretched and tried pierce through the butterflies but it was deflected by a shiny white forcefield.

"The butteflies are invincible," Polschk said. "It's impossible to destroy them."

"What if we just bury them?" Ed asked. "We need to keep things from tilting right? Why not just put the source of the possible tilt of balance at rest?"

"You don't understand," Polschk sighed. "There's a condition that the ancients put on these butteflies. If they aren't unlocked, then they will cause mass destruction. The seal on them gets erroded every single day. And it had been hundreds of years, the seals are so fragile now."

"They'll explode," Elliot whispered. Polschk heard this and he nodded at the young boy.

"Exactly," Polschk said. "We need to unlock them ourselves. Or else the seal would be worn out and explode."

"Why would they do something like that?" Ed scrunched his face. "They sealed the magic for the future yet they added the specific time for it to open. And then if we don't open it by then, it'll explode?"

"I'm as confused as you are," Polschk sighed. "But it is the odler generation's doings. Maybe they did it for something."

"Whatever their reason is, the point is that we should be the one to inherit the powers," Lance said. "Polschk, is that okay with you?"

"Why, yes," Polschk nodded eagerly. "I have found you folks good enough for the task. I will let you harness the power if you could."

"We can," Connor raised his arm, flexing it and showed off how much buffed up he got. "We handled a lot of things before. This is probably nothing."

Elliot looked at his arms and frowned, seeing how thin they were. Just a few months ago, he was almost the same height as Connor, and Hope was a young boy too.

But in a span of that time to the present, the two other boys have changed so much physically. Elliot was stuck in his short height and his slender figure.

"It's settled then," Lance clapped his hands once that woke Elliot up from his trance. "We will find the proper timing to unlock the Twilight Bless in the Championship. Polschk, when can we do it?"

The old man took out a scroll from his bag. It was a large scroll that was old and looked so fragile. Since his right hand was still formed as the cage for the butterflies, he had asked for the boys to help him.

"There will come a time in this winter festival that the cold will become the coldest," Polschk explained. "At that time, the seal will be will its weakest. After that day, the seal will harden for three days and will explode the day after."

"So, essentially, we have until that day?" Lance asked, Polschk nodding in agreement.

"The day of the Final Round," Polschk said. "Two weeks from now.. Let us start the countdown."

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